Reign of the Hunters

Chapter 93: Hunter's bottleneck


Today is the last day of August. Thank you for your support for fireworks over the past month. It is because of your support that this book has achieved today's results. Thank you, Fireworks, everyone.

. If you still have pink tickets in hand, please support the hunter world, please help Fireworks to keep the second place in the monthly ticket of the new book list~o(n_n)o~

I will strive for the next update to come out in 2 hours~~


There was a thunder on the ground, and the sky was unpredictable.

It was originally a peaceful and peaceful Spring Festival, but it has never been able to spend it safely.

On the morning of the second day of the Lunar New Year, the system of Destiny had just been upgraded, and before Ye Ci and Bai Mo could go online, they received a call at home.

The phone call was from Zuo Xiaolan and Ye Nantian's old classmates. Ye Ci didn't know what he was talking about, but Zuo Xiaolan started to cry even though he knew that he had hung up the phone. Zuo Xiaolan is a strong woman who is optimistic in everything she does. Even if she occasionally sees a Korean stick drama and her face is full of snot and tears, she can turn her face and say to Ye Nantian: "This price has risen, and the buns downstairs are a piece of buns. One more money."

For a woman like this to cry like this, Ye Ci and Bai Mo's hearts twitched. She hurriedly surrounded her and asked questions, but Zuo Xiaolan was only focused on crying, and she cried a little, but she didn't say a word, but Ye Nantian on the side sighed a long sigh and made it clear to the two of them.

Zuo Xiaolan was not very good at school when she was young, so she was often looked down upon by teachers. However, her class teacher was very kind to her, not only did she not look down on her. Also often open a small stove. Zuo Xiaolan's family belonged to a poor mountain village. She was so poor that she could not make up a long cut in her trousers in winter. It was her head teacher who replaced it.

In the end, Zuo Xiaolan was able to graduate and work smoothly thanks to the head teacher. In Zuo Xiaolan's mind, the head teacher Tan old man was her reborn parent, so she must visit the old man every year. In fact, Old Man Tan treats every student the same, so he has a high prestige among the students.

It's a big New Year's Eve. A family originally planned to take a ten-day trip to Europe by plane. Who knows, something went wrong. No one survived on the plane, all the family was gone, and only one grandson who didn't go out because of illness was left at home.

When the old monitor found out, he immediately called to notify the students who could be contacted. Zuo Xiaolan was the first to tell her because she was closest to the city where the old man was, which is why Zuo Xiaolan cried like this.

Zuo Xiaolan couldn't sit still. She stood up and went to pack her things, going to the neighboring city a. No one stopped her this time, and Ye Nantian followed to pack up.

. Ye Ci also wanted to follow, but Bai Mo stopped her.

"Come on. I'll go, you stay at home."

"I'll go. You stay at home." Ye Ci shook his head.

"Take it down. It's New Year's Eve. There are many people everywhere. You go out with a girl, and your uncle has to take care of your aunt and you. Don't make trouble. I'll go with you. If you can't do anything else, you can still exert your physical strength." Bai Mo patted Ye Ci's shoulder: "Besides, it's a big New Year's Eve, and there's no place to open a restaurant. What do you want me to eat at home alone?"

Ye Nantian also interjected what Ye Ci wanted to say: "Little Ci, you can just listen to Bai Mo. You can watch the house at home."

Since both parents expressed their opinions like this, Ye Ci was worried. Just had to agree.

The three of them packed their things casually and went straight to the train station.

Fortunately, city a is close, and the train tickets are really easy to buy. There is almost no delay, and three people get on the train at noon. After seeing the three people away, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon when Ye Ci returned home. She was always uneasy, but fortunately, Bai Mo called and said that everything was going well, and she would be relieved to contact her when she got there. A little, grabbed something to eat, and got into the game.

The game has been updated.

The guild declaration system has been opened, and the enemy system has also been opened. This at least shows two points. First, fate is not afraid of players fighting, and second, fate encourages everyone to fight in groups.

Of course, in addition to these two, the most striking is probably the huge change in the city's pattern. An exchange bank has been erected in unnoticed places in almost every city, along with some newly added special NPCs. Take Red Lake City as an example, right in the middle of the few pavilions that Ye Ci bought, a domed exchange bank was erected. As a result, Red Lake City immediately became lively.

It turns out that the exchange bank in the Eastern Continent is in the Champion City. Players who want to exchange real money for some gold coins can only go to the Champion City. No matter where you are, you have to run there, regardless of the transmission cost. I can't afford to ruin it, but now it's good, every city has an exchange bank, and players no longer have to run all the way to the champion city to exchange.

This move has suddenly increased the number of players in Red Lake City. After all, the nearby maps are rich in products, and there are several dungeon groups. Many guilds have also taken a fancy to such a vision and moved all the guilds to Red Lake. Lake City, that bird-like Red Lake City has become prosperous after this upgrade.


