Reincarnation of a Superstar

Chapter 4: This is acting


With the popularity of idol dramas, the popularity of the four has also risen wildly. It seems that they have become household names overnight. Large banners in subway stations, squares, supermarkets... You can see their images everywhere!

The Legacy, everywhere!

All of this is also due to the healthy and noble image that ESE helped Du Yunxiu create for them. In addition, they have not debuted for a long time, and the shrewd Amanda manages them very strictly, and there are not many scandals at all. Such a good public image and high popularity in the past three to four months have been favored by many companies, and they have been invited to speak for them and shoot advertisements.

It's just that behind this glamorous appearance, the schedule of the four of them is full, and there is almost no time to rest.

Keeping up with announcements, staying up all night filming.

It was reported that the advertising fee was seven figures, but it was actually just a gimmick. The real endorsement fee was drawn by ESE, and the rest was divided among four people. There will be no more excitement when going to entertainment shows. On the one hand, I obviously haven't had a good rest, but I have to work hard, pretending to be relaxed and happy; on the other hand, those questions have been asked many times in other places, and there is no novelty, but I have to repeat them mechanically...

This time, the four of Du Yunxiu appeared on another variety show. During the show, the hostess took out a newspaper and showed them: "This is the TOP 10 male stars most wanted by rich women. All four are on it!"

The four looked at each other in surprise.

They who have been in a state of fatigue are really a little curious by this news. Although before stepping into this circle, I have seen lace gossip, some beautiful female celebrities are kept as mistresses by wealthy businessmen, and there is no celebrity dinner price.

But, they... foster? Being a rich woman

"Hehe, let me take a look at this ranking... Wow, Chufeng ranks first, worth 60 million a year!" The hostess smiled gracefully, and took a special look at the handsome Chufeng.

"Haha, really? I thought it would be a little higher." Chufeng laughed heartily.

Probably Chufeng played the role of the richest and most well-equipped young man in The Legacy. He has everything from airplanes, yachts, mansions, and antique paintings, so the rich women are also affected, and they feel that it is the most dignified and classy to take Chufeng out. .

"Yunxiu is also very popular! 30 million a year, ranking fourth..."

Du Yunxiu still didn't say anything, but lowered his eyes shyly.

After finishing the program for the past six months, people in the hosting industry probably have an impression of Legacy as a group. Chufeng and Fujisawa are very expressive, perhaps because they are very confident in their appearance. One likes to be handsome, and the other likes to show hip-hop. In comparison, Yunxiu and Wei Yifei are more reserved.

Especially Yunxiu.

He is very polite to people, very gentle, he has no self-consciousness of being a popular idol, nor does he think that he is good-looking, so he feels that girls should treat him well, but it is just such a touch of gentleness, or restraint, On the contrary, it made it difficult for the host to make fun of him and make the show more effective.

"Fujisawa and Wei Yifei are in seventh and tenth place respectively..."

After the recording of the show, it was already very late. The company now specially configures a nanny car for them. In Du Yunxiu's view, although this car is not as good as Xie Yi's presidential suite-level Ford E450 white sedan, it can be used for performance clothes, cosmetics, personal items, etc. In the car, very convenient.

Amanda is not there, the driver starts the car.

Du Yunxiu was about to seize the time to close his eyes and rest his mind, saving energy for filming tomorrow morning, when Chu Feng suddenly said: "Tell me, is that ranking real?"

Before they became famous, they were just more handsome than the average person.

I have a star dream, and I work hard for it, but no one knows whether I can be popular, and no one knows how long I will last. Later, I entered ESE through strict selection, and now I suddenly became popular and my dream came true. Worshiped, fanatical, and infatuated by countless people.

Feeling the enthusiasm of fans in this way, the first time is joy, excitement, gratitude, and even on the show from the bottom of my heart, sincerely say: "Thank you, thank you for your support."

Although the language is poor, the kind of gratitude from the heart is extremely sincere. It's just that after more times and more gifts received, I gradually got used to it. People are always like this, when they don't get it, they feel that it is unique and want to get it very much. Once you have it and get used to it, it will not feel precious.

The feeling of wanting to cherish before. Just like a beautiful pearl, it has been ground into a mediocre white powder, and it is no longer as round and smooth as the original pearl, with the shining white pearl luster.

