Reincarnation of a Superstar

Chapter 28: Just like an oath


Feng Jing was in good spirits, and continued to perfectly control the flow of the press conference.

"Thank you ESE for supporting us so much. I believe everyone has watched "Royal Adventure". Now, I want to announce a more exciting news on the spot."

In front of the reporters, Feng Jing is always in an impeccable and perfect state.

The difference is that the current Feng Jing, his intelligence, his ability, are for Fengyun Studio, for Yunxiu.

The reporters below exploded.

Since Feng Jing mentioned "Royal Adventure" at the beginning, then this news must have something to do with it. If it is said that in the entertainment industry, a word or an action by the boss of an entertainment company can be called a weather vane, which is considered an important piece of news, then the revelation involving a box office miracle and the international film industry will make them even more excited!

"Are you going to make a sequel?!"

"Does Yunxiu have a role? What is it about, when will filming start, and when will it be released?"

"Don't tempt us, tell us quickly, tell Morning Toutiao earlier, hehe..." The reporters couldn't wait to catch the news.

"Haha, I've said these things... Of course they don't count." Feng Jing raised his brow lightly, tears flickering slightly, "The problems of the movie, of course, need to be spoken by the big director. Why don't we listen to the big director of "Royal Adventure" What did Luc say? Look at the VCR."

Li Rui didn't know anything about the VCR.

Du Yunxiu didn't know either.

Before returning to China, Feng Jing brought an interpreter to talk to Luc alone, confirming that the official domestic news was announced by him, and asked Luc to record this for Yunxiu. On the one hand, it was to exaggerate the atmosphere, and more importantly, to We should take this opportunity to show to the domestic showbiz that the value of Yunxiu has been personally recognized by international directors.

There are countless press conferences in showbiz.

This is one of those ordinary yet extraordinary ones. In just over an hour, the reporters seemed to be on a roller coaster, caught off guard again and again by the news announced by the scene.

Whether it is Yunxiu, who has not shown up for a long time but has become famous in the international film industry, or the president of ESE who signed the contract in person, or did not receive any rumors at all before, but now he suddenly saw Hollywood director Luc on the spot announcing that the sequel of "Royal Adventure" is coming soon. The filming started, and I praised Yunxiu's VCR at the same time! The reporters were elated, and they all felt that today's press conference was really the right one.

Only Li Rui understood from the bottom of his heart. This is Feng Jing's ability...

The effect of this press conference is very good.

Du Yunxiu's fame once again started, and he reappeared in the domestic show business circle after several years of silence. Those fans who were disappointed with him in the past, maybe because time has forgotten, or maybe time has gradually proved something, they paid attention to Du Yunxiu again.

"What a pity. Now we should continue to consolidate our domestic status." On the plane, Feng Jing was talking with Du Yunxiu.

On the second day of the press conference, Feng Jing bought a copy of all the newspapers that published the news of the establishment of Fengyun Studio. The number of newspapers in Du Yunxiu's hands, wearing black sunglasses, gradually increased and gradually turned into a large stack, which surprised the sellers at the newsstand to death. During the whole process, facing the surprised expression of the newsstand seller, Du Yunxiu just looked at Feng Jing with a smile.

"Yeah, I didn't expect Luc to be so urgent." Generally, this kind of big production will have several months of preparatory work. I didn't expect that this time, as soon as it was confirmed, the actors would be mobilized and the filming would start immediately. "However, the wishes of the two leading actors It is also very high, and the schedule will be adjusted immediately. The first scene... Let me see, it will be filmed in the castle."

"Castle? Seems very interesting." Feng Jing's long and narrow eyes lit up.

"Well, it's not bad, the French castle, where all the board and lodging were at that time."

"It seems that you are very familiar."

If the filming is not busy, maybe Yunxiu and I can stroll around the castle together. Feng Jing planned this way, but he didn't expect that a Rolls Royce came to pick them up right after they got off the plane. At this moment, Feng Jing already felt that this large-scale project was not something that French director Luc would do. Sure enough, when the car arrived at its destination. In front of the fountain statue of the castle, the butler and some servants stood in two rows like in the movie. And standing in the front, besides Luc, there was another person.

Feng Jing had only seen that person once.

