RegisterLogin In the Future, My Whole Body is a Treasure

Chapter 98: Fern's daughter


Fern said later, his tone was not very good.

The requirements of the person in front of him are very unprofessional. According to his requirements, most of the functions of the mecha will not be used in the end, unless the user is an eighth-level or ninth-level ability user with strong mental power.

But what does this have to do with him? The person in front of him requested this, so he asked his students to do it, anyway, the material competition team provided it.

After Fern finished speaking, he stood up and wanted to leave. He was looking forward to getting the nourishing potion every day these days, but he couldn't get it, and now he is really in a bad mood.

"Mr. Fern, who will make the mecha?" Zhao Lingyu asked when he heard Fern mentioning his student when he measured Ren Sheng.

"I don't have enough time these days. I think my students can do well." Fern said, he is now one of the most famous mecha masters in Roya, and his students are naturally not far behind. It's not difficult at all for an immature kid to make a mecha.

"Master Fern, we have ten bottles of nourishing potions in our hands." Zhao Lingyu suddenly said.

Fern, who was about to leave without any energy, suddenly regained his energy after hearing this, and then quickly turned around and sat down in front of Zhao Lingyu, his movements were light and not like an old man at all: "Do you have a nourishing potion? Ten bottles of nourishing potion, I can customize a mecha for you!"

Although he is a mecha master, because he was obsessed with research when he was young, he spent too much money on materials, and because he was disheartened and lost all his money a few years ago, he didn't have much cash on hand. The market is priceless, so he can only ask for medicine by helping others to make mechas.

However, apart from warriors who like to fight, where do ordinary people need mechas? Really powerful warriors still have their own exclusive mecha, so he has never been able to get the nourishing potion.

"I just want you to help Glinton make a mecha." Zhao Lingyu said.

"You come to my studio tomorrow... No, you are offline now, come to my studio, and I will personally help him measure various data." Fern said.

"Thank you." Zhao Lingyu smiled and quickly brought Ren off the line.

"Let him give me measurement data, will it expose my situation?" Ren Sheng asked worriedly when he came out of the simulation cabin.

"You can rest assured, nothing will happen." Zhao Lingyu said: "This Master Fern is a very famous person in the Ruoya Empire, and he is the most famous, in addition to being a mecha master, there is another thing, That is that he and Prince Chapman are enemies, they have had a falling out for many years, and Fern has been sparing no effort to trouble Chapman all these years, otherwise he will not be getting poorer and poorer."

"Ah?" Ren Sheng looked at Zhao Lingyu curiously. He checked Fern's information, but he didn't see it.

"A lot of the news at the time was suppressed, and I couldn't see it online, but I know some," Zhao Lingyu followed Crohn to investigate Chapman, and naturally he also knew some secrets: "Prince Chapman once had a relationship with Fern. Their daughter Nia fell in love and married Nia as his wife. The two were very affectionate. This was a good story in the empire, but then the woman became pregnant. "

Isn't this a good thing? Ren Sheng was even more puzzled.

"At that time, Nia's pregnancy was not stable, and she should have given up the fetus, but Chapman was unwilling and used some methods that would damage the mother but could save the child. However, in the end, the mother was injured, but the child was not saved. So Chapman divorced his own princess, and then married the current princess." Zhao Lingyu said, there are many ways to damage the mother's body to keep the child, but most people don't use it, and only use the milder ones. Only this prince used the most ruthless method.

It is said that when he used this method, he hid it from his concubine.

"That Chapman is too scum!" Ren Sheng frowned. If his wife has physical problems, he will get divorced immediately... He is too good to go!

"Yeah." Zhao Lingyu said, the one who sent people to arrest Ren Sheng and the child was this one! On the one hand, Chapman doesn't want the emperor and the queen to have children, on the other hand, he should just want to have children of his own...

Thinking of this, Zhao Lingyu's eyes flashed fiercely.

Ren Sheng used to be very cute and carefree, but now he needs to worry about so many things...

"So Fern broke up with Chapman later?" Ren Sheng asked again.

"Fern's daughter was completely injured due to the miscarriage of the child, and then it went from bad to worse. It is said that she is just hanging her life now, and has not appeared in front of people for a long time... Fern is naturally at odds with Chapman. If I guess correctly, Fern En wants to nourish the potion, it should also be to condition his daughter's body, but if his daughter's body is really as serious as the legend, then the effect of the nourishing potion is probably not great."