Then, want something else.

want more. want better...

"Is there really that much?" Fujisawa also joined the topic, "That is much higher than our endorsement fee and film salary."

"It's not a matter of being tall..." Wei Yifei looked at Chufeng's expression before continuing, "That's being taken care of by someone... that kind of thing..."

"It's all about sleeping with women, it's not a big deal! Could it be that they will eat you?" Chufeng interrupted Wei Yifei, and smiled wickedly, "You are still afraid that they will act like wolves and tigers... Fucked you."

Chufeng spoke in a very candid tone.

It seemed that it was just a joke, and didn't think about it in other ways, but Du Yunxiu had a faint feeling... It's not that there are no wind and waves. Chufeng's performance in ESE is very good, he is very good at managing the upper management, he is very good at dealing with Li Rui, Feng Jing, and other executives, and he really works hard on weekdays and puts a lot of effort into it.

It can be seen that ESE is also focusing on training him. In "The Legacy", his role is the most important, the main scenes are all on him, and he is also the most shot, and the focus of every round of promotion will not be missing him.

What ESE may not have expected, however. Chufeng is not the kind of actor who has experienced troughs and setbacks and gradually became popular. As soon as he entered the industry, he achieved achievements that other newcomers could not imagine. He has never tried the detours that others have to go through, and he jumped directly in front of others, and he is in the ascendant with excellent momentum.

So he may not know the bitterness of this road.

But there is one thing Chufeng can clearly feel—his current salary is completely incomparable with his current popularity and status. Now, he can be regarded as the number one brother who has broken the history of idol drama ratings, but the salary he gets is still so little, and the endorsement fee is far from the figure he wanted in his mind!

Such a comparison will naturally cause an imbalance in mentality.

If you don't get it right...

"Be a little more open." Du Yunxiu said lightly, "Give first now, don't be so fussy about gains and losses. Looking back after a few years, you will feel that it was really nothing."

Chufeng raised his eyebrows, turned his head to look at Du Yunxiu, and smiled, but his words were not so friendly: "Speak as if you know everything. I almost thought you were very experienced!"

It's strange, he can be kind to Fujisawa and Wei Yifei, but to Yunxiu, he always has an illusion in his heart that his status is threatened.

These newcomers are filming for the first time.

Director Lin of this idol drama is notoriously strict in this circle. The lighting engineer, photographer, and stylist selected by himself are all experienced veterans with first-class experience, and the finished products are indeed impressive. Breathtaking, the picture is very textured.

The structure of the entire image, how to deal with the sub-shots, this kind of things that only the experts know the way, Chu Feng does not like to judge. But others, such as the close-ups of the characters, even Chufeng, can see that the level of photography is beyond the reach of ordinary idol dramas. The lighting is really amazing, and every detail is shot very delicately. The charm of the performance to the extreme! The self that appeared in the camera was more temperamental and more distinctive than when he looked in the mirror.

During filming, their young acting skills were of course reprimanded by Director Lin.

Even after becoming popular, if the emotional drama is not in place, Director Lin still didn't lower his requirements for them because of their popularity today. Although he was a bit stricter, they secretly admired Director Lin's character.

That's what acting is all about.

There are many people who step on other people's shoulders, but if they really make a word of mouth and behave very firmly in the world, everyone still admires them from the bottom of their hearts.

However, it would be fine if all four of them were reprimanded by Director Lin like this, but why are there only three of them who are often NGed and called cut by Director Lin when they are acting, but Yunxiu is not there a few times, even if he is, it is because he was not photographed The most charming side, was asked to readjust the camera.

They are the same idol team, they live together on weekdays, and naturally they get closer than other people when they spend more time together. However, after all, they are all young people who are full of vigor and want to show off their ambitions. How can there be no competition and comparison between them secretly

Everyone is on the same starting line. Even if everyone has different qualifications, the gap should not be too big, right? !

Chufeng even noticed that the stern Director Lin would relax his always stern-faced lines only when he was filming Yunxiu's scenes, and sometimes he would lightly nod.

Could it be that Yunxiu's acting skills are so good

Why doesn't he feel that.

Isn't it because the characters themselves are contradictory and conflicting? Aren't those little paper cranes and lines sensational? If you let him play such a role, he can still play very well.

Chufeng, who has always held this idea, ushered in the last episode of "The Legacy".

