Reincarnation of a Superstar

Chapter 31: The temper of time


The staff of the entire production crew were all surprised, and they also talked about it one after another.

"... His kung fu is real, right? No wonder the newspapers say his kung fu is very profound!"

"Don't you think, Derek is also so handsome, a mysterious oriental man..."

"Yeah, he is so special. He has acted in Hollywood blockbusters, and he came to play us. His acting skills are really good, but he is too mysterious and unpredictable. I don't know what he is thinking..."

Hearing these comments by accident, Du Yunxiu just wanted to say in his heart that he has acted in many scenes, and just now he just "responded" to the other party's stealing the spotlight, but obviously, the teenager who played Hacker didn't think so. Since that day, he has been pestering Du Yunxiu all the time, completely becoming Du Yunxiu's little follower, fawning on him, and all the faint provocations before turned into deep admiration! I can't wait to wag my tail beside Du Yunxiu.

"Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun" is officially broadcast in the United States!

Many newspapers and websites commented on it as "suspenseful", "exciting", "several actors brought us huge surprises", and some magazines even interviewed Du Yunxiu—why did you choose "Stealing the sky and changing the sun" is not other Hollywood blockbusters, and a series of sensational effects have brought excellent publicity effects!

On the first day, it entered the top three in the ratings rankings, squeezing out many established American dramas.

Such good news made Feng Jing happy, but it didn't make him relax! Compared with the ratings in the United States, he is more worried and more concerned about another thing - the domestic movement!

Ever since "Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun" started broadcasting, Feng Jing has been keeping a close eye on the domestic Internet, entering keywords like "Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun, Yunxiu, American drama" every once in a while to search for videos. Du Yunxiu was a little surprised by Feng Jing's behavior, but Feng Jing narrowed his eyes and stared at the screen and said, "Now—is the most critical time!" The news of a new American TV series is released, and such news is like a small grain in China. The stone fell into the calm lake, first the air brought in formed water bubbles, rising continuously, and then forming circles of ripples that gradually spread...

However, what no one expected was that those water patterns did not dissipate, but even bigger water waves surged up instead, and what produced this miracle was - "Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun"!

The first is a subtitle group. After obtaining the source of the film, it immediately translates, proofreads, and makes a timeline. The next day, the seeds are posted on the forum. At first, long-time fans of American dramas just downloaded and watched it with the idea of trying something new, but they were out of control. They all agreed that this is a high-quality American drama! What makes them even more curious is: who is the important Chinese actor here? So familiar, there are so many shots! So charming!

Then someone with sharp eyes recognized it immediately—he was Yunxiu!

The most popular member of Legacy, Yunxiu who has filmed many idol dramas and starred in "Royal Adventure" has created a box office miracle, but the last time he appeared in China was two years ago.

Today is the first time, from the first debut to the present - it has been seven years!

As for Yunxiu, who caused a "reign of blood" in the circle in the past, suffered countless criticisms, caused countless fans to defend him, and was extremely cast aside, after such a long time, he appeared in front of the domestic audience again in this way!

It is said that he is popular, but he was once blocked in China, and he did not make a film in China for three whole years.

To say that he is not popular, after Lin Xuan, Xie Yi, Liu Yi and others, he is another Chinese who has entered Hollywood, and he has created a box office miracle that even many Hollywood superstars can't match!

"Stealing the sky and changing the sun" has attracted more and more domestic audiences, and all fans of American dramas are crazy about it!

Each subtitle team is scrambling to translate, and every time the source of the film arrives, all the subtitle teams translate all night, rushing to work overnight, racing against time to produce the latest episode! And Du Yunxiu's role in it, with the in-depth development of the plot, has won more and more people's love!

The translators of a subtitle group even changed their nicknames to: Ai Yunxiu's jls, Ai Yunxiu's lotus, Ai Yunxiu's 73, Ai Yunxiu's Ye Yu, Ai Yunxiu's little boy...

