Reincarnation of a Superstar

Chapter 1: the very first


Du Yunxiu tried his best to move his fingers, but he didn't expect to be able to move them. This surprised him a bit, so he tested his limbs more carefully. The arms could be stretched, there was no major problem, and the legs were felt, so they should not be broken.

He couldn't help but feel a little lucky in misfortune, after all, the car accident at that time was really terrible.

Although it was just a glance, he was sure that the boy driving the car was underage, and the model was an Aston-Martin VANQUISHI, the one driven by 007 James Bond. But he only had time to see these clearly, because in the next second he was knocked over by the racing boy, and his body was thrown high in the air. The severe impact hurt so much that he couldn't even make a sound...

After the surprise of the rest of the life after the catastrophe, it gradually became indifferent.

His life must go on.

Du Yunxiu is in his thirties, and he has done his best in his acting career for more than ten years. But there are some people who are blessed by God, who are able to rise to the top, and can get the appreciation of great directors, the approval of the judges, and the statuettes of various awards are at their fingertips, shining brilliantly, for example, the current actor-Xie Yi.

And some people can't get such a good opportunity.

Like, Du Yunxiu.

Speaking of which, he and Xie Yi entered the training class together and debuted together. Xie Yi was born extremely handsome and handsome. Thick black eyebrows flew into the temples slantingly, the bridge of the nose was straight and straight, and the lips were as thin as a knife. A pair of obsidian-like eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling, with a hint of evil sex appeal, which fascinated people. Just simply standing there, there is a lazy and powerful aura that no one can ignore.

Such a handsome appearance is naturally unique, and he played the leading role in his first appearance.

And Du Yunxiu, who looks a little ordinary, is playing tricks.

Ten years have passed, and Xie Yi has become an actor-level figure. He has countless fans and won numerous awards. Various brand-name merchants are very fond of him, and they are vying for him to be their spokesperson.

The two have occasionally collaborated on a film.

Xie Yi had eight assistants, bodyguards, and stylists with him when he entered the film crew. Outside the film crew was a specially equipped multimillion-dollar luxury car. At that time, Du Yunxiu could only be regarded as a familiar second-tier in front of the screen. , Even the dressing room is still shared with other actors.

The difference between heaven and earth cannot be measured.

In fact, it has been ups and downs in this entertainment industry for more than ten years.

Although Du Yunxiu was not as lucky as Xie Yi, he worked steadily and accumulated a lot of experience. It's not that he didn't hit the big time. Three years ago, he was also nominated for the Kimber Award. That year was probably his luckiest time. Although he was a cutting-edge director, the content and quality of the films he produced were still very connotative and high-quality. He didn't meet any strong opponents in the summer film. The box office was good and the reputation was good.

The director and producer reported his name to the Kimber Awards.

He was flattered and even a little bit in disbelief for the next few days. The more you look forward to and the more cautious you are, the more you will worry about gains and losses. After filming so many and such a long time, he kept pondering, thinking and summarizing, and settled down to hone his acting skills. How could you not want to be approved by the judges

That kind of slightly sad feeling of happiness made Du Yunxiu feel that the patience, neglect and persistence of being ridiculed by the big names were all worthwhile.

really worth it.

The moment the award presenter opened the envelope containing the list of winners, his palms were sweating and his eyes were staring straight, but... he didn't hear his name.

Without his name.

After so many years of hard work, he finally got a meager chance, but the reality immediately shattered his extravagant hope.

He tried his best to hide his emotions, and he didn't even know how he survived the long hour until the end of the awards. Du Yunxiu left the arena and walked out with everyone, and went to the bathroom on the way.

Someone was laughing and chatting in front of the sink: "Du Yunxiu? His acting skills are very good, and he is indeed the best this time. But...he is gay! Gay can be the actor, don't be ridiculous!"

The other person smiled in cooperation.

The one he was familiar with now has a subtle mocking laugh.

