Reincarnation of a Superstar

Chapter 21: Fengjing visit class


At the same time, Du Yunxiu here is still playing his role.

The influence of the change just now was completely invisible on his face, as if he was still the thin and low-key Yin Guanqi in the play. He didn't talk much, the middle-aged man just nodded steadily after describing the symptoms. It is very different from the sloppy and gesticulating style of his youth.

A real expert is a steady bucket of water. Those who can't cultivate well and like to express their opinions casually are the half bucket of water dangling.

Du Yunxiu asked the other party to lift up his trouser legs and lie on his back on the flat bed next to him.

He glanced at the acupuncture bag, which contained nine commonly used needles: the blunt needle, the small needle, the needle, the sharp needle, the beryllium needle, the sharp needle, the filiform needle, the long needle, and the large needle, and then took out a one-and-a-half-inch filiform needle.

Du Yunxiu held the handle of the needle, squinted his eyes and meditated for a while, then moved his finger on the tip of the needle, with the tip of the middle finger close to the acupuncture point, and the pad of the finger against the middle of the needle, and pierced the needle into the main points Zhongwan, Zhangmen, and Pishu. As well as the matching points Sanyinjiao, Liangqiu... more than a dozen needles were inserted quickly in a row, without any stagnation or bending of the needle!

Du Yunxiu refers to the fact that the wrist is solid and the wrist is weak, and the qi follows one's will, and the acupoint selection is based on the principle of "big, small, slow, urgent, odd, even, and complex". Experts will definitely be amazed at his needle-holding technique, which is extremely standard and natural, "like holding a tiger in your hand, bending like a horizontal bow".

The staff present were stunned for a moment!

I even suspected for a moment that this actor is actually a Chinese medicine doctor! Otherwise, how can it be fast and smooth, and the breath will arrive immediately, it is simply superb!

In the film, according to the description of the middle-aged man, the other party has a stomach problem, which is the current gastric ulcer.

Although Du Yunxiu seems to have had a lot of needles on the surface, in fact, it will not have any adverse effects on the actors who play the opposite role. What he wants to create is a large row of needles shining with silver light, and stick them into the opponent's body—a kind of effect that Yin Guan has specialized in chess, which is no longer what it used to be.

Besides lines, what could be more convincing than actual actions

However, it's not over yet!

Acupuncture is divided into acupuncture and moxibustion. Du Yunxiu took out moxa sticks made of moxa leaves as velvet, lit them, and hung them between one inch and one and a half inches above the acupuncture points. This distance was just right to prevent burns. All the movements are done in one go, just like the elegance of flowing clouds and flowing water.

Even if some crew members don't know the whole content of this drama, and don't know that the role played by Du Yunxiu has achieved a little success in medicine, they clearly understand that this role must have extraordinary medical skills! I was even more amazed in my heart. It turns out that this is Chinese medicine, this is acupuncture, and this is the quintessence of Chinese medicine—the ancient and mysterious charm can make people amazed at any time!

After this scene, Du Yunxiu was low-key and reticent, and he didn't have many lines.

But Director He already understands that this actor has successfully entered Yin Guanqi's psychological state when he was young, and he clearly distinguishes his youth from his current image.

Because Yunxiu's eyes were calm and steady from beginning to end.

It is the kind of composure after honing in disasters and setbacks. It is no longer the appearance of the mischievous, bright-eyed young master in the last scene, because he is doted on by his grandfather and knows no suffering, so he is not afraid of heaven and earth.

The filming of this group of scenes was relatively smooth, and it passed quickly.

The crew once again seized the time to change the scenery, move the light boxes and mechanical equipment, and prepare for the next scene.

Du Yunxiu was sitting on the other side, and the stylist was redesigning his look. The span of the next game is even bigger, from the age of 20s to the age of 50s! After more than 20 years, Yin Guanqi's reputation gradually came out, and the neighbors were full of praise. When they mentioned him, they mentioned the word "miracle doctor". "Horizontal plaque. But in the end, after the rise of western medicine, it was branded as having no scientific basis and superstition. At one time, it could only be called "Chinese herbal medicine seller", and even "Chinese medicine" and "doctor" were not qualified to be called.

"Yunxiu, have you ever studied Chinese medicine? Look at your posture just now, you are very powerful." The stylist this time is BoBo (Bobo), who is well-known in the circle, with seasoned experience and extraordinary talent. Everyone respectfully called "Sister BoBo". The director is also very satisfied to invite her to do the modeling, the character modeling is absolutely guaranteed.

"It's just scratching the surface, thanks to Director He who sent me to a famous doctor for training."

