Reign of the Hunters

Chapter 86: Dragon Dance Competition


Cough, what, I want to say that I overslept and only got up for a while, can you believe it...


Champion City is worthy of being the largest city in the Eastern Continent

. In this main human city, the area is at least 5 or 6 times that of Red Lake City. Not only that, but all kinds of businesses have reached unprecedented heights. The NPCs in the city are generally happy. The city as its own guild stationed in the city has at least hundreds of guilds large and small, making the city more prosperous.

Standing outside the teleportation point, Mingyuexing sniffed and said to Jelly beside him, "I, I'm still, this is the first time I've come to Champion City."

Jelly nodded, looking at the city with more people than ants, she was stunned: "Me, me, me too..."

"Why don't you come, the delivery fee is not expensive, and it's like a bunker entering the city now." A golden man often came to the Champion City, but today's crowd also gave him a headache: "My mother, there are so many People, it is estimated that we will be crowded out without finding the registered NPC."

"It is said that there are many people here and the place is big. I'm afraid that if I come, I won't be able to go back." Mingyuexing continued to sniff, and he continued to be shocked by the majestic city of Champion City and the many players: "If we are popular It would be nice if Lake City could be so prosperous."

Since Tiantian Upwards was established and designated the guardian city as Red Lake City, all the members who joined the club took Red Lake City as their bound city, and many people joined Red Lake City and became citizens of Red Lake City. Although doing it every day is a bit of a good income, but when you see such a bustling big city. Still unbearable envy and jealousy.

Just when a group of people were standing at the gate of the city, hesitating about how to enter the city, Bai Mo sent a message on the guild channel: "I've already squeezed into the city to sign up, don't run out of the city wall, in case I'll find you soon. Not you!"

Of course, Ye Ci was also squeezed into the city with Bai Mo. She is agile and well-balanced. In such a crowd, it is best to use her strengths. She even arrives at the registered NPC earlier than Bai Mo. There are a total of 5 NPCs who are responsible for signing up in the Champion City, in the five urban areas of the south, south, north and west, but no matter which urban area. There were crowds all around them.

The dragon dance competition is a competition that pays attention to the team. There is one point in the rules of the competition. Single player registration is not accepted. If you want to register for the competition, there must be between 5 and 100 people. This registration condition has been officially announced before the new year, so. Many scattered players have already found a team early


The NPCs who signed up are basically the head of a team, and there are countless heads alone. It can be seen that there are almost no one who wants to add the players who live in the city.

Bai Mo is the chairman. Soon, I signed up at the NPC with the team name "Tiantian Shangxiang". Then a confirmation box appeared in front of each team member: The emcee of the Dragon Dance Competition invited you to enter the competition venue, do you agree

This confirmation box will only appear once, if you don't click on the refusal, you will not be able to enter the playing field. It was regarded as giving up the game, so Bai Mo shouted loudly in the guild channel: "See everything clearly and click again. It's confirmation, the point is confirmed!"

A few white lights flashed, and everyone was transported into a special competition venue. This was an open flat field with soft and green grass growing on it, and it was impossible to see the edge. There is a flagpole every 20 meters around this huge flat. The flagpole is written with the names of the teams that each team has signed up for, and the members of the team standing under the flags. On the side of the flag is a huge dragon dance prop.

The dragons of each team are not the same, just like Ye Ci and theirs are cyan with golden patterns on them. Especially the pair of piercing eyes on the faucet looks really lifelike.

In this event, all registered players are divided into three groups, and those with less than 20 people are called lightweight. 21 to 60 are called middleweights, and 61 to 100 are heavyweights. They compete in different venues, and of course the final prizes are also different.

Because the final prize for the heavyweight champion of this event is very rich, not only will there be a 5-level guild residence, each member will get an epic unique title, so Ye Ci and the others are dispatched by the whole guild this time, with a total of 72 people, Anyway, enough to be a heavyweight.

And everyone's position has been determined. Bai Mo and let go of the girl have the highest strength, so Bai Mo resisted the dragon's head, let go of the girl and carried the midpoint between the dragon's body. These two positions are very important. For the whole dragon to move forward normally, two key people must be placed here. Ye Ci was placed on the dragon's tail, because she was agile and fast, able to see all directions with her eyes and ears, and mainly played the role of observing the audience.

When it was almost time for people to enter, the whole venue was full of people, and it was very lively. At this time, several warnings sounded in the venue, and then I saw countless colored spheres appearing on the grass. The important prop for all four games - "Pearl".

