Reincarnation of a Superstar

Chapter 11: After all, it can't reach people's hearts


Hollywood, auditions for foreign directors, what does it mean

No matter how prosperous the star is in China, he will not miss this opportunity! Because the distance from a popular star to an international superstar is only a change in name, but it brings about a qualitative change, no matter in terms of status, social status, or audience!

In his previous life, Du Yunxiu was only nominated for the Best Actor in the Golden Park Awards.

This kind of foreign director's audition is not something that his agency can arrange, he never dared to think about it, but now, after getting this news from Feng Jing, he feels overjoyed! It's almost the surprise feeling of being hit by happiness!

Du Yunxiu was smiling throughout the celebration banquet.

No matter what other people said or congratulated, Du Yunxiu kept nodding with a smile. This kind of happy expression also attracted other media and staff members. Not bad.

Only Fu Zihan, although he didn't put on an unhappy look on his face, his reaction to Du Yunxiu was a little cold: "That one sentence from the scene made you so happy? It's still an audition for a foreign director, congratulations." what."

Fu Zihan was just congratulating politely without much sincerity, but Du Yunxiu, who was in joy, did not notice any change in the other party's attitude.

"That Lin Xuan? Isn't the other party an international actress? It's so kind to you."

"We only met once at the party that day." Although I used to know Lin Xuan very well, but now I can't tell the truth.

"Hehe, Lin Xuan is indeed a great beauty, even if you want to chase her, it's fine." Fu Zihan teased with a half-smile. Just when Du Yunxiu was about to smile and shake his head and say it was impossible, Fu Zihan added: "However, my friend knows her and heard that she is very scheming. Now she is dating a rich man from abroad... Of course, a woman It is impossible to climb to this position without hard work and hard work.”

Du Yunxiu's face turned cold, and he blurted out: "Whether she has scheming, whether she has paid, it is not your turn to judge here."

Because Du Yunxiu didn't hesitate, even his tone was a bit unabashedly cold.

Fu Zihan was stunned for a moment.

These words were poured on his face like a basin of water without hesitation, without leaving any room for him, without giving him any face, how could he, Fu Zihan, have encountered such embarrassment!

Fu Zihan narrowed his eyes, and there was a flash of sharpness.

His gentlemanly demeanor is nothing more than a layer of gold plated abroad, and the temperament inherited from the old man of the underworld in his bones has never dissipated!

He watched Du Yunxiu for a full second or two before he suppressed the anger in his heart, turned around and left.

After Du Yunxiu said this, he suddenly felt abrupt.

Especially when he saw Fu Zihan's drastic change in expression, he felt very guilty. In this guilt, there was also a faint sense of fear. It seemed that he had never seen such a strange side of Fu Zihan.

The other party is the Crown Prince of Crown Glory, with a prominent background, confident and decent, with the vitality and drive of a young man, as well as a unique but not offensive publicity and arrogance. Fu Zihan never deliberately put on airs, so he is very popular in the entertainment industry, and his evaluation is very good. Many artists are proud to have spoken to Fu Zihan.

It was rare that the other party got closer to him, and even his savior, who had just rescued him not long ago, he spoke to the other party in such a tone, no matter how you looked at it, it was too inappropriate...

But Fu Zihan was talking about Lin Xuan.

There is an unwritten rule among men, maybe talking about other men behind their backs is not open and aboveboard, but women are different, especially women in the entertainment circle, everyone knows how dirty this circle is.

But Lin Xuan is different.

If Fu Zihan was his friend, he shouldn't have commented on Lin Xuan like this.

Either in front of his face or behind his back.

Looking at the back of Fu Zihan leaving, Du Yunxiu had a faint feeling in his heart that it really was so.

Maybe it's better this way.

Du Yunxiu smiled wryly, raised his glass and took a sip of wine. The wine flowed into the mouth, without the fragrance and sweetness of the past, but a bit bitter. He and the other party were not on the same equal scale from the very beginning. The other party's identity and background, the halo above his head, is rare to pick one out of ten thousand miles, and he, an idol star like him, has a lot of entertainment circles, and his own status is unequal...