Du Yunxiu stayed in the bathroom cubicle, standing for a long time, his body was numb from stiffness, but he still felt uncomfortable and embarrassed. Having acted for so many years, I can still make myself look less embarrassed at the award ceremony in front of a large crowd just now.

But now, in this small, alone cubicle.

But he couldn't hide it anymore.

Those who were denied, ridiculed, cheap efforts. Just like his humble self-esteem and sexuality, it turned out that the judges had already spread it out and stepped on the ground. Be the laughing stock of other people's gossip...

Du Yunxiu was a little strange.

Why do those chaotic past events come like a lonely tide in the night at this moment. He took some effort to stand up from the ground, the room was very dark, and it took a few seconds for his eyes to adapt to the dim state.

Is it dark? !

But he could clearly see the vague outlines of the furniture. furniture? Du Yunxiu immediately became a little apprehensive, and stretched out his hand to grope on the wall. Just like many times, people always feel that some scenes are unexpectedly familiar, as if they have seen them a long time ago.

This is how Du Yunxiu feels now.

Although he was also wondering why he wasn't in the hospital or the scene of the car accident, but in this... dim room? But his hand subconsciously groped for the door, and then... pressed the switch.

light is on.

It's a small apartment, decorated elegantly and stylishly. The ceramic lacquer floor has a warm brown luster. In the center of the living room is a long small coffee table with a matte gold border, and a set of Gongfu tea tea sets are placed on a small square tray made of bamboo. Opposite the coffee table is a three-seater white leather sofa with a simple and elegant shape, with a generously designed backrest and cushions in white and leopard fur, which is low-key and elegant.

Could it be that someone saved him and brought him here

The moment he thought of this, Du Yunxiu saw the mirror on the other wall of the living room—a young and handsome strange youth was looking at him.

The opponent is tall and tall, with a tall and straight figure.

The pure white simple shirt set off his temperament just right, elegant and detached, like a thousand mountains and lonely snow.

A pair of eyes are very beautiful, the lines are clear and smooth, elegant as if drawn by oriental ink painting, rendered layer by layer, and the charm is to the extreme. The other party narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyelashes were long and thick, and a light shadow was lightly swept under the eyelids.

There is an indescribable feeling in the eyes.

There is doubt in the strangeness, it seems friendly, but it is not easy to get close.

Du Yunxiu was startled, and the young man on the opposite side also looked shocked. He took a step back, and the man also backed away inconceivably at the same time...

That person - is myself!

In fact, at the first glance, Du Yunxiu understood a little bit, but intellectually he couldn't believe it and couldn't accept it! After he checked the house carefully, the phone indicated that three full hours had passed...

Only then did Du Yunxiu really begin to accept this fact.

It is true that I did not escape the car accident, he did not die, but his life continued in the body of another person, that is, the owner of this apartment: Mu Ziche, 22 years old, a senior student in the School of Business Administration of T University, currently Internship. There are no contacts in the phone book of the mobile phone, and it seems that the friendship situation is blank, let alone the information of the parents.


Du Yunxiu looked around the small apartment. Although it couldn't be compared with the one in front of him, it was a bit luxurious for a 22-year-old student who hadn't graduated yet...

What kind of family background does Mu Ziche have? Are your parents around? Do you have any friends

What should he do now, and what should he do in the future? Continue to practice for the other party? But he doesn't understand finance. I'm really like this... instead of him...

Du Yunxiu stroked his forehead, feeling confused about the past and future of this body.

He threw himself on the sofa in a little confusion, and turned on the TV. Now that everyone is entertaining, entertainment news is the most broadcast on TV. It is relaxed and simple. As long as there is breaking news, there is no need to worry about the ratings. On the screen, a stylishly dressed hostess is smiling and pointing to a drawing board covered with portraits of characters, which is a simple relationship map.

"Actor Xie Yi has a new scandal. This time, the object of the scandal is the Korean female star Yin Xinzhu who is co-starring in the movie. Compared with the previous scandal objects, we see..."

