Reincarnation of a Superstar

Chapter 17: End of War


A radio interview.

This interview is an event Amanda accepted for Legacy, and it is also a warm-up for their third album. Although the original contract stipulated that this album should be released in September, due to various reasons, only one EP (mini-album) is released now, which has already exceeded the contract period. However, since they signed a contract with ESE for five years, it is only more than two years now, and ESE has been praising them, so Chufeng and others didn't care too much.

Of course, before the last episode, Amanda once again asked her to answer her questions about the scene. While saying this, he took a sharp look at Du Yunxiu.

However, Du Yunxiu just smiled slightly.

Sure enough, at the end of the show, as the headline hotspot during this period, the host would never let go of this opportunity, and raised a question related to the scene: "Recently there have been a lot of news about the scene of the director of ESE. As artists of ESE , how do you view these things?"

Chufeng said: "We want to answer more about this EP. I believe that the fans who listen to it are more concerned about this."

Du Yunxiu spoke suddenly, unexpectedly, even overshadowing Chufeng's voice.

"Those reports are totally unbelievable.

"Feng Jing is a person worthy of respect. He has brought many artists and cooperated with many people in the industry. His talent, his ability, and his personal charm, whether as a former actor or a current manager People are worthy of recognition...

"His dedication, hard work, and what he has done for ESE are worthy of all affirmation!

"As for me, an artist who was personally interviewed by him and has been lucky enough to act until now, I have always been deeply grateful to him.

"So, no matter what happens to everyone else, I will always stand by him, believe in him, and always support him!

"If ESE insists on dismissing Feng Jing, it is absolutely unacceptable for me who has been trained by him and stepped into the showbiz for two years! A person, if the benefactor who cultivated himself is so slandered, even personally say for him If I can't do it in one sentence, I will feel very sorry.

"If Feng Jing is fired—then, I—Yunxiu, will also leave this impersonal company!

"Fans who can hear this, my Yun fans, if you believe in me, please also believe in Feng Jing! Believe in him, support him, you believe in me! Thank you very much!"

Du Yunxiu's voice was calm.

He just said these words into the microphone very seriously, word by word, and said these words that were destined to cause an uproar, but no one present could stop him.

— because every word of his is full of power.

Persistence, seriousness, gratitude. The most common, but it is the power that makes others ashamed.

This is live on FM radio. Unlike other TV programs that are recorded and re-produced, this is live and cannot be edited, and every word of the host and guests can be heard clearly by the audience! And the popularity of Legacy is destined to have a very high listening rate for this radio interview!

But it was on this occasion, at this moment, that Du Yunxiu made such remarks—remarks that were completely opposite to ESE! Absolutely support Feng Jing's remarks!

The producer of the radio station quickly gestured to the stunned host, telling her to end the show immediately! And Amanda, who had been wary of Yunxiu throughout the whole process, never thought that the other party was really so brainless! Actually openly against ESE, against her!

Amanda was so angry that she rushed into the live broadcast room.

These days, she managed to control the media and forced Feng Jing into a situation where she was surrounded by all sides, but Yunxiu paid her a fortune like this—the remarks just now were too honest and contagious! Even she can't predict what kind of consequences it will bring! In case of trouble, how will Li Rui judge her ability? ! Can she still get the position of director? !

"Yun, Xiu! As an artist under ESE, this is how you repay ESE?!" Amanda gritted her teeth, furious, "I'm telling you! You can stay in the showbiz not because of being sealed! It's because of ESE! "

"In the future—you don't need to receive announcements anymore! You don't need to be on shows! You don't need to accept dramas! You don't need to shoot commercials anymore! Just stay at home and 'OK, OK, rest, vacation'!"

The sharp and piercing female voice paused the words "have a good vacation" word by word, and uttered it with a frightening chill, which made Fujisawa and Wei Yifei jump in fear! They had never seen Amanda so furious! The presenter, producer and other staff members of the FM radio station couldn't help feeling chills, and looked at each other in blank dismay! They knew that they had witnessed an incident where a popular artist was about to be "frozen"...