But Feng Jing had never seen that kind of noble and elegant temperament in the other party that was difficult to ignore in all these years in the show business circle. Even those wrists who have become Uranus superstars can't compare.

"Derek, you are finally here! I have good news for you, Brauchli will be with us this time! He is very interested in "Royal Adventure", not only willing to lend the castle, but also said that he can let his media group report us specially ! Make sure there is enough attention during the filming!"

The great director Luc said so.

Du Yunxiu felt very surprised, he didn't expect that the person who chatted with him that day was the heir of BR Group.

He was a little puzzled, and looked at him with probing eyes, wondering why this person had been helping him behind his back. Du Yunxiu realized that it was this person who was helping him on his international journey.

"What is Luc talking about?" Feng Jing next to him asked in a low voice. This trip, they did not bring a translator. Firstly, Du Yunxiu knew English and French; secondly, it was more suitable to hire a translator locally than to bring a translator from China.

"The director said that Brauchli will lend the castle, and BR Media Group will give us a special report."

Feng Jing and Du Yunxiu looked at the castle in front of them at the same time. The medieval French castle is majestic and solemn, and every carving is exquisite and elegant, full of history and beauty. In front of you is a dark iron gate with beautiful carvings. Led by Luc, Feng Jing and Du Yunxiu walked in. Du Yunxiu had lived here before, so he was naturally familiar with the road. Feng Jing gave birth to a strong sense of strangeness and distance under the luxury. When passing by Brauchli, the other party's blue eyes glanced at Feng Jing. The color was as beautiful as glass beads, and then... the other party said something in French in a low voice.

Feng Jing couldn't understand.

That strange language is like a high-level gauntlet. However, even though he couldn't understand what the other party was saying, Feng Jing also responded in a low voice.

Brauchli was slightly taken aback, but he didn't understand either.

Because—the seal scene is in Chinese.

He also responded to the other party in a language that the other party did not understand at all. It was not until later that Brauchli learned Chinese that he could piece together that what Feng Jing said at the beginning was that Yunxiu belonged to me.

At this time, Feng Jing raised his chin, raised the corners of his lips, and the tear mole under his right eye shone slightly, followed Yun Xiu and continued to walk into this strange and mysterious castle. No matter how unfavorable the environment is, even in a foreign country, he still has his own way of survival and his own pride.

The cause of events in the sequel of "Royal Adventure" is designed in the old castle.

The previous owner of this mysterious medieval castle was a countess. In order to obtain eternal beauty, she killed many virgins in the cellar and bathed in their blood to achieve immortality. A large number of girls in the territory disappeared, and the castle was filled with the smell of blood and a unique and strange aroma all year round. Finally, the king sent knights to investigate the truth of the incident, and executed the female castellan in public. But even though the countess is so murderous, there is still an alchemist who has a mad crush on her. He stole the body of the countess and returned to the castle, attempting to revive her with alchemy. However, in the middle of the ceremony, the knight appeared again and destroyed the pentagram.

The ceremony failed, and the countess, who was almost resurrected, disappeared again.

The alchemist committed suicide with hatred and replaced the destroyed pentagram with another evil black magic formation...

Hundreds of years have passed.

Everything seems to be calm, but the local area is still shrouded in a shadow of terror. I don't know when, the evil undead hiding in the dark will strike again...

At the end of the first part of "Royal Adventure", the heroine and the heroine obtained countless treasures in the desert. At the beginning of the sequel, they bought the castle under the rhetoric of the intermediary. The two were so happy that they thought they had found a great bargain.

As a result, all the roses in the garden turned dead black overnight.

The little angel statue fountain in the courtyard of the castle no longer spouts clear groundwater at night, but... blood.

The heroine accidentally discovers the cellar. The wound on the finger that was pierced by the rose of death before, seemed to be squeezed again by a sudden and inexplicable force, and the wound gushed out blood. A drop of blood dripped into the array with the pentagram... In an instant, the pitiful cries of countless girls who were drained of blood and died unjustly resounded in the cellar...

All the oil lamps in the cellar were extinguished.

There was a rustle, as if something had been summoned from the dark world.

