Reign of the Hunters

Chapter 20: The first kill in the Cold Cave is difficult


After a group of people expressed that they were not afraid of death, a few of them rushed towards the icy cave with arrogance.

There is a saying in playing online games, you are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but only teammates who are like pigs.

Although it was the first time for a few people to form a team, Ye Ci also knew that she couldn't use tacit understanding to ask everyone, but after fighting two monsters, she felt a little bit about to collapse.

The four teammates, even the small grouper fish, still seem to have the basics of the game, but they will only stand and set fireballs without moving.

A knife directly treats itself as a mt, rushes to the top mobs, the cold little hands do not add blood, just stand with the slate fish and put lightning balls, and the cold hands go up to fight the mobs, but they do not take the damage caused by hatred. always miss...

If the two mobs hadn't been handled by Ye Ci directly, it is estimated that a group of people would be lying down by now.

"This can't be done, our equipment can't be done, it will kill people if we go on like this." The four of them sat down to recover their health bars and blue bars, and their little hands sighed coldly, feeling like they wanted to give up.

"It's just two weirdos, so don't say anything frustrating, okay?" Bing Liang Xiaoshou glared at him immediately, and Xiao Bingling lowered his head and continued to eat the cake without speaking.

The little grouper fish looked at a few people and said slowly, "Who are you in command?"

A knife immediately shook his head: "I just follow the command, absolutely obedient."

The little hand was cold and wanted to raise his hand to direct himself, but in the end he didn't raise his hand.

Seeing a few people like this, Ye Ci said slowly: "If you are at ease, how about I command?"

Ye Ci's damage value is there. Although there are only two little monsters entering the door, it seems that she is the only one in the team who has not gone wrong. Several people looked at each other and finally nodded in agreement.

"I've been to the normal version of this dungeon several times, and I've also seen the difficult version with people, so there won't be any problems. As long as you all obey and do as you please." Ye Ci looked at the others and didn't trust them too much. Expression, and added another sentence.

All four had no objection.

Ye Ci began to point out the problem that he had just seen: "Little Hands Cold, you are a warrior, you are a mt, if you want to go up to fight monsters, you must use taunting, as long as the mocking CD arrives, you must open it immediately, and you have to pull the monsters out. Keep this in mind. Don't let a knife fight monsters, he's a melee output, he's a t."

"Okay, I see." Xiao Bing Leng patted his chest immediately and agreed.

"You output a knife, and it's good to keep your hands cold, but don't ot."

A knife nodded with a serious expression on his face.

"Liangliang Xiaoshou, you are a nurse, not a dps, you mainly add blood to mt, and pay attention to the blood of a knife and other people by the way."

The cold little hand frowned, looking a little worried, "But my output is more powerful..."

"This dungeon doesn't need so much output, it needs a nanny." Ye Ci was also quite patient, and only replied with a smile to Little Cold Hand's suggestion.

The cold little hand wanted to protest something, but under the gaze of a group of people, she still nodded: "Okay, I will treat."

In the end, when Ye Ci turned her gaze to the little grouper, "Little grouper, have you learned to move spells?" She only asked one question.

"No, not enough money." The mention of this obviously poked his sore spot, and the corners of his eyes twitched a few times.

Ye Ci said nothing. She understands this kind of pain. At level 8, she can learn mobile spellcasting, which is a passive skill that every law profession must have, and the only passive skill that can be learned from a skill teacher.

But 80% of legal professions won't learn this skill at level 8, for no other reason, just because it's too expensive!

Ye Ci remembered that when she saw the learning price of mobile casting, not to mention the shaking of the corners of her eyes, even her whole body trembled.

It costs 20 gold coins! !

For the newcomers of the novice village, it is simply impossible to achieve wealth!

Arrange the tasks of several people and continue to fight.

Although it is a hard version of the Cold Cave, it is a small copy of the preparatory level after all, and it is really not difficult. Although three of the team members were rookies, they were all obedient, and the tasks that Ye Ci explained were all well accomplished.

Some people were strange, Ye Ci didn't bother to jump up and down, and followed the grouper fish to attack at the back of the team.

The easiest thing to say is probably the third child. He just flicks his tail and follows Ye Ci to be cute, wandering here and there from time to time. Look at the time, but also take care of Ye Ci to eat some meat.

It's not that Ye Ci has forgotten the existence of the third child. She mainly wants to increase the loyalty of the third child, so that she can go up to the top when she fights the boss.

The experience in the hard edition dungeon is considerably higher than that in the normal edition. Half of the dungeon has not been completed, the third child has already risen to level 5, and the loyalty of Ye Ci has also risen from 12 points to 23 points.

