Reincarnation of a Superstar

Chapter 36: Postscript The fifth anniversary of Celebrity Superstar


"Life is non-stop fighting", this is the theme of Jiu Dao's speech at Peking University. He said: "The reason why success is precious is that the probability of failure is too high. Because I have always wanted to know what kind of person I will become, so I kept unwrapping the gifts of life." That's why he has grown from a cartoonist to The writer, the process from writer to director, will say to Chai Zhiping: "I have bought a house and a car in this life, but the most expensive thing I have ever bought is a dream."

In the process of writing "Rebirth of a Celebrity Superstar", I had a small dream.

I want to write about an actor who really loves acting, even if his fortune is rough, he still sticks to his dream; I want to write about a person who gave up his career for true love, even if he is hurt by love, he still has the courage to devote himself to love again. Some readers once said that if Yunxiu meets Fengjing is fate, then it is luck that Fengjing meets Yunxiu, and the word "destiny" is formed when two people get together. Among the thousands of people, there is only one person who makes you remember your original dream.

But just like life will smooth your various edges and corners.

As soon as I started writing, I encountered a difficult decision. At that time, there was a relatively stable publishing house in Taiwan, China, but the other party was not interested in such themes and writing methods based on market considerations. To write means to give up the publishing plan over there.

Every author wants his or her work to be published.

But if the publisher tells you that this article is not going to be signed for publication, writing this article will affect your other publishing plans.

Are you still willing to write it down

And it did.

This article took me more than half a year. I stay up late every night and write until three or four in the morning. During the Chinese New Year, there are laughter and fireworks outside, and I keep typing on the keyboard with cold fingers facing the screen. The publishing plan in Taiwan was completely cut off. Even though "Rebirth of a Celebrity Superstar" had already become the TOP1 of Jinjiang Net's annual list at that time, it was not favored by the publisher.

But sometimes, as an author, you must give up something for the purity of writing.

Even if it cannot be published. Even if the road ahead is difficult.

During the half year when I couldn't see the future clearly and was persistent in one thought, every word of "Rebirth of a Celebrity Superstar" exhausted my efforts, every sentence burst out from the depths of my soul, and every plot The hottest passion in his bones. Countless late nights were moved by Yunxiu's persistence, and countless early mornings were heartbroken by Fengjing's situation. When these words and sentences were finally formed into a novel, I really saw Yunxiu and Fengjing appearing in front of me so truly. , every smile and every look in their eyes is so vivid!

At that moment, all the joy in the world rushed towards me.

The road ahead is difficult, but for the sake of the dream, the enthusiasm overflowing from the bottom of my heart without hesitation is so hearty. So I dedicated all the best youthful time in my life to writing, and never regretted it! Life is a constant battle, and you know that everything you do is fighting for your dreams!

Just like a successful actor, there must be a masterpiece, and as an author, if a work is recognized by readers and becomes a classic, it is a supreme honor. "Rebirth of a Celebrity Superstar" became the number one bestseller in Taiwan, China in 2010. What a joy it is to be able to burn all the enthusiasm for dreams in one's life. And how lucky I am to meet you. I am deeply grateful to those readers who have always stood behind me to encourage and support me when I was fighting for my dream, and to witness my setbacks and joys with me. I am deeply grateful to all of you who have meticulously produced radio dramas and theme songs for this novel, and to each of my editors who also spent their time on this book and weaved the proudest dream with me!

Qingluo fan

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