Reincarnation of a Superstar

Chapter 5: I do not need


Outside the iron gate of the villa's hollowed-out flower stand, maids wearing black background and white aprons stood in two rows neatly. Under the order of the elderly and stern housekeeper, they all bowed neatly at forty-five degrees. The scene was very is considerable.

Xie Yi stepped out gracefully from the Bentley728 extended version car...

The lens is from far to near.

A pair of thick and black eyebrows are as unruly as a bird on the seashore, faintly revealing arrogance and domineering. The eyes are extremely black, extremely energetic, and lacquer-like, which cannot be ignored. Especially the smile on his face, and the mysterious atmosphere exuding from his whole body, are as noble and famous as a famous European painting.

Xie Yi pursed his lips and stood on the high-grade red velvet carpet in front of the gate of the magnificent villa.

His lean to the extreme figure, black and perfect hairstyle, and even the inexplicable expression on his face, are like a hand, invisible and grabbing the hearts of the audience, which is extremely eye-catching.

The wind blew the fine black hair on his forehead.

Standing out in a landscape of opulent villas and red carpets...

He didn't speak, and didn't have to say anything. No one can compare to this style alone. The audience can regard anyone as a passer-by, but Xie Yi, even if his role is only a few minutes, a few seconds, or even just one shot, the shocking and shocking aura will leave a deep impression on people impression!

If Chufeng's previous role was a domineering and impulsive rich young master, then the cousin played by Xie Yi is a master at ease in the flashy world. The same domineering, the same arrogance between the brows. But all the arrogance seems to be covered under a thin layer of ice floe.

Shockingly gorgeous, but not burned by it.

Chufeng's bad temper, Chufeng's carelessness, in front of Xie Yi, these behaviors are as ridiculous as an upstart. Really - the difference between a famous family and an upstart!

Xie Yi declined to comment on Chu Feng's acting skills.

Occasionally, because Chufeng's opponent's filming was bad, he had to reshoot, and he was so tired that he had to repeat it. Xie Yi just cast his eyes over with a half-smile, and didn't speak, but it made people... especially Chufeng, feel subtle .

That kind of gaze is not sarcasm, not contempt—it's just that the master sees the rookie's pity...

Xie Yi was also sitting alone in the exclusive chair between filmings, and the two little assistants were hurrying back and forth. Even if the manager didn't follow, the others would not dare to bother him. Xie Yi's gestures are like movie kings and superstars, forming a world of his own!

Chufeng felt pressure, and it was unprecedented pressure.

This time, it was different from Yunxiu's time. Yunxiu's acting was a huge pressure that time, Yunxiu's interpretation method surprised him so much, so powerful, but Xie Yi was not.

In fact, he could predict Xie Yi's reaction and Xie Yi's performance.

If a person has deeply admired an idol since he was ten years old, and has watched all of the idol's TV series, movies, every variety show, and even commercials hundreds of times. Every eyebrow raising, every look in the eyes can be imitated to an eighth degree, so the reaction of this idol in a similar plot can be roughly guessed.

It's not for nothing that he is called "Second Xie Yi" and "Little Xie Yi".

Apart from the dichotomy in his outline, his fashion sense, his mannerisms, his expression, etc. are all greatly influenced by Xie Yi, and sometimes he even imitates Xie Yi unconsciously. However, before Xie Yi appeared in this way, he could flaunt his strength for a while. And now, the one playing the opposite role with him is the deity!

The two people have similar temperaments, both are descendants of the Chu family, and their personalities are more or less similar. The more in this similarity, Chufeng will feel more and more ridiculous.

Even though he imitated Xie Yi's essence to an eight-point figure, but in front of the real deity, the difference of one or two points has already left him a hundred blocks away...

The places that should be delicate are not as delicate as the deepest part, and the places that should be rendered are less powerful. The control of explosive power is even more insufficient, not at all ready!

When watching the shooting results of the camera monitor, not only other people, but even him, Xie Yi is a real celebrity of the Chu family, and he Chu Feng...

It's like a high-end fake.

