Reincarnation of a Superstar

Chapter 13: good power


ESE office building.

"Two weeks." Facing the translucent floor-to-ceiling windows, the tall man looked down on the countless small streams of people and vehicles on the ground in a high posture, "I want to see Feng Jing's resignation letter within two weeks. "

Amanda couldn't believe her ears for a moment.

She has been in the entertainment industry for so long, and she has seen the shady scenes of pulling people down, but she still couldn't believe it until Li Rui called her into the office and personally issued this order.

… Really want to drive Feng Jing out of ESE

A few days ago, the affairs of Feng Jing and Li Rui caused an uproar, and everyone knew about it, but who doesn't know the ambiguity between these two people? Who doesn't know the great contributions that Feng Jing made for Li Rui? Even if those journalists asked the ESE executives one by one, none of them dared to spit out a letter? Dare to comment? !

Why now... why her

"After Feng Jing resigns, his position will be replaced by you." The tall and deep man said simply again, with a calm tone, as if looking down on everything, the ancient emperor who was in charge of all life and death, didn't care about him at all. The last two sentences determine how much turmoil will be caused in other people and in the entire entertainment circle...

Compared to the disbelief just now, Amanda even forgot to breathe at this moment!

Her pupils dilated, and her expression was visibly shocked! Let her replace Feng Jing? To be, to be the new director of ESE? !

"I... you mean..."

"Do you want me to repeat it again?"

After a huge disbelief, it was a deep shock! After these words echoed in Amanda's mind several times, she took a few deep breaths!

Feng Jing is flamboyant and powerful, with the radiance and aura on her body shining brightly!

Even if he is no longer a star, he can still attract the attention of all the media, and apart from these factors, he has rapidly grown from a popular idol to a senior and shrewd manager-this ability is not inferior to his acting talent, He even knows how to make use of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses, cleverly using his previous influence and topicality on the screen!

With such a dual identity, even if it is an ordinary newcomer, as long as it is under Feng Jing's subordinates, this newcomer will have more opportunities to be exposed! It can be said that from the very beginning, it is a step higher than the newcomers of other companies! Therefore, Feng Jing's ability to become the director of ESE is definitely not only due to Li Rui's relationship.

His ability, the resources in his hands, and his past experience cannot be replicated by other agents. Not every popular idol will retreat behind the scenes when they are the most popular, and not every idol has the ability to be a good manager!

But now, Li Rui is hinting - after Feng Jing leaves, she will be the new director of ESE!

No, it's not a hint, it's a promise at all!

Amanda was stunned, she didn't know what to say, she didn't even think about comparing with Feng Jing, to replace Feng Jing! Her only goal is to copy Mu Zhebai's path, compete with Mu Zhebai, cultivate an international superstar, and become the same ace manager as ESE.

But now—the new director of ESE!

Director's title, director's status, director's office, director's rights, in this luxurious and majestic ESE office building, there is only one director, and that is her, Amanda!

After the great disbelief, comes the great temptation.

Amanda heard her heartbeat beating chaotically, her face was hot, but her hands and feet were cold. Feng Jing... was someone she once liked, and Feng Jing's position was a position she never dared to look up to...

"I understand." After a long time, Amanda heard her own dry, trembling voice, obviously out of tune.

Amanda couldn't tell how she felt.

Was it shocking that Li Rui was so cruel to Feng Jing, or was it shocking that Li Rui promised to give her the position of ESE director? All kinds of intense emotions intertwined, making her face turn red and turn pale. When she exited the office, she bumped into The force on Mu Zhebai's body outside was so great that it knocked Mu Zhebai back a few steps...

With the help of Mu Zhebai and Xie Yi, Amanda regained her footing, but she was so confused that she even forgot to say "thank you", and rushed to her office directly...

If she wants to make a call, be the first to tell Chufeng!

"What's the matter with her?" Even Xie Yi felt that something was wrong with Amanda, as if she was too excited.

Mu Zhebai glanced at Amanda's anxious back, who was so anxious that she couldn't even walk in an uncoordinated posture, stretched out her middle finger, and pushed the plate-shaped glasses on the bridge of her nose: "Go ahead and talk to Director Li about the new film. The global box office of "Rise of the Empire" directed by the second director is one billion, and no matter how much public relations we have to use for the Chinese characters in this new movie, we must get it!"

"En!" Xie Yi's expression became more serious, and he nodded.

The conversation with Li Rui went smoothly. In fact, Mu Zhebai even felt that Li Rui seemed to be in a daze at certain times, and didn't listen to what he said at all, but Li Rui reacted quickly. Although Mu Zhebai felt a little strange, but It is also impossible to judge for sure whether Li Rui is covering up his distraction.

