Reign of the Hunters

Chapter 66: Nightmare difficulty 140 votes plus more


Ye Ci was slightly stunned.

In fact, she was stunned for a long time, if it wasn't for Mo Shuishen to urge her, she would not be able to recover. She also followed Bai Mo and laughed, and then clicked to confirm without hesitation.

The world immediately saw the system news of her joining the guild.

System: Young Master You joins the Tiantian Shang Guild.

Suddenly, the whole world exploded. Yesterday, the major guilds in the Eastern Continent still vividly remembered the mad rush for Young Master You, and even the Eastern Continent's forum was open to bet on which guild she would join, but she did not expect that the guild she joined today would surprise people.

What kind of guild is this day up? Where is holy? How could he actually hold the big Buddha, Young Master You

For a time, the topic of hexagrams in the world became this again.

Ye Ci still had foresight, and closed all channels, so that he could quietly look at the interface of the guild.

Well, this is really a clean guild.

There are only two names in the guild list.

President: Moshuishen.

Member: Young Master You.

Mo Shui raised Ye Ci as the vice-chairman after a few moments, and then smiled again: "You are the vice-chairman, and you will bully the people as much as you like in the future."

Ye Ci looked at the empty member list, with black lines all over his head: "When you say oppressing the people, do you mean oppressing you?"

This, of course, caused Mo Shuishen's strong protest. Ye Ci suddenly felt in a good mood, closed the guild interface, and ran towards the cold ruins with a horse belly.

The elite team of the Zhantian Guild had already been waiting at the gate of the cold ruins. As soon as Shuiyue Wushang saw Ye Ci rushing over, he stood up and introduced them to everyone. Then he pointedly smiled and said, "What kind of elite guild is Tiantianyang? Can it actually attract you?"

Ye Ci laughed dryly: "A group of relatives and friends."

Shuiyue Wushang knew it now, but he was still a little unwilling: "All come to our guild, and we can talk about the treatment and everything."

"Sorry, I'm not in the guild." Ye Ci shook his head, clearly rejecting it. Shuiyue Wushang is also a sensible person, so he closed his mouth and never mentioned this topic again.

After introducing everyone in the team to Ye Ci one by one, Ye Ci nodded and said, "How many are the highest of 4 mt?"

"382." Lord Longwu reported his defense.

Sure enough, the mt of the nationally ranked guild, the data alone is very reassuring.

"How many blocks?"

"twenty one%."

Before there is no sky-defying equipment similar to the back of the sword frame, the block rate of 21% is considered to be the middle and upper level of mt around level 20. Although it is still a little bit worse than the block rate in Ye Ci's mind, it is enough. She asked about the defense and block rate of other mt, and nodded, they were all good, even the defense of four t was 345, and the block was 19.7%.

"I'll pick up the copy." Ye Ci said to everyone and walked towards the collection stone.

The copy in Destiny is difficult to divide into five levels. They are Normal, Hard, Elite, Hell, and Nightmare.

Generally, there are only three modes of normal, difficult and elite in the five-player book, while the two modes of hell and nightmare will only appear in medium and large team copies with more than 25 players.

In addition, five-player dungeons and team dungeons have different ways of choosing difficulty. Five-player dungeons cannot skip the level and choose difficulty, that is to say, you can only beat the normal and then the hard, and after the hard, you can beat the elite. However, there is no such restriction in the team dungeon, you only need to choose a different difficulty from the collection stone.

"Young Master You, do you want to open the 25-player team copy of Cold Ruins?"


"Please choose the dungeon difficulty for your team."

Several choices appeared immediately in front of Ye Ci, and she chose the last one without hesitation. The nightmare was difficult.

She's never been the quiet type, adventurous in her blood. Since you want to play, then you can play it big. It's just that it's usually difficult to pass the level, so it's not interesting.

The system prompt immediately sounded in the team channel: "The world of war has opened a 25-person team dungeon. The dungeon is cold and ruins, the dungeon is difficult, and it is a nightmare. This is the beginning of a new nightmare. The danger inside is beyond all your imagination. Come, heroes, bring Your blood has written a new epic for Dalaya"

The dungeon opening prompts such lyrical recitations only when hell and nightmares are difficult, and then the system will attach a buff based on the recitation content until the dungeon ends.

Sure enough, a faint golden-red light appeared on all the team members immediately, and the buff was displayed as Dalaya's blessing: all attributes increased by 15 points.

Although this buff is very cool, but the nightmare is difficult to make everyone's heart sink.

Oh my god, it was a nightmare. They didn't even fight the old one who was in ordinary difficulty. This nightmare was difficult...

