Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 287: It's not that enemies don't get together


"Stay here!"

Aogu Jiangshan roared loudly, and the entire void was filled with his shock current. The pressure in the sky suddenly sealed the exit of Xiao Naihe's departure.

At this time, the proud Jiangshan wanted to keep the kid in front of him even though he was suffering the damage caused by the self-destruction of more than a dozen magic weapons. Those four giants have sealed nearly half of his ancient killing power, and they must not be taken away.

"Sword Qi of the Way of Killing!"

Two life-saving killing sword energies were released from the two giants of Aogu Jiangshan. Four of them were forced out by Xu Shenqing today, and now they have no choice but to force out two more. When did Aogu Jiangshan get so desperate!

The sword energy flickered, and the entire void was filled with thoughts of killing, a chill that was far more astonishing than the ice and snow!

The shock current shook like thunder from the ground, and the two sword energies wiped out Xiao Naihe and the surrounding celestial clouds!


Aogu Jiangshan suddenly discovered that the figure of the thief in front of him instantly turned into nothingness, slowly becoming an afterimage, and the original slight aura had disappeared!

"It's actually an illusory magical power? The two rarest types of magical powers?" There are two rarest magical powers in the world, one is time and space, and the other is illusory. Even the magical powers of Aogu Jiangshan are just a relatively superior way of killing. The thief in front of him actually has illusory magical powers that hundreds of millions of ghosts and immortals can't match.

The proud five pairs of giant eyes looked at the four necks that had been cut into flat surfaces, and the blood was still flowing. But the loss of blood is far less painful than the loss of the four giants in the proud country.

"No matter who you are, as long as you stay in this world, even if I have to wait for thousands of years, I will cut your body into pieces!" Aogu Jiangshan shouted to the sky with hatred in his heart.

The entire void became unstable under the roar of Aogu Jiangshan.

Suddenly, two figures appeared from the headspace, namely Xue Xingchen and Li Daozhen. After these two giants of the Demon Sect, there were hundreds of masters of the Demon Sect!

"Lord Sect Leader!"

"Master Demon Fairy!"

Li Daozhen and Xue Xingchen, together with the Baji Demon Sect and the Tianshi Demon Sect, bowed quickly. The adult in front of them was a man of great luck in the Demonic Way, who could lead the Demonic Way to unify the existence of ten small worlds.

But when they saw that the four giants on Aogu Jiangshan had disappeared, their expressions suddenly changed. Li Daozhen turned pale, and hurriedly leaned next to Aogu Jiangshan, and asked tremblingly: "Sect Master... Lord Sect Master, your four..."

"Li Daozhen, you are now taking everyone from the Baji Demon Sect to track down a young man in plain clothes, as well as Xue Xingchen. Since your Tianshi Demon Sect relies on me to complete its dominance in the demon world, you should also help me now. Baji Demon Sect, arrest this young man in plain clothes!" As soon as Aogu Jiangshan saw these demon masters, he couldn't help but let them go to hunt down Xiao Naihe.

"Yes!" Xue Xingchen did not dare to disobey. Although Aogu Jiangshan was not from Tianshi Demon Sect, he was the overlord of the demon world and a person with great luck in the demon world.

Xue Xingchen was extremely smart and naturally knew that the young man in plain clothes in Aogu Jiangshankou must have something to do with the four giants of Jiuying being cut off, and it was very likely that he was the person who cut him off directly.

"Listen, the masters of Tianshi Demon Sect, form a group of five and directly surround the entire Celestial Elephant Cave. If you see anyone, please stay with me!"

"Listen to the Baji Demon Sect and help the Tianshi Demon Sect. No one can let him escape!"

Suddenly, all the experts present jumped out at this time and disappeared! Only Li Daozhen was left standing beside Aogu Jiangshan.

"Lord Sect Master, this is a sixth-grade demon-replenishing elixir. It can restore injuries. Please take it more!"

Aogu Jiangshan swallowed the magic pill and then slowly returned to his human form. But his face was extremely pale, there was still obvious blood in his body, and he was extremely weak. Li Daozhen couldn't help but be shocked. Who could let the adult in front of him fall into such a situation!

Aogu Jiangshan leaned on Li Daozhen's shoulder. The ten-year-old child's body looked very weak, but his tone became sinister and cold: "That guy Xu Shenqing actually used magical powers to plot against me. If it weren't for me, With the blessing of luck, I am afraid that if we had not suffered heavy losses among ourselves, we would not have been tricked by the Danxia sect, causing our spiritual power to collapse and beheaded by a ghost!"

Aogu Jiangshan is equivalent to dealing with four golden immortal masters, one of whom is Xu Shenqing who is of comparable strength!

Li Daozhen was extremely shocked. He cut off the head of Aogu Jiangshan and it turned out that it was just a ghost fairy. He also cut off four giants at once.

"Li Daozhen, I know what you are thinking. That ghost immortal is not an ordinary warrior. He has illusory magical powers that are difficult to find among hundreds of millions of ghosts and immortals. If it weren't for the illusory magical powers, I would have kept him here long ago. Come down."

"What? It's actually an illusory magical power? No wonder, sir..."

Aogu Jiangshan gave Li Daozhen a hard look. The giant of the Eight-Ji Demon Sect was so frightened by the eyes of a ten-year-old child that he immediately bowed his head and apologized!

"No matter what, you must catch that thief back to me as soon as possible. I must train him into a clone of the wronged soul in the blood sea to calm my heart. Now that there are many crises, take me away quickly. The other four human world sects The masters of the sect are here too, you can’t deal with them alone, hurry up!”

"Yes!" When Li Daozhen heard this, he quickly rolled up the proud country, blew a clear sound, and then an eight-horse overhead carriage carried the two of them away.

For a moment, the masters of the Baji Demon Sect and the Tianshi Demon Sect fought back and found the masters of other human world sects in the Celestial Elephant Cave one by one. Suddenly there was a bloody storm in all directions!

Xiao Naihe didn't know what was going on behind him. He used all his spiritual power to keep flying away from the scene!

"Is there anyone else in front?"

Several sonorous sounds came from the front. Xiao Naihe looked up and felt desolate in his heart. He didn't expect that he had just had great luck and obtained a part of the orthodox seal of the ancient killing path. Now he was extremely happy and sad, and bad luck was coming!

The two people in front turned out to be Gui Guzi and Blood Demon Yama. Not long ago, Xiao Naihe discovered that Gui Guzi was the mysterious man who wanted to kill him in Tianwengxian Mansion.

As for the Blood Demon Yama, Xiao Naihe had already made a big enmity with him at Danyue Peak, and they had long been an unrelenting enemy. But now he actually encountered two thorns, and Xiao Naihe almost secretly said that he was extremely unlucky.

"Huh? Is there anyone?" Guiguzi and Yan Luo were about to fight when they suddenly felt a strong blood energy coming towards them. When they looked up, they saw a young man flying in the sky with a strange virtual image!