Reincarnation of a Superstar

Chapter 27: I have, and have believed in you


Du Yunxiu, Feng Jing and his party returned to China. Feng Jing single-handedly handled the external relations and public relations affairs, and Feng Jing had strong execution ability, and in just a few days, a five-star hotel was settled as the venue for the press conference. Some other prominent figures who have friendship with Feng Jing, or celebrities who have been brought by Feng Jing will also come to join in. The specific media invitations were handed over to the public relations company founded by Feng Jing's old friend to ensure that several major newspapers would have front-page headlines and positive publicity reports.

"How do you feel? The establishment of Fengyun Studio will be officially announced soon." Feng Jing leaned on the sofa in a relaxed manner, his long hair loosened lazily, with a faint glimmer of light.

"Thank you for your hard work. Without you, this studio would not exist!"

Feng Jing was so busy these days that he almost disappeared, sometimes even Du Yunxiu didn't know where he was. But Du Yunxiu understood that without Feng Jing, this studio would not have been established, and he was full of gratitude for Feng Jing's contribution. He feels sorry for Feng Jing's hard work, but he has no better way to express his feelings.

Feng Jing's eyes flashed.

In the past, he did the same for Li Rui, but the other party never said that without him, there would be no ESE. His devotion has never been truly affirmed and recognized by Li Rui.

Feng Jing smiled silently, and then his expression gradually became serious: "There is one more thing I want to tell you."

"Huh?" Du Yunxiu noticed this change and became serious.

"At the press conference for the formal establishment of the studio... Li Rui is coming."

"Him? Li Rui?" Du Yunxiu was stunned, "What is he here for?"

"Actually, I invited him." Feng Jing lowered his eyelids and said in a leisurely manner.

"Wait, what's going on?" Du Yunxiu held Feng Jing's hand subconsciously, staring at him, with a deep worry in his eyes, and a brave defense against the enemy, "He treated you like that back then. ? Could it be - Li Rui threatened you again?"

When he thought about what kind of tricks Li Rui was going to play, he was very worried about Feng Jing.

"It's nothing." Feng Jing looked down at his tightly held hand, and a smile couldn't help showing on the corner of his mouth. Du Yunxiu's strength and warmth made him feel that he didn't have to regret anything, "He came to sign the contract of."

Despite his explanation, Du Yunxiu had no intention of letting go.

"Contract?" Du Yunxiu held Feng Jing's hand even tighter. The impression of Feng Jing's decadence last time was still deeply in his mind, and he felt sorry for him. From that moment on, Du Yunxiu swore to himself that he would never let Feng Jing show such a side again. No one is allowed to hurt this proud and lonely man again.

Du Yunxiu didn't care much about other things, but as long as it was about Fengjing, he cared more than anyone else.

Li Rui has always been iron-blooded, but the contract is so simple

"Yeah." Feng Jing's slender eyes curled up, reassuring Du Yunxiu, "Priority contract. In the future, as long as it is a movie cast by ESE, we will have three leading roles every year. Simply put, if ESE shoots a movie every year Ten movies, we can choose any three of them, and you will be the protagonist."

"According to your workload in the past, without including overseas or other plans and arrangements, three movies a year can completely fill the file." Feng Jing curled his lips, "But I have already discussed this point, if you One year’s priority is not used up, it can be accumulated to the next year, and so on. The initiative is in our hands, and ESE has no right to make other demands on us.”

"Although our popularity is good and we have box office appeal, using their resources to make us the leading role is not good for them. Why would ESE do such a thing?"

Du Yunxiu didn't understand the operations behind the scenes.

Although Feng Jing spoke logically and his analysis seemed to be very thorough, he still had doubts and couldn't see the purpose of ESE.

"Why not?" Feng Jing looked away, and said in a very normal tone: "Every year, the film company has an evaluation form in hand, which evaluates an actor's commercial value, popularity, and box office appeal according to the box office and awards. judge."

"Although you played the male second in "Royal Adventure", you have been on the scene for more than 15 minutes, so the box office of more than 1.8 billion can be counted on you. There is no domestic actor who can compare with you. Even Xie Yi can't do it."

"Oh, it's okay?"

"Of course." Feng Jingxing nodded, and then smiled lightly, "Your energy is spent on figuring out the role and improving your acting skills, of course I didn't pay attention to it. And, you forgot, you still have to play "Royal Adventure 2"! But the agent The appointment is in our own hands, otherwise other companies will definitely want you crazy."