Shuiyue Wushang was naturally surprised. He hurriedly walked to Ye Ci and said worriedly, "Young Master, is it difficult to choose the wrong one? This is a nightmare and difficult..."

"No." Ye Ci turned half body, looked at Shuiyue Wushang with a shallow smile: "What? Don't the members of Zhantiantian have confidence in themselves?"

"It's not a question of confidence..." Shuiyue Wushang sighed softly. "If it weren't for us, we'd still play ordinary first?"

Ye Ci shook his head: "It's just a nightmare, there is no other choice. If you think it's not possible, then cancel the contract." Her voice was not loud, but many members of the team could hear it clearly. The team was silent, and they stared at the woman in front of them. Hunter, her face was calm, without any intention of joking, and her composure and her courage really made these members who have experienced many years of storms give birth to a little admiration.

Although they were not completely reassured about her in their hearts, there was a voice crying out from the bottom of their hearts.

"We have to believe in our strength and we are the ones who fight for the world." Suddenly a thief shouted, and then more people echoed. Suddenly the enthusiasm of the members was high, and everyone's heart was full of enthusiasm.

Shuiyue Wushang was also infected by their enthusiasm, and finally nodded and smiled at Ye Ci: "Okay, then it's up to you, command, all of us will hand over our lives to you from now on"

Ye Ci didn't speak, turned around and walked towards the door of the copy, she waved her hand: "Enter the book."

Nightmare hardship and ordinary hardship are really not the same thing, and even the little monster who guards the door is extremely vicious. However, these are nothing to the firepower of Zhantianxia. Soon they have advanced to the difficult point, and Ye Ci began to explain the strategy to pass the difficult point.

"When I opened the monsters for a while, everyone kept at least 15 yards away from me. After the hiders in the ruins came out, everyone ran with my password, and then gathered the fire monsters. There will be no ot here, and all the remotes will be enlarged. The trick is to bring it down as soon as possible. Remember, you must destroy 20% of his health within 1 minute, otherwise the group will be destroyed. Therefore, all remotes, match your skill output time well, don't Leave yourself empty and keep an eye on the blue."

This requirement is really not low. It is necessary to master the rhythm of skill release perfectly, not to break the gear, and to control the blue. This is not something that ordinary players can do casually, and it is really a challenge like a battle against the world. An elite group.

"What about melee combat?" Shuiyue Wushang asked.

"Just follow along in melee combat and make sure you don't die. By the way... Priests don't need to add blood, they all follow the output."

Everyone looked at each other, and they had never heard of Ben without blood.

However, since Shuiyue Wushang handed over the command to Ye Ci, no matter how many questions they had in their hearts, they did not ask them, and could only listen to Ye Ci's password.

At the beginning of the monster opening, Ye Ci put down the scented sea fish unscathed, and then returned to the group members. Her extremely high jump and amazing speed were admired by everyone. Especially Shuiyue Wushang, because he is also a hunter, he is very careful about Ye Ci's every move.

All masters learn from imitation to transcendence, which is eternal.

After the ruin hider shouted, Ye Ci stared at the slanted clock tower, and immediately shouted, "7 o'clock direction" after its only hand started to move.

Before that, everyone's spirits were already concentrated, and when Ye Ci shouted, a team member seemed to be running towards the seven o'clock direction at the same time.

"Stop and start output"

As expected of a well-trained high-level guild, the 25 people seemed to be one person at this moment, all advancing and retreating together. Shuiyue Wushang took a careful look, and sure enough Ye Ci didn't hit the mobs, even under the strict requirements of dps, she still didn't do it.

In fact, it's not Ye Cilao, but she wants to see how much damage the team can do from a distance when the team's firepower is fully on.

The result made her more satisfied. Although she did not participate in the battle of the hiders in the fire-focused ruins, the remotes in the war still brought down the hiders in the ruins within the specified time.

When the ruin hider fell down, only a dungeon reminder sounded.

"The road ahead doesn't seem so cold anymore."

"Go, touch the body." Ye Ci smiled at Shuiyue Wushang.

"It's over?" Shuiyue Wushang couldn't believe it, it's over

that is the truth.

The difficulty that has stumped countless people has just passed. It's still a nightmare.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the Zhantianxia team cheered. If they were a little worried about Ye Ci at first, then at this moment, they had already fallen for her. Shuiyue Wushang was pushed up to touch the corpse. He was very lucky. He found a level 18 warlock equipment. The two warlocks in the team rolled a few points and divided the equipment.

Continuing to walk forward, a group of wandering elemental monsters appeared in front. At a rough estimate, there are at least seventeen, each with a blood volume of around 2w. Among the five-player dungeons of the same level, this can already be regarded as the blood volume of a small boss.

"Has the hunter learned suspended animation?"