Reign of the Hunters

Chapter 35: First kill the wild boar king


Thanks for the reward from Yun-tremere~~~~

The Despair Plain is a green grassland, and there is no sense of despair at all. However, as we walked further into the plain, the color of the grass became more and more withered and yellow, and when we got to the innermost point, the green plain was already a barren and barren land, and a few birds flew up from time to time in the sky, wailing. The crow can feel a bit of despair.

But now Ye Ci is not in the mood to enjoy the scenery, her goal is the wild boar king's lair.

The wild boar king's lair is contrary to the normal state in ordinary games. It is not in the depths of the hidden map, but next to the main road. Therefore, before level 10, you can often see the huge boar king wandering alone on the Plain of Despair, or chasing the lonely player.

However, after most of the people's rank has come up, this situation of one pig being the only one who is in charge of everyone will have a fundamental change.

Guilds stationed in several surrounding cities often form groups to push the Wild Boar King, but there are many people who come to push, and there will inevitably be disputes. Often the outcome is that the major guilds scuffle into a group, and the wild boar king is still arrogant and murderous everywhere.

Ye Ci rode the little red horse and ran all the way. He didn't need to ask the coordinates at all, just followed the direction of the people on the road, and he quickly found the place where the melee was.

Sure enough, Zhan Tian and several guilds were fighting together. Ye Ci stopped and watched, and found that they were all famous guilds in the previous life.

Sub-district office: I heard that the founders of this guild are a group of middle-aged and elderly players in their fifties. They started playing games when they were young and have been playing until middle-aged and elderly. All of them are battle-hardened and elite. The elite, and later the guild developed a lot, also joined many young people. Ranked ninth in country Z before opening Destiny.

Blade of Darkness: The eighth-ranked guild in Europe and America, this is a group of Caucasians with warlike blood flowing in their veins. He has won places in various competitions around the world. Although Ye Ci rarely dealt with foreign guilds, it was still very rare to see foreign guilds on the fateful Eastern Continent.

Then there is Zhanxia, ranked 12th in country Z.

In addition to these three major guilds, of course, there are also many small guilds that can't be named. They plan to fish in troubled waters. It would be better if they can grab the first kill.

"Susu, join me in the group." Ye Ci immediately sent a message to Piao Yaoyao.

Almost at the same time, Ye Ci received an invitation from a team called "Shuiyue Wushang".

Ye Ci didn't hesitate, and joined the team directly, and then heard someone in the command channel laugh heartily: "Is it Young Master You? I didn't expect you to be a precarious friend."

Because when the team is in command, everyone's voice in the channel is turned off, and even text chat is limited to 30 seconds to speak a word. So Ye Ci answered directly from the text chat window: "Are you killing people or robbing a boss?"

"You just need to help us grab the boss, you don't need to interfere in other things." Shuiyue Wushang's voice made Ye Ci sound very familiar, and after thinking for a while, she finally realized that this is Qin Churuo!

Although he has been keeping a low profile, but the two consecutive first kills, and the big mouths of Jiyu and Pickled Chicken Feet, even if there is no post on the forum, the perfect operation of the hunter Gongziyou has become a viral version of the fact that overnight In between, many people knew about it.

So today, when she mentioned that her friend was Young Master You, Shuiyue Wushang immediately asked her to invite Ye Ci to fight the boss, and nothing else. The person who can kill two dungeons must have a good operation. . As long as you grab the boss, nothing else matters.

"it is good."

Shuiyue Wushang waited until Ye Ci agreed and said, "As long as you grab the boss, you can choose 50,000 real coins or give priority to a piece of equipment as a reward."

Shuiyue Wushang's words made Ye Ci smile. This person is still the same as the original impression, and he will never take advantage of others.

However, this time, Ye Ci must make him owe her favor. Shuiyue Wushang is a very loyal person. He has always been a kind of dripping water, and it is also because of this character that he was framed very badly.

Since he is loyal to everyone, and since some things cannot be avoided, it is better to become friends with him and let him be loyal to himself.

After waiting for thirty seconds, Ye Ci chatted from the text: "I'm just helping Piao Piao Piao, you don't need to thank me."

Shuiyue Wushang was a little surprised by Ye Ci's words, and also moved Piaoyaoyao very much. She sent Ye Ci a few private chats: "Thank you, thank you."

Ye Ci didn't talk nonsense to them, and flew towards the Wild Boar King. Strengthening the hunter's mark, guarding the falcon, attacking the third child, stabbing the poisonous snake, several actions were completed in one go, but in the blink of an eye, the king of wild boars shouted and gave up the group of mt surrounding him and rushed towards Ye Ci.

Although the wild boar king is very fast, there are too many players in front of him, and it will take a lot of time even if it crashes and dies. In this way, Ye Ci took advantage of the natural barrier of more players to kite the wild boar king.