Looking at it alone, the quality is not bad, and the color is transparent. However, once it is placed next to the real product, there is a strong contrast. What is called texture, what is called clear. Which is true and which is false is self-evident.

In particular, after the actual filming, Chufeng felt deeply that filming is not only about reprocessing and performing the expressions and body language imitated before, but also constantly trying to figure out and refine the hearts of the characters. He can imitate Xie Yi to 70% or 80% of his appearance, but in the same plot, his imagination is always not enough, and the expressive power of facial expressions and body language is always not enough, not as rich as Xie Yi's, and more Not as layered as Du Yunxiu...

During the lunch break, Xie Yiji graciously invited everyone in the crew to dinner.

Chufeng excused himself from going to the scene in the afternoon, but in fact, under such a deep blow in the morning, he really didn't want to see Xie Yi for a moment. So as not to be dwarfed by comparison, feel ashamed of yourself.

There are only a few exclusive lounges, and originally they could have one for each of them, but after Xie Yi was airborne, he and Du Yunxiu shared one room for himself. Chufeng was unscrewing the cap of the mineral water, but unexpectedly found that the door of the lounge was open.

The eyes of the two collided, and they were both surprised: "Why didn't you go?"

Such a question, but somewhat unanimous.

Chufeng was tense until now, and his mood eased a little. He paused, and after a while, he still asked, "Why didn't you go with Brother Xie and the others?"

In the show business circle, titles are not only a matter of seniority, but also a sign of status. For actor Xie Yi, one should always address them with respect in public.

Chu Feng was a little strange, Du Yunxiu didn't offend Xie Yi, and he wasn't in the same situation as him, why didn't he go with those people

"I forgot to take something. I can't catch up." Du Yunxiu smiled lightly, very lightly.

Chu Feng knew that this was just an excuse, but after seeing the other party's smile, he didn't ask any more questions.

The two of them just stayed quietly in the waiting room, and the rest of the crew went to eat with Xie Yi, and the whole studio naturally seemed empty and silent...

"Actually, you always think my acting skills are bad!" After a long silence, Chufeng was full of thoughts, and finally couldn't help but speak out.

Du Yunxiu was sitting in a corner of the lounge, and there was a long distance between the two of them. The sudden questioning made Du Yunxiu obviously startled, not understanding why he had hit the muzzle of a musket.

"No, how come."

Chu Feng has just debuted, and Xie Yi is a well-deserved actor.

There is a gap is inevitable, but as a newcomer who has just debuted and has not been in this circle for two years, Du Yunxiu feels that he has done a good job.

"Huh, didn't you see the shooting in the morning?" Chufeng rarely spoke to other people in this tone.

Even if his relationship with the other members of Legacy is normal, he always tries to put on the demeanor of a captain who dares to take responsibility. But those few shootings in the morning had deeply blown his self-confidence, and he felt more and more that his performance was poor, and he became more and more confused. In front of my deity, I am like a clown!

Du Yunxiu pondered for a while, but did not answer right away.

Although Chufeng asked such a question, he still had some illusions in his heart, hoping that Du Yunxiu could comfort and encourage him. As the freshman idol Little Heavenly King who is in the limelight, the burden on his shoulders is really heavy. Many people who debuted at the same time and were suppressed by him are waiting to see him get embarrassed and fall down.

He cannot retreat.

Not even one step. Can only move forward.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with the way you interpret it."

Chufeng hooked the corners of his lips. On the set where there were only him and Du Yunxiu, he could finally vent a little bit, and he heard the comfort from Du Yunxiu as he wished. Just when Chu Feng thought this sentence was just an ordinary sentence among all comforting words, Du Yunxiu's next sentence surprised him.

"It's just that you are still in the stage where you can let it go and you can't take it in."

Chufeng really didn't expect that Du Yunxiu would comment on his interpretation method in a systematic way.

"What you are playing is a rich family with a poor family. Willful and temperamental, but this character also has a delicate side when facing the person he loves and his friends."