Especially in one of the episodes, in order to set a trap for masculine enemies, Yunxiu wore a black see-through outfit and danced with the popular gigolo with a cold expression, not only the leading gigolo fell under Yunxiu's jeans on the spot, The hidden boss is even more attractive, and the black leader and the dragging Hacker of the same team are drinking and watching while watching, and they are not feeling good.

"Why are you wearing such see-through clothes?"

"that is!"

"You don't need to dance this kind of dance when you are on a mission."

"that is!!"

"What is that man's hand doing? It's between Kong's legs!"

"Ahh, fuck! That man dies! Die!"

Those in the subtitle team inserted subtitles on the spot:

Hacker, Leader, don't hide your feelings... You have already shown it very clearly!

The popularity of "Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun" skyrocketed. Not only in the United States, but also at home.

As for Yunxiu, who had disappeared in the country for three full years and only had some news about it intermittently, suddenly, like a tornado, he once again quickly attracted a large number of fans at an extremely terrifying speed! Whether it's a senior artist of ESE, a new star of Crown Glory, or a popular idol of Pinyou Entertainment, all of them lost their color suddenly under his huge popularity...

It's not that they are dim—it's that Yunxiu, who has been accumulating for a long time, bursts out his true light at this time!

This is Feng Jing's strategy! He saw this foresight, saw the network and subtitle groups, and saw that the craze of popular American dramas would quickly spread to various countries! Even if overseas copyrights cannot be exported, the popularity of those American drama actors will only rise, not fall, and remain high!

And popularity, no matter which country it is in, is an important criterion for measuring an actor.

The filming of the first season of "Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun" has come to an end, but the US TV station has not yet finished broadcasting, and the country is still chasing after it, and it is very popular. Even Yunxiu understands this situation-this will be the best time!

Sure enough, Feng Jing proposed to return home. Abroad is always a foreign country, and only if you have your own popularity and your own works in China, that is your eternal harbor! In this way, no matter how long you struggle abroad, there will always be a force behind you to support and tolerate yourself...

Du Yunxiu also agrees with this concept very much.

After seven years, time flies. Although there was once his sad place, and he was once abused and slandered by the media, as an artist, he must be able to face it bravely, and he must have a way to deal with everything after experiencing these things.

—Everyone's growth is tempered by time.

"Yunxiu returns home!"

"Yunxiu took over "Lu Yunsheng" to reproduce the life of a famous Peking Opera star!"

"Xie Yi will play with Yunxiu on the same stage!"

"Another important protagonist has been confirmed, played by Chu Feng."

"Singer Pei Qing joins in friendship and will sing the ending song of the movie "Lu Yunsheng"..."

Du Yunxiu has only returned to China for half a month, and the domestic newspapers and websites have already been covered with news about him. This situation is due to the popularity of American dramas on the one hand, and the closure of scenes on the other. Even when he was overwhelmed with Yunxiu's affairs, and when he was most frustrated and at his lowest point abroad, Feng Jing never cut off Du Yunxiu's ties with the domestic media.

Whether it was an accident in the sequel of "Royal Adventure", a fire on the set, and Yunxiu rescued people; or being personally received and praised by the executives of the Hollywood film company; or the magazine cover shot set a sales record for that fashion magazine this year; Influential media interviews... Feng Jing will always pass these news back to China, and ensure that these news will be prominently published!

Therefore, even if Du Yunxiu has been abroad for two years, even if no works are released in China, news about him can still be seen from time to time in China. Although such exposure rate is not too much, it is more shocking and international enough! Over time, domestic entertainment companies and some media fans have gradually given the impression that Du Yunxiu has developed well abroad.

At this time, Xie Yi completely gave up on the domestic market and made an all-out attack on the international market. However, the few films Xie Yi made in Hollywood failed to please him. Domestic popularity plummeted, the international box office failed, and the double chain reaction almost made him lose his position in China.

And compared with Xie Yi.

Du Yunxiu, whether abroad or at home, has completely surpassed him in terms of popularity and popularity. These are all thanks to Feng Jing's meticulous planning and arrangement!