Before Ye Ci came, the Wild Boar King was besieged by a group of people and lost almost 70% of his blood. Although it was a melee of a hundred regiments, everyone wanted to overthrow the boss. The wild boar king has been kited away now, how can he not let the commanders of other guilds worry.

So I changed the tactics again and again, no longer let mt pull monsters, and directly let the remote follow the wild boar king for remote output.

However, this is not an easy task. First, Ye Ci's speed is very fast. She jumps up, down, left and right in front of her, causing the wild boar king to run around and not walk in a straight line. The mage and warlock who read the article complained a lot. After finally reading and casting the spell, the wild boar king ran out of the attack range again. Isn't this a fool.

Second, the Wild Boar King would sometimes use his hind legs to charge up, and then his hind legs would sprint towards Ye Ci. Ye Ci has a high balance and high perception. He jumped up early to avoid the attack of the wild boar king, but the players who followed behind were unlucky. If you follow too far, you won't be able to keep up, and if you follow closely, you will be kicked to death by wild boars.

Third, although the purpose of several major guilds is to overthrow the wild boar king, it does not mean that no one will fight. Think about it, in a group of melee players, while running with a pig while casting spells, this is a kind of errand that makes people crumbling.

Shuiyue Wushang stood on a big tree in the Plain of Despair, and saw Ye Ci's operation from a condescending angle. Although he was calm on the surface, he had already set off a huge wave in his heart. He always felt that he was doing well, that he was a master, and in fact he was. However, when compared to Young Master You, who was also a hunter, he realized that he still had a lot to learn.

Let's not say that her few have no skills, but that using balance to constantly jump, fly low, and make precise skill connections is definitely not something ordinary people can do. In the eyes of other professions, Gongziyou's operations may be very gorgeous and beautiful, but only the hunter himself knows how lethal these gorgeous operations are, and how high technical content these beautiful movements are.

In all fairness, even if the current self can use the balance to jump and fly like this, it will not happen overnight to reach the stage of mastery like Young Master You.

Young Master You, where the hell are you

If it was said that in the beginning, the pretentiousness to find Young Master Youlai was nothing more than thinking of multiple foreign aids, and did not agree with this person's ability at all, then now Shuiyue Wushang has completely overturned the initial judgment in his heart. This Young Master You is definitely not a simple character, it would be great if he could be included in his own guild...

"The wild boar king only has bloody skin left, everyone hurry up!"

I don't know who shouted, all the players chased even more like crazy, that snowflake-like skill hit the wild boar king who had long been jealous. Ye Ci poured a bottle of extremely violent potion into his mouth, and turned sharply in the air, which was a series of shots.

The steel arrow with the poisoning effect on the scorpion gloves, "Pu Pu Pu" directly inserted between the eyes of the wild boar king. There is the weakness of the Wild Boar King, and 100% of the critical hits that shoot into it will break the defense, but because the Wild Boar King is too tall, if he hadn't jumped reflexively like Ye Ci, he would never have been able to shoot.

Crit! Break the defense! —3281!

The wild boar king screamed "Ow", and the huge body like a hill collapsed with a "rumble", causing a cloud of smoke.

Then I heard the World Channel start swiping the screen: "Congratulations to the 'Zhanxia' guild for killing the 15th-level wild boar king in the world number one, and rewarding the guild with 300 reputation, 1000 reputation in Chisha City, and 100 gold coins. Let's remember them. name!"

"Congratulations to 'Shuiyue Wushang' for killing the Wild Boar King. The system has 100 reputation points in Chisha City and 2 talent points."

"Congratulations to 'Piaopiaoyaoyao' for killing the Wild Boar King. The system has 100 prestige points and 1 talent point in Chisha City."

"Congratulations to 'Young Master You' for killing the Wild Boar King. The system has 100 prestige points and 1 talent point in Chisha City."

After Ye Ci saw that he had a little more talent, he said to Piao Piao Yao Yao and immediately quit the team, riding his little red horse and running towards Chisha City. It's a joke, if you continue to stay, it will be strange that you will be chased by other guilds for a while.

The whole world of war is boiling. Only the cheers of the members of Zhantianxia echoed on the Plain of Despair. They lifted Shuiyue Wushang from the tree and kept throwing them into the air.

Shuiyue Wushang was naturally excited, but what worried him even more was that he saw the dazzling row of golden fonts that appeared in the team channel after the world broadcast: "Young Master You quit the team."

He really didn't want anything, he didn't even say hello, he just quit the team after finishing the boss.

This makes Shuiyue Wushang's heart seem to be caught by something. It has never been his style to owe others favors. It's just that he really can't do anything in this situation. He can only wait for everyone to celebrate later. Contact him.


Thank you Shuiyue Wushang Xiaopen friend for providing the name~~~