But his purpose was only to persuade Li Rui to agree to use all the relationship network and money power of ESE to help Xie Yi win this role, so after Li Rui fully agreed, he didn't want to delve into Li Rui's different performance just now.

Except for Xie Yi, in fact, Mu Zhebai is indifferent to other people's affairs.

Even if it was during this period of time that there was a lot of trouble with the company, his immediate superior Feng Jing, even if it was the chairman of ESE...

After talking about the role, Li Rui paused for a moment, as if thinking deeply, Mu Zhebai and Xie Yi realized that the other party had other things to order.

"Feng Jing resigned on his own, that's for sure... If the reporter asks, you guys know what to do."

Mu Zhebai and Xie Yi were taken aback at the same time, their bodies leaning on the sofa felt unnatural for a moment.

They also heard the news, even if they didn't pay close attention, even if they didn't care very much, even if they were mentally prepared, when they heard this sentence from Li Rui with their own ears, Mu Zhebai and Xie Yi still looked at each other in shock glance.

"Naturally. We understand."

After all, Mu Zhebai reacted faster than Xie Yi, he stated his position briefly and accurately, then found an excuse, and quickly took Xie Yi out of Li Rui's office.

"I didn't expect..." Xie Yi's voice was a little confused.

Although it has been a while since he left Li Rui's place, Xie Yi's mood is still very complicated. He knew that Li Rui was rational and cold, and his wrists were ruthless, and Feng Jing, who had been in ESE for more than ten years, was often seen from time to time since he switched to ESE, and the result was this fate...

Probably, in Lin Xuan's eyes, she is as cruel and ruthless as Li Rui.

Xie Yi felt a tightness in his chest, an inexplicable restlessness, and deep depression. He could even imagine that once Feng Jing's decision to be kicked out of ESE is officially confirmed, what kind of bloody storm Feng Jing will face, it is definitely not at the same level as the uproar of the past few days...

At this moment, someone pressed his shoulders with a heavy and steady gesture. It was as if all of a sudden, his jumping heart was firmly pressed back into his chest cavity—Xie Yi knew that that person was Mu Zhebai.

"Amanda just because of this incident."

"Huh?" Xie Yi's tone rose, and he turned his head to look at Mu Zhebai in surprise, not knowing what the other party was referring to.

"A few days ago, it was just rumors and some small actions, but it didn't really hit Feng Jing. As long as ESE doesn't speak on the stage, the media can't confirm the authenticity of the news. But once it is handed over to Amanda, the nature is different. .It is estimated that in the next few days, ESE will make a big move, maybe it will be a press conference?"

As Mu Zhebai said, seeing that Xie Yi's mind was focused on his words, and he no longer fell into the self-blame of the past like before, he patted the other person on the shoulder twice and withdrew his hand.

"But Amanda... why did Li Rui do this! And let Feng Jing resign?"

"The self-resignation should have been spread by Feng Jing."

"Feng Jing is a hero of ESE, everyone knows this. Li Rui's original intention should be to let Feng Jing resign by himself. This can minimize the negative image of ESE, and he should secretly agree to make compensation—but, Feng Jing Don't buy into his account at all, and deliberately make things bigger and bigger."

"Resign yourself?"

"As soon as such a statement is spread, everyone will know that there are articles in it, not to mention those media paparazzi with sharper noses than dogs."

Mu Zhebai took off the plate glasses, and a little dust fell on the lenses.

He took out the special glasses cloth from the drawer in the office and wiped it. Mu Zhebai, who doesn't wear glasses, may not have the deep temperament between his brows: "Li Rui has Li Rui's technique, so Feng Jing naturally has it." The channel to seal the scene."

"I mean that the fight between Li Rui and Li Chen for the power of ESE was due to Feng Jing's help. Why did he want to resign Feng Jing? I mean, he actually wanted to resign Feng Jing?" Xie Yi still find it difficult to accept.

Mu Zhebai didn't make a sound for a few seconds, but organized his words while wiping his glasses.

"How should I put it? Feng Jing and Li Rui are like ancient generals and emperors. Feng Jing is flamboyant and capable, and has been fighting for Li Rui, especially in the early stage when he firmly grasped those artists. Li Rui failed in the fight for power. , At that time, he could bring those artists to change jobs at any time. Even if Li Chen took charge of ESE, there was only an empty shelf left, and his vitality was greatly damaged. It would be impossible to retrain and become a popular star in a few years."