"No wonder. Director He is a person who pays attention to details. I have worked with him a few times before. Even if some things are difficult, he still hopes that the actors can perform them more realistically." BoBo smiled and was no longer surprised Yunxiu's performance just now seems to be just acting casually.

Du Yunxiu understood that Miss BoBo was explaining Director He's strictness.

In fact, Du Yunxiu could tell this point from the first day when Director He threw him a stack of Chinese medicine books when he joined the film crew. The other party was an upright and rigorous director. It is precisely for this reason that he studied hard with that Chinese medicine practitioner.

Director He only knew that he had finished reading those professional books. In fact, he even bought a human body model of 72 acupoints commonly used in acupuncture in private, first experimented on the model, and then tried the needles on himself. In the beginning, the acupoints were not pierced correctly, and the needle insertion technique was not superb, and even caused nausea from needle fainting...

He wasn't very confident in his technique, but after Feng Jing saw it, he was still eager to try it and asked him to use himself as an experiment. Du Yunxiu was really breaking out in a cold sweat at the time. It didn't matter if he was dizzy and inaccurate, but what if he got involved with Feng Jing? So he could only be more serious, and almost spent the first half of his life honing his acting skills to learn acupuncture, and finally he got it right. He was sweating from nervousness, but Feng Jing smiled slyly, knowing that if you get an injection from me, you will definitely be stricter than yourself. It's better this way, I can't let the way you tie yourself up miserable. After hearing this, Du Yunxiu felt helpless and gentle, looked at Feng Jing's charming and cunning eyes, and flicked Feng Jing's forehead. Feng Jing was stunned by his action for a long time, and finally lay on his back, wanting to avenge this "one bullet". Two people with such a high reputation and status in the entertainment circle were playing and fighting like children.

"It would be great if you were a real Chinese medicine doctor. My calf is always swollen badly, and I want to get acupuncture." Sister BoBo said half-jokingly and half-seriously. Women who stand for a long time, or often wear high heels, the lower limbs are prone to edema.

"Acupuncture at Sanyinjiao, Gongsun, and Yinlingquan acupoints will produce results within a minute or two. For moxibustion, it will take a little longer, 20 to 30 minutes."

"Sanyinjiao?" BoBo was curious.

"It is about three inches from the four transverse fingers of the inner ankle."

BoBo paused for a moment with the hands that were fiddling with the flowered white wig, and couldn't help laughing. Today's young people are all ostentatious, like ease, no more suffering than their generation. I never thought there would be such humility now. She said that she only knew superficiality, but when she mentioned the symptoms of edema, she was able to answer so professionally and quickly.

It turned out that she also had times when she was blind...

The scene changes again.

The situation in the charity hall has not improved, but has become worse. The Baizi cabinet was turned into a mess, some precious medicinal materials that Du Yunxiu took a long time to find were maliciously thrown on the floor, and the chairs in other cabinets were even more crumbling...

Yin Guanqi, who is almost fifty years old, has gray hair and age spots on his face, standing alone in the ruined charity hall.

A group of children laughed heartlessly. When they walked past the traditional Chinese medicine shop, they sang nursery rhymes while picking up small stones and throwing them excitedly. At first they were just aimless, and then they became bolder, laughing and aiming at the half-hanging horizontal plaque.

The "Miaoshouhuichun" plaque presented by others has been removed and split in half from the middle, leaving only the last half of "Hanging Pot to Help the World" swaying like the last fallen leaf in the autumn wind.

The children smiled innocently, and one stone after another flew towards the plaque. Finally, the plaque fell off.

The horizontal plaque of "Hanging pot to help the world" fell heavily in this devastated traditional Chinese medicine shop, and the heavy voice kept echoing...

The children who found themselves hit burst into laughter and giggled with joy.

Only Yin Guanqi bent down, gently stroked the four characters on it, and slowly traced the outline of these characters with his fingertips stroke by stroke.

Before his father died, he had drawn four characters in his palm——xuan, hu, ji, shi.

Yin Guanqi's back is arched, his shoulders seem to be bent by this heavy life, his hair is gray and messy, and his heart is full of holes.

His fingers trembled, and he burst into tears for a while.

Yin Guanqi hugged the broken horizontal plaque, tears fell silently from the corners of his eyes. His life has been suppressed for too long, and now it seems that he doesn't even know how to vent his sadness and pain.

The children gathered around curiously again.

Someone threw another stone, this time hitting Yin Guanqi hard on the forehead, scarlet blood dripped from his gray hair. The children screamed and ran away...

According to the script of the storyboard, the photographer used a telephoto lens.

In the dilapidated charity hall, the elderly Yin Guanqi had trembling shoulders and a stooped back, tightly holding the horizontal plaque that read "Hanging Pot to Help the World".