"The charm of a character is often reflected in his character. The so-called charisma is like this. His bad temper will appear righteous and cute in the brutal and unreasonable things, and if he can be more restrained and delicate in the emotional drama, then The level of this character will be much fuller. Everyone is actually a polyhedron, and they will show different faces when dealing with different people and things. As long as they are properly controlled, such seemingly contradictory but actually consistent personalities will make the character's charm coefficient become multiple growth."

Du Yunxiu said lightly, but Chufeng's eyes were completely stared when he heard this - he didn't expect that Du Yunxiu would analyze his character's personality to such an extent!

"Xie Yi..." Chu Feng seemed to have thought of something, and muttered to himself, "He didn't accept it. He has always been very flamboyant..."

"No, he's overcharged now."

"His role is the behind-the-scenes Boss, which requires him to have a sense of mystery. So he chose 'repression' in his lines, which is concise and thought-provoking. It seems to be a big momentum, but in some details, some hints, deliberately If you want to promote, then suppress, create an atmosphere."

Chufeng listened so engrossed that he even ignored the meaning of what Du Yunxiu said "he has already collected too much".

He felt that what Du Yunxiu said was right, and also felt that Du Yunxiu was a newcomer like him, so it was impossible for him to be so accurate. After thinking for a while, Chufeng shook his head half lost and half confused: "It's not as simple as you said. You... If you really play against him, you will understand my feelings."


Du Yunxiu hesitated to speak, and finally looked at the script in his hand. He will have a scene with Xie Yi tomorrow, when the time comes, can he really be calm and unaffected

Du Yunxiu's white and slender fingers clenched the script tightly.

Xie Yi invited everyone to a banquet, and the dishes he ordered were all excellent. Everyone present knew that with this kind of event, no matter how big-name Xie Yi was treated on the set, everyone else felt that he deserved it. Firstly, he is the first brother of ESE, who has the title of a powerful movie star himself; secondly, he has lowered his stance, right

This is the so-called short-handedness of taking people and short-sightedness of eating people. This trick pretends to be low-profile and calms down the entire set, thus gaining a good reputation. Xie Yi uses it with great proficiency.

In fact, his heart is still very high.

Xie Yi still hasn't remembered the name of the member of the Legacy who played in the morning. He is now traveling in both domestic and international lines. There are too many new people and new partners in each place.

What is his identity. what status.

It doesn't make any difference to him whether he can remember other people's names, anyway, everyone remembers his. What's more, the group of young people who are known as ESE's hidden trump cards. With just one glance, Xie Yi knew that the other party's every move was imitating himself. Using other people's things to hang out in the show business circle is like eating a fly to the person involved.

His heart has not yet grown to such an extent.

So when they were playing in the same scene, Xie Yi kept his composure and suppressed the other party a little bit to let him see what actor-level acting skills are - and that kind of low-quality, rough imitation is completely different.

It was a good night.

When the filming of the next day's plot is over, his friendship cameo role will end here, and then he will go to France to participate in an audition with a foreign director.

The plot is related to "Yunxiu". When Xie Yi saw these two words on the script for the first time, he was stunned for a moment. The voice in his ears seemed to disappear completely, and his fingertips gently touched the familiar name that made his eyes sour. …

Until the little assistant asked him if he wanted tea or coffee.

Xie Yi's completely blank mind gradually came to his senses, and he realized that this was just a fictional name made up by the screenwriter. The first time he saw that person write these two words on the application form in beautiful regular script, it was more than ten years ago...

At that time, Xie Yi marveled in his heart, how could someone write such a good handwriting. Then the other party felt his gaze, raised his head a little embarrassedly, and smiled at him. Only then did he find a balance. Although the handwriting was excellent, he was not as good-looking as he was. It was just that this sense of superiority gradually disappeared when he saw the other party rehearsing in the training class again and again...

Why would someone be so charming

Obviously, his appearance is only above average, but once he integrates into the play, every look in his eyes seems to touch people's hearts, and even ordinary lines are read by him, and there is a different feeling. In the end, it was hard to tell whether he was attracted by his eyes, his voice, or...

One word may not be exact.