The first game is very simple, that is, everyone rushes to grab "pearls" on the grass, and the top ten teams who grab the most qualify. In this game, no matter what method you use, as long as you don't leave Longneng Just grab the pearl, of course, weapons and skills cannot be used in the venue of this event


A few more bells rang, reminding all the players to prepare to attack, and all the teams were ready to attack with all the dragons on their shoulders. With an order, hundreds of Chinese dragons with different colors and patterns rushed towards the "pearl" in the huge field.

In fact, dragon dance has long been not only a Chinese tradition, but many foreigners also like this traditional oriental project and watch it often. It's just that it's one thing to look, but it's another thing to dance. This project is actually similar to a primary school student's game of two-legged and three-legged games. It is necessary to maintain a uniform rhythm and pace to move the fastest.

However, it is easier said than done to maintain a uniform rhythm and pace in dozens or hundreds. From the very beginning, I have seen quite a few dragons that either fell to the ground with their bodies or their heads and tails on the ground. The scene was a mess.

For a time, laughter, noise, and clamor filled the entire venue. Although everyone wanted to get the final reward, because of the New Year, everyone was still immersed in a happy atmosphere. The atmosphere of the new year is more intense.

Tiantianyang is still a prepared team, because the rules stipulate that if both hands release the pole supporting the dragon's body at the same time, it will be a waiver. Therefore, no one dares to throw away the pole with both hands, no matter what happens. It also fell many times in the beginning.

"Don't worry, everyone, don't worry. Humans, orcs, elves, and werewolves should all take small steps, and match the steps of dwarves, dwarves, and undead. Listen to the slogan!" Bai Mo was also dragged down a few times, he smiled While shouting in the guild channel: "It's not necessarily good to be so anxious! It's not worth it if you lose one or two people!"

The guild that was going up every day simply stopped and formed a line. Just listening to Bai Mo's slogan of 1, 2, 12, he walked in place for a while, and after getting familiar with the frequency, he began to march towards Pearl.

Ye Ci looked at a green colored ball in front of her left, and was about to move in that direction. When she went to get the colored ball, she saw that the person in front didn't know what it was throwing, so she grabbed the ball at once. !

"One bean cake, what did you get?"

"It's the cat claw I gave you. I thought it couldn't be used, but I didn't expect weapons to be used, but props." He turned back and smiled while playing with the cat claw in his hand.

I see


Ye Ci also took out the cat's claw from the package, experimented a bit, and soon became familiar with its strength and distance in his hand. Ye Ci itself is a long-range occupation, and this kind of long-distance accuracy is extremely accurate, and he has already caught more than ten colored balls in a short while.

"One bean cake, do you still have cat claws?" Bai Mo couldn't help shouting when he saw the last two people throwing cat claws and grabbing the ball.

"I brought eleven, plus the one in the son's hand, twelve in total."

"Trade it to the hunters, mages, and rangers in the guild. If you get the cat's claws, just keep up with the pace, and then find a way to catch the balls in the distance!" Bai Mo gave an order, and the dragon stopped again. , By the time the dragon starts again, the dragon who is rising every day has transformed into a hidden Spider-Man.

As long as they travel, there is not a single colored ball within the range of the cat's paw!

Soon this secret was discovered by other guilds. They didn't know what Tiantian Shang was holding in their hands. They only regarded it as something like hemp rope and began to follow suit. It is also said that it is really effective, and the speed of catching the ball is indeed much faster than before.

"Bump!" Suddenly a faucet slammed into Bai Mo's head, causing him to feel dizzy. "What's wrong? It's crashing?"

"Damn it! Iron-blooded fighters are shameless, why are you hitting our dragon's head!" Dream was standing behind Bai Mo at 1.7 meters tall. As soon as he was hit, she immediately found out who the other's dragon was. As soon as she contacted Ye Ci's withdrawal from the meeting, she thought that the other party was retaliating very unkindly: "I want to fight!!"

"There are still people who crash on the highway, what's wrong with a dragon!" Peacock Blue replied, she straightened her round breasts towards her dream height of 1.7 meters, snorted, and looked down on her height very much.

"Why, you're giving your face back!" When I let go of that girl, I saw that someone was looking for trouble with my dream height of 1.7 meters. I immediately rushed up with the dragon's body and kicked a person casually. foot.

This kick was heavy enough, and the dragon who had walked well in the Iron-Blood War immediately fell down, and immediately the members of the two dragons all held up poles and got together and kicked each other.

"Tiantian Shang team and Jagged War Ge team please pay attention, if you don't separate, you will be disqualified immediately!" While the two dragons were kicking each other happily, a familiar voice rang above the arena... (To be completed continued,)