A few days later, many people died in the town. The cause of death was that the blood in the whole body was sucked dry, and finally shriveled to the point where only skin and bones remained, with a frightening appearance of bluish body all over. Some unknown creatures also appeared in the castles of the heroine and the heroine... The heroine almost died in the first part, and finally soaked in the fountain of life in the desert sanctuary, and the wound healed. That is the most mysterious and sacred spring water, and the unknown creature wants to drain the heroine's blood, and use alchemy to make it-the soul-returning incense!

Du Yunxiu, who guards the sacred spring in the desert, noticed the change in the spring water, and rushed over from the sanctuary, and Du Yunxiu's role began here.

This time I joined a new martial arts instructor, a native of Hong Kong, known as "Master Ji" in the circle, Ji Jiaban is a well-known martial arts team in the Chinese film industry. The martial arts scenes in the last movie were well received, so American investors hope that the sequel will have more exciting fighting scenes.

"Hands are two doors, and you hit people with your legs." Master Ji likes designing legs very much, because the skills of the hands are easy to imitate, while the skills of the legs require special training. Especially in movies, whether it is a sweep or a flying kick, the actors perform leg kung fu, not only the effect is very good, but also makes the audience feel that it is very difficult and shocking! Under the one-on-one guidance of Master Ji, Du Yunxiu specialized in legwork. Forward kicks, side kicks, roundabout kicks, horizontal kicks, jump kicks, swinging legs, kicking legs, side kicking legs, side legs, etc., for devil-style training.

Martial arts generally start from elementary school.

In the old Hong Kong movies in the past, all actors with martial arts skills were used, and every move was real. Stretch and generous, like the sunrise on the top of Mount Tai, the Northern School of Kicks - Twelve Road Tan Kicks, Northern King Kicks, etc.; short and delicate, like the moon hanging on the small bridge of the Southern School of Kicks - Cai Lifo Boxing, Hongtou Buddha Tail, Wing Chun... South fist and north kick, east spear and west stick, even if the camera equipment is not as good as it is now, the scenes shot are also very exciting.

But today's movies, on the one hand, have high-tech applications. Actions that could only be done by martial artists in the past can now be made by computer three-dimensional special effects; on the other hand, the real martial arts have been seriously lost. Only know the outside, don't know the inside...

Hollywood is different from China.

In China, there is the etiquette of "respecting the teacher and respecting the way". When practicing, the master should be strict no matter how strict it is, but in Hollywood, everything must be adjusted according to the big-name movie stars. The heroine of "Royal Adventure" is like this. She pressed her legs hard, so she ran to find the masseur equipped by the crew. The male protagonist is also very afraid of leg pressure, and he can't help but yell "Holy shit! (God!)" every time, but he also knows in his heart that whether he has enough training is directly related to his performance in the film.

Probably because of the Chinese, Master Ji was even stricter with Du Yunxiu, every time he would sit on Yunxiu's back and hold Yunxiu down with his own hands until his head touched his knees. However, when an actor reaches this age, if he does leg presses, cross-cuts, and splits, every hamstring will twitch and tremble while being stretched. This pain is no less than a torture.

When Du Yun practiced, he didn't talk nonsense, he just put his legs on the double horizontal bars and pressed down again and again without saying a word.

After coming down several times, cold sweat covered my forehead and back, and my legs trembled so much that I couldn't stand up straight. This kind of frightening vigor shocked the male protagonist. He never imagined that this seemingly slender oriental man could be so tough.

"If old man Ji doesn't design your movements well, I'll see if I don't pluck his beard!" Feng Jing was heartbroken to death when he saw it, but he understood that all of this was for the sake of the movie and he had to pay.

Brauchli also visited the training room.

The heroine, actor and other foreign actors all knew his identity, so they didn't put on the airs of a superstar. Instead, they were very enthusiastic and trained harder in front of him. Brauchli seemed to be born with few words, his blue eyes set off his noble demeanor, and he had a slight smile on his face. Although it is not easy to get close, there is no sense of distance that rejects people thousands of miles away. It's between a kind of wanting to get close to him, but it is very clear that the other party has a gap in status, wealth and status with him. It is not a gap that can be easily bridged.

He chatted with everyone, and finally turned to Du Yunxiu: "I heard that Master Ji is very strict."

"It's okay." Du Yunxiu just smiled slightly.

Today we are going to shoot a scene in the cellar of the castle.