After a pause for a few seconds, Feng Jing continued: "It's not that the studio can't shoot. It's just that a large-scale movie needs too much money. We can't reach this level at this stage. If a small movie doesn't have a particularly good script , I don’t think it’s necessary to pick it up. Although Li Rui and I... you all know,” Feng Jing smiled wryly, “but at present, the entire domestic entertainment industry, ESE, Pinyou Entertainment, and Crown Glory, measure their connections, funds, In terms of scale and mode of operation, the best choice is ESE. Of course, when we accumulate more and investors are willing to invest based on your reputation, we can ignore ESE completely. Acting in our own movies is the priority. There is no conflict of rights contract at all.”

Everything seems to sound ok.

The reason why he didn't choose Crown Glory was probably because Feng Jing already knew about himself and Fu Zihan. Although the Golden Cypress Award was far away, he could see the disappointment at that time. Feng Jing, who looks flamboyant, is actually so careful...

As for Pinyou Entertainment, firstly, its style is relatively conservative, and its strength is not as strong as ESE. Second, Chufeng has been favored in the past few years. It will bring more comparisons and may not be a good balance.

"... That's it. Then, when will the press conference start?" Feng Jing gave good reasons, all of which were best for the studio and best for his development. Du Yunxiu really couldn't think of any other reasons right now.

"Next weekend, Room 3 on the 18th floor of the Roman (Rome) Hotel."

"In the past few days, a special public relations company will come over to help us review clothing, speech and wording, and there will be drafts. On Monday, major newspapers will publish the news of the establishment of Fengyun Studio. Of course, Li Rui's arrival will also increase Exposure rate. So it can be regarded as an official announcement to the show business circle that we are back, and we have ESE behind us, let others be more polite!" Feng Jing said with a smile, "When it's time to use ESE, I will not be relentless."

"I just want you to understand that no matter how good the role is, I don't want to trade it for your unhappiness."

"Nothing is as important as you."

Compared with Feng Jing's confident performance of the whole propaganda campaign, Du Yunxiu just stared into Feng Jing's long and narrow eyes and said such words.

If it wasn't for him, if it wasn't for him to take care of Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan's baby. Feng Jing also wouldn't quit the showbiz for so long. With Feng Jing's ability, no matter where he is, no matter which company he is in, he can make outstanding achievements!

Feng Jing, who is flamboyant and evil, is shrewd and cunning.

When we are vulnerable... but don't want other people to know about Fengjing.

With this person around, he made himself understand the true meaning of trust, let him know the peace of mind of giving his back to others, and made him change his future and dreams. At the beginning, his dream was to defeat Xie Yi, but what about now? Is it to go to the highest stage with this person? This is the light that belongs to their lives.

Room 3 on the 18th floor of the Roman Hotel.

It's exactly two o'clock in the afternoon.

The whole venue is decorated in a simple and stylish way. The front hall is the signing office, and every media reporter who signs in will get a brochure about Fengyun Studio after signing. Next to the autograph office are filled with flower bouquets sent by well-connected artists, and many blessings and congratulatory messages are written below. At the same time, it also conveyed a kind of benign information that the studio has a wide network of contacts in the entertainment industry and is well supported.

The podiums are all decorated with white lilies, which have a positive and hopeful meaning. In the center is a super-large electronic screen, which can play some PPT or promotional videos when introducing the studio. The banner above "Fengyun studio is officially established" is very eye-catching, and any reporter can see it at the first sight when they come in.

Under the care of a professional public relations company, Du Yunxiu chose a pure white suit with a blue hemming neckline and a slender knotted blue tie. Refreshing without losing elegance, especially when paired with Du Yunxiu's temperament, it looks particularly sincere, which is conducive to reversing a series of negative news in the past few years. Feng Jing was also in a white suit, but the silky shirt inside was a very flamboyant wine red. Because he is responsible for the face-to-face publicity and negotiation, he must express a positive, capable, shrewd, and easy-to-communicate message.

A master like Feng Jing just played a little trick, and the atmosphere of the entire press conference was already very harmonious and active, but the reporters present did not just want to report the news of the establishment of Fengyun Studio. They want to dig more news about Du Yunxiu - the positive and negative comments were extremely extreme a few years ago, and they were finally hidden by domestic companies, almost quitting the entertainment circle, but miraculously, a few years later, Xianyu turned around and set a record in the box office of the international film industry Miraculously, the movie he starred in can enter the top three in the world box office record! So during the reporter's questioning session, some reporters directly targeted Du Yunxiu, asking questions frequently, and some reporters asked sharply: "What is your relationship with Lin Xuan like? Why is the child you gave birth to a mixed race?"

Feng Jing's face remained calm, but the corner of his eyes quickly glanced at Du Yunxiu.

