Reincarnation of a Superstar

Chapter 32: Glory together


Originally, Yun Xiu played Lu Yunsheng, but now this role has been transferred to Feng Jing.

All Peking Opera-related knowledge, body posture, hand-making, eyesight, and footwork must be specially trained again. Yunxiu is the type who trains hard, he can press his legs until he is sweating and still keep silent, but Feng Jing is another kind, he is extremely smart, when the body instructor teaches, he doesn't talk much, But the observation is very keen. For some poses, basically the Peking Opera teacher only poses them once, and Feng Jing can immediately grasp the main points and essence! After putting on the outfit and putting on the photo, Feng Jing's originally slightly feminine appearance advantage immediately appeared. Thin lips, phoenix eyes, and slightly raised brows, different from the frail and charming look of ordinary famous actresses, Feng Jing's unique cold, haughty, and glamorous expression makes people love and hate at the same time.

Lu Yunsheng, played by Feng Jing, studied art in Liyuan when he was young. She has a flexible figure and can sing very well. She showed her sharpness when she was young, and gained countless followers. Every tip is a jadeite ingot.

The Shuangsheng troupe that Lu Yunsheng belongs to performs in other places. The local people like another opera singer, but that opera singer is overwhelmed by Lu Yunsheng. Those people were unconvinced, and when they learned that Lu Yunsheng was coming, they planned to smash the scene deliberately.

Generally, when opera singers sing wonderfully, the audience will definitely applaud and even tip them.

But they don't!

They planned that as soon as Lu Yunsheng sang to the climax, they would leave together and yell at "too bad singing" and "too bad".

The stage was rebuilt according to the old photos, which took a lot of money and took a lot of time. Standing stone pillars at the four corners, open-carved cranes, golden cicadas and sparrows, and single eaves resting on the top of the mountain. There are hopeful beasts carved on the main ridge, hanging beasts on the vertical ridge, and immortals and animals on the closed ridge. The hanging lotus pillars are carved into calyx clouds, and the reliefs on the architrave are made of colorful paintings. The colors are gorgeous and the carvings are exquisite.

The platform is waist high, ten steps square.

There are two doors on the left and right of the stage, and the four characters "out of the general" and "in the phase" are marked on the forehead respectively, and the brocade curtain embroidered with gold silk is dazzling.

Lu Yunsheng wore a phoenix crown on his head, put on a patch, and opened the door curtain with a gesture. That kind of appearance is already amazing!

At this time, Lu Yunsheng was wearing a full set of Diancui head noodles: paozi, temple hairpin, temple bat, bubble strip, triple, hexagonal, top flower, partial phoenix, face flower, pressed temple, etc., a total of about fifty pieces. I'm not a professional Peking Opera actor, but I feel heavy when I put it on, and I press it down.

But he didn't seem to feel any weight.

The red phoenix and vermilion lips, the brocade and satin costumes, and the gestures and gestures are all the style of a famous Peking Opera star. The masculine demeanor carries the glamorous charm of a woman, and at the same time has the thinness and slenderness of a man, like a peach blossom sticking out of the wall.

The audience below were taken aback, extremely astonished!

As soon as Lu Yunsheng began to sing, his vocals were deep and tortuous, flexible and flexible. Whether it was his eyes, figure, footwork, fingering, or sleeves, he was amazed. Before the group could calm down their amazement, they had already listened excitedly to the end of the first half, but at this moment Lu Yunsheng sang the exciting part of their previous plan, and they realized that it was time to implement the plan!

Those people couldn't face off, so they had to get up and leave, although their eyes were reluctant to part.

— Who knew that halfway through, Lu Yunsheng sang another half line!

This half sentence is completely different from other people's singing. Lu Yunsheng used lining characters and imaginary characters to embellish the cavity, and flexibly changed the formalism. The whole opera is different in an instant, delicate and vivid, agile and changeable.

Everyone sighed in their hearts when they heard it, and they were intoxicated, and suddenly felt endless aftertaste. This is the real lingering sound! All of a sudden, they forgot what they were about to humiliate and insult, they all turned around and sat back in their previous seats, only wanting to hear the second half of Lu Yunsheng's hasty singing.

Lu Yunsheng on the stage narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled, like a slanting cold and beautiful red plum on the lonely thousand mountains.