Since that time, Fu Zihan never took the initiative to speak to Du Yunxiu again.

It's not that Du Yunxiu never thought about finding an opportunity to communicate with Fu Zihan, but the matter about Lin Xuan was not a matter of apologizing. When I met Fu Zihan, every time the words came to my lips, but when I saw that the other party was talking to other staff members with high brows, and it seemed that he didn't want to relax at all, Du Yunxiu gave up.

Fu Zihan is precious.

Du Yunxiu thought to himself, since he has already offended the other party, why should he explain more, maybe no matter how much he explains, the other party will only look down on you even more, thinking that you are flattering him. With the status of the other party, it's nothing without him.

Although his heart was full of slight regret, Du Yunxiu did not forget to prepare for the audition of French director Luc Rohmer.

Generally, when foreign directors come to China to select actors, they either need an oriental face as a supporting role, or they are interested in oriental martial arts and want to use this element. Luc Rohmer is no exception.

This "Royal Adventure" is an action blockbuster. The revived ghosts and gods, the treasures that were inadvertently seized, the mysterious guardians of the East... The hero and heroine naturally reaped romantic love during the adventure. Du Yunxiu auditioned for the role of the silent and introverted guardian of the East, who is superb in Chinese Kung Fu, and a three-meter black long whip makes him very beautiful.

There was such a scene when Du Yunxiu flicked his wrist, and a black and sharp whip burst out of the air, leaping into the air like a spirit snake, wrapping around the slender waist of the heroine who had fallen from a high altitude, and then turned back a few times. Accepted, the heroine was brought into Du Yunxiu's arms.

Du Yunxiu embraced the heroine in the form of a princess hug.

A pair of dark eyes with the charm of oriental ink painting looked at the emerald green pupils of the heroine—an exotic encounter.

Although it has not been accomplished, it does not lack oriental feelings, and this is also the oriental element that the French director wanted to add to this action film, which fully conforms to the western reverie of the oriental mysterious style.

Even if there will be action guidance and special effects production in the future, Du Yunxiu decided to step up preparations these days, even if it is an empty shelf, at least he must be presentable. He specially found an expert martial arts coach and taught him a few tricks of using the whip. After all, these can't be practiced overnight. Although after special training, the posture gradually developed, but the whip is not easy to control. Sometimes the method is wrong. Instead, it slammed on Du Yunxiu's body fiercely, and there was a deep red welt!

On the day of the interview, Lin Xuan was also present.

Du Yunxiu didn't know how Lin Xuan had been doing these past few years, but it seemed that he had a good relationship with Luc, chatting leisurely in French, seeing Du Yunxiu coming in, Lin Xuan smiled slightly.

Such a smile calmed Du Yunxiu's heart instantly, and the nervousness of auditioning in front of a foreign director for the first time disappeared.

Auditions abroad are no different from auditions at home.

It's just that the arrangement of the staff is more rigorous, and the lighting, cameras, and mechanical equipment are all very high-end. Even though Du Yunxiu has shot many high-end films in China, he has to sigh, perhaps because of the relationship between funds or technology, there is really a shortage of high-end photography equipment abroad.

Du Yunxiu was first brought in by a stylist for styling.

In order to highlight the mystery of the oriental people, the stylist specially made his skin more yellow, wearing a black hair cover, the hair on it is long in the middle, braided into thin braids, and there are some small copper coins, small beads and the like on it , most of the clothes on his body are made of hemp, which looks very rough.

Du Yunxiu himself doesn't have a body like Xie Yi or Chu Feng, so he can't support this kind of clothes, and he doesn't look as sharp and mighty as a goshawk, but when he takes the makeup photos, Du Yunxiu's temperament is revealed— s eyes.

Under the long and thick eyelashes, the oriental, unique black eyes are as solemn and restrained as graphite, flashing with a calm and wise light.

Du Yunxiu didn't say much throughout the set.

Although besides his assistant, Feng Jing specially asked ESE to provide him with a small French translator, Du Yunxiu just nodded, and then fell silent without saying a word.

Such a vaguely mysterious temperament is exactly what the French director wants!

