Reign of the Hunters

Chapter 87: Bricks


The leaf word has a little black line.

If she remembered correctly, this voice was the voice of the long-lost customer service No. 094. Isn't this an event? It should be handed over to the promotion department, so what's the fun with this plan

Could it be... Ye Ci thought a little unkindly, could this kid be demoted

Even though No. 094 had issued a warning, they couldn't stop the two members who had kicked each other immediately. They continued to stretch out their legs of different lengths and kick each other happily.

. Although Bai Mo and Qianshan Xieyang were afraid of what would happen if they continued to kick, but now the earth can no longer stop them.

"Young Master, Classmate Master You, please take away the members of your guild immediately, otherwise the official will inform you!" My dear customer service No. 094 saw that the two dragons continued to scuffle, and ignored him at all, and just called him by name. criticized.

This simply made Ye Ci's face darken. She gritted her teeth, this Wang Jiangnan... She has a grudge against him! Even if she neglects his bug review a little, she doesn't need to call her name on this scene! But now that one of them is a player, and the other is an NPC, and her thin arms can't twist her fat thighs at all, she has no choice but to admit her failure, just waiting for the opportunity to find that guy to settle the account.

Tian Tian Xiang heard that Ye Ci was also named, but this time, he immediately stopped his legs and ran away. They were talking while running.

"Aiya, why does the chief emcee who presides over the competition still know the president?"

"I still don't understand, how great we are, world celebrities!"

"9494, but this time it's the gang of scumbags."

"I'm getting it back next time. There are plenty of opportunities..."

Although they didn't know exactly what was going on between Ye Ci and the Jagged War, they had heard about the unfair treatment of Ye Ci during the Jagged War from Jiyu and Pickled Chicken Feet, so they all held a sigh of relief in their hearts. , I finally got this opportunity today, and of course everyone wants to find their place.

Ye Ci listened to their discussion, and his face became even darker. She doesn't want to be famous, although she always does some famous things, but it doesn't mean that she agrees with Wang Jiangnan giving her such a chance to become famous today... This is, this is also...

"Hurry up and grab the ball. There are still three minutes until the end of the game!" Bai Mo was a little anxious when he saw that he had wasted too much time just now. They were rushing to the 5th-level guild residence of the heavyweight champion and the epic title. Yes, it would be too much of a loss if they were eliminated in the first game.

Everyone knows the stakes. He closed his mouth immediately, and went to grab the few remaining colored balls with a unified pace.

The final bell rang and all the colored balls disappeared instantly. All teams are back under their flags

. The system starts to count the balls picked up by each team automatically.

It was really too dangling, every day was only three goals away, squeezed into the top ten, and everyone exhaled. This is too mysterious. But what makes people feel a little embarrassed is... The top three in the Eastern Continent in the first game are all foreign guilds...

In response to such a result, the other three continents sent "congratulatory messages" one after another.

"Every Chinese guild in the Eastern Continent. Our 5000-year guild only expresses the deepest condolences and the strongest contempt for you on behalf of all Chinese players in the Western Continent!"

"Blade of Darkness, come on, you really give our American guild a face, and the dragon dance won the first place in the Eastern Continent!"

"East Continent, aren't you very arrogant, what is the first kill, what is the first, you get soft every day, and now an ancestor's dragon dance has been brought behind the foreign devils by you, what a mess!"

The congratulatory messages from the world made the Chinese players in the Eastern Continent extremely silent. Not only are they very silent, even the foreign guilds that have won the top three are also very silent. For no other reason, they are all busy drawing balls...

All the pearls in the Dragon Dance Competition have different items in them. There are materials, potions, skill books, gold coins, and even weapons, etc. It all depends on personal luck.

However, the chances of good things coming out of the pearl balls in the first game are relatively small. More is out of potions, materials and gold coins. Ye Ci's luck has not been very good. He opened thirty or forty colorful balls, and only saw thirty crude copper ore and a few gold coins, and the rest did not see anything. On the contrary, the luck of the cold hands was overwhelming, and only a dozen colorful balls were opened, and a skill book for a barbarian and a sacrifice was actually published! After getting it, she became a person who specializes in opening pearl balls.

But she was really lucky, and she produced a bunch of intermediate materials, which made the life players in the guild cheer. He even opened three blue weapons, a warrior longsword, a druid's staff, and a ranger's dagger, all of which were handed over to Bai Mo and stored in the warehouse until the competition was over. separated.