Before this, he and Du Yunxiu had no real rivalry scenes, either it was the memories of childhood, or the scenes between him and the heroine, Du Yunxiu and the heroine, or the four of them together. Even if the two are in the same scene, the character played by Du Yunxiu is calm and gentle, with a gentle and refined appearance, and there is nothing to explode.

Now for the last episode to be filmed - the two face to face for the first time!

With the help of Fujisawa and Wei Yifei, the nearly bankrupt Chu family suppressed by Du Yunxiu finally came back to life, and the deep relationship between him and the heroine touched the most important client, who was in Du Yunxiu's money offensive. And under the earnest request of Chufeng and the heroine, they chose one of the two, and finally chose to cooperate with Chufeng!

Since then, the Chu family has completely turned around and counterattacked in one fell swoop.

However, Yunxiu, who had dragged on the business front for too long before, had poor cash flow, bank loans expired, and was unable to repay, and was finally forced into a desperate situation! Besieged on all sides!

"Yunxiu, weren't we good friends before? Why did you do this!" The camera was right next to him, and the lens was aimed at Chufeng's face. After several months of shooting, Chufeng has gradually gotten used to it, and quickly entered the state under the camera and the reflective light board.

Since everyone's scenes are filmed separately, Chufeng in the play doesn't know Yunxiu's true mood. At this moment, he still feels sad because Yunxiu betrayed his friendship and framed him secretly, so Chufeng Trying to make my tone a little more excited, the tone is full of nostalgia for the once indestructible friendship...

"Tell me! As long as you still treat me as a friend, I will, I will not..." I will not kill you. The Chu family will not kill you all!

"...Really?" Yunxiu's voice was almost inaudible. He smiled softly, pretending to be strong, and smiled, his clear eyes seemed to be staring at Chufeng with a faint smile, but the eye sockets gradually turned red...

The director didn't ask for it, but Du Yunxiu deliberately lost a few pounds this month in order to match the plot.

The white shirt that was originally a good fit is now a little loose. Thanks to the skills of the makeup artist, the whole person looks slimmer, which further reflects his current depression and self-deprecation, which is powerless to return to the world. Under the open neckline, there are clear lines The clavicle, but it makes people feel a faint feeling of distress.

Obviously that self-deprecating wry smile and that sad look in his eyes were only a momentary thing.

But for the first time, Chufeng felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Although there are such lines in the script, in the play they acted as friends with deep feelings, and even in the play he wants to redeem this friendship until now, but the more Du Yunxiu acts as if he has always been his true friend, the other party The brows between his eyebrows were filled with intense sorrow, but under his questioning, he seemed to deny everything, and smiled softly, as if the whole person was about to disappear...

Chufeng's heart was hit even harder.

Because, he knew very well that he never regarded Yunxiu as a true friend in his heart!

Undoubtedly, such a state was naturally called cut by the director.

The character played by Yunxiu was even moved by the crew, but Chu Feng, who played the opposite role, could only watch in a daze as the other party quickly entered the state. Although I wanted to recite the lines bravely, I felt that I couldn't find the right one. Not only could I not find the heartbroken feeling of wanting to save the friendship, but I even became more and more impetuous.

The result was a sharp contrast—Yunxiu's inner drama was extremely contagious; while he couldn't get into the drama at all, and forced to recite his lines, which only seemed deliberate, artificial, and hypocritical!

Movies are shot differently than TV shows.

Movies are performed by several cameras at the same time, and the picture can be shot from multiple angles. The perspective is very comprehensive, and it is also very convenient when editing later. However, TV dramas usually only have one camera. If you want to switch perspectives, you have to work hard for the actors. The scene is repeated, and the camera shoots in different positions.

Adding in the number of times I NGed and the camera changing directions, the director has called "Action" seven times, and Du Yunxiu's eye circles have also turned red seven times! Every time Du Yunxiu yelled "Action", just like the first time, his eyes, the kind of eyes full of complex emotions, were able to capture everyone's attention in just a split second...

Those eyes with clear lines and charm, all kinds of emotions fluctuate inside, like a pool of lake water after snow, fragile and people can't move their eyes, it seems that even the soul has been sucked in.