After the audition, the results were really good, and Lin Xuan and Luc had another hearty chat. Du Yunxiu found it very strange. He didn't understand English in his previous life, but he didn't know that kind of authentic English, and he didn't know French at all. But now, he seemed to understand what Lin Xuan and Luc were talking about in French.

"Thank you, Isabella, for recommending such a great actor! His temperament is very special, with a strong oriental charm, I like it very much!"

"Of course, for you, Luc, I will never recommend someone who is not suitable for you. Derek is also very popular in China, and he has also won the Jinbai Award, the annual award here, the Best Newcomer Award .”

"Oh, really? Then if this movie is released here, can he bring me more box office? Haha."

"Of course. Don't underestimate the film market in Asia."

This hazy feeling.

From time to time, I could understand what Lin Xuan and Luc were talking about in French. Sometimes it seems that there is a man with blue eyes who is as charming as the sea, using the softest tone, teaching his little self one French word after another with elegant pronunciation...

No, that's not me... no one ever taught me French words...

That is…

Du Yunxiu had a splitting headache and almost felt dizzy.

"Yunxiu, Yunxiu, are you alright?" Lin Xuan's voice suddenly came from next to her ear, as if she was suddenly awakened from a dream and returned to reality from illusion.

Du Yunxiu took a closer look.

Lin Xuan was looking at him worriedly, and next to him was the director whose conversation had stopped abruptly, also looking at him suspiciously.

"I'm fine. I just..." Du Yunxiu forced a smile back.

"Derek is just figuring out the role." Lin Xuan smiled gracefully at Luc, "You must use Derek!"

"I will never break my promise to such a beautiful oriental lady." Luc raised Lin Xuan's wrist, and kissed the back of her hand lightly and romantically...

However, a few days passed.

Du Yunxiu didn't wait for Luc's official notification, but instead heard Li Xiao chatting with a sweet little girl who just signed a contract in ESE.

"It's not that I didn't look for you! It's just that I've been really busy these days. I just had dinner with that French director Luc yesterday at noon."

"Luc? Luc Rohmer? That great French director?" The little girl let out a big "Wow", her eyes full of envy and admiration.

"Yeah, that's him." Li Xiao shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "Brother insisted on letting me play a role in it, saying that he was the guardian of the East. I've read that script, and it was written very stupidly, but it is said that this The film will enter Hollywood, and at that time will also strive for a simultaneous global premiere... "

At the same time, Feng Jing, who heard the news from Lin Xuan, couldn't help being stunned, hesitated for a while, and then slowly walked towards Li Rui's chairman's office.

Feng Jing's pace was not so sure for the first time...

Feng Jing has always been flamboyant.

As soon as he debuted when he was young, his popularity was close to that of Xie Yi, who was very popular at that time. Even after he switched to behind-the-scenes, the artists and groups he brought out were all famous for a while, and they have developed well so far. Compared with Li Rui's calm and controlling personality, Feng Jing is more adventurous and willing to keep trying and challenging.

Life is sometimes like a game of chess.

What Li Rui likes is to sit in the back of the battle, strategize and command thousands of troops, but he is not injured at all, while Feng Jing is more inclined to charge forward and sweep thousands of troops, even if there are countless wounds.

But Feng Jing understood that no matter what he did, what he had secretly given, everything he had, everything that supported him, was all because of Li Rui. Because Li Rui ruled from the back, he was able to fight in the front without any scruples.

However, it seems to be different now...

When did it start? Is it because the Jinbai Award for Best Newcomer is at odds with Li Rui? It was Li Rui who got engaged to the daughter of Qin Shi Group in order to ensure that the position of chairman of ESE would not be taken away by others...

The ESE office building is several hundred meters high.

Solemn, luxurious, majestic, straight into the sky, just like the kings and queens promoted by ESE, overlooking all living beings, accepting all admiration and admiration, other buildings around cannot compare!

Feng Jing glanced out as he passed the aisle.

The sky outside is still blue, but it is always under the control of that side of the window, whether it is willing or reluctant to give up, maybe it is meaningless...

