Reign of the Hunters

Chapter 22: Moon Star


At the beginning, the primary archery can only make wooden arrows, which requires a lot of bird feathers. There are many such things in Xinren Village. Newcomers often get the cuckoo feathers they get to exchange with NPCs for some small money. Ye Ci sat at the entrance of the village and shouted loudly: "Unlimited collection of cuckoo feathers, one silver group, some bosses hurry up!"

A set of cuckoo feathers can only be exchanged for 20 copper coins at the NPC, and now someone actually collects a set of silver coins, and the novice village suddenly seems to be in a riot. Everyone is scrambling to rush to Ye Ci. no more...

In less than an hour, she actually received dozens of packages, filling her body with all the packages. If it weren't for her speed to close the stall, it is estimated that there will be a steady stream of newcomers sending feathers over.

He threw the cuckoo feathers on his body into the warehouse, Ye Ci walked towards the village chief, and handed Saduo's head to this seemingly simple and honest, but actually very cunning old man.

"Look, who is back! It turns out to be the warrior of our elves!" Probably Ye Ci has brushed the icy cave too many times. The reputation of this elves tribe has reached respect, and now the attitude of the entire new village NPC is different. very affectionate to her.

Even the village chief, who has always been pretentious, saluted her before continuing to speak: "Young hunter, I smell the blood of beasts on you, if I'm not mistaken... You are the head of Sado. Did you bring it?"

Ye Ci immediately handed the pig's head to the village chief and completed the task immediately.

The old fox village chief was not stingy, and immediately gave Ye Ci a talent point reward and also gave her a dagger as a reward.

Then he continued to be wordy again, Ye Ci was too lazy to listen, just let him keep talking while he focused all his attention on the dagger. This is a green equipment, but the attributes are not bad.

Haste Dagger

green gear

Attack Speed: 1.5

Attack 8-18

Agility +11


Feature: Attack speed reduced by 0.5

Level requirements: 10

Occupational requirements: none

This dagger can be used by all professional players, but it is especially effective in the hands of thieves, rangers and hunters because these three are known for their agility, and the required weapons are also light and fast. main.

Only in this way can we maximize our own agility.

The bow is a long-range weapon. As long as the prey is within 6 feet of the user, it cannot be used. Therefore, for hunters and rangers, they can only give up bows and arrows and use melee combat within 6 feet, which is also destined for them to melee weapons. Also demanding.

This haste dagger also focuses on increasing agility, and more importantly, its attack speed is reduced by 0.5, which means that the same two people who use a dagger with an attack speed of 1.5, within 3 seconds, use The person with this haste dagger can make one more attack than the person with the ordinary dagger!

For thieves, rangers, and hunters who don't pay attention to strength bonuses, one more attack like this is almost equal to one more hope of survival.

That's why Ye Ci felt that although this dagger was a piece of green equipment, its attributes were not inferior to ordinary blue equipment.

After putting on this dagger, Ye Ci made his wrists accustomed to its weight, and attacked the empty space a few times. Sure enough, he felt that it was much faster than the dagger he was using now.

"...Ah, young hunter..." It seemed that the village chief was about to end his nonsense, Ye Ci also put away the dagger, and sat in strict clothes, waiting for him to issue a mission.

"I'm really relieved to see you grow up so fast. The other day, I heard Chief Duny say that there's now a band of bandits in the mud and stone forest, and they're causing damage to the magistrates in various cities. If you can bring the right hand of their leader, John, to the city administrator, I think it will be good for your development."

Ye Ci immediately accepted the task.

It just so happened that she was going to do Xiao Leimi's task, and now it's all right, so she can do the two tasks together.

Ye Ci is not an impatient person, nor is she a level rusher. Since she has completed an unexpected difficult-level icy cave mission today, and has learned primary archery, then she does not want to do any more tasks and practice today. level. I went directly to the grocer in the village to buy some "wooden poles that I don't know what to use" and started frantically practicing archery.

However, even if she doesn't want to look for things herself, things will come to her.

She just sat down, and even before making a few arrows, more than a dozen strangers sent messages to her specifically to inquire about the difficult-level ice-cold cave. Now, the world seems to be quiet now.

It's just that this voice channel is quiet, and the text channel is not quiet again. All she could hear was the constant dipping of the hidden text channel, which made her so annoyed that she even closed the text channel in the end.

This is good, the text channel was closed, only to see a pigeon flying from the sky, and it came directly to her.