The crowd couldn't take their eyes off it.

But seeing Lu Yunsheng singing, squatting down with his legs curled up, in a half-cross lying position, after a while, he kicked his feet together, and then stood up in a slanted palm position. This movement is called Lying Fish, which is very difficult and a test of skill, but he did it in one go, showing the beauty of flowing clouds and flowing water.

Even a layman will be attracted, and the group of people who were going to smash the field couldn't bear it any longer, applause burst into bursts, the whole house cheered, and shouted loudly! !

The play was sung later.

This scene lasted a full four minutes, and Feng Jing's real singing of course couldn't reach that sensational level. And now few people know how to appreciate Peking Opera, so those few vocals may not be able to catch everyone's attention.

What really grabs people's attention is actually the facial expression and expression changes of the cover scene during the four full minutes. During this process, the entire shot is close-up, which requires quite a deep acting ability. The performance was difficult, but when they watched it later, the audience didn't realize it at all—because every time Feng Jing raised his brows, every change in his eyes, every time his lips parted, the audience was completely immersed in his personality. Among the charms!

In it, Yunxiu played Gu Manyan, a romantic and suave minister. Cynicism, what he said is true and false, making people unable to see the sincerity. When he saw Lu Yunsheng for the first time, he gave Lu Yunsheng a box of dazzling Dongzhu, which was extremely extravagant.

Lu Yunsheng sang opera in the court, and was loved by Cixi, and even sought after by dignitaries. The nobles in the palace were proud to witness his demeanor with their own eyes! Even though many people usually put on airs, when they met Lu Yunsheng, they immediately changed their attitudes and asked him to come and sing at home. Gu Manyan also invites him once every time he sees her, but Lu Yunsheng hates the other party's playboy attitude very much, and sometimes makes things difficult on purpose, but Gu Manyan just smiled wickedly and did as he did.

This time Lu Yunsheng was invited to the mansion by a prince again.

Lu Yunsheng came late, but the prince didn't mind at all, and instead treated him as a guest of honor. Among the ministers who came here, there were also those who liked to sing loudly, and they all wanted to sing a duet with Lu Yunsheng. Lu Yunsheng, who has already put on makeup and put on patches, is stunning, like a half-ripe and enchanting pomegranate hanging from a tree. The slender eyes that have been deliberately outlined are extremely agile, like a koi in a sparkling pond, with a touch of arrogance in their slyness.

That kind of temperament is extremely pure.

"It's not impossible if you want to sing with me... as long as he is willing to kowtow to me." Lu Yunsheng spoke softly and slowly, with the tip of his long and narrow eyes raised, revealing an ambiguous evil spirit and a faint disdain.

Although those ministers love Lu Yunsheng's singing, they are usually very obsessed with it.

But when he said this, no one answered. After all, no matter how much Lu Yunsheng was favored by Cixi, he was just a lowly actor in their hearts... not worthy at all.

"Really?" There was a slight smile on the corner of Gu Manyan's mouth.

Under the attention of everyone, he stepped forward to take a step towards Lu Yunsheng. Gu Manyan's smile seemed to be very gentle, but the way he looked at Lu Yunsheng, frivolous, playful, and vaguely pondering, made him suddenly There is more feeling of both good and evil.

Gu Manyan approached.

Lu Yunsheng narrowed his eyes.

The cynical eyes met the slender eyes that were hard to figure out.

Of these two people, one disguised himself in another appearance, making it impossible to see his true heart; the other hid his true heart under heavy makeup.

Meet each other on a narrow road, or meet your opponent.

The camera gave a close-up, and the aura of these two people was strong enough. No matter which one of them the lens is aimed at, no matter which pair of eyes it is on. The danger and excitement of colliding with each other, as well as the quiet and secret battle, are like a whirlpool of rapid flow, with a fatal attraction that cannot be stopped and cannot be extricated.

The body language of many actors is not rich enough, or the body language has passed the test, but people always lack a little "qi", a kind of ability to capture people's hearts. It's like a meticulous painting without the aura of finishing touch.

But Feng Jing and Du Yunxiu were not.

A film critic who watched the film later said that if other actors need to use facial expressions and body movements to present a person's inner drama, then the eyes of these two people are enough. They get into the action quickly—not themselves, but the audience!