A long time, after all, can't resist the corrosion of people's hearts.

All the original intentions, in the end, how many people can remember clearly...

"I heard that you contacted Luc and asked Li Xiao to act in this film." Feng Jing got straight to the point as soon as he entered the office.

Li Rui didn't answer immediately, but skillfully signed his name on the contract with a steady posture, and then inserted the precious limited edition Montblanc pen into the crystal pen holder, then raised his head and glanced at Feng Jing lightly.

"What's the problem?" An understatement, not a rhetorical question, but a statement.

The message carried from it—but there was no need to question the decision he, the chairman of ESE, had made.

Feng Jing was slightly taken aback, then bent his slender eyes with a half-smile.

"Don't Chairman Li know that this has already been decided? Luc's audition has already arranged for a suitable candidate!" It's not that he doesn't know what Li Rui means, but the more Li Rui uses this identity and attitude to suppress him, Feng The more Jing couldn't help being tit-for-tat, his tone was tinged with gunpowder.

Who is he

What is his relationship with him! Is it necessary to use this business-like attitude when the time comes? !

I had already arranged someone, why did I specially invite Luc and Li Xiao to play that role? Even if he didn't talk about the matter in the middle, he still understood how many connections Li Rui had used and what kind of deal he had made.

These are not incomprehensible.

But what Feng Jing couldn't hold back was that, as the director of ESE, he didn't even know about such news! He even needs an outsider, Lin Xuan, to call and tell him!

If it wasn't for Lin Xuan, how long would he be kept in the dark? When did Li Rui hide it from him to such an extent! When did the relationship between the two of them become so weak, and when—even such things, had to be kept from him? !

Compared with the resentment at work, it was more difficult for Feng Jing to accept, but it was emotional. After so many years of feelings, he would still do this kind of thing to himself... What is he to Li Rui

Li Rui remained calm: "Luc thinks Li Xiao is the most suitable candidate."

"Heh, him." Feng Jing snorted softly, showing a look of disdain, "Apart from singing a few unknown songs and picking up girls all day long, he hasn't even filmed an idol drama!"

"Pay attention to your wording." Li Rui's eyes were slightly depressed, "Ah Xiao likes the entertainment industry, and if he wants to come in and play a few games, then I, the older brother, will create opportunities for him to play. Singing is his hobby and passion." Hobbies, he actually sings well, but you have always been prejudiced against him."

Feng Jing still had contempt in his eyes, and chuckled noncommittally.

"So what if you don't have filming experience. Didn't anyone start from scratch, accumulate slowly, and practice slowly? Just like the Yunxiu you value, don't tell me, he has no youthful time. , born at the end of the hair; the nine-story platform rises from the pile of soil."

"Besides, to take a step back, this is what Luc meant." Li Rui's tone softened a bit, rubbed his temples, and leaned back against the black leather seat.

"He's French. Hollywood accepts any creed, nationality, color, and culture, but what really makes them stand - is their box office! It's what they create Value! If an American director achieves this, then a French director must do better! This is the rule of the game.”

"This is an era of box office globalization. The last time Luc's film captured audiences in Europe and the United States, it didn't even have the chance to be released here. It is obviously more cost-effective to cooperate with ESE than to cooperate with a popular idol star. ESE has Well-connected, with a background, the relationship with the General Administration and other movie theaters is also very good."

"Luc is a smart director. You can see from his success in breaking into Hollywood and getting a seat. This is not only my meaning, but also Luc's decision."

"Create an opportunity for my younger brother to try acting. As the chairman of ESE, as an older brother, I don't think this is too much."

Feng Jing was slightly silent.

The man in front of him is undoubtedly powerful, both internally and externally. Always so impeccable, always so calm and calm, so organized that it was terrifyingly clear, like a solid barrier, so strong and perfect that it could not be broken through.

Li Rui was right.

Li Rui's business considerations and human nature are all right. Feng Jing was attracted by the opponent's strength more than once, and surrendered to the opponent's thinking more than once...

This time it was still the same, he couldn't find words to refute the other party.

"You're right..."

