Reign of the Hunters

Chapter 91: Showdown


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Summon recommended tickets and pink tickets ~o(n_n)o~


"Hello, I'm Young Master You." Ye Ci stood in front of the man, with a shallow smile on his face, stretched out his hand, generous but not restrained.

The other party is a tall elf with the same silver hair as Ye Ci's image, but his eyes are black, and those obsidian-like eyes are rare among the elf family who choose to match this way.


He was stunned for a moment at Ye Ci's outstretched hand, then narrowed his eyes and stared at the elf huntress in front of him. His eyes were as sharp as a blade, and he stabbed at Ye Ci so recklessly. If he was a normal person, he would at least withdraw his hand in embarrassment under such gaze.

However, Ye Ci didn't. She still stood there with her hands stretched out, facing the opponent's provocative eyes, her eyes were cold, and she didn't give in.

In the end, the other party's ear moved slightly, and a faint smile opened on the corner of his lips. He stretched out his hand and gently held Ye Ci's outstretched hand. His voice was magnetic and pleasant: "Hello, I'm fleeting."

fleeting time.

Yes, it is fleeting.

The fleeting year known as the God of Hunting, the fleeting year who suppressed Ye Ci mercilessly, and the fleeting year that could not be found when Ye Ci rose again.

I never knew that he was the man of Genesis.

Ye Ci couldn't describe how he felt when he discovered the fleeting years by the pool, some were excited and some were excited. But more is the boiling blood in the body! This is called the mountains and rivers, there is no way, and it takes no effort to get them.

Being able to fight this person again is her dream from the last life to the present. Now, how can she just let the opportunity pass by her subordinates in vain

Ye Ci's eyes narrowed slightly, she withdrew her hand, and immediately tried to invite Liu Nian to decide. During the game just now, the use of weapons and skills was not allowed in this venue, which means that duels cannot be duel, but now I don't know.

"Young Master You invites you to a duel."

There are many ways to pk in Destiny. For example, in the same alliance, as long as the slaughter state is turned on, you can directly attack the opponent. If you don't turn on the slaughter mode, you must use the duel mode. In one or a different alliance, you can directly attack.

However, the current situation is a bit special, although Ye Ci and Liu Nian do not belong to the same alliance, but opposite camps. It's just that in the event field, all players are in the green state (unattackable state), in this case. If you want to compete for a short or long, then you can only use a duel.

The sudden invitation to a duel made Liu Nian squinted his eyes quite playfully. He knew the huntress in front of him.

. She is famous in the Eastern Continent, not only that. Her how-to videos are also sought after by hunters across four continents as instructional videos. Unlike her in fleeting years, he has never been separated from the group. There may not be so many gorgeous moves, but it does not mean that he is not strong.

However, that's not the point of the matter. The point of the matter is that he is not the only hunter in the entire Genesis. Even if this female hunter wants to find someone to show off her skills, she will not find him by chance, right? What is the reason

"Why are you fighting me?" Liu Nian was not in a hurry to agree, nor was he in a hurry to refuse. He just looked at the huntress in front of him, she was very young, and her face even showed some childishness, but. Those eyes, however, revealed a hard and mature light, as sharp as thorns. "There are many hunters in Genesis, if you want to find opponents. It seems that there are better ones."

"Because, they are not called fleeting years." The corners of Ye Ci's lips curled up.

That's it. Fleeting Nian raised his brows slightly, this answer is really... an answer that people can't refuse.

Fleeting clicked to agree.

Immediately, a flagpole with a duel mark descended from the sky and stuck between the two, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The originally harmonious and happy atmosphere became deserted the moment the flag fell. Everyone looked at the flag in unison.

There is a 5-second preparation time from the flag-raising to the duel. When the flag was raised, Ye Ci and Liu Nian seemed to be the same person looking in the mirror, and they moved 20 yards behind them at the same time. , deeply hidden in the chaotic crowd.

5, 4, 3, 2, start!

The arrows were released at the same time, and they were all Frost Arrows, moving in the same direction, and walking through the crowd. The two of them seemed to be looking at a huge mirror. No matter what they did, the opposite would do. Do…

Ye Ci was slightly taken aback.

Fleeting Nian was also slightly stunned.

