Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 175: Leng Shaoting sent roses


Gu Ning could understand that he arrived early, but the box number made Gu Ning a little bit dumbfounded.

She didn't think it was a coincidence, it was definitely arranged deliberately by him. She never expected that Leng Shaoting would do this again.

But I have to say that he is determined.

Gu Ning was quite lucky. There was a car as soon as she left the house, and there was no traffic jam along the way, so she arrived at the restaurant at 6:40.

Of course, when Gu Ning arrived at the restaurant, the waiter came to greet him. When Gu Ning said that there was a private room in room 520, the waiter was obviously surprised.

When Leng Shaoting came to the restaurant, he caused quite a stir, because his muscular figure, slender legs, and handsome, almost devilish face were simply more eye-catching than those idol stars.

The other party asked for a private room at 520 and made some arrangements. Apparently he was having dinner with his girlfriend.

Originally, they all thought that each other's girlfriend was a sexy and beautiful woman, but the one they didn't want to come turned out to be a young student.

This little girl is pretty, but she's too young and doesn't deserve it at all!

When the waiter took Gu Ning to private room 520, Gu Ning asked her to leave first and knocked on the door himself.

He just raised his hand and before he could knock, the door opened.

Leng Shaoting heard Gu Ning's voice, so he immediately opened the door for her.

When their eyes met, the two of them were stunned. At this moment, in each other's deep eyes, there was only the other person.

At this moment, Gu Ning really fell.

Whether it was because of sex or because of inner feelings, she was attracted to Leng Shaoting anyway.

She was obviously not familiar with him. Apart from his name and his approximate occupation, she knew nothing about him. She couldn't even speak many words, but she trusted him inexplicably.

What attracted Leng Shaoting to Gu Ning was not his appearance, but his feelings.

She affected his heartbeat, his thoughts, and his possessiveness.

Sometimes when you fall in love with someone, you really can’t explain it, and this kind of love that can’t explain where you like it is often the most profound love because it is not occupied by external conditions.

"Come in!" Leng Shaoting reacted first and immediately stepped aside to let Gu Ning in.

Hearing Leng Shaoting's voice, Gu Ning immediately reacted. Although he felt a little embarrassed because of his lack of concentration, he immediately calmed down and walked in.

On the table, there was only a bottle of red wine, two glasses, and a menu.

Leng Shaoting helped Gu Ning pull out the chair. After she sat down, he returned to his seat and sat down. He picked up the menu and handed it to Gu Ning: "Take a look first and see what you want to eat."

Leng Shaoting suddenly became such a gentleman, Gu Ning was really not used to it!

After taking the menu and flipping through it, Leng Shaoting pressed the service call.

Soon, a waiter came in.

Gu Ning ordered a filet mignon, medium rare, with black pepper sauce, and Leng Shaoting also ordered the same.

Then, Gu Ning also ordered a fruit pizza and fruit salad.

After the waiter left, Leng Shaoting's face flashed with confusion, as if he wanted to do something, but he didn't know whether it was suitable or not.

"What's wrong?" Gu Ning asked, fearing that Leng Shaoting had other important matters and would delay him because of his meal.

"Well, I'll give you something. If you don't like it, don't be angry!" Leng Shaoting said cautiously.

"Ah!" Gu Ning didn't expect that Leng Shaoting was entangled because he had something to give her and he was afraid that she wouldn't like it and would be angry. This made Gu Ning a little surprised, and at the same time a little dumbfounded. Is she such an ignorant person? No matter if you like something given by someone else or not, you can't be angry!

But Gu Ning was very curious about what Leng Shaoting wanted to give her!

"Okay, don't be angry." Gu Ning responded.

After receiving Gu Ning's agreement, Leng Shaoting was relieved. He immediately stood up, walked behind the screen, and took out the things.

When Gu Ning saw Leng Shaoting coming out from behind the screen with a bouquet of about twenty red roses in his hand, a complex emotion suddenly flooded into his mind.

She thought of her past life, when Qi Ziyue chased her, he always gave her roses and said touching words of love.

However, it was all hypocritical and only made her feel disgusted and ironic.

Gu Ning has now hidden her hatred for Qi Ziyue very well, so she has not revealed it.

Moreover, thinking of Qi Ziyue now was very unfair to Leng Shaoting, so he quickly put Qi Ziyue's matter behind him.

Leng Shaoting walked up to Gu Ning, his face was red and a little nervous, but he faced Gu Ning seriously and said: "I heard that girls like flowers, but not every girl likes flowers, so I don't I know if you like it or not."

"I like it," Gu Ning responded, snatching the rose from Leng Shaoting's hand.

In fact, there are really not many girls who don’t like flowers, especially those given by the people they like.

When he heard that Gu Ning said he liked it and took the flowers, Leng Shaoting's eyes flickered away from nervousness and showed joy.

But the next moment, Leng Shaoting became nervous again and asked, "Well, I bought two movie tickets, can you go to the movie with me?"

Gu Ning was startled when he heard this, movie tickets, watching a movie

Gu Ning was really surprised. Leng Shaoting had even thought of this. It seemed that he had put in a lot of effort when he went back!

"Okay!" Gu Ning agreed.

Hearing this, Leng Shaoting breathed a sigh of relief, and his joy could be seen on his face.

You know, it is really rare to see an expression other than coldness and bloodthirsty on the face of Leng Shaoting, who is known as facial paralysis. It is even harder than seeing a big star.

Soon, fruit salad, steak and pizza arrived. Leng Shaoting opened the red wine and poured glasses for Gu Ning and himself.

Although the two of them didn't speak much, the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

After finishing their meal, the two went to the cinema.

The pairing of Gu Ning and Leng Shaoting attracted a lot of attention, but the eyes on Gu Ning and Leng Shaoting were different.

The eyes he looked at Leng Shaoting were full of surprise and obsession, as if he was seeing an idol star and cheered uncontrollably. But for Gu Ning, he was full of jealousy and disgust.

I feel that Gu Ning is a little girl and a student. Although she is good-looking, she is far different from Leng Shaoting and is not worthy at all.

Some just thought about it in their minds, but some said it outright. Some even guessed that Gu Ning and Leng Shaoting were siblings, which made Gu Ning feel depressed.

Is she really that bad

Leng Shaoting liked Gu Ning so much in his heart, so he naturally rejected others who said that Gu Ning was not worthy of him. He also felt Gu Ning's emotions, so he swept away with a cold light, making the people around him tremble in fear. Silence immediately.

Although the handsome guy is handsome, he is too cold.

Gu Ning was slightly moved by Leng Shaoting's actions, and the depressed mood was swept away.

(End of chapter)