The hostess wentssip about the relationship between some female stars, female singers and Xie Yi, and then the camera inserts a photo of Xie Yi. Xie Yi in the photo is handsome and unrestrained, with thick black eyebrows and obsidian-like eyes revealing a faint irresistible evil spirit, as if one more glance would make his soul go away.

The hostess finally concluded with a nympho tone: "But the actor Xie Yi did not admit it. Maybe this is just a way of promoting the movie."

Du Yunxiu watched TV, his beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and his long eyelashes were covered like a fan, covering his somewhat indifferent eyes.


Xie Yi.

Du Yunxiu was caught in those past events.

Slowly, rhythmically, his slender fingers tapped on his knee. Those divisions and harmony, those intrigues, those ups and downs, those heart-wrenching...

He pondered for a long time before casually looking at himself in the mirror.

The handsome strange young man in the mirror also raised his head. His brows have a unique temperament mixed with elegance and indifference. This indifferent and noble style even has a thrilling power... Maybe he can't compete with the actor Xie Yi capital!

Maybe... I should go back to my old ways.

Du Yunxiu nodded slightly to his more handsome and younger self in the mirror.

In the next few days, Du Yunxiu took a few half-length photos and life photos, and delivered his resume to Dongxing Entertainment.

East Star Entertainment, East Star Entertainment, referred to as ESE, is the company where actor Xie Yi works. It has a good international background, strong strength and broad media channels. As long as it is someone it wants to make popular, it will basically open up a world in the entertainment industry. The other party also tried to poach Du Yunxiu after he was nominated for the Golden Cypress Award, but there were too many right and wrong back then, so he still refused in the end...

Now, with another identity, Du Yunxiu wanted to try again.

I want to see what this young, handsome and elegant body can do if I choose a different path. Could it be that you still get nothing in career and love

The pride I had when I was young.

The dream of wanting to become famous in the entertainment industry and become famous all over the world seems to be gradually revived in this trance.

Du Yunxiu had really good luck this time.

Although there are more and more teenagers dreaming of stardom and the competition is getting fiercer, he received a call from Dongxing Entertainment within three days, informing him to go for an interview next week. The other party stated that if he passed the interview, he would only be a reserve trainee, and he would only be able to make his debut when the time was right.

In this case, the simulation is two-way.

What is the time is right? What is the standard when the time is right? If you are not mature, you will never be able to debut.

But Du Yunxiu was still very happy, and felt that he had faintly seen the dawn.

On the day of the interview, Du Yunxiu chose a British college-style black sweater with an elegant gray silk shirt inside. The calm black of the British style, matched with the silky gray hippie, looks fashionable but not frivolous, and there is a taste of yuppie and celebrities in the elegance.

Such a set of clothes complemented Du Yun's slim waist, slender legs, fair skin, and perfectly displayed his elegant nobility and charm. Even those Kimber award fashion critics who are notoriously tongue-in-cheek give high marks.

Du Yunxiu actually didn't have such taste.

Although the income in the past was enough for him to buy some luxury goods, he was not a master of matching, let alone a keen sense of fashion trends. On important occasions, if it wasn't for the stylist or Lin Xuan to help give pointers, or...that person chooses for him, then his clothes can only be judged as mediocre or failure.

That person once raised the corners of his mouth, pointing his slender fingers unceremoniously on his forehead, look at you, what eyes...

At that time he just smiled.

Without realizing it, the other party had already started to dislike his taste, everything about him.

His eyesight is not good. If he had foresight, how could he be so determined at the beginning. Do you believe every word the other party says? It's like a stubborn donkey, Radu can't bend it.

But not anymore.

The closet is already full of clothes, almost all of which are famous brands, and some are tailor-made. Not only do they fit well, but they also show the elegant temperament of the young people in the dressing mirror to the fullest.

He is no longer the Du Yunxiu of the past.

Dongxing Entertainment Company is located in the most luxurious location in the city center.