Du Yunxiu fought with a few monsters first, and suddenly countless blood-sucking turtles came out of the pentagram formation. Those blood-sucking claws are very difficult to deal with. They will dive into anyone they see, and they will suck people down to a piece of skin in an instant. The only thing they are afraid of is-fire!

Because of this, a lot of torches were arranged in the cellar. When the heroine and the heroine had nothing to do, at the most critical moment, Du Yunxiu used his kicks and kicked in the air, kicking bunches of torches onto the blood-sucking claw.

Du Yunxiu played a few tricks with his opponent, tried the lighting and positioning, and several cameras surrounded them to shoot. The previous training was perfectly reflected at this time. Every move of Du Yunxiu was very accurate and looked very powerful. A nine-day roundabout kick was even more impressive. The staff on the scene shouted: "Chinese Kung Fu is amazing!"

Then came the shot of kicking the torch.

Those blood-sucking turtles were added in post-production, so Du Yunxiu just kicked the torch to the ground, and then a staff member would use a fire extinguisher to extinguish the torch.

It is naturally impossible for the current torches to be made in the way of the Middle Ages. The prop master directly poured gasoline on a cloth strip and tied it to a wooden stick, disguised as a torch in the past, but the disadvantage of this method is that the gasoline is not easy to control, some places are not poured thoroughly, and some torches burn very vigorously , Some torches go out as soon as they hit the ground, and it is even more impossible to "burn the vampire to death".

After several downtimes, the effect was not satisfactory, and Luc called "Cut" frequently.

In order to make the effect of the flame more spectacular, the prop master directly poured gasoline on the burning torch, and the flame burst into flames. The people present were startled, and the prop master panicked. It fell to the ground, gasoline flowed all over the ground in an instant, sparks quenched to the ground, a tongue of flame "boomed" and ignited rapidly, jumping up high, and the fire suddenly lost control, and the set was like a sea of flames for a while!

The staff were all petrified and ran around in a panic.

Seeing that the flames were about to reach Brauchli, who was also at the scene today, Du Yunxiu rushed towards Brauchli, and he kicked away the gasoline bottle that was rolling towards him. The flames jumped up and burned higher and higher along the trousers. Du Yunxiu felt a burning pain in his leg, the heat was amazing, the scorching temperature, and the smell of burning...

There was panic and screams all around, only French and English could be heard, and a lot of chattering. And among them, the most familiar and the most clearly heard - is Feng Jing's voice!

"Yunxiu, it's on fire! You're on fire! Put it out! Put it out!"

The voice came from far to near, without looking at Du Yunxiu, he knew that Feng Jing was running towards him...

It all happened extremely quickly.

The next moment, someone beat the flames on Du Yunxiu's body, and then heard someone say: "The fire is gone, the fire is gone!"

The crowd cheered in surprise. The cellar was smoky, Du Yunxiu coughed for a while, and only saw through the thick smoke that a staff member with quick responses grabbed the fire extinguisher and extinguished the fire on the ground just now. And his pants were burnt to tatters, black as charcoal. Although it was excruciatingly painful, there was no more flame.

When Du Yunxiu raised his head, he saw Feng Jing standing in front of him. For the first time, the other party's long and narrow eyes showed a dark light of unconfidence, full of annoyance, lingering fear, and undecided shock.

"Don't worry." Du Yunxiu wanted to say this to Feng Jing, but Feng Jing had already hugged him tightly.

It was as if nothing in this world could separate them.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Zhang Yang's Feng Jing has never shown such fragility, he knows, he knows, "I will never leave you alone."

The words are clear, like an oath.

A fire broke out on the set and Du Yunxiu was injured.

That day Brauchli called an ambulance on the spot and escorted Yunxiu all the way to the hospital. After treatment in the hospital, he hired a private nurse and asked the private doctor to check Yunxiu regularly. Feng Jing and Yunxiu are not locals, they only have insurance, but they don't have a local medical card, so they have to fill out a lot of forms for the examination at the hospital, which is very troublesome.

However, the matter did not end there.

The consequences it caused were far more than Feng Jing expected, far beyond his expectations, and then involved a series of insurance and contract issues. The company behind them before was ESE. When something happens, ESE has branch offices abroad, and local employees and lawyers who are familiar with the rules can help to deal with it. But now Feng Jing doesn't understand the language, and all contacts are limited to domestic. It was okay when there were no accidents before, but now when this kind of thing happens, I have completely fallen into a passive and helpless situation. His current ability and network alone are not enough. And he himself wasn't rich enough to just write a check and get the best lawyer.