"Isn't that role still undecided?" Du Yunxiu asked Feng Jing, looking at the news that was both true and false in the entertainment newspaper. Before returning to China, they took a fancy to several scripts. According to the priority principle of ESE, Du Yunxiu can be the protagonist no matter which one it is, but in the end the two unanimously chose the script "Lu Yunsheng".

Lu Yunsheng, a Peking Opera star in the last century, one of the "Tongguang Thirteen Wonders".

Regardless of the childhood life of the Liyuan family, acting in front of Cixi after becoming famous at a young age, participating in the Reform Movement of 1898 and almost being decapitated, and the last Gengzi Rebellion against the Eight-Power Allied Forces... Lu Yunsheng's entire life is a legend. And another important role is called Gu Manyan, a minister. This role has been inextricably linked with Lu Yunsheng from beginning to end.

"It's true that it hasn't been decided yet," Feng Jing said.

This script is very connotative and interesting. According to his understanding of Yunxiu, Yunxiu definitely wants to take this movie, but such a literary film may not be a good box office. Maybe it will follow in the footsteps of "A Family of Chinese Medicine". There is word of mouth but no box office.

For publicity, Feng Jing did release those news. This method is very common in the casting of TV dramas. Before filming, news of big-name stars will be released to create topics and arouse everyone's curiosity and attention.

"Then Xie Yi, Chu Feng and the others?" Du Yunxiu continued to ask.

"I just used them to attract attention, and I didn't contact them."

Du Yunxiu thought for a while, then smiled lightly: "Anyway, their previous scandals also involved me, this time, let's treat it as returning."

Du Yunxiu's tone seemed to be the same as usual, but Feng Jing had a strange feeling that Yunxiu, who had returned to China again... seemed to be more decisive and determined. It was not just Du Yunxiu who was an actor standing in front of him.

The "casting inside story" in the newspaper is still going on, but the real casting has started here.

It is impossible for big names like Xie Yi and Chufeng to act across the company, so other actors auditioned for the role of Gu Manyan. But what was unexpected was that Gu Manyan's candidates were not very suitable, and Du Yunxiu, after seeing the makeup photos of himself playing Lu Yunsheng, was not very satisfied, and there was always a subtle sense of disobedience.

It seems that there is a lack of Zhengdan's amazing aura, a kind of ecstasy charm.

Du Yunxiu frowned at the fixed makeup photo.

In the script, Lu Yunsheng has phoenix eyes and red lips, with a hint of arrogance. Du Yunxiu's appearance is not bad, but his temperament is more than decent and luxurious, far from the slightly arrogant temperament required by the script...

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself." Feng Jing from the side came over and took away the makeup photo from Du Yunxiu's hand. This movement is clean and neat, and at the same time has a hint of strength. Du Yunxiu was taken aback, staring at Feng Jing's face in a daze. The other party's slender eyes and thin sexy lips, even if he didn't deliberately put on any posture, he had a natural aura of publicity.

Feng Jing raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

"Let's act!" Du Yunxiu said suddenly.


"I said acting, you play Lu Yunsheng, and I play Gu Manyan."

"Acting? Impossible, I haven't acted in more than ten years."

"Well, then, come back again!"

—Re, new, re, out! Very tempting four words. At the same time, we must also face the possibility of failure in the comeback.

It is an opportunity, but also a challenge.

However, Du Yunxiu looked into Feng Jing's eyes, paused every word, extremely serious, and his tone was firmer than ever before. Just like many times before, Feng Jing made Du Yunxiu trust him, and he was determined to move forward in the adventure together. Such a firm light seems to be able to shine directly into people's hearts, even Feng Jing was shaken in an instant...

Just when the issue of casting was still being talked about by some fans, the media broke out amazing news again!

"Feng Jing intends to come back!"

"After being silent for more than ten years, Feng Jing has come back again!"