It is used to describe that kind of feeling but it is just right - food, marrow, knowledge, and taste.

At the beginning, the agency didn't like this name, so the man had to use another stage name to debut, and he finally got used to the man's new stage name.

It's been years.

He forgot the real name of that person for a while, but when he looked back, he saw these two words on the rough and solemn stone tablet again. Those memories mixed with too many other colors suddenly seemed like a weightless scarf, which almost made him unable to breathe. …

Xie Yi closed his eyes, his slender fingers still resting on the two words in the script...

The camera is in place.

Xie Yi glanced at the other party casually. The one who didn't give him face yesterday, except for the one who acted opposite him that morning, is said to be this person. Neither of them attended the banquet. Now the other party is still holding the script, as if he was remembering Final lines.

Xie Yi couldn't help but sneer a little.

The other party's appearance is indeed good, with clear facial features, good temperament, and a unique charm like haze in spring, but even with the script to cover it up, he can still see that the other party is actually nervous.

A rookie is a rookie. Nowadays, the entertainment industry is more and more developed, and the speed of promoting people to the top is getting faster and faster, but unfortunately their strength cannot keep up with this rhythm.

The director says "Action", the camera runs, and the acting begins!

"Yunxiu, have you forgotten how Chufeng treated you?" Xie Yi's voice seemed to be magical, with a hint of darkness and depravity.

According to the script, he met Yunxiu abroad.

At that time, Yunxiu had nothing and could only rely on work-study programs. He designed and met Yunxiu and gradually became his good friend. This was also one of his plans, making Yunxiu another important pawn of his.

"But Chufeng is not bad." Du Yunxiu lowered his head.

From the sound, it fits the current state, confused and uncertain, Xie Yi made a judgment in his heart. This newcomer seemed to be relatively calm, unlike the one yesterday, under his aura, his aura was completely depressed. But maybe, his nervousness just now was because of the current performance

Xie Yi squatted down and looked into the opponent's eyes from bottom to top.

He originally had a domineering and unruly personality, but now he made such a gentle move, which has a rare sense of style.

"Yunxiu, look at me." Xie Yi said slowly, with casual temptation in his tone, "Do you think I'm that kind of person?"

Yunxiu's hair moved slightly, as if hesitating for a moment, before raising his head.

The timing of his raising his head was just right, neither too fast nor too slow, but it made people feel breathless, his eyelashes blinked, and his eyes slowly met Xie Yi's gaze...

There are all kinds of complex emotions in those eyes, as if wanting to trust the other party, but also as if struggling and struggling. All kinds of emotions mixed together.

It seems that the silent melancholy has a kind of distressing power.

Breaking people's hearts in one fell swoop.

No one was willing to put him in such a difficult position, and no one was willing to let him show such eyes. Xie Yi was taken aback for a moment, and even unconsciously let go of the hand that was holding Du Yunxiu's arm before. !

— No one is more familiar with such eyes than him.

Such a look.

The eyes that only Yunxiu could have.


His gaze collided with the opponent's gaze, Xie Yi was shocked, for a moment he had the feeling that the opponent was possessed by Du Yunxiu's soul! Xie Yi suppressed the shock in his heart. As expected of a seasoned actor, he squinted his eyes at the moment of shock, and his thick eyelashes obstinately covered the astonished gaze, transforming into an inscrutable look.


No, it's impossible... Xie Yi was still in shock.

This scene was successfully filmed, because Xie Yi's time was squeezed out, so "The Legacy" was not filmed according to the normal sequence of plots, but to finish all Xie Yi's scenes first. After the scene just now was over, another scene followed: Yunxiu realized that Xie Yi was just using himself, using the heroine to attack Chufeng, and came to Xie Yi's villa alone.

"How could you do this?!" Yunxiu asked painfully.

"Oh? You got it?" Xie Yi sat on the luxurious sofa and cut his cigar, looking like he was sure of winning. He stood up gracefully, walked to Yunxiu's side, and smiled: "It's just letting him fall from the clouds. Why haven't you done this kind of thing?"

