Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 136: Shangdanzhan Peak


Gong Wanqing came back a stick of incense earlier than Xiao Naihe. As soon as she came back, she immediately entered Lu Shiyue's cave and kowtowed outside.

"Master, my junior brother has brought me back."

Lu Shiyue was sitting at the top and was slowly closing the window door. "Is he okay? I heard from your two junior sisters that he was swept away by a fourth-grade python beast."

"When the disciple saw his junior brother, he had already come out of the outer territory. Although his clothes were damaged, he was not seriously injured."

Lu Shiyue nodded and said slowly: "The fourth-grade python beast is very powerful, and after devouring the immortal essence of the dragon and phoenix plate, it will be difficult for you to win one on one. How did he escape from the python beast?"


Gong Wanqing has been in seclusion for half a year, and she did not show up even at the Danxia trial meeting. She had heard about some things that happened at the trial. Since she came out half a year later, there have been eight more junior brothers and sisters. Moreover, Xiao Naihe is also the first male disciple of Dan Yue Peak in the past 100 years since its establishment.

As soon as her junior brother came in, there were constant troubles. The first was the incident at Baicao Hall, which caused a grudge against Yang Wusi. Although it was caused by Zhu Qiong, Xiao Naihe came to the rescue in the process.

Xiao Naihe was just a disciple of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but Yang Wusi was actually tricked by him. This time too, after being swept away by a fourth-grade python beast, he was able to come back safely.

Is it luck? Or is Xiao Naihe hiding something

At this time, footsteps were heard outside the cave, Lu Shiyue's expression moved slightly, and Gong Wanqing retreated to the left and right sides of the cave.

When Xiao Naihe's figure was reflected in Gong Wanqing's eyes, the cold girl frowned slightly, not hiding her opinion of Xiao Naihe at all. Xiao Naihe knew about Gong Wanqing's existence, but now he didn't talk to Gong Wanqing anymore, but walked straight towards Lu Shiyue.

"Naihe, do you have something?"

"Yes, although I was dragged into the middle territory by the fourth-level python beast, I escaped with a lot of effort. But it was a blessing in disguise. I found a crystal vein in the middle territory." Xiao Naihe's voice was neither humble nor arrogant.

Lu Shiyue's expression was a little surprised, and she subconsciously asked: "What did you find?"

"Crystal veins! Crystal mines!"

At this time, not only Lu Shiyue, but also Gong Wanqing on the side changed a little. Although their Danyue Peak family has a big business and not many disciples, such a large peak consumes a lot of resources.

Even a master of ghosts and immortals like Lu Shiyue wouldn't dare to say that she doesn't need crystals. On the contrary, everyone in Danyue Peak is in great need.

It's like Xiao Naihe said that as long as he absorbs the crystal vein in the middle territory, he can deal with someone like Lu Shiyue with his absolute spiritual power. Needless to say, how much Lu Shiyue will improve if he absorbs the spiritual power in the crystal vein.

"Is this true? How did you find out?"

Xiao Naihe knew that Lu Shiyue would definitely mention this issue, and had already thought of an excuse before arriving. His words were 30% true and 70% false. He just said that when he escaped from the middle territory, he was attacked by a surging invisible spirit. It was attracted by force, and then the crystal vein was discovered by coincidence.

Lu Shiyue glanced at Xiao Naihe, wanting to see if there was any falsehood in Xiao Naihe's eyes. It's just that Xiao Naihe's expression was calm and his attitude was neither humble nor arrogant. Lu Shiyue couldn't tell, so she could only say: "I can't just enter the middle territory. If it's a real crystal vein, it's a big deal. I'll recruit some people with higher cultivation first. Disciple, go inside and investigate.”

The people that the peak master wanted to recruit were naturally the immortal disciples like Zhou Yin. Although Danyue Peak had a small number of people, there were quite a few disciples who were cultivating immortals. Although there were not more than ten or twenty disciples, seven or eight were still looking for them. Gotta come out.

"Master, do you want me to go in and take a look?" Gong Wanqing hesitated for a moment, but he understood that Xiao Naihe would not dare to deceive the master, so he recommended himself.

"No, you and I will go to Danzhan Peak." Lu Shiyue waved her hand and called Gong Wanqing here, "Naihe, you and I will come here."

Lu Shiyue is going to Danzhan Peak, why is she looking for herself? Xiao Naihe was a little confused for a moment, but he didn't say much and nodded.

Next, Lu Shiyue summoned several higher-level disciples from Danyue Peak and asked them to rush to the middle territory. Then she took Gong Wanqing and Xiao Naihe to Danzhan Peak.

Xiao Naihe knew that Hu Qianqian, the man from Dan Zhan Peak, was suspicious by nature, which led to the loss of the Dragon and Phoenix Plate. Although Xiao Naihe took the greatest advantage after a strange combination of circumstances, it was impossible to tell such a thing. Once spoken out, it will definitely cause many troubles, and what Xiao Naihe wants to conceal can easily be exposed in public.

Danzhan Peak is in the west, opposite to Danzheng Peak. This was Xiao Naihe's first time entering Dan Zhan Peak.

Speaking of which, Xiao Naihe has been a member of the Danxia Sect for a few days. Apart from Baicaotang, Fang Gulin and Danyue Peak, he has not been to any other place. Now entering Danzhan Peak for the first time, I could faintly feel the loud shouts coming from the top of Danzhan Peak.

"Dan Zhan Peak is different from our Dan Yue Peak. They have thousands of disciples, and the purpose of Dan Zhan Peak has always been to control war with war. It takes four hours every day to practice martial arts. They must be at this time. Practice in the martial arts field.”

Although Lu Shiyue had a cold temperament, she cared deeply about her disciples. She doesn't have to worry about outsiders, but as long as her Danyue Peak disciples don't know something, she will answer their questions carefully.

Sure enough, just as the three of them stepped onto the outer level of the martial arts arena, hundreds of disciples in the huge martial arts arena kept shaking their fists and practicing martial arts. It was so spectacular.

Although these disciples are not masters of innate immortality, they need to be cultivated by the energy of many people when they practice martial arts. Practicing martial arts together with so many disciples can cultivate cohesion.

Xiao Naihe knows these truths. In this regard, Dan Yue Peak is incomparable to Dan Zhan Peak.

On the outskirts of the martial arts arena, a door swung open, and a disciple of Dan Zhan Peak walked out in front of the door. When he saw Lu Shiyue, he immediately said respectfully: "Master Lu is here? Our master has been waiting for a long time. Please come with me."

It is a tacit knowledge that the disciples of Danyue Peak are not welcome in the Danxia Sect. But Lu Shiyue is a generation of ghost immortals and one of the giants of the Four Peaks. Even if this disciple looks down on the disciples of Danyue Peak, he does not dare to neglect Lu Shiyue.

Seeing that although the disciple who received Lu Shiyue was not an important person, he was also a cultivator of immortality, so he was extremely polite.

"It seems that as soon as Hu Qianqian returned to Danzhan Peak, the peak master had already thought about how to deal with it." Xiao Naihe thought secretly at this time.