After a short rest, the second game will begin. In the second game, the top three in each of the four continents will be selected to participate in the third game. Since the results of each game of the event are accumulated, the tenth place in the Eastern Continent Tiantianyang's results are not ideal.


The second game is still to snatch the pearl balls. However, this time the venue is not on land but on a huge lake. The surface of the lake is condensed with ice of different thicknesses, and the pearl balls are randomly placed. Placing it on the ice still only restricts weapons and skills, and nothing else.

However, this game is obviously going to be a lot harder than the previous one.

Because the thickness of the ice on the lake is not uniform, if you accidentally step on a thin place and fall into the lake, it will be eliminated directly.

"Attention, the person with the cat's paw in his hand should try to catch as many red and gold colored balls as possible, which two colors have the highest score." A group of people walked cautiously on the ice holding the jumping dragon, Ye Ci did not forget A warning to everyone.

This time, the one who walked in second place was not the one who dreamed of being 1.7 meters tall, but a thief named Milk Popsicle. His perception was very high. Bai Mo can go anywhere and can't go anywhere.

Everyone wants to make it to the third game, so each team desperately grabs the red and gold pearl balls. This situation directly led to the sound of ice cracking being heard from time to time. If you dodge fast, you can continue the game. If you dodge fast, you can only fall into the water and be eliminated directly.

Ye Ci waved the cat's claws in her hand, as long as all the pearl balls in front of her could not escape her claws, she kept looking at the current ranking.

Three guilds in the Eastern Continent have already fallen into the river and are disqualified. Tiantian Xiang has a cat's claws. Even if the first game's results were poor, after their hard work hiding in the corner, their current results have been successfully raised to fourth place.

Ahead of them were the Wolf Clan, the Jagged Warrior and the Dark Blade.

She raised her head and looked around. Due to the continuous breaking of the ice surface, many guilds were forced to be squeezed together, but Tiantian Shang and Jagged War Ge were squeezed together again.

"Popsicle, is there any ice that is relatively fragile at our two o'clock position?" Ye Ci suddenly asked, staring at the position where Jagged Zhange was catching the ball.

The milk popsicle searched over there, and then returned: "Yes, it is the red ball and the gold ball with a thin piece of ice under it."

What milk popsicles can search for, other people can also search for Jagged Fighting Ge, but their results are not stable now, because the Dark Blade and Tiantian Up, which follow closely behind, are very close to their results, but One or two red balls can surpass them

. Therefore, in order to consolidate their results, the red ball and the golden ball must not be missed.

However, after the first incident of touching porcelain, Qianshan Xieyang certainly didn't think that Tiantian Shang would spend this time in such a safe and secure way. Therefore, while he instructed the two dwarf thieves to find a way to pick up the ball, he also asked the rangers to pay attention to the upward movement of the day, and must not let them destroy the plan of his guild.

Taking advantage of walking up to a place with more balls every day, everyone was busy catching the ball, Ye Ci narrowed his eyes and looked at Jagged Zhange. If they don't do something now, when Jagged Zhange picks up the two balls, it is estimated that they will miss the final grand prize every day. She soon discovered that Qianshan Xieyang had sent two dwarf thieves to pick up the ball.

The dwarf's body is the lightest of all races. As long as it walks lightly on the thin ice, the ice will not shatter. Coupled with the fast speed of the thieves, sending them to pick up the ball is an obvious choice. Not only that, but they also let the Ranger change positions to the part of the dragon's tail, and monitor Tiantian's upward movement by the way.

Ye Ci sneered, this Qianshan Xieyang is too villainous to be a gentleman. Originally, she didn't want to deal with the iron-blooded war, but now that they made this gesture, she felt that she really didn't do anything. Sorry myself.

So she tossed what was in her hand - a thick iron brick.

Of course, this thing is a bean cake. This guy is wearing so-called engineering products, but to outsiders, it looks like a pile of junk. But this thick iron slab brick has now become a treasure that Ye Ci can't put it down.

Bricks come from where they should come and go where they should go.

I saw Ye Ci threw it casually, but in the blink of an eye, he concentrated on picking up the ball again. The action was so fast that no one could see what was happening.

"By the way, President, what do you want me to do with bricks?" Yidou Cake asked back.

"Don't do anything." Ye Ci grinned.

The voice just fell, only to hear "pop"! There was a crisp sound, followed by the creaking sound of ice cracking, followed by a crackling sound of falling water and angry scolding.

Tiantian looked up and looked back, just now there was still a dense ice surface of the Jagged Fighting Ge, and now there is only a huge hole left... (To be continued,)