Reign of the Hunters

Chapter 101: Tan Polang


as predicted. Yang Yu Hongchen waited until the remaining members began to rub the city stones back, and then mounted the horse and said to Ye Ci: "This way, there is a shortcut back to Hurricane City."

He said the shortcut Ye Ci is naturally clear, you must know that in the last life, this southern continent was very familiar to Ye Ci. However, now, in her current capacity, she naturally can't say that she knows, so she also turned her horse's head and followed Yang Yu Hongchen's back and took a shortcut.

He didn't stop at all along the way. It seems that Yang Yu Hongchen also knew that it was very dangerous for him to ride back to the city by himself. If at this time, people from another guild were resurrected to chase and kill him, he would not be good.

Ye Ci also understood what he was thinking, so he just followed Yang Yu Hongchen along the way without saying a word.

Seeing that he ran past two maps and was about to enter the map of Hurricane City, Yang Yu Hongchen gradually stopped. Then she looked back at Ye Ci and asked, "Master, how did you know that Xia Ke Dao was going to attack us?"

It turned out that the guild was called Xia Kedao. Ye Ci thought about it for a while, but she didn't remember any grievances and grievances between Xia Kedao and the Hei Mei family. It is estimated that in the last life when the two guilds fought to the death, she hadn't noticed this. Who is the two.

"I heard." Ye Ci smiled and answered half-truths.

This answer really made Yang Yu Hongchen unwilling to accept it. He pulled the reins of the horse and then stopped, staring at Ye Ci blankly: "What do you mean by hearing?"

Ye Ci twitched the corners of her mouth, but she actually heard it. However, she is not a talkative person, and she is too lazy to explain such a thing for a long time, so she also stopped, looked at Yang Yu Hongchen and said, "That's it. Pay attention to the people below you."

"What do you mean?" Yang Yu Hongchen's expression changed. Since he can manage a large guild, it is naturally impossible for him to not understand such a thing.

Ye Ci knew that he was in a hurry, but how could he say such a thing clearly? She just happened to hear it, she didn't see anyone, and she didn't know the cause and effect, but after listening to such a bunch of words, she could still use it as a case reasoning failure. () So she waved her hand immediately: "That's all I have to say. I don't understand the rest. Be careful yourself."

"But..." Yang Yu Hongchen seemed to know something, but he couldn't guess it at all.


Ye Ci ignored him, grabbed the horse's belly, and quickly left with the little red horse.

In fact, she is still very familiar with the Southern Continent, at least. In the last life, this was the place where she got rich. After entering Hurricane City, I found the warehouse, replenished some spare potions, and went to the equipment store to repair the equipment. She bought the flying debris and planned to go back.

But after thinking about it, I feel that since everyone is here, if I don’t go to practice and level, I’m a bit sorry for running all the way. The fourth is good at group attack, and there is a good leveling map just outside Hurricane City. It is also good to practice the level of the fourth child.

After such a decision, after the replenishment is completed. Ye Ci took the fourth child straight to the outside of Hurricane City.

The map level outside Hurricane City is not high, and after passing a hill, you come to a bandit den. There are all level 15 humanoid monsters here, but the monsters here appear in groups, and they attack in groups when they see people, and they refresh quickly, so newcomers rarely come here to level up. But for Ye Ci and the fourth child, this place is really a good place to level up.

Ye Ci directly recruited the fourth elder, and then rushed up, a few group skills can be swept away, if there is anything missing. Ye Ci made up a few arrows with random shots, and basically all of them died.

The level of monsters here is low, and Ye Ci has no experience. But for the fourth child who only has one level, this is a good place to brush the level. But three or four days. The fourth child's level has reached level 17.

This day, Ye Ci soaked herself in a bowl to face her belly, and heard the sound of the key being unlocked. She felt a move in her heart, knowing that her parents and Bai Mo had returned, and hurriedly ran over to grab the key. He opened the door before twisting it, and shouted excitedly, "Dad, Mom, you're back!"

However, she was stunned when she called someone. The first person to squeeze in was a 14- or 15-year-old boy with fair skin, slightly pale complexion, and not very emotional. Leaf words are the difference between cloud and mud. He raised his head and met Ye Ci's eyes, but he didn't say anything, just nodded lightly to Ye Ci, which was considered a greeting.

who is this

Ye Ci was stunned when Zuo Xiaolan squeezed into the room and pulled Ye Ci away at once: "You're such a big man, you won't let anyone come back, so you stop here to collect tolls?" She pulled the little boy again, bowed her head and said softly in a soft voice, "Polang, this will be your home from now on, don't be restrained."