The building hundreds of meters high towers into the sky, and countless pieces of black glass are neatly inlaid on the outermost layer, as if the clear crystals reflect the boundless blue sky. The first floor is nearly 1,000 square meters, with eighteen noble and luxurious marble columns carved with medieval European patterns. The whole building is gorgeous and dignified, just like the big stars coming and going here, people can't help but feel a feeling of admiration and awe.

Du Yunxiu took the elevator to the 18th floor of Dongxing.

The handsome men and women outside the interview hall lined up in a long line, and at a glance, they all looked good. The interview assistants seemed to be familiar with it, and the business office sent them the form, asking to fill in the personal information again.

No wonder.

The most indispensable thing in this society now is handsome men and beautiful women. Those with average appearance can only be beautiful with makeup. No matter how bad they are, they can also undergo plastic surgery. No matter how ordinary a face is, it can become bright and charming. And those who can dream of being a star are basically quite confident in their appearance.

Du Yunxiu only now realizes that this is no longer the era when he stepped into the showbiz. More than ten years ago, more emphasis was placed on talent and diligence.

Although there were a large number of people, the interview process was unexpectedly fast.

Many people came out dejected within a minute after entering, and some weak girls had red eyes and tears streaming down their cheeks. One can imagine the cruelty of the interview.

Du Yunxiu couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Perhaps, the morals of the world have really changed, and it is different from the past. Can he still adapt to the current rules and enter the entertainment industry again? Just as he was thinking about it, the interview assistant had already come to call his number. Du Yunxiu remembered that this was his number, so he quickly tidied up his clothes and followed the assistant into the interview hall.

It is said to be an interview room, but it is actually very empty.

There is nothing in the huge office, except for a single chair in the middle of the room. In the row near the window is a long desk made of mahogany.

However, the main seat of the desk is empty.

There were only two examiners sitting on the left and right sides. It could be seen that there should have been three interviewers, but only two came today.

Standing in such a large room, and being looked at by the interviewer behind the desk with extremely critical eyes, inexperienced people will feel very uncomfortable, and some hands and feet do not know how to place them. His expressions were all stiff. However, the two interviewers found that the interviewer who just came in had an elegant and decent manner, and there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth, as gentle as a lake in spring.

The interviewee's hair is extremely shiny, and the jaw line is perfect.

The eyelashes half covered his eyes, and the faintly visible pupils were as clear and elegant as glass. The longer I look at it, the more amazed I am that the eyes dotted with ink have a strong attraction, like a magnet with magical power, making people reluctant to look away...

— This person's eyes have "play"!

The two interviewers looked at each other, and this thought flashed through their hearts at the same time.

They have been immersed in the entertainment industry for many years, and they have seen many beautiful and beautiful artists. Even if some of them are amazing at first sight, they can return to normal afterward, but the whole person in front of them is not the most handsome interview they have ever seen. Or, however, his eyes have a smell!

There's an indescribable, mesmerizing...even obsessive pull!

The interviewer settled down, picked up the data sheet in front of him and read it again.

Name: Mu Ziche

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 70kg

Specialties: Acting

The two interviewers couldn't help chuckling.

Among the interviewees, 80 out of 100 are good at acting, and the remaining 20 are acting and singing. Among the many interviewees who are like crossing the river, how many can really be good at it? Does it have something to do with the words "acting and playing"

Nothing more than empty shelves of vases.

Under such preconceived impressions, the original interested eyes of the interviewers faded, and returned to a harsh and superior attitude. The person sitting on the left pointed at the snow-white data sheet with his finger, and asked a little casually: "Are you good at acting?"

There are only four words in a question, even the subject is omitted, and the tone is subtle.

Du Yunxiu took his time and nodded politely.

He is used to this kind of attitude and tone. Although he was not the leading role in the past, he was also a role with a lot of weight and great skill. The opportunities were all won by Du Yunxiu's own strength.

The proud, eccentric director and producer have basically come into contact with him. In terms of rich audition experience, no one in the entire showbiz can match him. So this small appearance in front of me is really nothing.

"In this case, you can act in any one." The one on the right smiled, looking like he was enjoying the show.