He was still good to him.

But he didn't like Yunxiu's pleading for Chufeng, whom he finally brought down.

"No, it's different..." Yunxiu lost his gaze and became confused.

Xie Yi leaned closer, with a half-smile, with an unserious expression, his slender fingers brushed the broken hair on Yunxiu's forehead to his ears, and slowly said: "Don't forget, you, yes, accomplice, criminal."

"You disappoint me so much!" Du Yunxiu looked at him. A look of surprise and anger, grief and disappointment, like a sharp dagger in the darkness, projected over and pierced into the depths of a person's soul!

"You disappointed me..." Lin Xuan also said this at Du Fei's funeral.

Xie Yi was shocked, his pupils shrank violently, and his heart fluctuated greatly.

He had used Du Yunxiu before, he knew that Du Yunxiu treated him like a good buddy and would even give him the rarest opportunity, but he didn't! He never put Du Yunxiu in the same position as him. He actually looked down on Du Fei with such an ordinary appearance. Underneath the contempt was a deeper jealousy—why does a person with such an ordinary appearance have better acting skills than him? !

He never treated Du Yunxiu sincerely, never regarded Du Yunxiu as a friend.

But why, after hearing the news that the other party was hit and killed by a car, his first reaction was that he wanted to kill the car owner and let him pay for his life, even if the car owner was underage...

Xie Yi was stunned, but Du Yunxiu did not forget his performance. He was angry and scolded Xie Yi as a liar. Only then did Xie Yi realize that, according to the plot, he punched Du Yunxiu in the stomach, and Du Yunxiu staggered back a few steps holding his stomach.

"good very good."

Yunxiu smiled.

It's just a faint sadness in the smile. The kind of desolation after being deceived, betrayed, and heartbroken is like the look in Du Yunxiu's eyes that he no longer wants to contact him after a certain Kimber Awards...

"That's enough! Don't look at me like that!" Xie Yi felt his blood go straight to his temples, "Could it be for Chufeng, for Chufeng..."

Are you going to do this to me? …

The young man in front of him seemed to have transformed into Du Yunxiu.

He couldn't bear Du Yunxiu looking at him with such reproachful eyes, and he couldn't bear Du Yunxiu looking at him like this for another person.

Everything is too sudden, too unreal.

Before Xie Yi himself realized it, he had already equated the other party with Du Yunxiu outside the play, and substituted Chu Feng in the play into reality.

"His property, his status, which should not be mine? If my mother was not kicked out of the Chu family by his mother..."

"Yunxiu..." Xie Yi paused, and softly called the other party's name, his voice became softer all of a sudden, "We were abroad at that time, didn't we have such a good relationship? Why, you only care about you and Chu Feng's friendship... between me and you?"

What about my friendship with you

Aren't you the most friendly? Didn't you dare to turn down the invitation of the great director because of me...

"But, those are all fake. They're all fake!" There was water in the other party's eyes...

"CUT!" the director shouted.

Xie Yi was stunned for a moment, and didn't realize that the scene was over until a few seconds later. The little assistant immediately brought warm drinks, and Director Lin also came over, with admiration in his eyes, he praised: "Very good, the feeling of grasping just now is very good!"

He is indeed a well-deserved actor.

It's just a set of shots, but various emotions flashed alternately in it, such remorse, anger, shame, jealousy, faint desire...all expressed.

The script this time was rushed, and some characters are really weak and fake. Just like the character Xie Yi in the script, who suddenly appeared and then suddenly retaliated, it was a character designed bluntly for the second part.

But in today's scene, Xie Yi insisted on bringing this character to life. His inner pain, his desire for revenge, and his longing for friendship but having to use the contradictions of friendship were all interpreted one by one.

It's just that Xie Yi's thoughts are not on this at all.

"Where's the actor? What's the name of the actor who played 'Yunxiu'?"

"The one who played 'Yunxiu'." Director Lin said with a bit of pride, feeling proud of having such an actor in his idol drama, "He is the best actor in Legacy. It's hard to see that he is still a rookie , I don’t know, I thought I’ve been in the entertainment industry for a long time.”