The audience was silent, filled with a desolate atmosphere.

It wasn't until Director He yelled "Cut" that everyone seemed to have returned to the real world. There was no charity hall, and there was no Yin Guanqi. It's just that at some point, there were tears in the corners of everyone's eyes.

The staff used the things in their hands to adjust their mood, and they all felt that the scriptwriter's arrangement was too miserable.

Only Director He looked at Du Yunxiu who was taking off his make-up calmly. The gray wig was taken off first, and then Du Yunxiu straightened his waist and relaxed his shoulders. His shoulder line was flat and smooth. Straight, exactly the kind of model-like hanger.

This is the state of youth.

But just now, in addition to being fitted with a wig, wrinkles, and age spots by BoBo, this actor deliberately hunched his back, shrunk his shoulders, squinted at things, his hands trembled—his legs trembled, all of this—hunched back , shoulders, presbyopia, and even the nerves are no longer coordinated, these are the characteristics that only the elderly will have.

Director He nodded silently, with a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes.

In just one day, the three spans of juvenile, middle-aged, and old are quickly switched. Without a coherent plot brewing before and after, it can quickly enter such a state and accurately express the psychology of characters of different ages. And characteristics - he is very satisfied with Yunxiu.

Everything is under intense and busy shooting.

Sometimes it takes three or four hours a day just to put on makeup, and it is even more uncomfortable to put some things on the face and take a long time to shoot. But Du Yunxiu didn't complain. Even during the few breaks, he studied the script repeatedly and figured out the characters.

Except, occasionally thinking about what happened to Fu Zihan.

It's been almost a month since I joined the crew, and the other party hasn't heard a single word. Du Yunxiu also called Fu Zihan's cell phone, but Liu Zhang picked it up, saying that Fu Zihan was filming an idol drama in Japan, and the heroine was a singer under Crown Glory.

Although Liu Zhang didn't say anything else, the words... made people feel faintly ambiguous.

After Du Yunxiu hung up the phone, he was stunned for a while.

For some reason, he remembered what Fu Zihan had said to him.

"It's also hard for you to really trust a person... Although your nature is not suspicious. Perhaps, it is because you are afraid of greater harm."

"Why, don't you trust me more?"

For some reason, he can trust Feng Jing unconditionally, but for Fu Zihan...

Feng Jing is a charming and ostentatious rainbow, which is dazzling and amazing, but Fu Zihan is a landscape of overlapping mountains. You know that the rainbow is the most illusory and unpredictable, but you are willing to believe it His beauty is overwhelming. But the beautiful mountains and rivers are in front of your eyes, but you hesitate whether there are traps buried in their ground.

He recalled again the bad premonition he had when he saw Li Pei and his wife, and this faint uneasiness was like a poisonous snake occupying the bottom of his heart.

Soon after, Feng Jing visited the class.

Although the incident of closing the scene a few months ago was well known, the staff of the production crew were quite polite to the closing scene. After all, Feng Jing has been behind the scenes for so many years, so his status and ability are there. Who can be sure that there will be nothing to ask him for introduction and help in the future? Especially Miss BoBo, who has more seniority in the circle, warmly greets Feng Jing as soon as she sees her.

"Xiao Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time! How are you doing recently?" While talking, he picked Feng Jing's hair with his hands, and said in his mouth, "Did you really not take care of your hair? Xing's hair is good! It's long and smooth, as thin as raw silk. It's a good thing you don't film anymore, otherwise those actresses would be jealous."

Feng Jing's eyes curled up, and the corners of his lips slightly raised: "Then let them get jealous! When the jealousy is over, I will ask Sister BoBo for help!"

Sister BoBo smiled when she heard that.

During the exchanging of pleasantries, he faintly felt that Feng Jing was a bit different from the past.

In the past, the other party was too confident and perfect, and there was a bit of arrogance in the publicity. Perhaps it was the impact of the "Resignation Gate" incident. Although Feng Jing is still confident and flamboyant now, his arrogance is like a rough diamond that has been polished, and the sharp edges and corners have turned into a shiny luster.

As soon as Du Yunxiu finished the work here, he felt that the atmosphere in the crew was completely different.

Several staff members formed a circle, looking up and admiringly at the people inside like stars and the moon. Du Yunxiu was wondering, who could it be

The other party seemed to sense his gaze, stretched out his arm, and beckoned to him.

White sleeves, a diamond-studded brand-name watch on the wrist, slender and white fingers, and the knuckles are as beautiful as jade. Then the man's body turned sideways, revealing a seductive and charming face.

Everything was in slow motion—first the satiny black hair, then a slightly feminine, flamboyant face.