Too much the same opening attack made both of them lose their chances and turned into a complete imitation show.

absolutely can't go on like this


Ye Ci immediately withdrew the crossbow machine, bowed slightly, rolled on the spot, and the whole person disappeared in the crowd. Liu Nian also put away his bow and rushed towards Ye Ci's direction. His speed was extremely fast. With a bow, he shot towards the crowd.

Although they knew that they would not hurt other people during a duel, the onlookers who did not know the truth saw Liu Nian jumped up and shot arrows, but they were still scared and ran away. Immediately, Ye Cilu, who was sneaking among the crowd came out.

This could not be discovered originally, and the fleeting year seemed to see all the sneaking people with his eyes, and the arrow he released shot towards the place where Ye Ci was invisible.

Ye Ci didn't want to move, but seeing the arrow getting closer and closer to her, if she didn't dodge, she was afraid of being shot. Fleeting Nian, like himself, uses Frostbolt when pking, and being hit by such an arrow will slow down his movement speed by 50%.

In the duel between hunters and hunters, the fight is to move fast. If you are slowed down at this time, it will directly mean that the battle has failed. So Ye Ci did not hesitate to dodge the arrow with a flick of her figure.

After a few puffs, the frost-covered arrow stuck in the place where Ye Ci had just sneaked away at the moment when Ye Ci was slightly dodged, and there was still faint white smoke. Ye Ci didn't even look at it, and immediately went back and quickly. She just flashed, and her figure was already revealed. If she was fleeting at this time, she would definitely seize this opportunity, as for her death. She herself is still like this, not to mention the fleeting hunter who was known for being quick, accurate, and ruthless in the last life, he will never indulge such an opportunity.

Sure enough, just as Ye Ci was moving backwards and forwards quickly, a row of arrows had already fallen on her back-moving route. The action was so fast and the pursuit was so tight that Ye Ci even felt that the man was wearing radar all over his body.

The level of fleeting years is also hidden in the rankings. Although Ye Ci can't see his level, it is not difficult to infer from his speed, strength of shot, and agility that he is similar to his level.

Under the circumstance that many situations are equal, the fight between the two seems to be much fiercer. They are of the same profession, with similar levels, and even with little difference in equipment, and their operations are different, but they are on the same level. Such a duel between two people is really a wonderful documentary.

The crowd that originally crowded around the two of them didn't know where they were going at this time, and there were only two people left in the entire huge venue.

"My dear, this is called the instructional video of the hunter.

! "Shuiyue Wushang looked at the two people in the venue with a mechanical telescope while recording the video.

"Shuiyue, that person can actually be on a level with Young Master You, who is he?" He fluttered and looked at the two people in the field with a telescope: "Are they very powerful?"

Precariously, she can only be regarded as half a combat player. She has no idea about pvp. She can barely play pve. Now let her watch the duel of hunters. In her mind, Ye Ci was definitely synonymous with a master, and that other person...

"It's amazing! Of course it's amazing!" Shuiyue Wushang, who was also a hunter, smacked his tongue while watching: "God, this is the duel of masters. Now they are still low-level, if they are in a duel after reaching level 100, I don't know. How exciting."

"You are also a hunter, are they more powerful than you?" Frowning frowned, she really felt that it was boring to fight people, she was too nervous, it would be more interesting to fight monsters.

"It's not on the same level." Shuiyue Wushang gave the highest praise to the two people in the venue without any hesitation. He put down a little binoculars, looked at the precariousness and thought for a while before saying, "They are much better." Then he continued to look at the two people in the field, and said seriously: "I also want to cheer, I also To become such a top hunter!"

Two people who are too similar, in a duel, is nothing more than the east wind prevailing over the west wind, or the west wind prevailing over the east wind.

Four minutes passed, both of them were half-hearted, but no one took advantage.

The duel time is only five minutes. If the five minutes are up and the winner has not been determined, the system will default to a tie between the two.

Fleeting Nian has already gotten serious. In fact, after a minute of duel, he has already gotten serious. Watching the video and actually meeting it are absolutely two different things. In the video, Liu Nian only thinks that Young Master You is a female hunter with too many fancy moves, which is absolutely contrary to the low-key operation of one-shot kill that he has always adhered to.

He once thought that such gorgeousness was just good-looking, and if it was put into actual combat, it would be the first court to die. But until today, he had to admit that it was not unreasonable for this female hunter to be called a model hunter.

That's right, her operation is really gorgeous, but it's not that she doesn't apply, but that she is full of murderous intentions... (To be continued,)