"What's his name?" Xie Yi had a premonition in his heart and asked persistently.

"Is it called Yunxiu?"

"Yunxiu?! How is it possible?!"


How could it be called this name!

Xie Yi hurried to the other party's lounge. He didn't know what kind of mentality was driving him, but he just wanted to see that actor again, that actor named Yunxiu...

Chufeng, who was in the same lounge, sat on the dressing table, looked at Du Yunxiu thoughtfully for a while, and then said, "You performed very well in that scene just now."

Chufeng always thought that he was the best. Legacy is the most popular combination now, and he is not only the captain of this combination, but also the tacit support of ESE executives. Handsome appearance, lean and vigorous figure, witty and humorous when interviewed by reporters, and even the charm shown when facing fans... In every aspect, Chufeng thinks he has done a good job.

If it is said that in this combination, Fujisawa may be one of those who make him feel threatened on weekdays. The other party grew up in the United States, speaks fluent English, dances street dance very well, and often reveals a sense of superiority that grew up abroad. Wei Yifei is also a bit of a potential threat. Many female fans like him as a neutral and beautiful boy. Every time he receives a lot of gifts, the soaring high notes when he recorded the album last time, even the sound engineer was amazed by it—— However, Yunxiu, who seems to have the worst personality, always surprises him!

Although Feng Jing had hinted to him before the filming of "The Legacy" that he might be a rising star, but... Feng Jing seemed to value Yun Xiu a lot. He always vaguely felt that the relationship between Yunxiu and Feng Jing was not as simple as it appeared on the surface, and, in the first part of "The Legacy", it was neither Fujisawa nor Wei Yifei who could stand up to him — but Yunxiu.

Even Director Lin, who pursues perfection, is not so picky only when Yun Xiu is acting.

Although Amanda's relationship with her has not been exposed yet, when talking about the members of the team, she is actually very optimistic about Yunxiu. Asked her why, but what did she say: This is not only a woman's intuition, but also her intuition as a manager for many years. She always feels that Yunxiu can do more besides idol dramas...

Can't I do more besides idol dramas? Fortunately, she is still his girlfriend, hum.

However, in the rival scene between actor Xie Yi and Yunxiu just now, he seemed to have grasped something vaguely. He used to think that acting skills were just something other people boasted about.

An actor, no, first of all, he must have a handsome appearance; secondly, according to the plot, he can express whatever emotion he should express, and he should make whatever movement he should make. As long as these two points are met, he is a good actor, just like Xie Yi who debuted in an idol drama.

But after watching the performance of the two of them just now, he had a strange feeling. Although Yunxiu was playing with Xie Yi, as long as his eyes followed Yunxiu closely, chasing his eyes, listening With every line of his, Chufeng has an illusion of being there... as if it doesn't matter if there is Xie Yi or not

As long as the opponent is Yunxiu.

As long as the other party is Yunxiu, he seems to be able to play the role of Xie Yi well, and all the lines in the script can be blurted out involuntarily.

When playing with Xie Yi yesterday, Chufeng secretly felt that his imagination was not rich enough, but if it were today, if Yunxiu performed in front of him, Chufeng felt that he could also express various complex emotions. come out…

Last time, Yunxiu brought him a powerful shock, and he felt guilty and short of breath, but this time, it seems that in front of Yunxiu's performance, he can smoothly enter the psychology and state of the character in the opposite play...

"Oh... thank you." Du Yunxiu blinked, with a little doubt in his eyes.

Such an expression actually reminded Chufeng of the seemingly inappropriate word "cute". Just when the other party was half polite and half surprised, and carefully responded to his admiration, the door of the lounge slammed and was loudly heard. It came—Xie Yi rushed in aggressively.

After Xie Yi glanced around the lounge, he landed on Du Yunxiu sharply and deeply. With such eyes, even Chufeng realized that something was wrong.

"What are you going to do?" Even Chu Feng was very surprised. Why did his body react before seeing Xie Yi showing such a look to Yun Xiu? Standing in front of Yun Xiu with the fastest speed, he just blocked Xie Yi's gaze!