Feng Jing rarely respects anyone in the circle, but Lin Xuan deserves his respect. This woman... until the end of her life, she was still thinking about Yunxiu, and she would still say "the Du Yunxiu who is acting is the real Du Yunxiu". Although he didn't understand why Lin Xuan called Yunxiu Du Yunxiu at that time, maybe that was Yunxiu's real name? ... Among the people he knew, there was only one named Du, and that was Du Fei.

Because of this, he was even more worried that such a problem would...

But Du Yunxiu just listened with a smile, and looked at the reporter with thick ink-painted eyes, without obvious displeasure.

"Lin Xuan, all movie fans know it, including the journalists who have come into contact with her. She is a very good female artist. In real life, people can't help but trust her and fall in love with her from the bottom of her heart. friend.

"She, and her children, are people I like.

"Everyone needs friends.

"Backing you up when you need it most, standing by your side, trusting you. No matter what happens, what others say.

"Lin Xuan to me, or I to Lin Xuan—are just doing what a friend would do."

The reporters below were silent for a few seconds.

There was a lot of speculation a few years ago, and some public opinion speculated with the darkest psychology, wishing to scold Lin Xuan and Yunxiu to death, scolding very ugly, but maybe, the truth of the matter is as simple as that...

Feng Jingqing coughed: "Female celebrities often receive a lot of criticism. Of course...male celebrities are not immune either."

The reporter below smiled comprehensibly, and turned his attention back to Feng Jing.

"The matter at that time was not clarified-as an artist, this is definitely the biggest and fatal mistake. Everyone has seen Yunxiu's 'end', and his acting career was completely ruined. And in order to take care of the baby, he quit acting I have been in the circle for more than a year. However, as an ordinary person, I think everyone hopes that the friends around them are friends with love and righteousness. So from this point of view, I really have no way to say "no" to his actions. But for this reason, I believe that Yunxiu will go longer and farther on the road of performing arts. The performing arts circle is not just a circle that is indifferent and only cares about its own interests, is it?"

"About this point - I think Mr. Li Rui, the president of ESE, thinks the same way! So Mr. Li Rui also came to the scene today, let's see what good news he will bring!" Feng Jing smiled humorously to the reporter , "Everyone will have new material to write when they go back."

When the public relations company notified the media according to the request of Feng Jing, they specially left a suspense, telling that in addition to the establishment of the studio, there will be other important people coming to announce more important news on the spot, but they never expected that there would be It's Li Rui, the president of ESE! The reporters present, except for the newcomers, all knew that Feng Jing and ESE were almost at odds with each other in the incident of "Feng Jing's resignation". The thing is that Feng Jing and Li Rui broke up!

It's just that Li Rui has been behind the scenes, and he is the boss of ESE, the leader in the entertainment industry.

Everyone will not be so stupid as to break ground on Tai Sui, otherwise, no matter whether it is to accuse you or directly "deal with" you with the methods of the underworld, a small reporter will have no power to fight back.

The reporters were in an uproar.

If that's the case... just Li Rui and Feng Jing, the two meet again, ESE and Feng Yun Studio, there are countless possibilities... This is indeed very explosive news.

Li Rui was still dressed in black. Deep and tough silhouette, unsmiling face, imperial aura. As soon as it appeared, the reporters suddenly felt that the air pressure in the entire venue was a little lower. Even the white lilies adorned beside it can't play any role in adjusting the atmosphere at all. However, the first thing to move—is the sealing scene!

"Li Rui... Sir, hello." The words are correct.

His long hair was like satin, his slender eyes were slightly curved, and the tear mole under his right eye was shining brightly. The white suit of the same color as Du Yunxiu set off his spirit to the extreme, but the wine red silky shirt inside showed his capable aura just right.

Feng Jing's slender fingers stretched out in front of Li Rui, hanging in the air.

Li Rui glanced at it, but no emotion could be seen on his calm face...but he didn't immediately reach out to hold it back.

Feng Jing was still smiling.

The long and narrow eyes stared at Li Rui with a smile, and slightly raised the corners of his lips. The shallow smile had an unusually compelling aura.

For a moment, the reporters in the audience had the illusion that these two people were not shaking hands, but were fighting for something!

Finally, Li Rui also moved.

With an expressionless face, he finally frowned slightly, then stretched out his hand to hold Feng Jing's hand, and shook it lightly. Li Rui frowned very slightly. It was only fleeting, but sharp-eyed reporters still noticed it!

And Feng Jing here still had a smile on his face and a steady look in his eyes.

Looking at this situation, Du Yunxiu suddenly had a strange intuition in his heart, Feng Jing must have negotiated something with Li Rui...