Everyone was frightened by Amanda's angry appearance.

Except... Du Yunxiu.

Du Yunxiu stood up and took off the headset.

His movements are graceful and gentle, his eyes are steady and soft, not at all lethal, still like a calm and clear lake.

But the people around were taken aback by his actions, and Amanda was even more taken aback.

Under the watchful eyes of Fujisawa and Wei Yifei, when Chufeng was also unpredictable, raised his eyebrows and looked puzzled, Du Yunxiu walked towards Amanda step by step.

"You, what are you going to do?" Looking at Yunxiu who was gradually approaching her, Amanda suddenly lost the tough anger just now, and instead felt a little bit of fear in her heart...

"Thank you for taking care of me before."

However, Du Yunxiu just stopped in front of her, looked peacefully into Amanda's eyes, and said softly: "What's will never be as good as Feng Jing."

"Either way."

Du Yunxiu left the radio station.

His posture was perfect and his steps were elegant, but Amanda almost couldn't even stand still.

All the people present suddenly had a strange thought in their hearts: This person is not like a frustrated entertainer who has just been declared "permanently frozen", but more like a knight who is always gentle but firm in his beliefs!

Perhaps, he could not defeat the enemy...

But—he shook everyone's soul!

Du Yunxiu's remarks were immediately reposted on the Internet!

It immediately attracted countless people's attention and comments. Some people slammed "Yunxiu and Fengjing Snakes are in a nest, and their private lives are extremely corrupt and unsightly!" Some people ridiculed "Who does he think he is?! Isn't it He won a small rookie award, and he said that Feng Jing resigned and he left. He thought he could threaten ESE? A joke!... "

Among the increasingly unsightly comments, Yunxiu's fans were the first to fight back.

"Do you know Yunxiu! Why do you say that about him! Do you know Feng Jing! Does the media mean what they say! Do you know what 'three people become a tiger'?"

"You are not allowed to slander Xiuxiu! I believe in Xiuxiu, and I will believe whatever he says! I'm pretty good!!"

An open letter from fans firmly supported Du Yunxiu:

Yunzai has always been a hardworking artist.

His growth, his seriousness, bit by bit, only those of us who follow him know best.

And now, Yunzai let us see a new side - the bottom line of being a human being.

Yun Zai said: "A person, if the benefactor who cultivated me is so slandered, I can't even speak for him personally, I will feel very sorry."

When we hear this sentence, we want to say something, but nothing can be said.

Because, really.

As we grow up, as we learn more and more tact and compromise, what we lose is not only the courage to tell the truth...

We will trust Feng Jing.

Because we trust you more, Yunzi.

You deserve the respect and trust of every cloud fan in us!

Just when Amanda restricted all of Yunxiu's activities and used media relations to minimize all rebuttals, "Fruit Daily" suddenly published a joint announcement of the artists!

We are all artists who have been taken care of by Feng Jing and have worked with Feng Jing.

In the past cooperation and personal relationships, the Feng Jing we know is a very talented and capable person who often supports and takes care of the younger generation. He is an excellent entertainer, manager, wonderful friend, and collaborator. Whether it's in front of the stage or behind the scenes, Feng Jing loves acting career and her job!

Recently, some media reports with malicious slander have completely distorted the facts. Therefore, as those of us who know Feng Jing, who have dealt with Feng Jing and are familiar with Feng Jing, we decided to jointly publish this announcement to set the record straight!

Behind it is a long list of artist signatures.

The names of actors, directors, and producers who have been featured on the cover and have collaborated with each other densely occupy the entire half of the page.

After Amanda got the newspaper, she wanted to tear it into ten thousand pieces!

She just used all the connections in ESE to stop those news that is beneficial to Feng Jing from appearing on the Internet, and even sent gunmen to slander and refute Yunxiu's fans on the Internet!

Unexpectedly, a wave of ups and downs will rise again!

Those artists, didn't they dare not say anything a few days ago? Why now, what kind of joint statement is made!