There is often such a description that people's eyes seem to be able to speak, but Du Yunxiu's gaze is restrained and forbearing. It cannot speak, but it is more silent than any other pair of eyes. It is more touching than any other pair of eyes. In the depths, but I don't even have the strength to snort...

When he just raised his head, tears were streaming down his face.

A full seven times.

It had the same effect seven times. It was obviously the same plot, but as long as Du Yunxiu looked at Chufeng with such eyes, the crew still felt uncomfortable.

Only, Chu Feng.

Under the strong pressure, not only was he unable to enter the role, but the panic and impetuosity in his heart gradually reflected on his face, and his acting was completely out of level. In the end, I couldn't even find the previous feeling!

The director stopped specifically to tell him about the play.

But it's useless!

Chufeng's heart is completely messed up! As soon as he shouted Action, he was startled—how could this person on the other side enter the state so quickly, and how could he maintain such a level! In the end, there were too many NGs. Although TV dramas are no more than movies, it doesn’t matter if there are more NGs, and they won’t waste film like movies, which will lead to budget constraints, but Director Lin is reluctant to "toss" Du Yunxiu like this anymore, obviously not His question has been acted out more than ten times.

So in the end, the director simply adopted a tricky method - all the shots emphasized Du Yunxiu, every change in his face, every sad smile, when he heard Chufeng's questioning words, Those beautiful eyes are even more close-up, and all the emotions are infinitely magnified...

The ratings of the finale really reached the peak!

Yunxiu didn't tell Chufeng until the end why he did this, probably because at that time, many feelings were already unclear...

Chufeng couldn't really be cruel, and even helped Yunxiu repay the debt.

Yunxiu knew that Chufeng did it, but he didn't say thank you, but left his hometown and went abroad. Before boarding the plane, Du Yunxiu didn't say anything, just smiled gently, and asked the heroine to bring a small black paper crane to Chufeng...

The audience watching in front of the TV cried so much that they used piles of tissues and were so choked up that they couldn't speak.

Even when I replayed it, I already knew the plot, but I kept crying and crying. Many years later, most of the audience still have such memories. They can't remember most of the plot of that episode, let alone the details.

However, as long as the word "Yun, Xiu" is said, the eyes will involuntarily become sore.

It hurts more than the softest part of my heart being torn apart.


Since then, "The Legacy" has officially ended, and the popularity of the four has reached its peak all of a sudden!

Although the fans of several people supported the Legacy group, they also faintly confronted each other: some praised Chufeng for his good acting skills and handsome looks; some said Fujisawa was versatile, with a background of studying in the United States, and temperament Conversation, it is not comparable to the locals, especially the hip-hop dancing; Wei Yifei also has a lot of fans, and now the Japanese style is very heavy, a slender and neutral beautiful boy like him, many girls like it Incredible...

As for Yunxiu's fans, no matter how other fans praise their idols, they will not be shaken, and they even feel a little disdainful in their hearts. Obviously, some people only have those expressions, but no matter how they look at them, they seem to be imitating the actor Xie Yi Yes, he was praised for his acting skills? ! I have no knowledge at all.

The really good acting skills are Yunxiu!

There was a master who edited this idol drama and made a MV specially for Du Yunxiu. After the production was completed, they were surprised to find something that they didn't notice when they watched it continuously!

There are a total of 30 episodes of idol dramas.

In these 30 episodes, there are more than 80 shots of Du Yunxiu folding the little paper cranes. What surprised them even more is that in these 80 shots, Du Yunxiu's expressions, eyes... are not repeated. Even if some shots only shot his hands, it seems that Du Yunxiu's emotions can be seen just from these hands, cold and gentle...

They all feel it, and the effortless transformation can feel it.

What is acting? — This is acting.

There is no need to use any advanced professional evaluation, when the audience can feel the reality of this character, when everyone is fluctuated by his every emotion and every look, this is a good acting skill.

Many fans started to say that everyone watched the party drama at first, but in the end they became more and more fascinated by it. They didn't expect much from the new actors' acting skills at first, thinking that good looks were enough, but Du Yunxiu interpreted the roles of idol dramas with his powerful acting skills. The characters are full and three-dimensional because of him, and the simple plot is not superficial because of him.