Xie Yi sneered a bit, what identity did he dare to question him.

"Step aside!"

Chu Feng frowned, did not speak, but looked directly at Xie Yi. In fact, when he first asked what the other party was going to do, he regretted it. What is Xie Yi's status? Not only is he winning numerous awards in China, but he is guaranteed box office. In the past two years, he has also taken on several foreign films, which has the momentum to enter Hollywood. Che Baoshuai, the one who was abandoned must be himself...

"Chufeng, it's okay." Looking at Xie Yi and Chufeng who looked like two tigers meeting each other, Du Yunxiu couldn't help but said softly, "Maybe...Brother Xie has something to do with me?"

Du Yunxiu glanced at Xie Yi tentatively.

But as soon as he met the other party's gaze, he found that he was more disturbed than he imagined. Now that he was not on the set and not acting, he didn't know how to react at all.

Could it be... Xie Yi recognized him

Xie Yiqing just snorted and signaled Chufeng to go out.

Chufeng turned his head, asked Du Yunxiu again with his eyes, and then gritted his teeth and walked out: "I'm right outside. Call me if you need anything." Before leaving, he left a sentence that he himself thought was strange.

After hearing this, Xie Yi smiled disdainfully, and then looked at Du Yunxiu from top to bottom with scrutiny, like a wild beast preparing to hunt animals.

... It's really not like it.

Younger than Du Yunxiu, better looking than Du Yunxiu, no matter what aspect he looks like, but why, the other party looks at him with the kind of eyes that have been familiar with him for a long time...

"You... are you Du Yunxiu." Xie Yi walked closer step by step.

"Huh? Du Yunxiu?" The other party showed a slightly surprised expression, as if he was a little confused about the name. He added an accent to the first word, and raised the ending sound to express his doubts.

Xie Yi walked in front of him.

He didn't speak, just smiled coldly. When Xie Yi is smiling, he is bewitched by the signature evil spirit, but when he is sneering or not smiling, the sense of oppression is very frightening, as if as long as you are right with him, he will make you feel happy in the next second. Ruined.

Du Yunxiu's heart was pounding, and he could feel his back was stiff.

But Xie Yi was still pacing in front of him.

When Du Yunxiu chose this stage name, Amanda disagreed. Amanda said that the fortune teller's instructions are: Banji, the mystery of changing monsters, heroes and heroes, overlapping waves, and great achievements. The company prefers that the artist's stage name can be the kind of rising sun, fame and fortune.

However, Du Yunxiu gently insisted on choosing this.

Du Yunxiu has always cooperated very well, but this is the first time for such a small firmness. Amanda didn't ask much, because she seemed to understand that no matter what, the other party would not be shaken.

In fact, what Du Yunxiu was thinking was that if he couldn't even grasp his own name, how could he be more determined to walk on this path after acquiring a new identity, more determined... to surpass Xie Yi

Xie Yi did not speak for several seconds.

In his field of vision, the other party always had a half-surprised and half-uneasy expression, and looked at him in confusion, as if wondering why he came to him.

The more I looked at it, the more I felt that the other party might be Du Yunxiu, but the more I looked at it, the more I felt that the other party could not be Du Yunxiu.

That person... is dead.

How could such an incredible thing happen? ! The more he thought about that person, the more Xie Yi couldn't calm down. For some reason, he even had an urge to tell the young man in front of him about himself and Du Yunxiu.

Never see that person again.

I can no longer appreciate that person's acting skills, even if there is the most suitable role, I can't find the most suitable person to play it...

Xie Yi did not expect that in the other party's strange and suspicious eyes, the first to lose was himself. Xie Yi finally couldn't help it, and whispered a name to this strange handsome young man in front of him.

"Du Fei..."

Even though Du Yunxiu thought that his psychological construction was solid, he still couldn't help being slightly shocked, but at this very moment - Xie Yi's cell phone rang!