"And Li Rui is an ancient emperor who is well versed in the art of being an emperor. What he wants is not merit, but power, status, and prestige. Feng Jing made great contributions to him in the battle for power! He will not fail Grateful. But China is like this, drink wine to release military power, cunning rabbits die, lackeys cook... "

"What Li Rui taboos is the success of the master. In fact, in Li Rui's view, the bargaining chip that Feng Jing had in his hand to help him may not be a potential factor that may threaten him in the future. That's why Li Rui became the chairman of the board. Afterwards, immediately promote Feng Jing to director."

"Director? Hehe. It seems that the affirmation and gratitude to Feng Jing has given Feng Jing more power, but it may not be because he has been promoted secretly. Ever since Feng Jing became the director, Li Rui has never let him bring an artist! Why? To put it bluntly, what Feng Jing wants to do now is not to be a manager, but to control the entire propaganda department. This is a very good reason... However, the more important thing is to cut off Feng Jing from his bargaining chip. Now that Feng Jing is forced to resign, no artist will follow Feng Jing to change jobs."

"Of course, these are just things that happened in the past." Mu Zhebai put back on his glasses, and there was a trace of Feng Jing's sympathy in his eyes.

"But Feng Jing didn't notice these changes at all. Take the past two years as an example, he used five times the usual funds to train Legacy. Of course Li Rui doesn't care about this small amount of money. But Li Rui may not have taken it to heart."

"Then there was Du Yunxiu's car accident. Not only did Feng Jing not inform Li Rui, but instead, in the name of ESE, he asked the crew to delay the time and wait for Du Yunxiu to recover. ESE even paid compensation for it. He has exceeded his authority on this point."

"If Li Rui thinks these two things can be tolerated, then in the voting for the newcomer award, Feng Jing is challenging Li Rui's authority face to face. The artist belongs to ESE, and the chairman of ESE is Li Rui. Since Li Rui has It is unwise for Feng Jing to support Du Yunxiu after deciding to award the newcomer award to Chu Feng."

"Recently, Li Rui has always wanted to give the role of Luc Rohmer to his younger brother Li Xiao. In the end, Du Yunxiu got it. It is said that the two even argued about this matter. To the extent that Li Rui dotes on his younger brother, Even if Li Xiaorang did it in the end, he might not blame Feng Jing for it, thinking that Feng Jing didn't do anything in it, and persuaded his brother to give up the role."

"Abusing power, exceeding power, challenging my authority, and even defending my family. Who is Li Rui? Li Rui is the chairman of ESE. Faced with these things, what do you think he will do?"

After Xie Yi obeyed, he didn't speak for a long time, and finally he propped up his forehead with his hands weakly: "But...they have been together for more than ten years."

"This world is like this. People who stand higher will gain a lot, but they will lose a lot..." A deep light flashed in Mu Zhebai's eyes, and he patted Xie Yi who was still depressed .

"Oh, by the way, what happened to Amanda? Could it be that Li Rui asked Amanda..." Xie Yi suddenly remembered the scene when they met Amanda just now. If Li Rui ordered them, then Amanda might also be the same.

"Li Rui should let her do more." Mu Zhebai raised his lips and smiled, but there was no warmth in his eyes, "Since Feng Jing is unwilling to resign in a low-key way, then he can only resort to tougher means Yes. If this matter is successfully completed, probably, Amanda will take the seat of the scene."

"Her? Does she have this ability? Even if you bring a few starlets and Legacy with you—the ability is far inferior to yours! Why don't you be the director!" Xie Yi was completely displeased with Amanda's possibility of becoming the new director of ESE. agree!

Hearing that Xie Yi defended himself like this, he stood on his side. The contours of Mu Zhebai's face became softer, and the curve of the corners of his mouth became warmer: "Li Rui can't even guard against Feng Jing! Seeing that you have a high status, I want to cultivate a good personality, so let's take care of it." Mu Zhebai snorted, Li Rui didn't know why he wanted Chu Feng to win the Best Newcomer Award, "Feng Jing is gone, the new director is me, do you think he can rest assured?"

"But, Amanda, she? In the position of director, I overestimate her."

"That's it. Li Rui will choose her. She has a little ability, is pretentious, and can't see the gap... Isn't such a person the best to control? It's easier than leading a hundred smart people or a hundred mediocre people. It's also easier." Mu Zhebai smiled.

"Then... don't you feel wronged? You are obviously more capable, but you can't be reused."