Other media also began to report:

"...No one would have high expectations for the acting skills of idol drama actors. Because I don't know when, idol dramas have become synonymous with Lei drama, little white dog blood, and exaggeration, but idol dramas still have such a large ratings The market is that sometimes some simple truths, through the interpretation of the actors, will allow us to regain the impractical but romantic heartbeat of love and the small touches in life."

With the launch of overseas copyrights, "The Legacy" became popular in Southeast Asia, and almost all the people fell into the legacy trend enthusiastically! The clothes Du Yunxiu and the others wore, the mobile phones they used, and the bag of the heroine were all very popular! Sales increased significantly in the same quarter! The merchants who sponsored this idol drama at the beginning laughed from ear to ear, and were praised by the entire industry for their vision and long-term vision.

Such super popularity made the four of Du Yunxiu well-deserved to win the annual "Most Popular Newcomer Award", "Most Popular Drama Combination Award", "Most Popular Combination Award" and so on. They almost won all the awards that can be obtained for their debut. .

Some newspapers described it like this: "Legacy is a superstar combination that was born out of nowhere. Before everyone recovered from the surprise, they created miracles one after another with lightning speed! In today's showbiz, there is no such thing as Any combination can surpass the results created by the four of them! Except for themselves!"

"There has never been a rookie group like Legacy and the others - it seems that all the awards are set for them, as if all the awards have been waiting for them to receive! For the newcomers who debuted at the same time this year , Legacy is simply like an indelible disaster. Those newcomers can only look up at their heights, and can only breathe under their light... "

With such a complete victory, ESE was naturally generous and spent a lot of money to hold a celebration banquet for Du Yunxiu and the others. There were more than 20 tables in the banquet, and Feng Jing and Li Rui went to Du Yunxiu's table to toast in person.

The four stood up quickly.

"You have worked hard these days. ESE is proud to have artists like you." Li Rui held the red wine, his eyebrows were sharp, and he did not speak too much, but already made people feel the aura of a commander rewarding his generals.

Although it is a compliment, but the status and distance are still there, so you can't be presumptuous.

Chu Feng and Du Yunxiu hurriedly responded with a smile.

"Look at you, scare them." Feng Jing Weiyu who came together laughed first, his smile was extremely bewitching, and his gorgeous voice made people's hearts want to move. Compared with the previous Li Rui, it was like peach blossoms blooming in the ice and snow .

Feng Jing pursed his lips, and with flirtatious eyes, he personally refilled the wine glasses of the four of them.

"Ah Feng, I watched the last few episodes of Legacy, and your acting skills have obviously improved a lot."

"Xiao Fei, you are still so obedient, no wonder you are so painful."

"Ze, last time the dance teacher told me about you, it's a good thing that you came up with an album..."

Just one or two simple sentences, but the distance immediately shortened a lot. Chufeng and the others immediately felt that they were indeed the key trainees of ESE—Mr. Feng was so concerned about his own affairs, especially when he mentioned the album later!

They have been filming for so long, but apart from the theme song, they don't even have a decent EP. For Chufeng, who likes to sing, and Fujisawa, who is a top street dancer, the album is what they most want to try now!

When Feng Jing said this, Chu Feng and Fujisawa also quickly hit the snake with the stick.

"Mr. Feng, when will we release the album! Don't you have confidence in us?" Chufeng approached Feng Jing, his obsidian-like eyes shining brightly under the light, his movements were not ambiguous, but there was a kind of love that everyone else felt Perceived closeness. This invisibly gave a signal to the fellow ESE brothers and sisters present, as well as the other three people in the legacy—Chufeng is not only the most popular newcomer, but also has a very good relationship with the ESE director and senior management.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Feng Jing didn't seem to mind at all, he tilted his head slightly, his jet-black hair was shining with a charming luster, and the tear mole under the corner of his right eye looked more and more cunning and attractive.

"Then you have to arrange it for us as soon as possible. Last time I saw the fans' messages, they said that they had been looking forward to it for a long time, and they even prepared the money to buy the album." Fujisawa also joined this conversation, and the elegant co-sealed scene touched After a drink, he continued, "I also said that I would buy three copies with the money I prepared. One for myself as a souvenir, one for listening to, and one for giving away, hahaha."

"Your fans are really interesting and loyal." Even though standing beside the two most popular and most watched idol stars, Feng Jing's aura is not inferior at all. With a strong aura, those who didn't know it thought that these three people belonged to the same group.