The moment Xie Yi turned his head to pick it up, he had already missed the only important opportunity to find out. Du Yunxiu once again returned to the unfamiliar expression of a newcomer who has just entered the entertainment industry...

This call was made by Xie Yi's manager, a manager who was more powerful than Xie Yi himself knew.

Xie Yi didn't know this.

But he, Du Yunxiu in his previous life, knows...

Xie Yi's manager, Mu Zhebai, arrived at the filming scene. Now that Xie Yi's scenes have all been filmed, as soon as work is over, they will immediately get up and fly to France.

It is said that Mu Zhebai was not by Xie Yi's side before, just to help him make some connections in France, which was very hard work. When Mu Zhebai arrived at the scene, even though he was running around, his windbreaker was still neat and clean without a single wrinkle, and his glasses were polished to a shine.

This is a calm person with great self-control, no matter what the situation is, he will never be in a hurry.

The black plate-shaped glasses strengthened Mu Zhebai's meticulous and professional impression.

There was some fatigue between his brows, and the lines at the corners of his mouth were slightly straightened. If his calm image was too profound, he didn't seem friendly enough, so as soon as he stepped into the studio, his out of place atmosphere was fully revealed.

"Dabai, you're here!" Xie Yi's originally gloomy mood was greatly diluted after seeing Mu Zhebai's arrival.

Just like when Xie Yi was at the scene and no one dared to greet Xie Yi, when Mu Zhebai stepped into the studio with one foot, some crew members stopped to take a look, and the next second they all went to do their own things. thing. Mu Zhebai's aura is too different, so there must be something else to come to the scene, which is not something that small staff like them can care about.

"Yi." With a smile in his mouth, Mu Zhebai called Xie Yi's name, his eyes lit up under the black-rimmed glasses, as if his whole body was suddenly injected with vitality, and his fatigue disappeared immediately.

Such changes are small and subtle.

If it weren't for Du Yunxiu, who secretly noticed the other party as soon as he entered the studio, especially the subtle expression on Mu Zhebai's face after Xie Yi called his name, other people might have ignored this change.

Du Yunxiu felt a little hot in his eyes. When he thought he would not be abandoned, he was abandoned; when he thought he would not be replaced, he had already been replaced...

Xie Yi is the kind of person with a strong sense of professionalism. With such a self-motivated person, it is understandable to achieve great success.

Du Yunxiu had always thought that he would be by Xie Yi's side, and that as Xie Yi described, the two of them would stand at the pinnacle of the show business together, win the honor of best actor, shine brightly, and the whole world would be their stage!

But at this moment, he really discovered that what such a radiant star needs is not a small second-tier but a shrewd and capable manager who is well-matched and can help him take care of everything.

Just when Du Yunxiu thought he was concealed enough, Mu Zhebai suddenly turned his head, and shot out from behind his sharp eyes, as if he had gouged out Du Yunxiu's knife, and then his eyes softened. Asking Xie Yi: "Who is that actor?"

"Yun...Xiu. Newcomer to ESE this year. Graduated from T University."

Even though he noticed that Mu Zhebai's eyes became sharper in an instant after hearing his name, Du Yunxiu still pretended to be a respectful junior to his senior, nodded at Mu Zhebai, and cast a polite smile that seemed kind.

The other party also greeted politely, with an impeccable attitude.

Du Yunxiu pretended to be calm and walked to the director to see the shooting results just now, although he still felt Mu Zhebai's cold gaze behind his back.

"Yunxiu?" Mu Zhebai's voice was not loud, "I suddenly remembered a person..."

"Could it be Du Fei? I also had this illusion when I played with him. Maybe it's because their names are too similar..."

"Yi, don't think too much. Du Fei has already gone to another world, and the rest can only depend on you. Make him famous internationally and help him realize his unfulfilled wish."

"I will... because I've sacrificed so much."

He could still feel the suspicious gaze of the other party behind him, but Du Yunxiu didn't know why, he became more and more calm and calm under that gaze.


I don't need your help to fulfill my wish anymore - because I will fulfill it myself!

Now, I will never hand over my career to others, and I will never give up my career for anyone!