Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 26: Beauty tells many lies


"Uncle, where is my mother?"

Yun Weixue ignored the bewildered expressions of the young people around her and walked straight towards Yun Gongsheng. The surrounding Yun family disciples subconsciously made way for Yun Weixue.

The most beautiful woman in the Tianshu Kingdom, the most talented person in the Kyoto family, she is under great pressure due to her fame.

"The master of the house will be here soon, and I don't want you to go down and take a rest."

Yun Gongsheng forced a smile on his face. Yun Weixue was young, but the pressure on him was really big. The entire Yun family had to be cautious about praising her, because she was a student of the current national teacher, and it was very likely that she would still be Became the core disciple of Danxia Mountain.

"In that case, I'll go down first."

Yun Weixue stopped talking nonsense. Just when she was about to leave, two heads squeezed out from beside her.

"Sister, we haven't seen each other for almost a year. Can I talk to you?" Yun Yonghuai was like a child who immediately attached himself to an elder.

"Haha, Yong Huai has grown taller too, come on!" Yun Weixue finally showed a gentle smile when she saw her closest brother.


The beauty's smile was like an iceberg melting, and like the spring sunshine, it melted the hearts of those disciples.

Suddenly, Yun Weixue felt something and turned her head to look at the other side. She saw Wang Fangfei staring closely at her, with fighting intent in her eyes.

"Brother Hanbai, I'm leaving with my sister first!" Yun Yonghuai waved to Yun Hanbai who was behind him.

Yun Hanbai looked at Yun Weixue foolishly, subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab Yun Weixue's catkins, and said, "Weixue, how have you been during this time?"

"very good!"

At this time, Yun Weixue calmly retracted her hand and avoided Yun Hanbai's hand. The smile on her face had disappeared, and she returned to her previous attitude of refusing to accept others.

Yun Yonghuai did not notice the actions of the two, but whispered in Yun Weixue's ear: "Sister, you don't know, that Xiao Naihe actually wants to participate on behalf of the Xiao family, right there!"


The girl's eyes slightly looked at Xiao Naihe, and the young man at the window also glanced at her.

Yun Weixue frowned slightly, without any fluctuation on her face.

The couple had seen each other for a long time, but they didn't make any move, not even a greeting.

After other Kyoto aristocratic families looked at it, after Yun Weixue left, someone from the Wang family actually spoke deliberately: "It's better to say goodbye than a newlywed, but to meet each other is like strangers."

"No, it's really a pity for the beauty that she married such a weak and incompetent husband, haha."

Even if you don't mention him by name, you all know that others are talking about Xiao Naihe.

Various sarcastic words lingered in Xiao Naihe's ears, but he ignored them. Instead, he stared into the distance with a rare expression of excitement on his face.

"Why do I feel a very familiar spiritual energy fluctuation?"

Just when others wanted to ridicule Xiao Naihe a few more words, they suddenly discovered that Xiao Naihe had disappeared.

"People are running away. It's so boring."

"You must be so ashamed that you should leave quickly, haha!"

… …

Xiao Naihe avoided everyone and walked out of the side hall alone. Just as he was about to walk out of the gate of the State Guest House, two guards holding halberds stopped him.

"Sorry, you are not allowed to walk outside the side hall. Please go back."

The two guards had expressionless faces. As long as Xiao Naihe took another step forward, they would definitely kill him without hesitation.


After speaking, Xiao Naihe turned around, and a golden light suddenly reflected in his eyes. The two guards blinked, and Xiao Naihe's figure had disappeared.

"It's strange, why did it disappear so quickly?"

The two guards calmed down and ignored the little incident just now, but they didn't know that Xiao Naihe had already broken into the main entrance of the side hall.

The moment Xiao Naihe turned around just now, he used the golden elixir magical power, used illusions to confuse the opponent's nerves, and gained a three-second blank period.

"Although I am only in the middle stage of the Heavenly Spiritual Realm, my golden elixir magical power already has a small amount of power. It is easy to deal with the warriors of the Houtian Spiritual Realm."

Xiao Naihe's figure was like a gust of wind, avoiding the patrolling guards and jumping to a gate alone.

"That spiritual power fluctuation came from five hundred meters away. It would be difficult if someone recognized it."

I saw Xiao Naihe shaking the storage bag and swiping it out with one hand, and his face had changed.

"The Huawu Mask is finally used."

The Huawu mask that was taken that day has been remodeled for a while and has not been touched again. Now it is finally used when entering the imperial city.

After changing his face, he is not afraid of being discovered.