However, despite having the backing of Empress Dowager Cixi in the palace and Lu Yunsheng's glory, he secretly supported Emperor Guangxu's reform and helped deliver the news. Such an approach annoyed Cixi, and in the end the reform failed. When Cixi beheaded the sixth son, Lu Yunsheng was almost doomed. In the crisis, it was Gu Manyan who let him go.

Soon after, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded.

Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu fled Beijing, and Lu Yunsheng was hit by a stray bullet and died. While the others were fleeing one after another and the war was raging, Gu Manyan, who was always cynical, never gave up and took care of him day and night until he recovered from his illness.

Lu Yunsheng changed his mind about Gu Manyan.

When the two said they would go south together, Gu Manyan hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement. But when Lu Yunsheng came to the pier, he was alone. The boatman said that Gu Manyan ordered Lu Yunsheng to go first, and he had arranged people there, and someone would take care of him.

As the rolling river passed away, Lu Yunsheng stood on the bow of the boat and kept watching, but Gu Manyan was never seen.

He may have guessed, or may never know, that Gu Manyan over there is leading the army to resist the invasion of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, although this is destined to be a sacrifice...

The whole film is grand and touching.

Whether it's the amazing clips of Fengjing singing opera, or Yunxiu's affectionate and patriotic performance that seems to be under his heart, coupled with the perfectly restored background and palace, the delicate part is like the drizzle in the south of the Yangtze River, and the majestic part is like a violent wind and waves. The ending song sung by Pei Qing's penetrating voice is full of passion but also sad and sentimental.

Such exquisite and excellent production, coupled with the publicity offensive planned by the scenery.

On the first day of the film's release, it achieved a very high box office and a very good reputation! The cost was recovered in two weeks, and after one month, the box office accumulated over 100 million, and Fengyun Studio became even more famous! From filming to post-production and release, time was in a hurry, everything went smoothly but it was like a war in chaos, the two were busy like tops, until then, Feng Jing and Du Yunxiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Think back to those days.

From China to Hollywood, all thanks to Lin Xuan's help. Because of her, Du Yunxiu encountered a decisive turning point and a miracle. When returning to China from abroad, he and Feng Jing put aside their existing fame and took risks as newcomers. As Brauchli said at the time, Feng Jing's calculations were based on the smoothest possible situation. In fact, once one step is wrong, one step goes wrong, the ending may be completely different.

Feng Jing looked at Yunxiu again: "Tell me, if my plan goes wrong. Our box office is not good this time, what should we do? It will become a laughing stock."

Du Yunxiu looked at him with charming eyes: "Then, let's start all over again."

Feng Jing raised his lips and smiled flamboyantly.

Yes, no matter what happens, what the future holds. This sentence is enough.

Feng Jing and Yunxiu seemed to be born out of nowhere, and in the blink of an eye, they became the hottest (hottest) popular characters in the domestic entertainment circle of the year. Of these two people, one is calm and sexy with a hint of melancholy, and the other is flamboyant to the point of envy. Looking at any one of them, they have the potential of superstars. But when the two are combined, another wider world is formed.

Whether it is their respective career achievements or their perfect acting skills in "Lu Yunsheng", they have all received great attention! In the midst of fan adoration and media frantic pursuit - the relationship between the two has also become the focus of the public!

The incident between Pei Qing and Li Xiao happened in the entertainment circle a few years ago. Later, when Pei Qing went abroad for more than a year, everyone thought that his emotional injury would never recover, and he would be devastated. But after Pei Qing returned to the country, he still looked cool and indifferent in front of everyone.

He doesn't have to deliberately please others, and he never cares about other people's eyes.

In the recording world, he is a god. A unique singer.

No one can imitate, no one can beat, this is his eternal glory.

With this incident, everyone is also guessing whether the relationship between Feng Jing and Yunxiu will be the same as Pei Qing and Li Xiao! If it is, it will be the most sensational event in the entire entertainment industry this year. And some reporters didn't even wait for the two to speak, and took a lot of photos secretly, directly labeling "Feng Jing, Yunxiu did the fake show for real?!" Such eye-catching titles!

Time for the Kimber Awards.

The film "Lu Yunsheng" has already been sent to the exhibition, and any criticism may affect the judges' judgment. Other entertainment companies also knew that the film "Lu Yunsheng" would be a very strong competitor, so they joined forces to discredit it. If you can't start with the movie itself, then start with the two leading actors.