"What you did - just snatched this extremely rare opportunity from a talented actor who might be able to shine in Hollywood because of it, and then gave it to someone who couldn't even be called an 'actor' for fun. Yes, the younger brother of the chairman of ESE..."

What Feng Jing didn't say was: How many hard-working and talented actors miss good opportunities because they don't have such background and power.

Li Rui's eyes were fixed.

Feng Jing didn't argue any more, but silently left the other party's office.

In Li Rui's field of vision, Feng Jing's back suddenly appeared a little thin, as if, as if the other party's arrogance and vigor for so many years, at this moment, only turned into a deep discouragement and fatigue...

Just when Du Yunxiu thought he had lost this opportunity, Luc Rohmer's assistant actually called him and said that he had won the role! The contract has been passed to ESE, as long as his company agrees and the agent handles it well, it can be signed!

It's just unbelievable.

Isn't Li Xiao the default one? What's going on? Did something else happen? Before Du Yunxiu had time to think about it, he received a call from Li Xiao. The other party's voice was ruffian and a little frivolous: "Yunxiu? Zihan told me, I don’t know yet.”

"What's the relationship between me and Zihan! How could I snatch the role of his friend? That's not good enough buddies! If you told me at that time, or I knew in advance, I would never have spoken to my brother. I have already pushed Let my brother return that role to you! Tonight at 8:00 I booked a room in Shading, come and sing K together, come on time, Zihan is also here!"

The other party spoke lightly and quickly, without giving anyone a chance to refuse. Before Du Yunxiu agreed, the other party seemed to predict that he would definitely go, and turned off the phone.

Du Yunxiu stared at the phone and sent in a daze for a long time. Only then did I digest it, and it turned out that my character was lost and recovered...

It turned out that it was Fu Zihan.

Fu Zihan.

He hadn't contacted the other party for almost a month, and the other party didn't take the initiative to call him or anything. Why did he know about this

It turned out that Fu Zihan even talked to Li Xiao.

Li Xiao must also know that this movie will be screened worldwide. Luc Rohmer is a big director in Hollywood, but because of Fu Zihan's relationship, he gave up this role. No matter how good the relationship between the two parties is, as long as Fu Zihan said this to Li Xiao, he owed the other party a great favor.

Fu Zihan... why did he do this

Du Yunxiu looked at his phone.

He pressed the button, flipped through the phone book inside, and the word Fu Zihan appeared on the screen. There were several times when Du Yunxiu wanted to call Fu Zihan, ask questions, or say thank you or something.

But in the end, I still can't press it out...

It's not good to go too early, and it's not good to go too late. Du Yunxiu could only grasp the time and arrived at the box designated by Li Xiao at exactly eight o'clock.

Du Yunxiu pushed open the door, he thought the other party hadn't arrived yet.

But in fact, there were already three people in the room, and all three of them were known to Du Yunxiu - Li Xiao, Fu Zihan, and... Pei Qing.

Seeing him coming in, he first smiled and waved, and it was Li Xiao who greeted him.

Li Xiao is dressed very trendy, with short hair, all dyed yellow, high brows, and a natural domineering posture, with a straight and straight nose, and when he curls his lips into a smile, the corners of his mouth will turn slightly to the right, a kind of both good and evil The feeling of being a fool, and there is a bit of a naughty atmosphere in the idleness, which makes people's heart flutter inadvertently.

Sitting next to him, or rather, Li Xiao took the initiative to lean over, was Pei Qing.

Pei Qing was holding the microphone, with slender fingers, and was singing. Because of singing, and because he didn't have much contact with himself in this life, Pei Qing simply nodded to Du Yunxiu. With such an action, other singers may feel that the other party is putting on airs and looking down on him, but Du Yunxiu understands that Pei Qing has such an extremely cold temperament.

Pei Qing had trained in the youth choir since she was very young, and she was chosen one in a thousand.

Then he went abroad for further studies, and was finally signed by Crown Glory. That kind of cold personality is not without suffering. When he first debuted, he was "taught" by his predecessors, but where his strength lies, the final sales, word of mouth, and singing Rates, and time, speak for themselves.

