Reign of the Hunters

Chapter 16: Thousands of mountains setting sun


The voice was so familiar that Ye Ci couldn't remember who it was.

"What? I just talked in the game, and I can't remember me so soon? It seems that I really need to keep in touch with you." .

"Yi Cang?" After hesitating for a while, Ye Ci asked unconfirmed.

"I thought you didn't remember me." Yi Cang laughed loudly, as if it was the same as so many years ago, and nothing has changed.

Ye Ci suddenly felt a sense of stepping back in time.

It seems that she has never experienced the ten years in the last life, nor has she done so many things to hurt these friends, and she has never stayed away from them. They have always been very loving children.

"Let's come out for dinner tomorrow." Seeing that Ye Ci didn't say anything for a long time, Yi Cang directly stated the purpose of calling today.

Ye Ci was stunned, she seemed to remember something. In the last life, it seemed to be the same. One day, Yi Cang called him and said he wanted to go out to eat, but at that time he refused his invitation for leveling in the game.

In this life, she would never do such a thing. "Okay, where?"

"Hey? You actually agreed!" Now it was Yi Cang's turn.

"What? I promise it's weird?"

"No, I think you're a level-rushing madman. You will definitely not be willing to call you out to eat at this time." Yi Cang scratched his hair on the other end of the phone, it seemed that he really didn't know Ye Ci well enough.

There was a bit of bitterness on Ye Ci's lips, it seemed that he had been bad enough in his last life. In turn, she was happy again, and there is nothing wrong with the change now: "It's nothing, time, place, I'll be on time for the appointment."

Yi Cang hurriedly told Ye Ci the time and place of the dinner appointment, and the two hurriedly hung up the phone after gossiping a few more times.

The next morning, Ye Ci got up early, cleaned up and went out.

This city was rated as "the most suitable city for human habitation" ten years ago. There is really nothing to say about the greening and urban construction. As soon as you go out, the greenery in the community comes with the fresh air, which makes people feel light and airy both physically and mentally.

Ye Ci took a deep breath and let out a long breath, as if he wanted to spit out all the waste gas and heaviness that had been deposited in his body for many years.

It was still early, and Ye Ci planned to walk to the meeting place. After walking for a while, she became interested and jogged lightly.

Although a little breathless, it feels so good to be alive.

She ran all the way to the meeting point, and saw Liu Chang wearing denim shorts dangling at the door of the hotel from a distance. She saw Ye Ci hurriedly waved at her, Ye Ci ran over, bent over and took a deep breath on her knees.

"What are you doing, ready to participate in the marathon?" Liu Chang smiled at Ye Ci, who was out of breath, and then pulled her upstairs.

Yi Cang and Dong Yin had already arrived.

It was still the same, Yi Cang was busy holding a handheld computer, Dong Yin sat beside him and stretched out his head, and from time to time he discussed something fiercely with Yi Cang. As soon as the two saw Ye Ci coming in, they immediately raised their heads, waved at Ye Ci, and greeted eagerly, as if they were childhood, without any disagreement.

The four sat down, and immediately a waiter came up and delivered the recipe.

Several people shied away for a while, and finally the recipe arrived in Ye Ci's hands, but she was in a daze. To be honest, she didn't know what the other three liked to eat. It stands to reason that they grew up together like this, and they should have known each other well, but Ye Ci really felt indebted, and she actually knew very little about the people next to her.

Liu Chang seemed to see Ye Ci's stupefaction, took the recipe from her and said with a smile, "Yesterday you brought me such a set of equipment, I will reward you today, and I will serve!" what people love to eat.

Listening to Liu Chang ordering food, Ye Ci couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief. She looked at Liu Chang, who happened to be looking at her, and the two smiled tacitly.

The things were delivered quickly, but there was an extra set of bowls and chopsticks on the table, Ye Ci looked at the set of bowls and chopsticks: "Did you invite other friends?"

Yi Cang looked at his watch and didn't care much: "It should be coming soon, don't worry about him, let's eat first."

The words didn't fall, when a male voice came from outside the house: "It's not kind, it's not kind, Yi Cang, you kid asked me to invite me to dinner, but you didn't wait for me!"

Ye Ci and everyone raised their eyes and looked at the sound, only to see a tall man walking in. He walked quickly, but was very stable, his hair was cut extremely short, and he could even see his slightly blue scalp. He strode in, and Yi Cang immediately stood up to meet him, hugging him heavily.

Dong Yin and Liu Chang also greeted them with a smile. Although they didn't hug, it seemed that the man was very familiar.

Ye Ci didn't recognize this person, she just stood up and looked at a few people to say hello.