All of a sudden, rumors about Feng Jing and Yun Xiu's scandal spread all over the sky. Feng Jing resigned, and the old news of Yun Xiu climbing up to Lin Xuan was brought up again. Half of the news about the two of them in the newspapers every day is good, and half is malicious.

Today's Feng Jing and Yunxiu have been in this circle for these years, what else have they not experienced? Being blocked at home and being discriminated against abroad, I have survived the most difficult days, are you still afraid of these fabricated news? Even if there are a few reporters who always report maliciously, so what.

They go about their lives, their lives.

When the rumors and slanders can no longer shake your heart, all that remains is the halo of true glory.

A reporter held a microphone in his hand, and a cameraman carried a camera, and asked the person directly: "Feng Jing, do you like Yunxiu? Did you do fake scenes when you were filming?"

The corners of Feng Jing's lips curled up to the right, and his slender eyes were bent, with a sly light shining inside. He didn't answer directly, but turned his head and called out to Yunxiu: "She asked me if I liked you."

Yun Xiu, who was interviewed by another media at the side, immediately responded with a smile: "Do I like you or not, do you still need to ask this question?"

These two people have become more and more skilled in facing the media day by day. In the eyes of the media, the "tacit understanding" between the two is completely unnecessary.

The Kimber Awards nominations are out.

"Lu Yunsheng" won eight nominations! Yun Xiu and Feng Jing were nominated for Best Actor! This is a very strange thing, but the reason given by the judging committee is that although the name of the film is "Lu Yunsheng", Yunxiu has a lot of roles in it, and it is impossible to simply distinguish whether it is a male supporting role or a male lead.

The news is mixed. The good news is that both of them were nominated for Best Actor, but the sad thing is that there has never been a film where two people have received such nominations at the same time. This not only makes it easy to disperse votes, but also loses the possibility of winning the best supporting actor.

Fans are worried for them.

While others waited to see the joke.

Star-studded red carpet.

Feng Jing and Yunxiu were wearing pure handmade white suits custom-made by foreign setters. The aristocratic texture made them tall and slender. Yun Xiu buttoned his sapphire cuff buttons, and Feng Jing wore a sexy wine red tie.

When the two equally handsome and most popular figures of the year appeared on the red carpet together, in an instant, countless spotlights and flashes were lit up, just like daytime. Yun Xiu, who was used to this posture for a long time, smiled like ice melting in spring, and Feng Jing smiled to the extreme, and the two gracefully raised their hands and waved to the fans...

A few years passed.

This circle is like a big wave of gold rush, more and more new faces are constantly appearing, some of the most popular superstars are still there, and some have completely withdrawn.

Along the way, Yunxiu met Liu Yi and Liu Zhang. Liu Yi has followed the path that Liu Zhang set out for him, and has taken over two Hollywood blockbusters. It's just that the box office was not good, and it didn't cause any sensation. And Liu Zhang is now the vice president of Crown Glory, and he has already achieved a successful career. It is said that he often goes to Lin Xuan's mother to see Lin Xuan's baby.

Everyone take your seats.

Like the actors, the Kimber Awards are updated every year and are different every year. Recalling the first time he won the Best Newcomer Award, Feng Jing hugged himself in surprise, and exclaimed in surprise, "Go, go and receive the award!"... Is this a self-made arrangement

The host is still the sharp-tongued hostess.

In these years, no one can shake her position—because of her qualifications and strength.

Yunxiu sighed.

Feng Jing was pulled over by others to talk, and someone approached in the dark, calling Du Yunxiu's name. With an exotic bite. However, there is only a little left.

Time changes everything.

The other party's amber pupils were in the dimness, not as charming as before, but rather sleepy and tired.

Feng Jing mentioned him a little bit. After the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, the old and experienced foundations of ESE and Pinyou Entertainment were revealed. Being suppressed by the joint efforts of the two companies, and being owned by a gangster, some things are not clean, and the associated artists frequently caused scandals...

"Hello." In the silence, Du Yunxiu responded.

The other party smiled, and the youthful outline became tougher, with a hint of vicissitudes between the eyebrows and eyes. This is a situation that has never happened with him.