However, those people are not the same as Yunxiu. They already have some fame and status in the entertainment industry. They are some friends that Feng Jing has gradually met and made in the past ten years. They are not in ESE themselves, so they cannot use the name of ESE at all. To order or threaten "Xue Zang". If a single artist expresses her support, even if she is not in ESE, she can still immediately send reporters to fabricate the scandal between him and Feng Jing, and pour him dirty water.

But now—a full half-page of signatures!

She can use the influence of ESE to slander one, two, or five artists, but how can she fabricate an entire half of the artist? Amanda felt a deep sense of powerlessness for the first time.


This is just the beginning. In other words, after Yunxiu ignited the fuse, one after another, the huge waves that had been suppressed for a long time all broke out! Not one day later, Chufeng officially told the media publicly that the matter of Feng Jing had made him completely lose confidence in ESE. A director who has devoted himself to the company for more than ten years ended up like this. And Yunxiu, who spoke for Feng Jing, was "hidden" by ESE because of this! Legacy is no longer a complete Legacy... He was also completely chilled, so he decided to quit ESE!

Amanda couldn't believe it when she heard the news from her assistant.

How dare Chufeng! How could you say such a thing publicly! He is not Yunxiu, nor is his head caught in the door! I've never seen him complaining to me before, doesn't he know that this is Li Rui's order, and she will be the one who will benefit in the future? And once she becomes the director of ESE, she can give him more chances! Better characters!

"Chufeng is leaving." The assistant reported cautiously.

"Leave?!" Amanda's face was covered with frost, but her fingertips kept trembling, "Okay. Let him pay 10 million in compensation! Otherwise, don't come to talk to me!" Squeezed out between the teeth.

The assistant was frightened by Amanda's ferocious look: "It seems... It seems that Pinyou Entertainment will pay for him..."

"—Chufeng!" Amanda's eyes were burning with almost hatred, and she was slapped by him!

Chufeng over there had just finished the interview, and the media here reported several news at the same time.

"The artists that Feng Jing has ever managed include..."

"The achievements of the artists brought by Fengjing..."

After one report after another, anyone who can read can understand one thing - that is, the artists brought out by the cover scene have all been popular, and even some of them have passed away, but they were once very popular!

What does this indicate

This shows that Feng Jing is not useless! Not only will it bring negative news to ESE, abuse of power! And after the foreshadowing of these reports, there is even more explosive news:

"Pinyou Entertainment decided to poach someone—a former popular idol, now a popular director!"

"Crown Glory hired Feng Jing with a high salary, and offered an astonishing price!"

"All negative hype - just to poach people!"

After these real and fake smoke screens, media reporters flocked to interview ESE's competitor, Pinyou Entertainment, and another leader in the record industry: "Could it be that he was abandoned by ESE and released countless negative news? Is it really that hot?!"

A spokesman for Pinyou Entertainment immediately denied the matter. But at the same time, he also seized the opportunity to slam his competitors, implying that they are cruel, blood-sucking, impersonal, and heart-breaking! He even took Yunxiu as an example, implying that ESE is extremely bad, and he "snow hides" artists at will!

But Crown Glory's attitude is much more ambiguous. Whenever a reporter asked, Crown Glory boasted about Feng Jing's past achievements, and showed that the company needed such talents. When the reporter asked about the specific salary, Crown Glory said: "If such a talent can really join the company, the conditions will be absolutely favorable!"

Although some people also questioned, ESE started out as a filmmaker, and the cover scenes are all actors, and Crown Glory is all about singers, and a manager with actors jumped over... Could it be the manager of a singer? Crown Glory's brokers don't object? Especially Liu Zhang, the ace manager under his banner, what is his attitude

But in the face of all these doubts, Crown Glory either smiled or said nothing.

"The current situation is different from before. We appreciate talented and well-rounded artists, whether they are acting or singing. Feng Jing's past achievements and status in the entertainment industry are sufficient for such a position."