Du Yunxiu looked around, stood up suddenly, and pulled the chair aside. His movements were still graceful, but the two interviewers were a little surprised—they had seen interviewers who stood up and performed, but they hadn't seen people who would pull their chairs to the corner.

It seems that this chair blocks the stage of the whole person in front of him.


"Last night, I had a very strange dream. In the dream, I saw myself as a Greek in Roman times..."

A gleam of surprise flashed across the interviewer's eyes.

The interviewees who come to perform generally choose plot sketches, that is, in a specific environment, to show their ability to control emotional transformation, but Du Yunxiu—he performed "Equus"!

"Equus", which means "horse" in Latin, is a classic work created by the famous British playwright Peter Shaffer. It premiered in London, and immediately became famous and shocking. It is still the most successful play on Broadway and the best play of the Tony Award. Precisely because it is a masterpiece of drama, it requires extremely delicate psychological drama and excellent stage art comprehension skills, otherwise it is self-defeating and extremely ridiculous.

What Du Yunxiu performed was the scene where Alan, the protagonist of "Equus", told the doctor that he was with the horse.

The most classic scene.

"In a dream I saw myself as a high priest in Greece in Roman times. I had a strange-looking mask on my face, just like the so-called mask of Agavannon that Marcinius found..."

Du Yunxiu only spoke in a calm tone, but his voice had a strange bewitching and appealing power.

The interviewer seems to have seen the fanaticism of this heretical boy towards horses, worshiping horses as gods...

Their eyes stared at Du Yunxiu without moving. He stroked the horse's neck, body, and neck with the horse. There was an inexplicable frenzy between his eyebrows and eyes. This kind of frenzy was just like his unique dialogues that were obviously twisted but full of charm, in terms of voice, movement, and expression. , the breath emanating from all aspects, like a gentle but domineering tornado, formed an irresistible vortex and sucked the judges into this famous drama.

At the final climax of the performance, Du Yunxiu began to take off his clothes one by one, completing the most shocking scene in "Equns"!

They stared at Du Yunxiu, at Du Yunxiu's fingertips.

The outer black sweater was unbuttoned, taken off, and thrown aside, and the silky shirt inside was also unbuttoned... This boy, who has a passion for horses, rides a gallop naked at night, Vent boy! The interviewer, who originally reviewed and judged with a picky attitude, was completely addicted to the performance, and his emotions were aroused and his heart was surging! Until... The fingertips slowly slipped off the second button.

The other party looked at them with a smile in their eyes.

So everything is like a movie that has reached its climax and the most critical moment when someone suddenly presses the pause button! So much so that the audience couldn't recover, they didn't notice it at all, and they couldn't believe it-the show stopped!

It seemed to be stunned for a few minutes, and it seemed as long as centuries.

Only then did the two interviewers wake up slowly and slowly from the lingering performance... It turned out that the performance was really over. If the drama ends completely, it should come to an end at this time, then turn off the lights, chase the lights, the whole play ends, the actors call their curtains, the audience applauds thunderously, and screams in surprise and admiration!

But Du Yunxiu's ability to retract and release freely is too perfect.

He easily let the interviewer into the scene, but when they were completely immersed in it, he stopped because of the nudity consideration...

The interviewer should evaluate Du Yunxiu's performance at this time, but their hearts felt like being scratched by a cat's paw, itching and unbearable, but they knew rationally that the other party would not continue to perform, so this deep-seated Among them, the emotions that could not be relieved turned into love and hatred towards Du Yunxiu!

Du Yunxiu completed the performance, but left them in the world of Equus...

"Papa papa" There were a few scattered lazy applause in the interview room.

The two interviewers followed the voice, and then stood up in surprise: "Feng, Mr. Feng?" They were so engrossed in watching Du Yunxiu's performance that they didn't even notice Feng Jing's arrival.

The man known as Mr. Feng has a feminine appearance. He is wearing a VERSACE fine-grained double-breasted casual suit with an open chest and deep V-neck wine red shirt. The collarbone is clear and delicate, and the smooth and flexible waistline is just right.