"Of course not." Mu Zhebai stared at Xie Yi's handsome and charming eyebrows through the thin lenses. From a glimpse in his twenties, when he was attracted by the other party's dazzling brilliance, when he was lucky enough to become the manager of the man in front of him, he had only one goal...

On the other hand, the other party was taken aback, as if he couldn't figure out why he would say that.

"For me, as long as I have the ability to open up this star road for you and clear away the obstacles you encounter on the way to your dream, that's enough." Mu Zhebai looked into Xie Yi's eyes and said.

"I only have one wish in this life - as long as you can fulfill your wish and become the actor!"

"Everything else, it doesn't matter whether you are reused or become a director..."

"That's why you came to me?" Fu Zihan put down his knife and fork unhappily, and looked at Du Yunxiu with disappointment in his amber eyes. It's still Feng Jing, now... hope I can help him?"

"Help him?" Fu Zihan shook his head, a little helpless, "How do you want me to help? Is this an internal matter of ESE, or do you want me to use the power of Crown Glory."

"... No, it's not." Du Yunxiu retorted subconsciously, but he also knew in his heart that he still hoped that Fu Zihan could have a good suggestion or help him with the Feng Jing matter he just mentioned. In the past two days, just two short days, the wind direction of all media has changed. If it was said that before, it was just chasing after rumors, frying old rice, digging out Feng Jing's previous gossip, then it is completely different now!

First, the media criticized Feng Jing's professional ethics. When she was a manager, she had unspoken rules for female artists under her, otherwise she would not arrange activities or receive notifications; Not once or twice; at the same time, they wantonly "revealed" Feng Jing's once promiscuous private life, and then revealed that Feng Jing became a star back then because he was praised by some producers for "having a different relationship". Carry on to the Kimber Awards! It hints that there is an inside story about the Golden Cypress Awards—manipulated behind the scene by the power and sex deal!

Such strength has completely touched the bottom line of many companies, artists, and ordinary people! Completely veto Feng Jing from all aspects of work, personality, and so on! Those who were dissatisfied with Feng Jing before took the opportunity to add insult to injury, in order to retaliate, they wantonly fabricated what happened to Feng Jing, or broke the news again as insiders to win the page and take the opportunity to hype. If you didn’t win the Golden Cypress Award, or if you got it, it was implied that it was Feng Jing’s private transaction. At this time, you would either feel dissatisfied, or quickly get rid of it. Once some of Feng Jing’s other friends offered to help, they would be accused immediately. "Unusual" relationship!

The rhetoric came one after another.

Although it was only two days, it was like a flood, flooding the entire newspapers, magazines, Internet and TV in an instant!

And these two days, Feng Jing didn't go anywhere, just stayed at Du Yunxiu's house, lying barefoot on the sofa, watching media reports on him with the TV on, and drinking with a sneer.

All the wine he asked Du Yunxiu to buy was whiskey and vodka.

It was the first time that Du Yunxiu found out that Feng Jing could drink so much. He drank heavily on an empty stomach and had three meals a day. Feng Jing didn't show the slightest hint of sadness, and it was precisely because of this that Du Yunxiu knew better - the pain of this person had already reached his bones, and he was still holding on...

He cooked for Feng Jing, Feng Jing didn't eat, he told Feng Jing to drink less, Feng Jing gave him a cold look, and was about to leave.

What time is it now

All the reporters can't wait to use cameras to capture Feng Jing's every move, every word, every word. How dare Du Yunxiu let Feng Jing go out like this! Go out in this appearance, and then be slandered and intercepted by reporters and media, and sprinkle salt on his wounds!

Du Yunxiu just wanted to hug him tightly.

He wanted to tell him, don't listen, don't look, everything will pass, everything will pass...

Du Yunxiu and Fu Zihan broke up unhappy.

For the first time, Du Yunxiu felt that he was powerless and useless. Now, he can't do anything except buy wine and cook for Feng Jing when he is being slandered.

He called Amanda, who told her not to mind her own business!

He called Fujisawa and Wei Yifei, hoping that when the reporter interviewed them, he could say something nice for Feng Jing, but the other party said that there was an order from above and there was nothing he could do.

He called Chufeng, and after the other party was silent for a while, he smiled and asked, since you want to help him so much, why don't you just tear yourself apart with ESE? After all, you are also afraid, right? Afraid that the opportunity he finally got, the newcomer award he got, and the popularity he got would be refrigerated by ESE

He called Liu Yi and Director Lian...

Du Yunxiu contacted everyone he knew, but none of the artists dared to refute at this time, but they all avoided suspicion. After all, getting involved with Feng Jing now is equivalent to adultery, shady scenes, unspoken rules, power and sex transactions, and unclear origins of previous awards...