Some young fans may not be very familiar with Feng Jing, but those who have a little experience in the entertainment industry do not know that more than ten years ago, the famous Feng Jing retreated behind the scenes when his career was at its peak. Those characters are all bright and bold, with strong ink and colors, which can easily attract your attention, and can make people stare at him from beginning to end without blinking.

Now that he is making a comeback again, the young audience may think it is nothing special, but in the hearts of that generation, Feng Jing is the god in their hearts! Even some fans who have passed the age of star chasing were still very excited after hearing the news, which caused an uproar in their hearts!

There is always a memory that is closely related to youth. That is the gem of a lifetime.

Those media who are familiar with the situation in the entertainment industry are even more eager to try. If it is said that Feng Jing's exit from the entertainment industry was the most attention-grabbing news at that time more than ten years ago, then his comeback more than ten years later is the news that they are most looking forward to. When will Jing come back? How to come back? Why come back? !

Faced with these, Feng Jing refused to elaborate, and played tricks cunningly. Frankly speaking, this is related to the newly filmed movie "Lu Yunsheng", no matter how much it is, I will not say it. To understand, it is obvious that the media can only dig up the news of "Lu Yunsheng" or report him violently. And to report him violently, it is natural to report on the drama "Lu Yunsheng".

Whether it's promoting himself or a new play, Feng Jing's skill is so well used!

Li Rui's eyes flashed when he saw this interview on TV, his deep face was like a sculpture that has been gloomy and cold for a long time. In this entertainment empire accumulated by money and vanity, he stood at the top, with a high position and authority, but only Can see a dead sea-like loneliness.

No one approached him, and no one came to warm him.

No one knows.

That flamboyant boy gave up his thriving career and retreated behind the scenes because of him. But now everyone is clear-now this steady man is coming back for another person.

Li Rui is the kind of person who never regrets once a decision is made.

Until now, he has not admitted that he regretted it. It's not that I can't, but I dare not.

Because he no longer has the courage to face what he has lost.

Filming of "Lu Yunsheng" started.

A group of people held a start-up ceremony at Lu Yunsheng's former residence. On the table is a pot of incense burner, two incense candles, and offerings such as bananas and apples. In the center is a very large suckling pig. Feng Jing and Du Yunxiu followed other actors to burn incense first, and then set off firecrackers. Everything went smoothly, and the firecrackers were especially loud, which everyone thought was a good sign. Feng Jing, as the boss of Feng Yun's studio, cut up suckling pigs for other artists... In the end, a piece was handed to him.

Feng Jing looked up, it was Yunxiu.

"Try it, I think it tastes good." Du Yunxiu looked at Feng Jing with a calm gaze, holding the suckling pig with the chopsticks in his hand. The actors around were chatting and laughing, some noticed this, some didn't, but Du Yunxiu's movements were as natural as ever.

"I've eaten it many times before." Feng Jing raised his eyebrows, his eyes flashed, the lines between his shrewd and sharp eyebrows became softer, and he bit a piece of Du Yunxiu's hand. His demeanor still looks strong and confident. It was just as stereotyped as ever—there was nothing in this world that could frustrate or worry him.

But under the lively and noisy, and the attention of everyone.

I'm afraid only Feng Jing himself knows in his heart that he has no bottom at all. The entertainment industry is unpredictable, and the big hit queen retires. Even if she comes back after only a year, she will find that her fans have long since been lost, and her previous status has been taken by others. And I am no longer the darling in the eyes of businessmen, the most popular spokesperson.

A former queen would pass away, let alone someone like him who has been behind the scenes for more than ten years.

Those shooting techniques, those positions, those lights, the speed of entering the scene, the feeling of acting in the past... Will it come back? Can you still find it? The more you understand the difficulty of acting, the more pressure you will feel.

"Wine gets better and better with age. We have come to this point, and it will only get better and better in the future. Everything will go well." Du Yunxiu looked into Feng Jing's eyes, which seemed to inject infinite confidence into people, "Everything is possible. I."

Feng Jing also looked back at Du Yunxiu, the eyes of the two collided in the air, then became more determined, and finally smiled at each other.