Feng Jing had a calm demeanor, as if the almost "resignation" a few years ago had nothing to do with ESE, and it seemed that he had never had any problems with Li Rui. Not caring about Li Rui's attitude, Feng Jing continued to announce to the reporters present: "Mr. Li Rui, the president of ESE, came here this time to start a closer cooperation with Feng Yun Studio! As we all know, Yun Xiu starred in " "Royal Adventure" has achieved a global box office of more than 1.8 billion. This is not only a miracle of world cinema, but also let the world know our Chinese actors, our acting skills and strength!"

After closing the sights, he handed the microphone to Li Rui.

As far as the scene is concerned, that's enough for him to say, and it's Li Rui's turn to cheer for the rest.

"... Yunxiu is a very good actor. He is extremely talented and his acting skills are natural. He has achieved impressive results in both domestic and international film circles. This is Yunxiu's achievement, and it is also ours. The achievements of the film industry. We encourage more Chinese actors to go out..." Li Rui said.

As a partner, it is natural to boast of the other party's studio and actors. The corners of Feng Jing's lips curled up slightly, as if he was listening attentively to the other party's speech, and he respected Li Rui very much. After Li Rui finished speaking, he took the lead in applauding, as if the two sides trust each other and cooperate very happily.

If he didn't know what was going on at that time, even Du Yunxiu wouldn't be able to see the strangeness of Feng Jing.

Perhaps, only Du Yunxiu has the most insight.

If he is an extremely talented actor, then Feng Jing is a born entertainer - his acting skills, his ability to operate behind the scenes, have been integrated into life itself...

Feng Jing specially arranged to sign the contract on the spot.

The hostess brought out the tray, which contained the printed contract, tied with champagne gold fireworks, and two gold pens. Feng Jing and Li Rui signed on the spot.

The reporter has seen a lot of celebrities signing contracts with entertainment companies in this way of "marrying in". But they didn't expect that Feng Jing also operated the signing of the studio and the entertainment company as a show (performance). This kind of scene is extremely rare, how could the reporters miss the opportunity, they picked up the cameras one after another, looking for the angle and snapping again...

Li Rui unscrewed the golden pen, and signed his name on Xuebai's contract.

He signed a lot of contracts, too many to count. The only thing that left a deep impression on me was the signing ceremony where Li Chen was pulled down and he became the president of ESE. That is, the glory of his life.

What was it like

There are many dangers and difficulties, and if you don't succeed, you will become benevolent.

He controlled many shareholders, but he also worried that those people would defect at the last minute.

And the only thing not to worry about is Feng Jing...

When I met Feng Jing, he was still young, and Feng Jing was even younger, only in his teens. Not yet a man, just a child. With a feminine appearance and no background, she completely does not conform to the aesthetics of more than ten years ago. At that time, the concept of gender-neutral handsome boys in Korea and Japan did not take shape in China, and the showbiz at that time only accepted the image of masculine, handsome, and slightly evil men.

Therefore, Xie Yihong, who is fully qualified.

In the next year or two, many people regarded Xie Yi and Feng Jing as strange things. Both Xie Yi and Feng Jing have characteristics that other artists will never be able to match. Both sides have countless fans, their popularity is extremely high, and they are so popular that it can almost be said that they are fighting against each other.

Those people actually didn't know that in the showbiz circle, Feng Jing's feminine looks not only didn't please him at all, but suffered a lot, and even because of this reason, people with a little backstage and seniority in the showbiz circle often touched her. The first time he met Feng Jing, Feng Jing knocked the head of an unruly director with a wine bottle.

The other party cursed: "If you want to be popular, you have to obey my rules!"

"I don't believe I won't be popular anymore! Idiot!" At that time, Feng Jing had green brows and eyes, and hadn't cultivated into the current aura, but his temper was not small.

The other party called someone to come, and wanted to teach Feng Jing a lesson.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Feng Jing ran away, and finally hid behind his car, still aggrieved: "Damn it, I won't kill you if I become popular!"

"Do you think you will be popular in a few years..."

At that time, Li Rui rarely showed a smile of interest.

And the arrogant young man raised his head, his expression was astonished, his young brows and eyes revealed an unformed aura, his appearance was unexpectedly cute.

This is their first meeting.

The young, promising, ruthless Li Rui and the soft-faced, youthful and flexible Feng Jing met for the first time. After more than ten years, their lives were closely entangled...

Li Rui raised his eyelids.

Feng Jing on the opposite side was wearing a white suit, signed his name on the contract confidently and smoothly, and then inadvertently glanced at Yun Xiu who was not far away, and Yun Xiu also looked at Feng Jing at the same time.