Yi Cang hugged the man and then let go, and immediately pulled him to sit down, with an excited smile on his face, and said to Ye Ci: "Little Ci, come quickly, let me introduce you to this. It was the instructor I went to military high school for two years. But now he is a good brother... "

That word didn't wait for Yi Cang to finish the introduction, he stretched out his hand towards Ye Ci and said with a smile: "Don't listen to Yi Cang, what an instructor, I'm just an ordinary person now. My name is He Xiao. What I heard, Ye Ci is right? I asked you out for dinner a few times, but I always missed it, it's great that you can show your face today!"

How many times before? Ye Ci couldn't help but think that for her, the first few times were really more than ten years ago, and she really couldn't remember it. She reached out and shook He Xiao's hand, only to feel that his hand was thick and strong, with thick calluses, and it was the hand of a soldier.

"Hello, I'm sorry that something was delayed a few times." She nodded and smiled, neither humble nor arrogant.

"What's there to be embarrassed about! Anyone who knows each other is a friend!" He Xiao's character is very forthright and unremarkable.

After introducing each other, everyone sat down to eat and the atmosphere was very harmonious. Without saying a few words, the topic naturally came to the fate of the game.

"Brother He, are you also playing fate? I've asked you a few times, but you don't say anything. Today, you must give us a positive answer." Yi Cang looked at He Xiao and smiled.

"That's why I invited you here this time." He Xiao looked at a few people: "I do play fate again, and I plan to build a union when I reach the tenth level."

"Wow, we're going to build a union! Are there already many people?" Dong Yin seemed to admire He Xiao very much. When he looked at him and spoke, his eyes were so bright that he seemed to be immersed in a clear spring.

"Many are retired comrades in arms."

"Brother He, what's your name in the game, I'll go up and add you as a friend!"

"Thousands of mountains set the sun."

... In the chatter of several people, Ye Ci was stunned when he heard the name. Then she raised her head and looked at He Xiao again, he is Qianshan Xieyang

Qianshan Xieyang was not famous when he first started the game. His fame lies in the fact that he created a very famous trade union - Jagged Fighter. In the last life, Ye Ci had heard that Qianshan Xieyang was loyal and generous. It was said that he had been a soldier, and the entire trade union was managed militarily, and all the players in the main group were elites who were on their own.

Their trade union is different from other old-fashioned trade unions. It was formed after entering the destiny, but it has developed extremely rapidly. In just three years, it has become one of the top ten guilds in the country. Of course, the role played by the setting sun of Qianshan should not be underestimated.

Not only that, personally, Qianshan Xieyang is very good at making friends, whether it is a true confidant or a friend, he has his own set of ways to make friends. I remember that there was a saying in fate later that you may not know the top ten masters of fate, but you must not know Qianshan Xieyang.

It can be seen that Qianshan Xieyang is so prosperous in fate.

Ye Ci and Qianshan Xieyang also intersect. It's just that this intersection isn't that good.

At that time, fate opened a guild city battle, and the iron and blood battled to defend the city. And Fengxuemen attacked the city.

A week before the war, Qianshan Xieyang asked Yi Cang to come to Ye Ci, the first human mage, and wanted to ask her to help defend the city, and gave him a lot of money. Ye Ci did not refuse, but, three days before the war, Fengxuemen also found Ye Ci, and asked Ye Ci to help Fengxuemen at a price three times higher than Qianshan Xieyang.

Three days later, in the eager anticipation of Qianshan Xieyang, the important person he was looking for turned his opponent at the last moment.

Jagged War Ge and Feng Xuemen were originally evenly matched. They wanted to use Ye Ci to suppress Feng Xuemen and raise the prestige and ranking of the guild, but in the end this was the result.

In the end, the Jagged War Ge really lost. Although the ranking was barely kept, the entire guild was severely damaged, and it took a long time to recover before returning to its original combat effectiveness. However, the progress of the dungeons of the major teams was obviously lagging behind, causing many members to leave one after another. In the end, the iron-blooded battle just became a symbol of glory after that battle... and gradually disappeared in everyone's memory.

Because of this incident, Yi Cang and Dong Yin broke with Ye Ci completely, and even Liu Chang's relationship with her dropped to a freezing point.

These entanglements, in Ye Ci's current view, really seem like a dream. She never imagined that Yi Cang called herself at that time to see the setting sun.

Sometimes I feel like I have everything under control, but things are still unpredictable.

"Xiao Ci, Xiao Ci, Brother He is asking you something!" Seeing that Ye Ci didn't respond for a long time, Dong Yin pulled her hand under the table again and again. Only then did Ye Ci pull her thoughts out of her past memories and returned to her. god.


"Wait until Brother He builds the guild, we'll all go over, so you can go too!" Dong Yin's face turned red with excitement.