So far, no singer can break his record of holding concerts across Asia. Every concert is full of audience, scalpers are extremely expensive...

Legacy also releases an album at a rate of one a year, and is currently planning a third album. Amanda once invited a famous lyricist, and saw that the other party had a well-written song and wanted to come over. Even though Du Yunxiu and the others are a very popular group now, they have won awards and their records are selling well, but the lyricist still said lightly: "That song was decided by Pei Qing."

Amanda was half coquettish and half tempting: "We've been waiting for so long! Just give us that song! ESE won't be stingy, and the fee that should be given is only a lot more."

The other party still didn't think about it: "It's Pei Qing—Pei, Qing Ye."

Needless to say.

Pei and Qing, these two words, represent the sound of nature and strength, and represent the sanctuary in the hearts of all musicians.

However, since when did the relationship between Pei Qing and Li Xiao become so good

After a song was over, Du Yunxiu noticed that Li Xiao applauded again, and handed over the MATEST with black tea with a smile. MATEST has the bright color of amber. Although it is more sweet, it is what Pei Qing often ordered when he went to KTV in the past. On the other hand, Pei Qing took it with a very natural expression... It seems that Li Xiao did this kind of thing not once or twice.

And in the inner part of the L-shaped sofa in the box.

A slender young man was sitting there silently. Although he was only wearing a simple casual outfit, he couldn't hide the unique aura on his body.

There is a bottle of deep golden Hennessy XO on the frosted coffee table in front of him. Unlike Pei Qinglixiao's pastime drinking method, he is more like drinking dull wine, drinking one cup after another. Pei Qing's MATEST quarter is full He hasn't drunk it yet, but he's almost finished drinking half of it.

That is, Fu Zihan.

Unlike Li Xiao waving with a smile like Li Xiao, and Pei Qing just nodding his head, the moment Fu Zihan saw him, he seemed to be slightly taken aback and didn't say much, but after hesitating for a moment, his body moved aside Move, make room.

Li Xiao smiled frivolously: "Sure enough, it's different when someone comes! Even the seat has been given up, so hurry over!"

Holding the wine glass, Pei Qing looked at Du Yunxiu indifferently.

The person who gave up his position still didn't say a word, Du Yunxiu had no choice but to bite the bullet and walked over under Li Xiao's teasing, and sat next to Fu Zihan.

Li Xiao smiled and teased a few more words before letting Du Yunxiu go, then handed the microphone to Pei Qing, and asked the other party what other songs he wanted to sing in a flattering and considerate way, and went to help him input. In ESE, Li Xiao has a sweet mouth towards those beautiful female artists, and is very good at making them happy. Facing Pei Qing, he seems to use his playboy to please people even more perfectly...

Fu Zihan really drank a lot of wine.

Du Yunxiu could smell the alcohol on him just by sitting next to him. Hennessy XO, the best cognac, exudes strong aromas of endflower, violets, walnuts and mellow Linmaoshan oak. The extremely delicate oak aroma is mixed with cigars, vanilla and the original masculine scent...

In this small box, like the tide flowing in the dark night, there is an indescribably drunken ambiguity.

"Why did you come here?" The other party's tone was still so special.

Although Fu Zihan has done a lot for him, Du Yunxiu has always been faintly on guard before, just like the other party's exotic voice, reminding Du Yunxiu all the time that the other party is out of tune with him, no matter in terms of identity, status, or experience…

However, after a month of no contact, when Fu Zihan spoke again, Du Yunxiu found that he missed the other party's voice so much. Even though Pei Qing sang and Li Xiao cheered, Du Yunxiu and Fu Zihan seemed to be in another small world.

Everything around them has nothing to do with them.

In the air, only the unique smell of Hennessy XO on Fu Zihan came over his face.

"It was Li Xiao who called me."

"Oh, that kid." The other party was silent again, "If he didn't bark... wouldn't you contact me, wouldn't you?"


"Thirty-one days and seven hours."


"Thirty-one days and seven hours have passed since the day you got angry." Fu Zihan took another sip of wine, his tone seemed slightly bitter, "Being angry with me because of other people's affairs."