Ye Ci looked at Zuo Xiaolan inexplicably, and then saw Ye Nantian also followed into the room, sniffed, and then looked at her again: "Little Ci, you don't eat well? Don't you have something at home? hurry up and get some for Polang to eat

. "

Ye Ci is even more inexplicable, what is going on

Bai Mo, who was walking at the end of the crowd, dragged and saluted. Anyway, it was much more than when he went, and shouted at Ye Ci: "Don't be stunned, come over to help quickly, there is more below."

After watching Bai Mo put the things in his hand in the house, Ye Ci, who was confused, went down and moved the things, and pulled Bai Mo away, pulling him downstairs and rushing downstairs. The current situation It's so weird, she must find someone who understands to tell her what happened.

Bai Mo is a kind person, and he didn't sell Ye Ci any favors. The two of them went upstairs while dumping things and explained the matter to Ye Ci before and after. The kid above is Tan Polang, the grandson of Mr. Tan, Zuo Xiaolan's mentor.

His parents and grandparents were all gone because of the plane crash. This time Zuo Xiaolan and Ye Nantian rushed over for this matter. The old man Tan has no relatives at home, and no one takes care of the funeral, so this group of students will take care of the funeral. When the funeral is finished, the child will be left with no guardian, and he is not yet independent. , He himself was not willing to go to the orphanage, and finally, this group of classmates decided to adopt the child.

Because Zuo Xiaolan had a deep affection for the old man Tan, after fighting for a while, he finally brought this baby back to the family.

"I see." Ye Ci struggled to move upstairs with a box in both hands, panting loudly: "These things belong to this kid."

"No." Although Bai Mo was a man and was in good health, he was out of breath after going back and forth so many times.

"Then this child is sleeping in the same room with you?"

"Ah, of course. If I hadn't slept with you in the same room!" Bai Mo gave Ye Ci a blank look. He obviously felt that the IQ of Ye Ci's absence for a few days had dropped in essence.

"You can! I don't know this yet, I mean, isn't there a spare bed at home? Sleep in the same room with you, you must sleep on the ground." Ye Ci gloated.

Now it's Bai Mo's turn to frown: "Why didn't I think of this, it's winter now..."

Although the two of them chewed a lot of tongues, when they ate dinner again, Ye Ci still responded with 12 points of enthusiasm to Tan Polang.

. Not to mention anything else, at the age of 14 or 15, I lost my parents, and it hurts to put it on anyone...

Tan Polang obviously hadn't recovered from the blow. He still didn't seem to be in high spirits. He didn't even have an appetite to eat. Zuo Xiaolan felt even more distressed when she saw him like this, and quickly Zhang Luo got the child to the bathroom to take a bath and then sent him to sleep.

That night, Bai Mo slept in the **. His one-meter-five bed was fine for two people, but he always felt awkward. But Tan Polang seemed very quiet all night, but Bai Mo always felt that he was a little too quiet.

When Bai Mo woke up in the morning, he saw Tan Polang sitting on the edge of the bed, quietly watching Bai Mo's game room leaning against the wall in a trance. He thought that the child was too vain again, so he didn't ask any more, just patted Tan Polang's hair and let him sleep for a while.

As soon as Bai Mo left, Tan Polang also got up on the back. After leaving the house, he looked up and saw Ye Ci's room with the door open also had a game room, so he stood there for a long time in a daze. It wasn't until Zuo Xiaolan asked him to eat that he regained his senses. He walked quickly to the table and sat down, ready to start eating.

"Polang, eat this. Auntie's specialty is delicious. Your brothers and sisters like to eat it!" Zuo Xiaolan took a fried eggplant box and placed it in Tan Polang's bowl.

"Thank you." Tan Polang didn't even raise his head and just said thank you in a low voice.

"Thank you, auntie, uncle, brother and sister will accompany you to go shopping. There are many beautiful scenery around us!" Ye Nantian laughed happily, looking happy.

"I don't want to go." Tan Polang's voice was quiet.

However, Zuo Xiaolan and Ye Nantian's elated energy suddenly cooled down a lot, and no one knew what they were talking about, and the atmosphere of eating became a little embarrassing.

Ye Ci raised his eyes and looked at Tan Polang, who was sitting beside him with his head lowered and the rice in his mouth. He narrowed his eyes, and then said calmly: "The days are still long, so make yourself so sad now, and later Are you still in the mood to watch tragic movies?"

Fourteen or fifteen-year-old children are sensible, and they are considered half-grown adults. They actually understand a lot of things. It’s just that sometimes people like to be accustomed to themselves, and they can indulge if they can, just like fireworks now don’t want to. The code words are the same... well, far away. (To be continued,)