And here, while Amanda was overwhelmed by this, Li Rui, who was in the chairman's office, also received calls from other shareholders, all of whom protested against his decision-this decision caused instability in people's hearts, and the company's image was questioned by competitors! In particular, a shareholder surnamed Zhou was vehemently opposed to Li Rui's decision to fire Feng Jing! Even accuse him of making ESE the mess it is now! The shareholder surnamed Zhou is himself a sadist. If it weren't for the fact that the other party controls nearly 10% of ESE's shares, Li Rui would not bother to deal with such a person.

"Are you really going to leave ESE?" Amanda broke into Chufeng's apartment with a sharp voice.

Compared with Amanda's anger, Chufeng seemed to have expected this situation a long time ago, and he just nodded without panicking at all.

"Why! How did ESE treat you badly! You are the captain of Legacy, and the company took on the show for you and released an album for you. How did ESE treat you badly?!"

"No, of course I don't treat you badly..."

Chufeng stood up from the sofa.

He was two heads taller than Amanda, so when he stood up, his aura was completely different.

"But the matter of sealing the scene made us ESE artists feel very cold. Everyone knows who is right and who is wrong. It's just that due to the coercion of ESE, everyone dare not speak out."

"Sealing the scene?!" Amanda laughed sarcastically as if hearing something funny, "Don't use his affairs as an excuse! Why did Pinyou Entertainment release the news at this time, and why did they pay you liquidated damages and compensation? Clearly and secretly negotiated the price with Pinyou Entertainment a long time ago, so don't talk nicely on the stage!

"If you really speak up, why don't you be like Yunxiu?! Do you have that sense of justice, do you have that kind of courage?! The matter of Feng Jing is just an excuse for you to quit!"

Until now, he is still using Feng Jing as a shield!

Compared with Chufeng speaking for Fengjing in public, Amanda is more resentful that the other party has already made an agreement with Pinyou Entertainment behind her back! If she becomes the director of ESE, who will benefit in the end? ! It's not Chu Feng! But the other party, unexpectedly at this time...

Chu Feng was silent for a while.

Amanda looked at Chufeng, suddenly for a moment, she felt that Chufeng was no longer the Chufeng she knew.

It turned out that she wanted to train Chufeng to be like Xie Yi, and to copy Xie Yi's path - having her own idol charm in front of the stage, high above the ground, but trusting her manager very much behind the stage... She thought she could be young and rely on her own. Artists fall in love with each other, and they can have the sense of accomplishment of creating a superstar with their own hands. She planned so much for the two of them, and thought so much about Chufeng's acting career. She thought she was Chufeng's protective layer, Chufeng depended on her, needed her, and she was capable enough to take care of his business—it never occurred to her that everything she did was crushed like a bubble, not from external forces, but from Chufeng, who she paid for and said love to her! Thinking of this, she felt a strong hatred in her heart.

"Indeed, I don't have the courage of Yunxiu. So I only dared to say those words in front of reporters after those artists issued a joint statement and confirmed that Pinyou Entertainment would definitely pay liquidated damages and compensation for me. "Chu Feng said.

"However, those words are my honest opinion.

"This matter, ESE really didn't do it properly. Li Rui has already dealt a heavy blow to Feng Jing. Now he is using the power of the entire ESE to destroy Feng Jing's career and reputation...

"—What did Feng Jing do wrong? He was the one who was slandered and attacked! He was the one who lost all his career and reputation!

"And how ruthless a person must be to treat those who have followed him in this way?!"

Amanda's lips moved, but she couldn't refute Feng Jing's matter.

"I want to jump to Pinyou Entertainment. It's not because ESE treats me badly, but because it treats me so well that it has already planned all my future paths! The acting skills imitate Xie Yi, and the clothing taste imitates Xie Yi. Yi, Xie Yi has played a similar role in the next play. He is my idol. But I can’t imitate him for the rest of my life! Even if I like him and have imitated him, I may still be influenced by him unintentionally. There are traces, but I am Chufeng—Chu, Feng! I am Chufeng, not Xie Yi.