Ren Sheng nodded. The function of nourishing medicine is to regulate the body. Even to relieve the miscarriage, it is only effective to eat more. , or eat the authentic Yang Yan Dan refined by Ren Sheng with spiritual power.

Zhao Lingyu said about Fern, and took Ren Sheng's hand: "Okay, you already know what you should know, let's go to Fern first."

Fern's studio is not far from the residence of Zhao Lingyu and others. Zhao Lingyu went to open the aircraft first, but when he came back, he found Ren Sheng standing at the door holding the big baby.

"This child?" Zhao Lingyu looked at Ren Sheng puzzled.

"The baby's hair has been dyed, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the person on the missing person notice. It doesn't matter if you take him there?" Ren Sheng asked. The big baby has been bored at home since he brought him back. He originally promised to take him to see McCarthy, but he couldn't go there for the time being.

"It doesn't matter, in fact, you can reduce your suspicions by taking him with you, but he needs to change the name he calls you outside. He can't call you father, only brother." Zhao Lingyu touched Dawa's head. With a three- or four-year-old child by his side, Ren Sheng would be less likely to doubt him.

The big baby is very smart, and immediately called to Ren Sheng: "Brother."

The child's voice was soft and sweet. After hearing it, Ren Sheng felt that his heart could not help but tremble. mouth.

Zhao Lingyu suddenly regretted agreeing to bring the big baby.

Fern's studio has the usual characteristics of Emperor Star's house, that is, it is large.

Regardless of the size, the basement is connected to the first floor, the second floor, and the third floor. There are still many rooms. It is a pity that most of the rooms are full, and there is still a lot of waste in the yard.

This yard is somewhat similar to McCarthy's yard full of rubbish at the entrance.

Fern asked Zhao Lingyu to go over immediately, but after Zhao Lingyu and Ren Sheng arrived, it was his students who received them, and he himself came out with wet white hair after a while.

The real Fern is older than the one on the Internet. His back has been slightly bent, but his eyes are still clear.

Zhao Lingyu saw Zhao Lingyu at first sight after he came out, but then he involuntarily looked at Dawa.

"This child is so cute." The white-haired Fern smiled at the big baby, and then looked at Zhao Lingyu again: "Have you brought your nourishing potion?"

"Bring it." Zhao Lingyu took out ten small sealed bottles from his body.

Fern opened one of the bottles and took a sniff, his eyes suddenly became a little wet, he placed the potion in his precious place, and then looked at Ren Sheng: "You come in with me, and I want to come with you. Discuss how to do the mecha. As for your previous requirements, so many weapons on the rack will make the mecha unwieldy and unusable. I suggest reducing it by half. Let me tell you, the current standard mecha has a total of Ten weapons, but most people use three or four of them all the time…”

When it comes to mechas, Fern is very attentive.

"I know, but I still insist." Ren Sheng said.

"That's a waste of energy. It's really on the battlefield, and you can't even squeeze out the time to change energy..."

"Master Fern, we can do a test." Zhao Lingyu came up with an idea.

Fern was silent for a while and nodded: "Alright, in fact, I have made a mecha that is not very practical before, and now I can let this child try to drive it."

Fern brought Ren Sheng and Zhao Lingyu to the underground. In the spacious basement, there was a beautiful red mecha parked, which looked very flamboyant, but Fern looked at the mecha, but his expression was not good, even a little disgusting.

However, this disgust soon turned into sadness, he sighed, and said, "I made this mecha for someone before, but I will never give it to that person again... That person is a strong mental power. The eighth-level ability user, so the driving difficulty I set for this mecha is relatively high. Grinton, you can try it."

Ren Sheng nodded, and when Fern saw it, he immediately passed him a document: "This is the information on this mecha, you can take a look."

Ren Sheng climbed into the mecha, and Fern watched the mecha in front of him move, his eyes even more weird.

This mecha was his pinnacle work. At that time, he wanted to make the best mecha for his son-in-law, and he studied it for a whole year. When he came out, his daughter had an accident.

Originally he wanted to destroy this mecha, but he was really reluctant to destroy his own efforts, so he could only leave it in the basement and ignore it...

"Mr. Fern's daughter doesn't live here, right?" Zhao Lingyu, who was holding the big baby, suddenly looked at Fern, who was in a trance.