"Actually..." Feng Jing narrowed his long and narrow eyes like a fox, paused his voice on purpose, and shook the red wine in his hand, "The company has been praising you all the time, and of course the company knows that you want to release an album. There are only a few good recording studios, and the quality is the same.”

"You guys are promoted by the company. If you want to make your first album, you have to do it well, right?"

Chufeng and Fujisawa looked at each other, with vague expectations in their eyes: "What does Mr. Feng mean?"

Feng Jing patted Li Rui on the shoulder: "You guys have to thank your big boss! It was he who helped you connect with the godfather of music in Japan! Your first album will be recorded in Japan, and it will be recorded by people from Japan. All in one hand!"

Chufeng and Fujisawa cheered immediately! When I heard the good news, when I heard that the recording could be made in Japan, and it was managed by my music teacher father, I was overjoyed and said that the company was so kind to them!

Du Yunxiu looked at them with a smile.

The so-called art industry has specialization, don't do porcelain work without diamonds, what he has been pursuing is to improve and hone his acting skills. He didn't reject the fact that he was good at singing, and he was good at acting when he was good at singing, but he didn't focus on it, so he wasn't as ecstatic as they were.

However, he had a little friendship in his previous life, and there was a song god at the level of a heavenly king—Pei Qing.

The person is very cold, with a pure demeanor, and there is an indescribable arrogance between his brows. It's like the jade shining on the cold pond, the trees are cold and the flowers are clear. A voice like the sound of nature, no one can match.

Du Yunxiu occasionally sang in KTV before, and he didn't think that singing requires any skills. It wasn't until he got to know Pei Qing that he knew that singing should use abdominal breathing instead of chest breathing, and he realized that singing is also extremely particular.

Now that it's been so long, Legacy is about to start releasing an album. I don't know how my voice is and whether it will be out of tune. What Pei Qing told him... can it be used.

Du Yunxiu hadn't finished worrying about this, and Feng Jing broke out even more shocking news at the end of the celebration banquet.

This news even overshadowed the purpose of the celebration banquet itself - "The Legacy" will start filming the second part next year! ESE actor Xie Yi will play an important guest role in it!

Everyone knows that Xie Yi hasn't appeared on the small screen for several years since he took over the filming of a movie, but this time, ESE even invited actor-level Xie Yi for "The Legacy 2"! As soon as the news came out, the producers of other TV stations gritted their teeth and secretly scolded Feng Jing to the point of blood.

If it is said that the first part of "The Legacy" was filmed by ESE in a completely confidential and low-key manner, then the second part, the scene was selected at the celebration banquet of Du Yunxiu and the four, and countless media were invited to release the news , and even moved out the actor! It is clear that it is going to be hyped, with a lot of fanfare!

When the headline of the newspaper comes out in the future, I don’t know how much attention it will attract. It will be very lively in the next few months. By that time, there will be no need for ESE to issue press releases. Entertainment reporters will probably go to the studio every day to stay! With such a huge publicity momentum, it is no wonder that the second part of "The Legacy" is not popular! They'd better adjust the schedule quickly, lest they really run into cannon fodder...

"I remember, the next plan is to let them release an album?" After the celebration banquet, Li Rui asked Feng Jing with a deep and powerful voice. Although these few people have achieved good results in idol dramas, but in the years since ESE was established, what kind of amazing celebrities have not appeared? The four of Legacy can only be regarded as relatively impressive results.

In particular, popularity is a very realistic thing.

If there is a lack of exposure and works in the follow-up, the popularity is guaranteed to drop miserably, so it is essential to strike while the iron is hot. Even if Chufeng and Fujisawa do not ask the company to release an album for them, the company has plans in this regard.

"They are indeed the hottest and most popular idol group nowadays." Feng Jing smiled, and narrowed his narrow and deep fox eyes, "But——you can only be regarded as newcomers in ESE."

"Since you are a rookie, you must meet the treatment of a rookie. It cannot be the standard of a Uranus superstar."

"In this way, let them realize that only the longer they stay in ESE and the higher their loyalty, the company will give them greater opportunities and praise them more."

"Satisfy everything at once, but lose the control. They may not be grateful, and they may even feel that ESE is forcing them, squeezing their time, letting them propose on their own initiative, and the company will meet their requirements, and they will be more satisfied. grateful."