"If I stay in ESE like this again, I can only follow the path designed by ESE forever. No matter how popular I am, I will not have autonomy. Because even after another ten years, I will not be able to surpass Xie Yi. And a person who started by imitating How can a person surpass the real deity?! I have never been able to surpass the deity, so I can only continue to copy him, imitate him, copy him, and imitate him forever under the arrangement of ESE... Just thinking about it makes me feel terrible. Can you understand this feeling?"

Chufeng looked at Amanda and said, the obsidian-like eyes were no longer as radiant as when they first debuted, but more tired and precipitated.

That's what showbiz is all about.

It is much more complicated than ordinary life. What an artist sees and experiences in two or three years may be worth the experience of ordinary people for many years.

This is a place where people mature quickly, and even more quickly... vicissitudes.

"I didn't tell you because you would definitely not agree." Chufeng looked at Amanda, "You have your career, you have your goals... I may be your lover, but I'm also your entertainer."

"What do you mean by that!" Amanda took a step forward, she grabbed Chufeng's clothes and held them tightly, "What do you mean by that..."

Amanda's expression is still proud and her makeup is still delicate, but her eyes are already full of fragility.

How could she not know!

How could she not know what it means for Chufeng to quit Pinyou Entertainment! She is the manager of ESE, Chufeng went to Pinyou Entertainment, how could they still be together...

How could the love last...

I haven't talked through it all the time.

She has always wanted to hold Chufeng back with the matter of compensation, precisely because she deeply understands that once Chufeng goes to Pinyou Entertainment, it means that it is not just the artists of ESE who support Feng Jing and leave ESE voluntarily; It's not just that Legacy will be disbanded from now on, and the most popular group will no longer exist; it's not just that she doesn't do her job well enough to let the artists in her hand switch to competing companies, and her ability will score negatively against Li Rui...

The most important thing is - the relationship between her and Chufeng will come to an end!

When half of her pursuit of the director position and half of her lover's better development, she was ruthless and dealt with the boss who promoted her when she was a rookie and the person she had a crush on in the past. Journalist shooter slandered. Unexpectedly, at the same time, her lover had the idea of breaking up with her...

Suddenly, for a moment, Amanda realized Feng Jing's situation and mood.

Feng Jing, who was pointed out by the public and was isolated and abandoned, was actually in a much worse situation than her...

Much worse.

Now, just looking at Chufeng, she felt sore eyes, and her heart was pierced, even though she tried her best to hold on.

So what about the scenery...

"Do you want to break up with me?" Amanda asked him in a hoarse voice, pretending to be calm, but she just grabbed the fingers of Chufeng's clothes, but the force was so strong that the fabric was deformed.

Her voice was no longer sharp, but a hoarse voice that was almost broken.

She always thought that she was an invincible strong woman, but at this moment, she realized how uncomfortable this feeling was. It wasn't until this moment that she really understood how uncomfortable it was for Feng Jing to be dumped by Li Rui.


Feng Jing also has Yunxiu who dares to stand up and speak for him, but she has nothing left.

"Amanda," Chufeng's eyes flashed with sadness, "Don't trust Li Rui too much. He can do this to Feng Jing, but to others... From now on, you have to take care of yourself..."

What responded to Chufeng was Amanda's tears and a loud and hard slap.

It's been a long time.

Amanda had already left, but the red mark of that slap still remained on Chufeng's face, causing a faint sting. Chufeng wiped the right side of his face vigorously, then picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Amanda has been here... already had a showdown with her."

"There must be nothing good going on in that."

"You said before that there is a way to minimize the liquidated damages?"

"Isn't it because of this that you made public remarks about supporting me and leaving ESE?" The other party took a sip of wine on the phone, with a half-smile.

"What way." Chufeng didn't want to make any more detours, his heart was still heavy.

The other party smiled.

"I have read the contract of Pinyou Entertainment, and I can sign it. However, the other party may want to modify the contract because of the compensation, such as taking more commissions, or adding some other clauses - don't agree.

"And it's better not to pay the liquidated damages, but yourself."

"But the liquidated damages are 10 million!"