The pigeon sending letter is the third way to contact individuals in destiny. When the private channel and text channel cannot be contacted, if you are in a hurry to find the other party, you can use the carrier pigeon. Almost in the blink of an eye, the other party will be able to receive your letter.

However, there are some places that pigeons can't reach. For example, if the other party is in the copy or underground, it is basically impossible to send it. In addition, pigeon sending can only be used between players who have added friends on both sides, and each use is 2 silver coins.

Although I don't know who sent the message, it seems that it was a pigeon, and Ye Ci didn't refuse. He took the letter and opened it, only to see that it was written by the four people who had just separated: "Sir, there are so many now. People came to ask us how we were doing, who was the conductor, what should we say? Every channel is going to explode, we are going crazy!"

"Just call me an errand, and you can talk about the rest." Ye Ci smiled, it seemed that not only did he suffer from such a bombardment, but none of the four of them avoided it. The pigeons were released, and before they could bow their heads, a few pigeons flew over.

When I opened it, I saw that it was sent by a golden man and the girl who let go and dream of being 1.7 meters tall. It was nothing more than congratulations on her being able to clear the copy. Said that they are stuck in the pit now, it is estimated that the gs is not enough, it seems that they will fight another day, I hope she can come to the pit together when there is time.

Ye Ci also responded to their letters separately, but only said that they would go together when they had time.

Then, another pigeon flew over, and it was actually sent by a violent priest from all over the world: "Sir, do you have time to go to the earth and stone forest? Go to the earth and stone forest in two weeks."

Stone forest? Ye Ci was stunned for a moment. She remembered that the copy of the earth and stone forest was not too difficult. Just when I was suspicious, I saw another letter from the world. Sure enough, it added a few words: "I missed two words, it is difficult. I will go to the difficult earth and stone forest in two weeks. Are you free?"

"Let's set it up for now, I'm not sure yet." After calculating the time, wouldn't it be her university start day in a week? Although she had not studied at university for many years, and had almost forgotten about studying, Liu Chang reminded her of this matter before the few people said goodbye from the playground that day.

"Okay, I'm making an appointment with a few other friends."

Just after dealing with these two groups of people, another letter came. It was from Liu Chang, and the letter was not as polite as others. Through the letter, Ye Ci could almost see the woman who was roaring.

"Where are you, hurry up and get me to the guild residence!!"

Ye Ci laughed until her eyes were crooked. She calmly sent the attributes of the flame contract on the letter, followed by a few words, No. 42 Elf Novice Village.

"Sister, I'll be right here." Liu Chang replied almost immediately, and Ye Ci seemed to be able to see her smiling face.

After all these things have been dealt with, Ye Ci may be able to calm down and make wooden arrows.

Suddenly, her eyes darkened, and then a childish voice floated down from above her head: "Excuse me, how much did you make for a set of arrows?"

Looking up, he saw that it was a fair-skinned elf with long golden hair, but looking at his age, it should not be too big. At this time, he was looking at Ye Ci with wide eyes. He was wearing the novice uniform of the public, and the wooden longbow in his hand was also very rough. He looked like a rookie who had just reached the fifth level.

"I'll give it to you if you want." Anyway, this kind of wooden arrow is cheap at Nadasa. She is also practicing proficiency in doing this. Even if she doesn't give it away, it will be thrown away. It's the best use of it.

The archer looked very surprised, his eyes widened, and after a while, he nodded again and again: "Thank you, thank you, sister."

Ye Ci handed over five or six sets of wooden arrows to the archer, and then said casually: "When you run out, come and ask me for it. I'm here today."

"Okay, okay, thank you! Thank you!" The archer was very happy, and the hand that took the arrow trembled slightly, and he kept thanking him. He turned around and walked a few steps, but unexpectedly he turned back and sent a friend invitation to Ye Ci: "Sister, my name is Mingyuexing, I'm a ranger, can I add you as a friend?"

Ye Ci did not refuse, although now he seems to be very rookie and very embarrassed, who knows what he will be like in the future? There are many friends and many ways. She generously added Mingyuexing as a friend, which made Mingyuexing happy and thanked him again and again, but when he saw the name of adding him as a friend, the joy immediately became dumbfounded.

"What's wrong?" Ye Ci noticed Ming Yuexing's sluggishness, which was a little strange.

"Sister, are you Young Master You?"


"I always thought Young Master You was a man!"