Walking in the crowded Xicheng District, Ye Ci narrowed his eyes and looked at the pavement surrounding the exchange bank, with an indescribable joy in his heart. To put it mildly, she didn't really feel the benefits brought by rebirth until she got these few points.

The guild was much more noisy than usual. The advertisement that Bai Mo put up after the event yesterday caused so many people to join the guild that he was so busy with management and finances that he didn't even have time to talk. Ye Ci told the two of them about the reason why Bai Mo could not be online in the past few days, and apologized for their busyness.

The two of them laughed heartily: "Young Master, what are you talking about! We hope that one day, Tiantianyang can become a big guild that can be beaten by destiny!"

Seeing that they were so busy, he couldn't help himself. Ye Ci felt a little embarrassed, so he brought in Qingyanmo and Milu, and asked them to hurry up and practice the team's cooperation. It was scheduled to start every day in 5 days. Push the progress of the city behind the cold ruins.

The two got the order, and immediately pulled their own team and rushed in towards the cold ruins. The two of them are really good commanders, otherwise they are diligent and very eager to learn. During this period of time, they have actually pulled Tiantian Xiang, a non-brand army, to quickly hone the team into a regular army. Not only that, Ye Ci also listened to Bai Mo yesterday. Said, they even passed the hard version of the cold ruins. This had to make Ye Ci look at them with admiration, these two people really have some skills.

As a listed president, Ye Ci felt that these were the only things he could handle.

She is already level 29, which is a bottleneck for hunters. The first is the confinement of talent points, so that hunters at level 29 to 35 have no particularly useful talents to learn, but this is nothing for Ye Ci. After all, compared with ordinary hunters, her talent points are still more than enough. of.

The second is the confinement of skills. The skill books of hunters at this stage are very bad. In fact, it's not just hunters, all occupations are the same, but the problem of hunters is a bit more serious. The skill books at this stage in the market are very expensive. Fortunately, Ye Ci's current level is much higher than that of ordinary hunters. She occupies a lot of points. The first opportunity allowed her to purchase the basic skill book with a lot of money. But even so, the two skill books that Ye Ci valued very much have never been published.

One is the range group skill "Indiscriminate Shooting" and the other is the "camouflage" that must be used for sneak attacks and monsters.

I wouldn't believe it if none of these books came out with Ye Ci, but there are a lot of smart people in the world. The preciousness of skill books is not only known to the reborn, Ye Ci, but also to the managers of the Great Guild. A little bit, if they had hidden this kind of book long ago, who would take it out

Last but not least, pets

. For a hunter, at least half of his success should be attributed to his pet. And pets in destiny are not so easy to cultivate. If you keep pets cultivated casually, it will not only waste time and money, but in the end, it will make you vomit blood.

Therefore, the place where there are usually sub-elite animal monsters is surrounded by piles of hunters, just to catch a good pet.

The third child is really good, but after all, he is only an elite mobs in the level 10 dungeon. No matter how strong the growth effect is, after reaching level 30, he is still a little powerless, especially when the leaf word list is brushed, it is really a little strange. Ye Ci originally wanted to find a pet trainer in the Eastern Continent. Even if he spent some money, let him evolve it. After all, the "wisdom" in its attributes is very rare. It's a pity that she went to several places where pet trainers often appear and couldn't find this npc. It seems that she can only find it and then upgrade it later.

And the most important thing for her now is to capture a more powerful and practical pet.

There are many choices for hunters' pets, as long as they are wild animals, they can be captured. However, animals such as sheep, cattle, pigs, and rabbits are generally docile domesticated livestock, so no one catches them, while leopards, bears, etc. , wolves, spiders and other beasts are all animals that hunters use as pets.

Ye Ci thought about it for a while. At this level, the best choice is to go to the Long Vine Swamp to catch the 35-level sub-elite mangy crocodile. However, to get to the Long Vine Swamp, you must pass through a ruined temple. There are 40-level one-eyed ogres everywhere. This creature is strong in seeing through pretend death and disguise. Ye Ci is only 29 now. Go There is basically a death sentence, so the crocodile has no hope. The only thing left is the level 35 Tyrannosaurus rex in the humid tropical rainforest, or the level 35 furious lion in the greasy plains.

After hesitating for a while in these two places, Ye Ci decided to go to the humid tropical rainforest to have a look. She seemed to remember reading a post that said there was a werewolf in the humid tropical rainforest, and if she was lucky, she could come across a good mission. Although Ye Ci knew that her hands were very dark, she still decided to try her luck.

After making up her mind, Ye Ci was about to go to the humid tropical rainforest. She walked along the stone road in the west city towards the outside of the city, and when she passed a small alley, she saw two players walking and muttering: "This npc is really weird. , said helping people hatch eggs, how can there be any eggs for her to hatch? Are there eggs in fate?"

"9494, maybe it's another plan to make a joke."

Hatching eggs? Ye Ci's footsteps stopped. (To be continued,)