"It's only a nominal 10 million. Any lawyer who comes to this lawsuit can press down to seven or eight million... But although you have breached the contract, ESE has also breached the contract."

"ESE also breached the contract?" Chufeng was slightly surprised.

"I remember that in September, you will arrange to release your third album. Now it's November, but there's only one EP!"

"... Does this reason work?" Chufeng hesitated.

"The contract for the original album was a sub-contract within the framework contract. It also has legal effect. Especially you Legacy is a group, it delays not only you alone, but the four of you! If you sue together, ESE will have to pay the total The compensation is four to five million."

"What's more, after Yunxiu said those words..." Feng Jing seemed to be lost in memory for a second or two, and paused slightly, "The situation is different now."

"If you make up your mind, I will call to help you... Talk to Li Rui. In the end, three to four million yuan can be used to settle the liquidated damages."

"Three to four million is also a big amount. It's almost my savings for the past two years." Chufeng weighed it, "However, if you want to start a new one, this price is worth it!"

"You think it's worth it." The other party smiled lightly.

"You took the initiative to find me, and you helped me like this..." Speaking of this kind of situation, Chufeng pondered for a while, but couldn't help but say, "It's because I don't want Yunxiu to fall into this situation alone. ?”

The other party took a while to speak, but just shifted the topic to him.

"... Don't you also have your own ambitions? That's why you took the opportunity to change jobs."

Chufeng understood that the other party was unwilling to answer directly.

He had an indescribable feeling in his heart. On the one hand, he felt that it was a pity that Yun Xiu's way of self-destructing his future, but this pity was mixed with a faint admiration; , now being treated so miserably, it's very pitiful...

But it wasn't until Feng Jing found him that he realized that Feng Jing's ability was actually much stronger than he knew.

Like this breach of contract thing.

In Feng Jing's hands, it is not a weapon to attack ESE, and Feng Jing has been in ESE for more than ten years, and it is impossible to be ignorant of the shady, illegal, and handles... It's just that Feng Jing has never fought back before this.

Perhaps it was the last glimmer of hope for Li Rui.

Or maybe they want to see how far the other party will push themselves. For the person you care about, if you are not forced to the edge of a cliff, how can you be willing to fight back.

Any counterattack will hurt him.

Only now, Feng Jing saw it.

While being hurt, Feng Jing became more wary of other people and began to distrust them at all. Even secretly, he was ready to die with Li Rui.

But Yunxiu, unexpectedly, stood up.

He publicly supported Feng Jing's remarks, which not only dealt a heavy blow to ESE, but also made Feng Jing change his approach—probably at this time, Feng Jing felt that protecting Yunxiu was more important than taking revenge on Li Rui!

Because Yunxiu supported Feng Jing, Feng Jing wanted to protect Yunxiu no matter what.

These two people don't have any more intimate intersection, but they are so compatible in protecting each other.

As if destined.

As for himself, Feng Jing was just a pawn in the exchange of benefits in order to prevent Yunxiu from being alone and helpless and becoming the focus of attacks.

Not to mention trust, not to talk about friends.

Chufeng smiled wryly, and touched the slap on Amanda's slap. If he fell into Fengjing's situation in the future, I don't know if there is anyone who will support him like Yunxiu...

"The things I said were not just for the exchange of interests." Even though he knew that Feng Jing would not trust himself as much as he trusted Yunxiu, Chufeng couldn't help but said, "In this ESE, there are two things I am most grateful for. Individuals. One is Yunxiu, he made me understand what acting is. And the other one is you."

"After that Golden Cypress Award, you let me see the gap between myself and Yunxiu! It's a pity," Chufeng smiled wryly, "I can't do what Yunxiu did and become the first one to publicly support you people… "

until much later.

Yunxiu and that person became movie stars together, and it was only then that Chufeng realized why he insisted on leaving ESE in the first place.

Not only has he been suppressed under Xie Yi's halo, but also because of Yunxiu.

What he couldn't surpass, what he wanted to do but couldn't do it frankly, that person named Yunxiu did it.