The eyebrows are high, the eyes are slender and long, and there is a smile.

Inside the white coat is a wine red silky V-neck shirt. This kind of color is too bright and vivid, not everyone can wear it, but Feng Jing just wears it nicely and arrogantly.

If someone asked Du Yunxiu at this time, what color can describe Feng Jing.

At this moment, Du Yunxiu will definitely answer: "Wine red."

Unassuming, charming, mysterious and uninhibited wine red. This color is the most like Fengjing.

"Xiu." Feng Jing shouted, the tear mole under his right eye shimmered.

Du Yunxiu felt amazed for a moment.

He used to think that Feng Jing was good-looking, but there was a hint of sharpness in that good-looking, so he trusted Feng Jing, but kept a certain distance, and therefore, no matter how good-looking Feng Jing was, Du Yunxiu didn't pay attention to it. Seen. But now, under the theater, there were other people and actors standing beside Feng Jing, but Du Yunxiu's eyes were only occupied by Feng Jing.

Feng Jing smiled slightly, with a generous attitude, and a casual movement was pleasing to the eye. In the eyes of outsiders, it is not affected by the previous events.

Du Yunxiu stood there, his eyes softened, and he couldn't help but answer: "Ah Jing."

Director He over there also called it a day.

"Director He." Feng Jing greeted immediately, with a proper tone, enthusiastic, but not overly flattering, with a hint of respect.

Director He on the side smiled and walked towards Feng Jing.

In the past ten years, he has cooperated with ESE in three or four films, so he is more familiar with Fengjing than Yunxiu.

"Come to visit the class?" Director He said so, but glanced at Yunxiu.

Feng Jing went up to meet her, and Du Yunxiu followed behind.

"Yes, I came here specially to see you, Director He. You are still so rigorous! Just now everyone said that they admire you very much. From you, you have learned a lot just from your attitude." Feng Jing said, Seeing that Director He did not speak, he obviously acquiesced to this statement, so he turned his head and glanced at Yunxiu, "How is it? How is the acting? Don't disappoint Director He's expectations of you!"

From the previous conversations with other staff members, Feng Jing could guess that Yunxiu's acting skills were well received.

However, an old director like Director He will not take the initiative to praise a young actor, especially an unfamiliar actor, so as not to be used by the media in the future, but instead become a tool for the agency to promote him. But now he could see that Director He himself was very proud of what he said just now. So strike while the iron is hot, apparently asking Yunxiu, but actually...

Sure enough, Director He affirmed Du Yunxiu positively for the first time.

"He's very good! It's rare for a young actor to be like him now, no, it's almost rare! Now he's almost becoming a Chinese medicine doctor for our entire crew. Everyone is fine, so I went to him to get a few needles." , no worse than doctors outside."

Feng Jing listened to the director's words of praise for the actors many times.

The most profound thing was the first time when his own acting skills were recognized, and the most memorable was the first time when the artist under him was praised by other directors, but this time, Feng Jing felt happier than being praised .

Feng Jing turned his head and happened to meet Yun Xiu's gaze.

The other party is also joyful and excited, and there is a kind of ambition to work harder in the excitement. Feng Jing had a feeling of being completely infected by Yun Xiu, and was also happy for the other party for a while.

"Have everyone called it a day? Let's go to a restaurant outside to have a meal. Everyone has worked hard. During this time, we have done our best for this movie! Especially Director He! My treat."

Feng Jing yelled in the direction of the crew, and everyone naturally responded and agreed.

At the banquet, Feng Jing toasted one cup after another. Director He, assistant director, assistant director, and scene director specially made a one-on-one toast. Although the others did not make a toast, they also made a table-by-table toast! Feng Jing did not say that he made a special trip to visit Yunxiu during this visit, but the entire crew obviously had a better attitude towards Yunxiu because of Feng Jing's visit, and everyone in the crew praised Yunxiu Afterwards, other reporters visited, and almost all the crew members reflected that Yunxiu is a very good actor with great acting skills!

After drinking and toasting, even though Du Yunxiu was not sociable, he understood that the reason why Feng Jing put down the figure of ESE director and did what managers and assistants would do—it was entirely for himself...

After the banquet was over, Du Yunxiu and Feng Jing walked on the streets of the filming base for a while.

The breeze is coming.

Feng Jing's outline looked very soft under the moonlight, Du Yunxiu moved his lips, and wanted to say thank you to Feng Jing several times, but in the end he didn't have the chance to say it.

Because Feng Jing spoke first.

"Fu Zihan's grandfather passed away. Now Crown Glory has no leader, and several relatives are making a big fuss and want to seize power."