Reign of the Hunters

Chapter 67: on the copy


Ye Ci glanced at the elemental monsters and turned to ask the other two hunters.

Shuiyue Wushang and another hunter nodded at the same time: "Yes."

"I'll be ready to pick up the monsters in that moment, and if I can't catch it, I'll feign death." After Ye Ci finished speaking to the two, he instructed the other professions to prepare for battle, and walked towards the element monsters alone.

Seeing that Ye Ci was far away, Yi Apple turned his head and whispered to Shuiyue Wushang: "Hunter is opening monsters... Isn't it very difficult for hunters to control hatred? There is only one misdirected shot, how to attract monsters?"

Shuiyue Wushang couldn't figure it out, he shook his head, "Just take a look."

Ye Ci walked quickly and carefully to the edge of a mountain less than 50 yards away from the elemental monster, and then quickly climbed up the mountain following the vines hanging down from the low slope. Standing on the low hillside, she took out her bow and arrow and aimed at the group of elemental monsters below, quietly measuring the distance.

They came together and looked very close, no more than 2 or 3 yards away from each other. It's a delicate distance between danger and safety.

A distance of 2 yards means that the monsters will be linked together, and a distance of 3 yards means that the monsters will not be linked, which is very wonderful.

For Ye Ci, the king of the single copy of the previous life, without any auxiliary software, her eyes are the most accurate ruler.

There are many abandoned buildings in the cold ruins. After thousands of years of weathering, some of them have become land, and some have become such small hills at the feet of Ye Ci. Many monsters linger in these buildings. If you are not familiar with the terrain and you are not careful, it will easily lead to the destruction of the group.

And Ye Ci is now in this position, which is the best terrain she has studied when she single-handedly brushed the cold ruins in her previous life. Standing here to attract monsters, the seventeen monsters below will only be attracted to 5 at most each time. If the angle, time and distance are more subtle, they can only be led to two.

Ye Ci stood on the mountain bag, drew her bow, and quietly waited for the elemental monster to swim out of the corner that was most conducive to her capture.

One minute passed, two minutes passed.

She seemed to be a solidified sculpture, standing quietly on the top of the mountain, as if it had merged with the entire copy, and no longer had any life. And everyone who was in charge of waiting below had their hearts raised in their throats, and all of them stared at her intently, not even daring to be distracted, for fear that the whole situation would suddenly reverse.

Shuiyue Wushang stared at Ye Ci closely, even blinking carefully, for fear of missing something.

Suddenly, he saw Ye Ci's middle and index fingers twitching on the bowstring, and she turned her head and rushed towards the crowd.

Is it shot? Still no shot? Are there a lot of them, or just a few? Shuiyue Wushang's heart went up and down, and she was so nervous that she hurriedly asked, "How many monsters? How to pick them up?"

"Mt went forward to fight the monsters, no need to pick them up." Ye Ci calmly ordered without turning his head back.

The MTs quickly took their places and saw three elemental monsters rushing over from the corner of the mountain, and they ran towards Ye Ci with their teeth and claws.

"Shield Strike"


The mts immediately held back one by one, and the treatment followed.

If it weren't for the elite guild, it would be different. From the beginning to the end, the words did not tell anything. Everyone knew what they were going to do, and they were precise and aware of their positions. Such a team would be unacceptable without lethality.

Ye Ci did the same, and brought in all the remaining monsters little by little. In a short time, the nest of elemental monsters all turned into corpses. After Shuiyue Wushang touched the corpse, the warlocks rushed to extract the elemental dust.

Seventeen elemental monsters, 2 blue outfits and one green outfit, all of which are above level 18, are just right to wear at this time.

"Why is the explosion rate here so high? All mobs will have blue equipment." A mage was speechless.

"This is a difficult nightmare. If only the boss can produce the equipment, it would be a fool." Shuiyue Wushang looked at the pieces of equipment, smiling from ear to ear. Ye Ci only needed the hunter equipment, although it was not for him. It's a little bad to say, but he doesn't mind that much. He is just commanding, dps, it doesn't matter if the equipment is slightly worse, the important thing is that the overall strength of the team goes up.

Because Ye Ci was there, although he encountered such obstacles many times along the way, he still arrived at the location of the old one smoothly. Along the way, no one died.

This not only makes Ye Ci appreciate the strength of Zhantianxia, but the team that has been honed for many years is indeed not on the same level as the team of Jagged Zhange that has just been formed for 3 or 4 months.

"The old one is very simple." Ye Ci smiled at the old one who was sleeping on the grass, "Druid turned into a monster."