"I saw that interview. You... are doing well now." Fu Zihan looked at Du Yunxiu and repeated softly, "It's really good."

Compared with when I was with him, I am more confident and better.

"En" Du Yunxiu smiled lightly.

For a moment, Fu Zihan felt that his throat was blocked. He had always thought that Du Yunxiu would return to his company and fight side by side with him...

Feng Jing came back from elsewhere and didn't say anything after seeing Fu Zihan. He just narrowed his slender eyes and smiled. Feng Jing smiled first without saying a word, but the expression on Fu Zihan's face did not change, but there was a bitter pain in his heart.

But, it's too late.

Because Fu Zihan discovered that Du Yunxiu now has many things, not only more self-confidence, but also trust in the people around him. He is no longer afraid at all, and he has more courage to face the obstacles in front of him. It seems that as long as he joins hands with Feng Jing, he can overcome all difficulties in the world.

Du Yunxiu and Feng Jing, they are looking at the same direction, the same target, even so, they can still look at each other with unconditional trust. We have each other in our eyes and hearts.

They, shut him out of their world.

The award ceremony proceeded one after another.

Yunxiu came four times in total, the first time was lonely and desperate, the second time was an unexpected surprise, the third time was self-deceiving expectations, and this time... it was pure appreciation.

They already have box office, word-of-mouth, and popularity. Even if they don't wait for the prize in the end, they won't lose anything. Winning an award is an unexpected reward.

Just because they can let go of everything, they are more free and stress-free.

Yunxiu and Feng Jing chatted quietly while admiring it. Rather than saying it was an awards show, for the two of them, it was more relaxing to watch the show.

"The following is the most anticipated Best Actor! This year, who will be our Best Actor?" The hostess's melodious voice was cast into the microphone and resounded throughout the venue, the music was ringing, and the big screen scrolled clips of the five nominees. In Yunxiu's eyes, that excerpt from the closing scene, any shot, is enough to arouse people's desire to watch this movie!

But among these five people, Yunxiu also found himself a familiar person, Chufeng.

He and Pinyou Entertainment seem to be cooperating pretty well. Although the box office of the few movies he acted in is not the best, they are not bad. From the excerpts, Yunxiu can see that Chufeng has got rid of Xie Yi's influence little by little. , began to establish their own style.

That's fine, everyone has their own unique flavors. different way.

A few rows ahead on the left, someone turned to look at him, it was Chufeng. Yunxiu looked in the direction, and Chufeng's hair was cut so short that he almost couldn't recognize him. And no one should ever say that he is Xie Yi's second. The two looked at each other for a second, and they probably remembered the best newcomer award that happened here for the first time. Finally laugh at the same time. A smile wipes away all grievances.

"That's—that's—" the hostess was still stalking.

Unlike the last time when he thought it was a long wait, this time Du Yunxiu even had a relaxed mind and thought, this is the only chance in a year to sell it! Hurry up.

"That's it—" This time the hostess finally handed the microphone to the award presenter, "It's—Feng Jing!"

There was a burst of joy immediately from the audience! — This enchanting man who was once a god-like idol will come back again, which is absolutely expected by everyone!

Du Yunxiu is ready to hug Fengjing tightly!

"Wait a minute, wait a minute—" the hostess yelled again. All the audience were taken aback, did they make a mistake? Du Yunxiu was also stunned there.


The audience was really stunned, it wouldn't be such a big oolong. But the hostess still smiled calmly: "—and Yunxiu! This year's best actor is Feng Jing, Yunxiu! For the first time in the history of the Golden Park Award, there are two winners! Congratulations to them! Yunxiu, Feng Jing , what are you waiting for, come up quickly. I know your Fengyun studio, and I know you have always been together. So this time, we also won our best actor award together."

The audience below laughed heartily and sincerely wished.

Feng Jing stood up, squinted his right eye, and blew a kiss to the hostess with his index finger. This action happened to be projected on the big screen by the camera, and countless female stars screamed regardless of their image.

Du Yunxiu and Feng Jing walked on the podium one after the other, and the small trophy of the Golden Cypress Award was held in their hands.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and at the same time, they raised the statuettes, as if they were clinking glasses, and they touched each other in mid-air! It was just a very small and common gesture of "clinking glasses", but everyone got excited and stood up and applauded almost like a tsunami! They didn't expect that the two film kings would drink a toast with statuettes, such a tacit understanding and such confidence! So full of love and so free and easy.