His hair is long, down to his waist.

A pair of slender eyes, the pupils are like a pool of sparkling lake water, hiding the true emotions very deeply. There is a little tear mole under the corner of the right eye, revealing a kind of enchanting charm. Such feminine and gorgeous facial features do not appear feminine. Although it looks flirtatious and sexy, there is a faint fierceness in this flirtatiousness, which cannot be underestimated.

Du Yunxiu recognized this man, his name was Feng Jing, he was the director of ESE.

When he was young, the conditions were excellent, and he caused a sensation when he first entered the show business circle. Many people predicted that he would be Xie Yi's rival.

One is wild and evil, the other is feminine and charming.

Two different appearances and temperaments, but the popularity is equally astonishing, and it is difficult for others to hold a candle to it. But within a year, Feng Jing quit the screen and went behind the scenes to work as a manager and participate in ESE administrative matters.

Such a decision made the media stunned and questioned his ability for a while, but Feng Jing gradually proved his skills. The artists and groups he led had good results. In just ten years, he was promoted from manager to senior manager, then general manager of publicity, and finally sat on the position of ESE director and owned shares in ESE!

These are things on the bright side, and ordinary people can find out.

Du Yunxiu has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years. Although his behavior is low-key and he rarely asks for rumors, there are still some things that can be seen. For example, the relationship between Feng Jing and the current chairman of ESE, Li Rui, is ambiguous. When Li Rui was fighting for the power of ESE with his elder brother Li Chen, Feng Jing even bet his entire family and helped Li Rui win the position of chairman!

For this reason, Li Chen hated Feng Jing extremely.

He once sent journalists and gunmen to verbally criticize and criticize him, wantonly fabricating scandals about Fengjing, homosexuality, promiscuity, drug use... the viciousness is extremely vicious.

But if you really want to say that these two people have any relationship, they don't look much alike.

Li Rui is already engaged to the daughter of the Qin Group, and Feng Jing's private life is indeed chaotic, and he doesn't know anything about some artists... It's just that the show business circle is very deep, and Du Yunxiu doesn't like people who inquire about other people's private affairs, so he only knows a rough idea .

Feng Jing glanced at the two interviewers indifferently, then turned his head and focused on Du Yunxiu.

The corners of his lips gradually curled up, and step by step, he casually walked up to Du Yunxiu, and gently stroked the second button of the other's gray silk shirt with his slender fingers. His fingers are very soft, with slender joints, making people feel weak and boneless, but they are so thin that the bones can be seen clearly, but after being so thin to the extreme, they have a sexy and seductive taste.

"This is your bottom line? It's clearly a nude scene, but you can only go up to the second button?"

Feng Jing raised his eyebrows, his voice was slow and hoarse, like flowing honey-colored fine sand with shimmering light.

He raised his chin slightly, looked at Du Yunxiu with his slender eyes, and looked like a smile but not a smile. Such an expression was coquettish and innocent, but this innocence did not reach his eyes...

Even a newcomer who doesn't know anything about the entertainment industry, seeing the other party's posture, knows that Feng Jing has a lot of background and needs to be treated with more caution, but the question he asked is tricky and weird, and it is really difficult for inexperienced people. Stand up to it and handle it well.

But Du Yunxiu wanted to laugh a little.

In his previous life, he and Feng Jing could only be regarded as casual acquaintances. The show business circle is big or small, and there are only a few people who are famous and famous. The two of them have met before, and it is not rude to nod That's fine.

Then the guy he liked went to ESE.

For a while, Feng Jing got very close to that person, and seemed to gradually know about him. After Feng Jing got drunk, he broke into his apartment and slurred some nonsense.

His blood rushed straight to his forehead.