With Xiao Naihe's cultivation in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, it was not difficult to avoid these ordinary warriors, and he jumped to the back of a pavilion in a few seconds.

The originally weak spiritual power fluctuations became a bit violent at this time.

"This is it. I didn't expect such a thing to exist in this place."

The imperial city has three floors, the inner palace, the main hall and the outer hall. The inner palace is the living place of the royal family, the main hall is where the officials of the imperial court work, and the outer hall is the outermost venue of the imperial city.

The imperial study room in front of me was on the outskirts of the main hall, and no one else expected Xiao Naihe to come in from the outer hall.

Because of the location of the Imperial Study Room, the surrounding guards were not very strict. Guards in twos and threes passed by and did not notice Xiao Naihe in the dark.

Xiao Naihe's body was like a civet cat, dodging and jumping onto the door plaque of the imperial study room, and entered inside in one swipe.

This imperial study room is not only used by the royal children, but also many court ministers and civil officials check information here.

The books inside are hundreds of years old, and a rough estimate includes tens of thousands of volumes.

"But why is something like that here?"

Xiao Naihe felt a very familiar spiritual power fluctuation, and then traced it here. Not to mention that it would be strange to have something he wanted in such a small Tianshu Kingdom. It would be even more puzzling for him to have something like that hidden in a place like this.

The imperial study has three floors. The bottom floor contains mostly documents and books that officials often consult. Xiao Naihe went up to the second floor, which is another collection of older books.

Xiao Naihe relied on the fluctuation of his spiritual power to search everywhere, flipping through a bookshelf, looking at the row of dozens of books, he just hesitated for a moment, and then reached out for a large leather volume in the middle.

"Tianshu Guodian!"

This national classic records the national history of the Tianshu Kingdom over thousands of years since its founding, as well as national awareness propaganda materials.

Of course, Xiao Naihe couldn't be interested in this kind of thing. He flipped through the book repeatedly until he stopped at a thick page in the middle, and his hands trembled slightly.

"It is indeed it. The demonic elephant's spiritual power fluctuations are still there, inside."

Xiao Naihe calmed down his inner excitement and was about to put it away. Suddenly, a chill came from the top of his head, and another black shadow quietly appeared beside him.


Just when the black shadow body was about to grab the "Tianshu Guodian", he heard Xiao Naihe snort, and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body.


Xiao Naihe didn't hesitate at all. The national code in his hand had already fallen into his arms. The next moment he split it with his palm and chopped it down without any mercy.

"Wait a minute, Xiao Naihe!"

It was a rough voice, but if you carefully distinguish it, you can still hear the delicate voice of the woman in it.

Xiao Naihe's expression changed slightly, "You actually recognized me?"

The Huawu Mask is a third-grade spiritual object that even the Immortal can conceal, but it cannot escape the eyes of the woman in front of him. Could it be that this woman's cultivation level is already so high

"Of course I recognize you, uncle!"

The woman opened it with one hand, already holding the scarf on her face, revealing a delicate and beautiful face.

Xiao Naihe recognized this woman. It should be said that she was the woman he had encountered the most since his rebirth.

"Qin'er, why are you here?" Xiao Naihe had just finished speaking, and when he saw Qin'er's beautiful face, he couldn't help but ask: "The scar on your face is actually fake."

"It's natural for women to love beauty. How could I be willing to leave an ugly scar on my face? It was just a deliberate attempt to get into the Yun family."

It was hard for anyone to imagine that a little maid from the Yun family would break into the imperial study.

Xiao Naihe was angry and defensive. In his current environment, if Qin'er revealed her position and faced so many guards in the imperial city, it would be enough for him to drink.

"How did you recognize me?"

"It's very simple. I left a strange floral fragrance on your Cloud Gate, so I can recognize you even if you change your appearance."

Xiao Naihe frowned slightly. He thought carefully and said, "Did you put it in the cup of tea you gave me that day? What kind of floral fragrance is this? I can't smell it."

"The ripe flower is a fourth-grade flower. As long as it is planted in the human body, it will never disappear within seven days. Even immortals cannot refuse it. It's a pity that I only have a few petals."

Xiao Naihe had heard of the fourth-grade spiritual flower "dust-ripened flower". The petals of this spiritual flower have a peculiar floral fragrance that can only be smelled by those who have planted it. No wonder Xiao Naihe couldn't find it.

"You gave me such a precious spiritual flower, could it be just for this "Tianshu National Code"!" Xiao Naihe knew very well that there was something in this national code that he wanted to get no matter what.

Because of this, Xiao Naihe thought about it, and a trace of murderous intention was brewing in his body.