A momentary eye contact can only be achieved by a person with a tacit understanding and a tacit understanding.

He and Feng Jing also had this kind of moment...

However, I haven't seen each other for more than three years. When Feng Jing met again after returning to China a few days ago, the first sentence was: "ESE shares, in exchange for your movie priority."

Feng Jing is still the same Feng Jing, shrewd and capable.

Nothing seems to have changed.

It seems... not affected by that incident at all.

But at that time, Li Rui, who was sitting in the office of the top executive of ESE, understood that the person in front of him was no longer the person he knew—his person. What is sitting in front of him now is just a capable colleague or competitor.

He sits in front of him.

It is no longer to bring ESE to the top with him. It was for another studio, another person.

"ESE's shares? Your five percent?" Li Rui chuckled.

He has always been serious and doesn't let people see his emotions easily, but at that moment, he didn't know why he made a mocking sneer.

Once supported him at the time when the ESE struggle for power was the most intense.

I used to be desperate to throw away all the aura when I was at the height of the sun.

The person who once gambled all his family property - but used ESE stock to negotiate and trade with another person for another person!

"...not five percent." Feng Jing, who was sitting opposite, paused, looked away, and then whispered out a sentence.

"What?" He didn't hear clearly for a moment.

"I said," the other party squinted his slender eyes and stared straight at him, there was a smile in his eyes, as if he wanted to look into the bottom of his heart, "I said, it's not five percent." .”

"How much?" His face immediately changed, could it be...

He absolutely does not allow any place to lose control and bring potential threats to himself. A gleam flashed across Li Rui's eyes, and he immediately returned to the original tough boss (boss) appearance. It was like a fortress with strong defenses, with no flaws to be seen.

"Are you buying shares from retail investors? Tell you, it's impossible."

Unexpectedly, Feng Jing did not get entangled in this topic.

"At the beginning, our shares were about the same as Li Chen's. The only thing that played an absolute role... was Boss Zhou's 10% shares." Feng Jing didn't look at Li Rui, but said lightly.

"You know that person... He has played with many celebrities. But he does have a trick, he is very cunning, he has been vague, neither supports nor opposes. You, Li Chen, are all trying to win him..."

"Why do you think he suddenly stood by us at the last moment?"

Even Li Rui, who is as powerful as an emperor, heard this, his motionless mask cracked into pieces, and shock appeared in his bottomless eyes for the first time, even Li Rui didn't notice it, his voice carried There was a shudder.

" found him?"

Feng Jing didn't speak, but turned his head slowly, looking at Li Rui with narrow eyes.


Li Rui has never seen Feng Jing look like this before...

Strong and shrewd, he has seen it many times, but he has never seen Feng Jing's eyes that are so quiet that people can't make a sound.

He had seen the children who had been played with.

The various scars on the body are horrible, just looking at those scars, one can imagine how vicious and abused. Could it be that at that time, the...

"Fifteen percent of the shares in ESE, exchange priority. Together with your kindness... I will return it to you."

However, Feng Jing only answered him like this.

The past is gone.

Li Rui suddenly understood that he would meet more people in his life, but there would never be another scene.

In this life, there will never be a second scene.

The pen signed by Li Rui was no longer handy for a moment.

The sharp pen tip scratched the contract printing paper, leaving irreparable marks on it.

"Have you ever thought that maybe after a few years, he will also choose marriage?" Li Rui still couldn't see any emotion on his deep face, but suddenly asked in a low voice when signing the contract on the spot. They were still a certain distance away from the press box in the audience. Only Li Rui and Feng Jing could hear such a volume.

"Him? Yunxiu?" Feng Jing narrowed his narrow eyes, shook his head slightly and smiled.

Feng Jing behaved very casually, but the more casual, the more trust and confidence it represented. Only when you fully trust a person, even if there are various potential threats, you also believe that the other person and yourself will get through it together.

"You have paid so much for him, does he know? You are not afraid - in the end, he will treat you like, like me..." Li Rui's voice finally became difficult.

The air seemed to freeze.

Li Rui and Feng Jing seem to be in a small and transparent space. The reporters in the audience talked a lot, but they couldn't reach their ears.

In this space where the present and the past are intertwined, in this space where giving up and starting again, there are only Li Rui and Feng Jing.

Feng Jing looked at Li Rui, his slender eyes were full of peace, he stared quietly at Li Rui for a few seconds, and finally smiled.

"... I once, and I believed in you."

The signing ceremony is officially over.

At the moment when he signed his name, Li Rui seemed to suddenly feel much older.

The past that belonged to him and Feng Jing had come to an end.