Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 27: Where am I if I am not here?


Yu Mixi doesn't have much strength now. Two laps is a huge challenge for her, so Gu Ning won't pressure her too much.

As for Muke, Gu Ning would not be so polite.

"Muke, follow my speed and start running." After Gu Ning said that, he took the first step and ran away.

After hearing this, Muke also hurriedly chased after him.

He just took care of Yu Mixi and ran at her speed. He couldn't bear it anymore. Now the speed is the feeling he wants, like a wild horse running wildly, feeling the self he wants.

Although Gu Ning was running fast, it was not a race.

Mu Ke also knew that physical training did not require a sprint-like race, so he did not deliberately try to surpass Gu Ning and keep up with her.

After running one lap, Muke began to pant. After two laps, Muke's breath began to become confused. After three laps, Muke had exhausted a lot of energy and his pace was lagging behind Gu Ning.

Only then did Muke realize that Gu Ning's running speed had always been the same, even after three laps.

Later, Muke discovered that the length covered by each step of Gu Ning's running was almost the same.

Of course, even if the difference is a few centimeters or millimeters, it can be ignored.

Being able to maintain such a precise span made Muke feel that Gu Ning must have been professionally trained for many years.

This realization made Mu Ke more curious and admired Gu Ning.

Seeing that Gu Ning and Mu Ke had run three laps, while she had only run less than one lap, Yu Mixi was so envious and wished she had the same physical strength as them.

But she knew very well that she and them were not at the same level at all, because good physical strength was developed after years of training. They had put in a lot of effort in the early stage, and she had just started training, so they couldn't be compared at all.

So she is envious, but not jealous. Now, as long as she continues to surpass herself, it will be a good progress.

As long as she has perseverance, one day she will be as capable as Gu Ningmuke is now.

After four laps, Muke was already lagging behind Gu Ning. After five laps, Muke was out of breath and turned into a jog.

It's not that Muke's physical strength is too poor, but because fast running consumes several times more energy than jogging, so five laps of fast running is comparable to more than ten laps of jogging.

Even Gu Ning, after six laps of fast running, was so tired that his whole body went limp and he was out of breath, so he stopped.

Although he wasn't unable to run anymore, he didn't want to run anymore.

"Gu, Gu Ning, you, you are so, so awesome! Not only did you maintain the same speed, but the length of your steps was almost the same..." Mu Ke did not finish six laps. He stopped running after five laps, because when he finished five laps, Gu Ning had already completed six laps.

Muke said out of breath, he was so exhausted and his mouth was dry.

If he hadn't known that he couldn't just sit down and rest after running, he thought he would have fallen directly to the ground.

"You'll get used to it if you run a lot," Gu Ning said, her voice breathless.

After Gu Ning and Mu Ke completed six and five laps, Yu Mixi had not completed two laps and was still half a lap away. But now she was so tired that she couldn't even walk, let alone run, and could hardly even stand, but she still held on.

Gu Ning couldn't bear to see her, so he stopped letting her run and went over to support her: "Okay, let's run here today, walk first, take it easy and then rest." With the support, Yu Mixi Her whole body hung directly on Gu Ning. Her head was dizzy, her consciousness was chaotic, and she could no longer control herself.

After walking for a while, Yu Ximi recovered. Gu Ning immediately took out two bottles of water from his backpack and gave them to Mu Ke and Yu Ximi respectively, and then took out another bottle to drink himself.

Gu Ning bought this when she came in, because after running, she will be very tired, thirsty and lack of water.

"Thank you." Muke and Yu Mixi thanked them, then opened the lid and poured water into their mouths, as if they hadn't drank water for several days, but in fact it was too much.

Morning reading was about to begin in five minutes, so Gu Ning and the others returned to the classroom.

As for martial arts training, wait until you have a break at noon or afternoon.

Shao Feifei was in a good mood today because she believed that the gangsters she hired last night to teach Gu Ning a lesson had succeeded. Although she did not receive a call from the other party to report, she did not think that Gu Ning, a weak woman, would be A rival to a grown man.

Perhaps it was because the other party was having too much fun and was too tired, so he didn't report it in time.

"Feifei, look at how happy you are today. Did you encounter anything happy?"

"Yes, yes! Could it be that you just got lucky?"

Yang Yulu and Wu Qingya didn't know that Shao Feifei hired someone to teach Gu Ning a lesson, so they asked curiously.

"There are happy things, but it's not convenient to talk about it now. I'll talk to you after school." Shao Feifei did not hide their intentions.

Although Yang Yulu and Wu Qingya were curious, Shao Feifei actually said that we would talk about it after school, so they did not dare to press.

There are two minutes until morning reading. Everyone in the class has already arrived, except for Gu Ning and Yu Mixi who haven't come yet.

Not seeing Gu Ning, Shao Feifei was even more sure that something was wrong with her, and the proud curve of her mouth became longer.

But the next moment, when she saw the person appearing at the door of the classroom, the corners of Shao Feifei's mouth froze in her face, and her eyes widened, with a look of fright and disbelief, which was very funny.

Yes, the person who appeared at the door of the classroom was Gu Ning.

Gu Ning didn't know if she had told Shao Feifei about those people's failure last night, but she knew that Shao Feifei's expression after seeing her today must be very 'good-looking', so when she entered the classroom, Gu Ning's eyes He was looking at Shao Feifei.

Seeing Shao Feifei's frightened and disbelieving look, Gu Ning knew that Shao Feifei didn't know about those people's failure.

"Gu Ning, why are you here?" Shao Feifei jumped up from the stool reflexively and asked.

These words immediately aroused doubts among the whole class. This is a classroom, why doesn't Gu Ning appear here

"Oh! I'm not here, so where should I be?" Gu Ning looked at Shao Feifei's provocative expression and asked meaningfully.

"You're not..." As soon as Shao Feifei started speaking, she immediately realized that she had said the wrong thing and stopped immediately.

But Gu Ning didn't intend to just give up and asked, "What am I not?"

"No, it's nothing." Although Shao Feifei couldn't figure out why Gu Ning was okay and was extremely unwilling to do so, she still knew that this matter could not be exposed.

(End of chapter)