The prop master was indeed punished, and Luc also sympathized with Yunxiu's experience.

But Hollywood is a place where business is business and people are not right. Now that Yunxiu is injured, how the insurance company will compensate him is one thing, and the contract between Yunxiu and the crew is another. In the current situation, at least two or three weeks cannot be filmed. Whether it's a substitution or Du Yunxiu's compensation depends entirely on the broker or the company behind the negotiation.

Feng Jing found an interpreter and talked with the insurance company first.

Investigators from foreign insurance companies said that the prop master was at fault, and his own misconduct caused the fire. However, according to the testimony of the on-site staff, the fire itself did not reach Yunxiu. It was Yunxiu who ran to kick the gasoline bottle and the accident happened.

One sentence blocked the scenery to death.

It's even more difficult on the crew side. The commissioner sent by the American film company chatted a lot, "Contract... Contract... According to the contract..." Jing Huan, this kind of professional aspect involving legal provisions is not something that ordinary translators can handle, and the other party will take advantage of the loophole if you are not careful.

After several negotiations, the situation fell into an increasingly disadvantageous situation. Maybe Yunxiu would not only face a fine, but might even lose the movie.

Losing this movie... what does it mean for Yunxiu

All of Yunxiu's current worth, status, and reputation are all based on the sequel of "Royal Adventure". Once he loses this movie, not only will he lose his opportunities abroad, but he will even face unimaginable and terrible treatment at home!

Feng Jing was preoccupied and felt pressured.

The previous contract was signed according to the terms of the contract of the first part of "Royal Adventure", which was in English. Yunxiu read it and thought there was no problem, so he signed it. Now Feng Jing asked the translator to translate it into Chinese, and he himself looked at the law and the dictionary sentence by sentence, only to realize that many of them were formulated according to the rules of Hollywood, but they did not propose anything that was beneficial to him, or are additional terms. If arbitration is conducted, it is also based on the United States Federal Constitution.

Similar incidents had occurred before. When Yunxiu was filming "Tang Yunqi", he also encountered a situation where the director wanted to change. It’s just that in China at that time, he had ESE behind him, he could “communicate” according to the domestic method, with double attacks of funds and favors, but in this country where he didn’t even speak the language, the operation method was completely different from that in China, Feng Jing had to Start to examine your own limited abilities...

However, Yunxiu is still unaware of all this.

He injured his left leg and spent most of his time lying in bed under the care of professional nurses.

Although Feng Jing didn't tell Du Yunxiu that the negotiation was difficult, when he and the translator were negotiating with American Film Company again, someone knocked on the office door.

The man was tall, with brown hair, and looked very cheerful, but his eyes were very sharp, a typical American style. The man glanced at Feng Jing, but didn't say hello, instead, he passed by Feng Jing directly, sat opposite to the commissioner of the film company, and said, "I'm Louis, manager."

Then I chatted with the commissioner. When the other commissioner saw that person, he showed a helpless expression of "It will be tough (very tricky)". It seems very clear that this person will be difficult to deal with.

The cover scene and translation were completely put aside.

"What should we do, Mr. Feng?" Even the translator felt disrespected.

"Turn over everything he said, and tell me." Feng Jing narrowed his eyes and ordered, but it was different from the past, this time his eyes were a little colder, unable to see his emotions clearly.

"He said his name was Louis and he was a broker."

The translator on the side probably also felt the low pressure here, and was trembling while translating, but this situation didn't last long, because the negotiation was over soon...

"Jeepers creepers (unbelievable)! When doing this kind of special effects, the security consultant of the film union was not on the set?!" For the protection of actors, dangerous actions such as hanging steel wires and going up the roof in Hollywood must be specially held Licensed personnel should complete the operation. If the security consultant feels that this action is dangerous, he has the right to stop it on the spot.

"Why didn't the union's security consultant come to the scene during the filming?"

"This is not a stunt, it's just a scene with torches." The commissioner tried to clarify.

