Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 189: Shaoping's plan


"It's like this. I'm opening a jade jewelry store in G city. It will open tomorrow, but I'm worried about safety issues, so I want to ask Brother Situ if there is anyone with good skills around, or if he knows any reliable security companies. , I would like to ask some people to maintain order and protect safety." Gu Ning naturally knew that the Qinggang had its own security company, but in order not to reveal that she knew his identity, Gu Ning naturally couldn't tell him directly.

"You open a jade jewelry store?" Situ Ye was surprised when he heard that Gu Ning opened an jade jewelry store. He didn't expect that Gu Ning could be so capable at such a young age. He praised without hesitation: "Not bad! You are young and promising. "

As for the help she wanted, it was no problem for him at all, so he readily agreed: "I have a security company under me. I will arrange for as many people as you need tomorrow."

"Really? Then please trouble Brother Situ, I need ten people." Gu Ning said gratefully.

"You're welcome, we're all friends!" Situ Ye said proudly.

In fact, gangsters are very loyal. As long as their friends they recognize need help, they will be very enthusiastic.

Of course, they are also very taboo about betrayal. Once they betray, the consequences will not be as serious as usual.

"Six-thirty" is broadcast at half-past six. At this time, most families watch TV while eating, or they have just finished eating and take a break to watch TV.

Shaoping had just finished eating, lying on the sofa, turning on G City Pindao and watching "Six Thirty Six".

Shao Ping naturally knew about the "Jade Beauty Jewelry" for a long time. He was jealous of the imperial green jadeite and was jealous and greedy.

I always think, why didn’t I get it by gambling? In this case, you will make a lot of money.

Moreover, the "Emerald Beauty Jewelry" is actually high-end jewelry, and the jadeite is all medium to high grade.

His "Zhou Fu Jewelry" can't even produce a few medium-grade jadeite, all of which are medium-low or low-grade. The total assets do not exceed 200 million, and the business is still sluggish now.

He knew that because "Zhou Fu Jewelry" changed its owner, some of his bad reputation had affected "Zhou Fu Jewelry".

He was unwilling to give in, but there was nothing he could do.

Shaoping didn't know yet that "Emerald Beauty Jewelry" was related to Zhou Zhenghong, otherwise how could he be so calm.

But soon, he couldn't calm down anymore, because he saw Zhou Zhenghong leaving the country with imperial green jade from the "Six-thirty" news, and he was also the chairman of "Jade Beauty Jewelry Company".

At this time, Shaoping jumped up from the sofa in shock, dumbfounded.

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible..." Shao Ping was deeply stimulated and couldn't accept it. He shouted in disbelief. Mrs. Shao, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, ran out in shock and asked what happened.

"Zhou, Zhou Zhenghong is actually the chairman of "Jade Beauty Jewelry Company"." Shaoping pointed at the TV and said.

"What? How is it possible?" Mrs. Shao also felt unbelievable, but the news on TV actually explained it.

Mrs. Shao also knew about "Emerald Beauty Jewelry" and told her friends at that time that she would go and have a look tomorrow.

After all, there are few women who don’t love jade.

Although we make jade jewelry at home, they are all low-end products. How can they be more attractive than the high-end products in "Jade Beauty Jewelry"!

At that time, no one knew who the boss of "Emerald Beauty Jewelry" was.

So when she found out that the boss of "Emerald Beauty Jewelry" was actually Zhou Zhenghong, she was so shocked that the dishcloth in her hand fell to the ground without realizing it.

"Where did he get the money? Where did the jade come from?" Shaoping couldn't figure it out. He felt that Zhou Zhenghong couldn't have so much money and jade. However, the fact that Zhou Zhenghong was the chairman of "Emerald Beauty Jewelry" was right in front of him. , even if he couldn't figure it out and couldn't accept it, nothing could be changed. The chairman has always been the biggest boss of the company, so Shaoping never expected that there was another big boss behind Zhou Zhenghong.

"No, I am not willing to accept it, I am not willing to accept it..."

Shaoping shouted unwillingly.

"Husband, don't you know Boss Hu from the Qinggang? Why don't you invite him to do some bad things?" Mrs. Shao suggested with a sinister look in her eyes.

Although she was only a prostitute, she knew that if Zhou Zhenghong turned over, he would definitely take revenge on them.

"Yes, look for Boss Hu." After Mrs. Shao reminded him, Shaoping suddenly realized and called Boss Hu immediately.

However, he was rejected, saying that due to strict inspections by the superiors recently, he could not accept private work.

Although the other party is called Boss Hu, he is just a petty boss.

Shaoping was angry, but he didn't dare to say anything to him because he was afraid of angering the other person and causing trouble for himself.

However, Boss Hu said that he would introduce some gangsters to him. These were not members of the Youth Gang, so there were no restrictions.

In this way, Shaoping was relieved.

When "Six-thirty Shot" was playing, Qin Yifan happened to be at the Li family, and everyone who saw it with the Li family was surprised that "Emerald Beauty Jewelry" was actually Zhou Zhenghong.

"Could this imperial green jadeite be solved by Zhou Zhenghong? How come there is no news from Stone Street? Moreover, this "Emerald Beauty Jewelry" is a high-end brand, and they are all top-grade. Above jade, where did he get the resources and so much money?" Li Zhenyu's father Li Zhikang was shocked and confused.

It's not that Zhou Zhenghong is not allowed to have resources and funds, but as a colleague, he knows Zhou Zhenghong fairly well and feels that all this is too unexpected.

Qin Yifan had a different idea. He recognized Zhou Zhenghong as the man who was with Gu Ning the last time he and Gu Ning met on Gambling Street.

As for Gu Ning, he was so good at gambling on stones, and he gambled out several high-grade jadeite stones in succession, so Qin Yifan suspected that this imperial green was obtained by Gu Ning's gambling.

He even suspected that this "Emerald Beauty Jewelry" was related to Gu Ning.

Thinking of this, Qin Yifan couldn't help but take a breath. If it was true, then Gu Ning would be so shocked.

However, these are all his guesses, but he cannot ignore the possibility.

It's just that his relationship with Gu Ning is very awkward now. Otherwise, he could ask her.

The relationship between peers has always been very delicate, especially among people of similar class, the competition is very high.

Although there is a difference of 300 million in assets between "Li's Jewelry" and "Zhou Fook Jewelry", their level of jewelry is almost the same.

Jewelry such as gold, silver, platinum, and diamonds are all similar. As for jadeite, it is slightly better than "Zhou Fu Jewelry", with more middle-grade jadeite jewelry.

(End of chapter)