— they did.

—They figured out their acting skills, they performed such classic roles, and they contributed such wonderful movies! They are addicted to performing arts, but they are not bound by fame and fortune!

Nothing is more exciting than this!

Because standing under the cylindrical light beam of the spotlight, what these two men represent is not only the honor of the highest actor, but also a spirit of not being difficult and still persistent in their dreams!

This is the real wanton and free life.

All the guests and audience spontaneously stood up and applauded fiercely and proudly for the honor they have won tonight! For the touch, persistence and dedication I have seen from them!

At any time, art represents an attitude, which comes from life and reflects life; it comes from human nature and reflects human nature. Maybe the road ahead is too dark, but the light of pursuing dreams will always be like the light of diamonds, shining brightly and touching everyone.

Du Yunxiu looked at the crowded audience, their eyes were full of touch, joy, happiness, and even shed tears for him and Feng Jing. This feeling of loving and supporting them with all their hearts surrounded them like a warm tide.

Du Yunxiu took a look at Feng Jing, in the other's long and narrow eyes, he was full of dedication.

Feng Jingjing nodded, and Du Yunxiu understood what he meant.

Feng Jing gave him the opportunity to give his acceptance speech this time.

Du Yunxiu was holding the heavy statuette, and the ups and downs that he and Feng Jing had experienced together in these years kept flashing back and forth in his mind. Those first ups and downs, those joys with Lin Xuan at the beach, those days of hard filming abroad, no matter progress, setbacks, clouds, troughs... He will always be by his side and never leave.

"Someone once said to me that when the time comes, we will stand on the awards stage, and all the guests in the audience will look at us with the most envious and jealous eyes. The two of us will stand at the highest peak of the entertainment industry." ——Only you and I can reach the height!"

Some secrets will be sealed forever. Because it no longer needs to be turned on.

And Xie Yi in the audience was shocked! This is his oath many years ago.

Why would Du Yunxiu know

He stared blankly at Yunxiu on the stage.

The glitz and glamour of the past passed by extremely quickly, and he became popular, and even stepped on the position of a friend who regarded him as the most important, and he was always in a position of disadvantage. Yet these years have passed. In this bustling and extravagant show business circle, he bears the halo of a superstar, but he can't feel any warmth. Those previous dreams, the determination to act better, but under the shackles of fame and box office, gradually disappeared without a trace.

He thought all actors would be like this.

But now, standing hand in hand with Du Yunxiu under this great glory—is Feng Jing who has passed countless tests, and Feng Jing who has advanced side by side with Du Yunxiu.

He didn't do it.

However, someone did it.

Du Yunxiu's clear voice continued to echo throughout the awards ceremony.

His voice was as gentle as ever, just like him, it contained invincible power from beginning to end.

"—Now, I have done it! Standing here with the person I trust the most, and the person who trusts me the most! With Feng Jing!"

"There is a saying that all those things that don't kill you will make you stronger. But I want to say that those who trust you and love you wholeheartedly will make you stronger at the same time , become better! It was Feng Jing, who bet everything and gave everything he had to me. Because of him, I can stand here again and stand in front of you! He is my greatest luck."

The eyes of the audience, guests, and artists were full of tears. All those who have understood the hardships involved, and those who have been hurt and stood up strong, know that after going through these, they can once again love something sincerely , How rare and precious it is to trust a person!

"So, for the ones we love, for the ones we love, we will continue to work hard! Whether it is our acting career or our entire life! Because we believe that we will not stop here!"

Du Yunxiu and Feng Jing looked at each other and smiled again.

— This is just a simple smile, but it is more meaningful and unforgettable than the last close-up frame in all movies! This scene hovered in the night sky of the entire awards ceremony for a long time, rolling in everyone's hearts for a long time!

This is a show business circle of luxury and glory, this is a show business circle of chasing dreams, fame and fortune.

Under the sky full of stars, some people are making steady progress and skyrocketing, some people do everything possible, and the gains outweigh the losses, some people are beautiful and dry, and their fragrance fades away, but there are also some people who love each other and move forward hand in hand.

In the torrent of time, there are always people standing side by side. Firm. forever.

Just like Du Yunxiu and Feng Jing.

The End