"Torches? Dozens of torches? Torches that can start a fire in the end! Can burn people—isn't such a scene dangerous? Why didn't the union's safety consultant come to the scene? Did the film company do it on purpose? Because it's dangerous , so deliberately did not hire a labor union? Blindly pursue shocking and dangerous shots, and put the actors at risk, without considering the personal safety of the actors at all! Is this our Hollywood blockbuster?!"

"Mr. Louis, no, that's not the case. Our company cares about the actors, and we insure each of them..."

"Really? I just went to the insurance company this morning. I'm sorry. I can't believe what you said. Because the insurance company believes that everything is caused by the fault of the film company. When the fire broke out, there was no safety consultant on the set. This is terrible! Which fan would believe that their idol can't get the most basic personal protection while working hard to make a movie?!"

"No, when the fire broke out, it didn't reach Derek, he kicked the petrol bottle..."

"You are completely shirking responsibility!

"Is this what your company has always done? The fire was caused by your lax monitoring and improper behavior. All the people present were in danger! If Derek hadn't sacrificed himself to save others, it would be Mr. Brauchli who was burned or burned to death. Could it be Do you have to see the tragedy happen before you admit your mistakes? Or, because Mr. Brauchli was saved by Derek, you think Derek is not important! The lives of Chinese actors are not important? Are you discriminating against yellow people

"As far as I know, Derek is very famous and popular in Asia! But because of your accident, his life was in danger! Now you are going to replace him because of his injury! Such a practice is shameful!

"I'd love to see what the whole of Asia would think if they knew how your film company treated yellow people and Chinese actors. What would they think of your company's current and future films? Would they not He would say, look, that movie company didn’t even hire a safety consultant from the labor union in order to shoot dangerous scenes. After the Chinese actor was injured, he immediately abandoned him and replaced him immediately? If the personal safety is not guaranteed, Just come to this film company to make movies, especially people of yellow race, aha.”

The whole situation is completely under the control of Louis.

His words were sharp, and he fully understood the opponent's weakness, and his aggressive demeanor made the opponent helpless.

Unlike Asia, what they are most afraid of getting into is issues such as human rights, labor unions, and discrimination against people of color. Especially Louis deliberately exaggerated Derek's influence in Asia. Whether or not Du Yunxiu is popular in Asia, and how popular it is, is a false standard. Even the locals in various Asian countries may not be able to accurately measure it, let alone the specialists of foreign film companies.

However, it is precisely because of the inability to accurately evaluate that it will lead to a case that if the Chinese actor Derek is not properly handled, it will evolve into a case of their film company discriminating against Asian yellow races, thus escalating from improper handling of the accident to Racial conflict!

This is extremely bad for the company's reputation, especially since it is impossible for the film company to give up the box office in Asia, and the films it shoots in the future will also be released in Asia. Once affected, it might be boycotted by the whole of Asia!

"Mr. Louis, we fully understand your feelings! We are very sorry and sorry for the accident that happened to Derek! We will handle this matter properly, please rest assured!" The commissioner sent by the other film company quickly said Comprehending the "meaning" of Louis, he quickly made judgments and choices, and his tone changed from being condescending towards Feng Jing, a Chinese, to being respectful towards Louis.

A negotiation that was time-consuming and labor-intensive to seal the scene several times with no results, but frequently frustrated, was perfectly resolved by Louis in less than 15 minutes.

Feng Jing stood where he was, with a cold expression.

Louis picked up the briefcase, shook hands with the other commissioner and left, and when he passed the scene again, he introduced himself with a smile: "Louis, one of the top ten best brokers in the United States."

The other party smiled proudly, and stretched out his hand like alms.

Feng Jing was still cold, and he didn't intend to shake back at all, letting the opponent's hand hang in the air.

"I was hired by Mr. Brauchli with a high salary. I are also an agent?" Louis laughed even more exaggeratedly, "How can you not handle such a small matter? However, there is a big difference between people. "

Louis' attitude was so arrogant that the translator next to him looked very ugly.

Feng Jing didn't respond from the beginning to the end, leaving Louis alone to sing the one-man show triumphantly. It wasn't until after Louis paused this time that Feng Jing slowly pulled the corners of his mouth, his eyes were cold, but he spit out a sentence with a half-smile:

"Have no idea what you're talking about. Hmph.

"let's go."

Ignoring the other party's astonishment, Feng Jing took the translator and left first.