Soon, a group of people has been pushed to the front of the boss Zaduo.

The entire dungeon is actually not much different from the normal version. The only difference is that the three bosses are not linked in the normal version, while the three bosses are linked in the hard version. Not only that, but the Rathead also brought an elite spider.

The main test of this dungeon is whether the player's output can reach the target. If the output is slightly worse, a rat-headed man and a spider can kill a team of people.

The last time the third child hung up was also because the spider was spraying poison on the side.

"Now I'll arrange it. After a while, the little hand will be cold and go directly to fight the rat-headed man and the spider. Remember to pull the spider and the rat-headed man with their backs facing the dps. You are responsible for replenishing the cold blood of the little hand, and you must not pour it. Use a knife behind the rat-headed man, don't stand with the cold hands, and don't increase the pressure on the treatment. After a while, you will focus on the fire spider, kill it first, and then go to the rat-headed man."

The four nodded, and then asked almost in unison, "What about you?"

Ye Ci smiled and pointed to the kobolds and Sado: "I will hold them first. After you have brought down the rat-headed and spiders, you must immediately come up to set fire to the kobolds, and finally the boss. I made it clear. ?"

Although the four of them explained it clearly, but who did not murmur in their hearts, a hunter dared to say that pulling the boss was too arrogant.

open strange.

Everything went according to the arrangement, Xiaoshou Binglian and Ye Ci rushed to the three bosses at the same time. The little hand cold was a mockery to the rat head and the spider, and he successfully pulled the hatred of the two monsters onto himself, then turned around, and threw the monster's back to the grouper fish, a knife and the cold little hand.

And Ye Ci released the third child and let it go straight to the kobold. The third child taunted with a spontaneous skill, and immediately stabilized the hatred of the kobold. Ye Ci himself threw a hunter's mark on Duo's huge head, and immediately shot a "serpent sting".

Crit! -210!

I thought that I would need to shoot a few more arrows to stabilize Saduo's hatred, but I didn't expect that the first arrow was a critical strike. Suddenly Saduo's hatred for Ye Ci rose to 200%, and he rushed towards her with red eyes. As it rushed, it exhaled at Ye Ci.

This is the player who is sprayed with "Frost Mist", one of the skills of the hard version, and there will be a "frozen" dbuff immediately, reducing the player's movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds.

Generally, as long as the player who is hit by freezing is basically dead, and generally as long as the player who is a kite is hit by freezing, it is basically equivalent to destroying the team.

The reading time of Frost Mist is 1.5 seconds. The moment Ye Ci saw that Saduo started reading the article, he slammed a foot on the side of the mountain wall, and the whole person took advantage of inertia to rise directly into the air. The frost mist was sprayed against her shoes, she turned around neatly in the air, and shot a venomous snake thorn towards Saduo's head.

Another attack! -221!

The whole action was done in one go, neat and tidy.

The cold little hands and the small grouper fish were just facing Ye Ci's angle. They watched Ye Ci's movements throughout the whole process. The sharp posture and walking position make Saduo kite like a grandson.

Ye Ci was flying a kite while watching the situation of the team, and suddenly found that the cold blood of the little hand was dripping fast, and then saw the cold little hand and the small grouper fish looking at them both looking stupid, and hurriedly called out: "The cold little hand !mt's blood!! Small grouper, speed output!!"

The two of them suddenly realized that they hurriedly started to increase blood output!

The little hand was cold when he saw that his blood that had almost bottomed out rose again, and his face turned white with fright. Due to the delay for a while, no matter how hard the little hand is working hard, the cold blood bar of the little hand has been hovering between 5% and 40%, making the cold heart of the little hand beat up and down with the blood bar, full of head Sweat on the face.

Seeing that several people were stable, Ye Ci continued to spread more kites without pressure, and added blood to the third child by the way, which was very relaxing.

Finally, the rat-headed man fell with the spider, and the entire dungeon was basically no difficulty.

Just now, the four of them were stimulated by Ye Ci's sharp technique and immediately rushed towards the rat-headed man like a viper and beast.

Immediately after, a group of people rushed towards Saduo. At this time, Saduo had been 30% bloodied by Ye Ci's kite. A few people rushed over, and they went back and forth. After more than ten minutes, Saduo was brought down.

At the moment when Sado fell, Little Hand Leng, the captain, received a system prompt: Your team killed the first hard-level Icy Cave in the world. Do you agree to publish the names of team members? "

First kill, first kill!

The cold and excited hands kept rubbing his hands together. He immediately turned his head to ask Ye Ci's opinion. After the battle just now, Ye Ci's position in his mind had gone from an unreliable hunter to a super bully operator. A master character!