Du Yunxiu straightened his clothes in front of the mirror.

The British college-style black knitted sweater, the elegant gray silk shirt, the calm black, and the elegant gray hippie make him tall and long-legged, stylish and extravagant. Compared with the anxious and helpless appearance of the previous two days, Du Yunxiu looked refreshed today, as if there was no haze in his heart. Even Feng Jing noticed this appearance.

Feng Jing leaned on the sofa, squinted his long and narrow eyes, and looked at the person in front of the mirror who was straightening his sleeves carefully—Du Yunxiu, who seemed to be about to make some prudent decision, swallowed a mouthful of strong wine, but accidentally choked on it!

Du Yunxiu hurried over, wanting to pat Feng Jing on the back.

With a wave of Feng Jing's hand, his voice was a little hoarse: "Leave me alone! Go away... Hehe, what are you going to attend again? Is it a new film launch? Or a reporter interview! You all go, go away, for your goals, for your lives— Get the hell out of here."

The look of pain disappeared from Du Yunxiu's face, but he still patted Feng Jing on the back to calm him down, and then slowly withdrew his hand.

"I really love acting. Really."

"That feeling is like an addiction. Every time I finish a film, I look forward to the next role, the next film. What kind of character will it be? What kind of story will it be? Can I play better? Can more audiences notice my character and feel what I want to convey to them?"

"... That feeling, that desire to act, seems to be in my bones, in my body, if it is painful to peel off the flesh and blood, then it will be so painful for me not to be able to act!"

"If you ask me what I will never give up in my life, I will answer that one is love, and the other is acting. But now, there is something more important - that is the bottom line of being a human being. Even if it is because of this, I can't act... also, yes It does not matter."

Du Yunxiu lowered his head and suddenly smiled.

"You probably don't remember this outfit anymore! It doesn't matter, it's enough for me to remember."

"Really, you may never understand how much you have helped me... It was you who made me stand in front of this screen again, it was you who made me see myself more clearly..."

"This feeling is really good. Very good."

"Some people may not be able to act in their whole life. Some people only have one chance, but I have tried twice."

Du Yunxiu raised his head, and showed Feng Jing a smile as gentle as a lake in spring, although there was sadness in this smile, and...

"I'm very satisfied! Really, thank you very much!"

A radio interview.

This interview is an event Amanda accepted for Legacy, and it is also a warm-up for their third album. Although the original contract stipulated that this album should be released in September, due to various reasons, only one EP is released now, which has already exceeded the contract period. However, since they signed a five-year contract with ESE, it is only now For more than two years, and ESE has been praising them, Chufeng and others didn't care too much.

Of course, before the last episode, Amanda once again raised the order not to answer questions about Feng Jing. While saying this, she took a sharp look at Du Yunxiu.

However, Du Yunxiu just smiled lightly.

Sure enough, at the end of the show, as the headline hotspot during this period, even the host would not let go of this opportunity to ask questions related to Feng Jing: "Recently there have been a lot of news about ESE director Feng Jing, as artists of ESE , how do you look at these things?"

Chufeng was about to say: "We want to answer more about this EP, I believe the fans who listen to it will care more about this."

Du Yunxiu spoke suddenly, unexpectedly, even overshadowing Chufeng's voice.

"Those reports are totally unbelievable."

"Feng Jing is a person worthy of respect. He has brought many artists and cooperated with many people in the industry. His talent, his ability, and his personal charm, whether as a former actor or a current manager People are worthy of recognition... "

"His dedication, hard work, and what he has done for ESE are worthy of all affirmation!"

"As for me, an artist who has been interviewed by him personally and has been lucky enough to act until now, I have always been deeply grateful to him."

"So, no matter what other people do, I will always stand by him, believe in him, and stick to him!"

"If ESE insists on dismissing Feng Jing, it is absolutely unacceptable for me, who has been trained by him and has been in the entertainment industry for two years now! A person, if he is so slandered while cultivating his benefactor, he will not even speak for him personally. If I can’t, I’ll be sorry.”

"If Feng Jing is fired—then, I, Yunxiu, will also leave this impersonal company!"

"To hear these fans, my Yun fans, if you believe in me, please also believe in Feng Jing! Believe in him, support him, you believe in me! Thank you very much!"

Du Yunxiu's voice was calm.

He just said these words into the microphone very seriously, word by word. These words were destined to cause an uproar, but no one present could stop him.

— because every word of his is full of power.

Persistence, earnestness, gratitude. The most common, but it is the power that makes others ashamed.