When Feng Jing said this, his eyes shone with a kind of light that ordinary people can't see, confident, cunning, sharp, the kind of self-confidence and toughness in his career that radiated from the inside out, which made him even more kind Show off your sharp beauty!

"So, it's not as good as it is now. Properly, step by step, improve their treatment. Let them understand that everything is still in the hands of the company. If they are obedient, ESE will give them better."

After Feng Jing finished speaking, he raised his sexy and delicate chin and smiled at Li Rui.

The color in Li Rui's dark eyes became deeper, and he nodded lightly: "You can figure it out."

He is in charge of the general direction and policy of ESE. These trivial matters between artists are specially managed by Feng Jing. He is quite confident in Feng Jing's ability.

"However, I thought you had a great time being Bole." Li Rui hinted.

"Don't worry about that." Feng Jing smiled, "I am the director of ESE first, and then Bole who is looking for Maxima..."

The second part of "The Legacy" started shooting under the hot reports of many media.

The plot begins with the reappearance of the mysterious little black paper crane, and Du Yunxiu returns to China. His two years of experience abroad have made his temperament even more serene.

Du Yunxiu meets Chufeng unexpectedly. The other party has not forgotten him in the past two years. After meeting again, he missed the original friendship and warmly invited him to the wedding between himself and the heroine. However, the closer the wedding was, strange things happened more frequently, and the memory lost by the heroine gradually recovered. .

At the same time, the business secrets of the Chu family were leaked, and all the clues pointed to Yunxiu again...

The truth of the matter is: the heroine's true identity is the daughter of a small company that was forced to go bankrupt by the Chu family. Before she lost her memory, she had a lot of hatred for the Chu family...

And behind her and Yunxiu, the one manipulating all of this is Chufeng's cousin abroad, who has been plotting to seize the heir of the Chu family—Xie Yi. In the end is to choose friendship or family, love or hatred? This is a cruel choice for both Yunxiu and the heroine.

After Chufeng's popularity soared, their temper and airs gradually grew. This time for the second part of "The Legacy", they don't have to be cautious, humble and cautious on the set like they did in the first part, but Feng Jing seems to have anticipated this situation long ago, so he deliberately made actor Xie Yi Called over.

Before the filming started, Chu Feng and the others only saw Xie Yi's hurried back on the set - Xie Yi was dressed in black, with a stalwart and sexy figure, wearing a pair of black toad mirrors.

They didn't even see Xie Yi's eyes clearly. Under the heavy escort of a makeup artist, stylist, assistant and two bodyguards, Xie Yi entered the exclusive lounge directly like a gust of wind. Snacks were then brought in…

The younger brother of the crew revealed that actor Xie Yi had just flown back from Melbourne, and the jet lag hadn't adjusted yet. As soon as the filming of today and tomorrow is over, I will fly to France again.

After hearing this, Fujisawa and Wei Yifei were secretly startled and envious.

In this way, flying around to participate in various international film festivals at home and abroad, how can ordinary actors do it? When will they be like Xie Yi, even though they only showed a hurried figure just now, the superstar aura emanating from all over their bodies makes them worship secretly.

Xie Yi.

Xie Yi...

Hearing this name again, and hearing about this name from other people again, Du Yunxiu felt dizzy and his heart beat extremely fast. He will have a scene with this "cousin" tomorrow...

Just when Du Yunxiu thought that he was the most restless person, it wasn't until that afternoon when he was filming that he realized that there was another person who was more emotionally unstable than him—that person was Chu Feng.

There is such a saying: "The charm given to the actors by the screen often makes the audience associate the actor with the characters in the play. When you think of a certain actor, you will immediately think of the roles he has played."

This is the case with The Legacy.

With the first part laying the foundation, no matter how the second part is arranged, everyone will always prefer the original cast of the first part. At this time, the newly added characters in the second part want to stand out—either the appearance and aura of the protagonists are not lost at all from the beginning, or the plot of the scene is well arranged so that the audience gradually accepts him, so that they can score in their hearts. Save him a seat.

Xie Yi is undoubtedly the first type.

He had just returned from Melbourne, and the time for this kind of friendship was still based on the face of Mr. Feng and Li Rui, and he was squeezed out by his agent. Time is in a hurry, and even the script is read on the plane, but this time is enough!