On the one hand, he didn't expect that person to tell Feng Jing about his relationship with him, and on the other hand, he didn't expect Feng Jing to speak so frivolously, with a completely unscrupulous look. Du Yunxiu was so angry that he dragged Feng Jing into the bathtub, turned on the cold water, and sprayed the other person's face with the shower. In the end, Feng Jing was dazed by him, trembling, thinking that the fierce and flamboyant posture gave birth to a kind of pitifulness like a small animal.

He couldn't bear it, took a soft bath towel and wiped Feng Jing's head.

The other party felt warm and squeezed into his arms. As soon as Du Yunxiu reprimanded him, Feng Jing's eyes were misty and showed an innocent and aggrieved expression. In the end, what he said, Feng Jing obediently did what he did, really honest. Although on the second day, Feng Jing returned to his original nature, arrogant and vicious, even slightly mocked him before leaving...

Thinking of these past events now, I really feel like I am separated from the clouds, vicissitudes and nostalgia.

Seeing that the other party hadn't answered for such a long time, Feng Jing still had an inexplicable smile on his face, his expression changed, and his eyes looked a little dark and unpredictable.

"A stage actor doesn't realize until his first film that his training is far from complete. This is the most difficult form of acting, and no one can make his first film until he has successfully passed it. He once called himself an actor." Feng Jing narrowed his slender eyes slightly, and he curled up his thin and soft lips, "Do you know who said that?"

Seems to be just the problem.

In fact, it is implying that no matter how good Du Yunxiu's dramatic performance is, he may not be able to become a successful actor.

Because the shooting of dramas and movies and TV series is completely different.

Theatrical performance requires actors to have good and lasting control ability, no matter how many lines and how many positions there are in a scene, they must remember clearly. Once something goes wrong, the entire play will be greatly affected. However, the shooting of movies and TV series is short-lived and non-continuous, requiring actors to be able to adjust their emotions in time and quickly enter the state. As for the last lines such as lines, they can be processed in the later stage.

The two do have similarities, but an excellent drama actor may not be able to become a first-line movie actor.

This kind of question is academic and professional, and the impetuous young people nowadays have probably never even heard of it, let alone who said it. Feng Jing squinted at the person in front of him, and was about to give a flamboyant smile, but at this moment, Du Yunxiu replied calmly but accurately.

"Marlon? Brando."

"—This sentence was said by Marlon Brando, a famous American stage and screen amphibious actor."

It wasn't until Du Yunxiu walked out of the interview hall that the previous two interviewers commented in a low voice: "This newcomer... seems to be very difficult." They looked at Feng Jing's expression from the corners of their eyes, and saw that the other party only curled his lips in a half-smile , without showing any displeasure, he continued, "I didn't expect him to perform that scene for fifteen minutes, and I didn't even notice."

"One person's monologue can be performed for such a long time, and people can't take their eyes off at all. Whether it's body language or line skills, even those who have been in the entertainment industry for four or five years may not be able to catch up with such skills .”

"Is he specialized in acting? Or did he have this kind of influence at home, and his parents are theater actors?"

"This... the family members didn't write it... and he didn't specialize in acting. He is from T University, or the School of Business Administration..."

The two interviewers glanced at each other and couldn't help but look at each other.

Du Yunxiu was waiting for news at home.

It's not that he lacks confidence in that interview, but in this world now, confidence and strength are not enough. The situation under the stage is far more complicated and dark than the one on the stage.

He has no connections, and the little connections and friendships he had in the past can't be used.

Du Yunxiu looked at his face in the mirror. This face is undoubtedly elegant and handsome, with a pair of eyes with a strong oriental charm, and the lines from the corners of the eyes to the ends of the eyes are particularly smooth and elegant, like the elegance and aftertaste of ink and wash after the rain in the south of the Yangtze River, with a heart-pounding melancholy and indifferent.

Just, so, strange.

Du Yunxiu smiled wryly.

The news of his own death in a car accident was found on the website. An entertainment section of Nuo University, the main title is the competition for the main awards of this year's Kimber Awards. Xiao Xing is listed together with another title about female star gaining weight.

Not many people pay attention.

The following comments are not even as many as the actress' fans defending the idol and scolding the editor.

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