"Is it the spell injury boss?" Shuiyue Wushang was stunned for a moment, this was the first time the spell injury boss she had met since she entered her destiny.

"Yes, Druids should pay attention to taking medicine. If you see the boss reading an ice pick, you should take ice resistance medicine. If you get cold, take cold resistance medicine. You don't need to take medicine for long range, but don't hold a group, but pay attention to the boss's name. The famous person must run out within 8 seconds, and it is safe to run 50 yards away from the boss, otherwise it will cause self-destruction and may destroy the group." Ye Ci briefly explained the style of play, and then laughed again: " The old one is just a stumbling block, and it's not as difficult as hitting the clock tower just now, so let's try our best to get through it all at once."

This is a nightmare for 25 people. Most people can't bear it. But I don't know why, when Ye Ci said those easy words, everyone seemed to have an illusion in their hearts. This boss is really simple. .

Still extinguished once.

This Druid's face is too dark. Ye Ci has played here so many times, and I have never met an old man who lost his "Frozen" skill as soon as he came up. Good guy, this Druid just rushed in to open the monster, and before he got to the old one, the old one directly shot him a freeze, and this guy was gorgeously frozen into a huge block of ice.

Although Ye Ci's head was full of black lines, he quickly shouted to get out of the battle, but there were still more than 20 people who fell down without reacting.

The Druid cursed the old chrysanthemum with sores in a very sad circle. I don't know if his curse worked, or something, the second time went much better, but there was still a little thrill. The Druid's magic resistance is a little bit lower, and the moment he rushed up, he was directly shot by the old man, and it was almost 5 points. The priest behind him quickly brushed his blood bar up.

The ups and downs made Ye Ci nervous.

Although the Druid's magic resistance is a little lower, this Druid is simply an incarnation of a warrior, the hatred is stable, plus a few hunters have been misleading him, from the start of the monster to the end , Although everyone is doing their best to output, but no one has ot.

Everyone ate several tubes of blue, and it took 40 minutes to finally put the old one down.

Nightmare is difficult for the team copy because the mobs also produce equipment, the production of bosses is not so rich. The old one came out with six things, four weapons, two clothes, more than 200 gold coins, no potions, and no miscellaneous items.

One of the four weapons Ye Ci caught his eye at a glance.

Inferior Leather Speed Crossbow


blue gear

Attack Speed: 0.7

Attack: 112-165


Agility +62

Balance +71

Features: Attack speed +1 second, ammo reloading speed +0.5 seconds.

Features: 5% chance to steal 1% of the target's life.

Features: Increases defense breaking value by 5%.

Required Level: 20

Required occupations: Ranger, Rogue, Hunter.

This crossbow machine can be regarded as one of the equipment with the lowest explosion rate. In the last life, although Ye Ci has brushed this book countless times, he has not even seen the hair of this crossbow machine, but it is on the forum. I have seen the attribute screenshots above, and I have a lot of saliva about the attribute that steals 1% of life.

Without any hesitation, Ye Ci gave himself the crossbow machine. The icy short bow in her hand is finally going to be laid off.

Although Shuiyue Wushang and Yitian Yijiao were drooling over the inferior skin acceleration, they did not raise any objections because of the contract. On the other hand, Ye Ci had a whim after taking the crossbow machine: "Let's roll the three and let me see if I can get it if I roll normally."




Ye Ci looked at his points, expressionless. Sure enough, she was right in choosing to give priority to her own equipment.

Although the next road was not as smooth as the previous one, and Zhan Tianxia also destroyed several regiments, but the stumbles were considered to be the old 2, and finally came to the front of the third.

The third child is a huge bird. According to the plot given on the copy, it occupies the mountain as the king here, and specially eats the adventurers who come here. Especially recently, she seems to be laying eggs and becomes more ferocious.

"The third child has several skills. One is to flap his wings, which will cause 8 seconds of wind damage to the 270 player in front of him. If his face is dark, he may be blown away. The second is to spit and be spit out. The people in the MT will be frozen, so you must not be reluctant to take the medicine. Here, the mt pulls monsters in a circle, and all the remotes stand opposite the mt, and they must rotate according to the angle of the mt rotation. Blown away." Being able to hit here in one breath, Ye Ci was also quite relaxed, and even made a joke.

The team members listened to Ye Ci's explanation, and while remembering carefully, they couldn't help but laugh, especially Druid became the target of everyone's jokes.

"All thieves, remember to steal eggs." Ye Ci pointed to a huge bird's nest not far away.