Reign of the Hunters

Chapter 115: Target


Ye Ci was very satisfied with this answer, she nodded, and then said, "You actually play fate, don't you?"

This makes Tan Polang strange. He does play fate, but no one has said it. How did Ye Ci know? So he tilted his head and said subconsciously, "How did you know?"

"I guessed it, and then you just confirmed it." Ye Ci shrugged and smiled wickedly.

Tan Polang has a black line on his face, this guy is just too... thief.

Bai Mo expressed his deepest sympathy for Tan Polang. He stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around Tan Polang and sighed: "This child, his brain is not enough, he will reveal his secrets as soon as he speaks. I guess I can't help but talk, I think I'm not far from death, If he gets caught by that guy, I guess we'll all be sold!"

Tan Polang has more black lines. He was trying to fight for benefits for himself, but he heard Ye Ci say, "Let's go, I'll buy you a game warehouse."


Tan Polang fell into a state of dementia all of a sudden, and until the game warehouse was sent back by the staff of Destiny's customer service, he hadn't recovered from that state of dementia.

"You have a memory card with your game, right?"

"Have… "

"Then plug it in."

"But... auntie, uncle, they... "

Ye Ci waved his hands impatiently, and asked Bai Mo to help the half-grown man, while he walked towards his house. It was almost noon time for gathering, and he hoped that he could pierce through the cold and ruined back city today. She looked up at the electronic clock on the wall. If she remembered correctly, in the last life today. 8:37 p.m. It was the Datang Guild who won the first kill in the cold ruined back city. And this time, will history be rewritten

After entering the game, the news about the theft of the Jagged Fighter Guild was everywhere. Ye Ci knew that this matter would have a great impact, but he didn't expect it to be so hot. She returned to the guild residence. It was found that the team to go to the dungeon had assembled, and Ji Yu was pulling Mo Shuishen and talking to a few managers.

The other players, whether they were players of the battle series or the players of the life series, all stood in the square and basked in the sun and chatted. Their topic was the theft of the warehouse of the Jagged Warge Guild.

. There isn't one, it's this one. At 11:00 in the morning, because the gaffe was too loud, the official has issued an announcement on the official news about this incident, saying that this incident is normal and belongs to the unexplored part of the game, and also reminds everyone, The guild warehouse will be stolen, so please take various precautions.

As for how the guild warehouse was stolen, the official remains tight-lipped. It is only said that it is up to the players to test and explore by themselves. For secrets that have not been announced, the official will never mention them.

Although this announcement caused many players to scold the official for cheating, it also put all players in danger, especially the guild administrators. How to steal the guild warehouse is still a secret. Then it means that the person who looted the Jagged Zhange Guild can't inquire at all. If this is the case, all the big guilds can't help but shiver.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of thieves stealing, just be afraid of thieves thinking. The wealth in their guild warehouse is only a lot more than that of the Jagged War. If even the Iron-Blood War Ge was stolen so unknowingly, who would be next

Ye Ci suddenly felt very distressed.

If no one steals other guild warehouses in the future. Has it been revealed invisibly that she did this? Even if she won't be noticed by others for the time being, it won't be long before she will be suspected by the bloody warriors. If that's the case... She will really lose more than her gains.

It seems that she has to think carefully about what to do to make it work.

"Young Master, the Iron-Blood War Ge has been stolen, you know about it!" When Ji Yu saw Ye Ci coming, he immediately pulled her and started to worry.

"Well, it's all over the world, I see." Ye Ci nodded, and then she pretended to be normal: "What is this official doing, the guild warehouse is still stolen? The planner's head has been caught. !"

"Will it be stolen from our guild next time?" Ji Yu frowned. He looked at the surrounding fortifications that were messed up by the Twenty-Four Bridges and the moonlit night, and felt that this was going to happen soon.

Ye Ci couldn't tell him that this was a fifth-level guild, and the warehouse was not so easy to pry, so he put on a worried expression: "It shouldn't be our guild's turn, our guild is not as good as the big guild. money."

Mo Shuishen also cooperated and said: "Let's hurry up and break through the cold and ruined back city, and then open a gold group, the guild has no money, open a gold group to earn some money so that we can quickly repair the fortifications of the guild station. , by the way, buy a few more NPCs, if we don't say that we can't stand a guild battle like Twenty-Four Bridge Mingyueye, even if we do meet a thief to loot the warehouse, we can't do anything about it.

. "

This statement was immediately supported by all the management, and even all the members of the guild. Everyone immediately felt that today's land reclamation was really a heavy burden on their shoulders, and everyone entered the dungeon with a look of great pressure.

Because the progress of the dungeon had been recorded yesterday, a group of people arrived in front of the third boss, Dorma the Tearer, without much trouble today. After destroying the surrounding mobs, a group of people began to sit down to eat and restore the buff. At this time, Ye Ci received a private message from Qing Yanmo: "President, I have no certainty."

If it were on a weekday, Ye Ci would definitely let Qing Yanmo try again, but today is different. Today is the day when Datang won the first kill of this dungeon. Ye Ci didn't want to give this first kill to Tang, so she pondered for a while, and then said, "Have you studied how to play?"

"Yesterday and Milu studied for one night, but neither of us are sure."

"Well then, in the first round, you command first. If the regiment is destroyed, then let Milu command in the second round. If it is still destroyed, how about I command in the third round?"

Hearing Ye Ci say this, Qing Yanmo immediately felt that most of the stones in her heart were put down, and she was not so nervous: "Okay, then I will try, and I will hold on until I can't hold on."

Later, Ye Ci also told Milu of this decision. Milu and Qingyanmo have a good relationship and naturally knew the state of Qingyanmo, so they agreed. Then, Ye Ci informed Mo Shuishen about this, and Mo Shuishen informed the whole group.

It was only at this moment that the whole group understood that the guild was here for the first kill today, and everyone suddenly came to their senses. Although they all know that Ye Ci has led many teams to win a lot of first kills, but those are not Tiantian Shang, and today... Is there finally a first killing that belongs to Tian Tian Shang? belong to all of them.

So, when Ye Ci asked everyone: "The first kill is today's goal, do you have any confidence?"

The answer from Zhentian: "Yes!"

"First kill! First kill!" I don't know who got the head, everyone raised their hands and shouted desperately, and everyone's emotions were extremely excited for a time.


The difficulty with Dorma the Ripper is that it clones. Moreover, the clones will be indistinguishable seconds. If the movement is wrong, or the equipment does not reach a little bit of cold resistance, it will be seconds away. If you don't have ice resistance equipment in the early stage, you can only carry it by drinking potions. And the potion is money, so in addition to requiring the cooperation of positioning and dps and mt, the most important point of this boss is to spend more money. Although the cost of a bottle of ice resistance potion is only 50 silver coins, if fifty people drink it continuously for half an hour... that is an unpredictable huge cost.

Even if Ye Ci was there, she knew about the precise point of drinking potions, but she could only effectively control the cost, and could not completely eliminate the cost.

"Open!" After Qing Yanmo told everyone about his method of commanding, he shouted open. Because all the members were full of sighs in their hearts, the progress was very good, and they also acted very well when they shouted to move. fast. It's a pity that when the first clone appeared, there were still many people in a hurry. After all, this is a boss that no one has ever touched, so when its clone just appeared from the northeast corner, although Qing Yanmo was already there. Called to move towards the southwest corner in the fastest time, but there was still a priest and two mages who died because they didn't move in time.

When opening a dungeon, the most fearful thing is that someone will fail. As long as someone hangs, this kind of nervousness will immediately affect everyone, and even people who can’t make mistakes can’t help but make mistakes.

The good point is called being influenced, and the bad point is that the psychological quality is not strong, and this psychological quality has little important relationship with the next copy. Compared with other big guilds, many of the members of Tiantianyang are novices, or have always been marginal players. They have not received much attention, have not experienced systematic training, and have not been intensively honed by dungeons. So naturally, in the face of this kind of wasteland and dead people, there will be mistakes.

The rest of the team reluctantly persisted for 5 or 6 minutes, and finally reached the second stage of the boss, and all the members basically destroyed the group.

Ye Ci ran very fast. After seeing that all of them fell to the ground, she immediately released the third child, beat the boss, and got rid of the battle in a disguise.

The second round was commanded by Milu. Before the battle, Milu carefully studied the reasons for the failure of the first leg to destroy the regiment, and also put forward to everyone one by one, so that everyone paid attention to some important points, and started here. group.

From the middle-leaf words of this command, it can be seen that Milu is a rough commander, but it is thick and fine, and it is completely on-the-spot. This kind of command is very good for reflexes. Players who are not used to or slow to respond can easily hang up , which is in stark contrast to the eloquent eloquence. (To be continued,)