Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

Chapter 2898: Horror scholar


Facing the sudden attack of Tier 5 Forbidden Curse, Shi Feng also suddenly looked solemn, pulling out the light of the two worlds that he had clenched long ago, and directly greeted him.

Breaking Light!

Suddenly, I saw a dazzling light directly bombarding the endless darkness, the two were intertwined, completely irrelevant, after a second.


With a bang, the strong impact caused Shi Feng, who was not far away, to take two steps back, instantly losing more than nine million health points.

And this shock not only caused Shi Feng to lose more than one-fifth of his life, he also felt a tremor all over his body, and his entire arm was numb...

On the other hand, the mysterious young man was intact. He still stood there motionless, manipulating the golden slabs with one hand, maintaining the incomparably complex four-fold magic circle.

"It is true that even Black Wing City can dare to break through. Not only can it use the fifth-order forbidden curse without chanting, but it can also maintain such a complicated ancient magic circle." Shi Feng looked at his still shaking arm, and his brows were also raised. Wrinkled tightly.

Because the current situation is definitely one of the most critical moments since he entered God's Domain.

Although it has long been known that the mysterious youth is extremely powerful and can use the fifth-order forbidden curse without chanting, it is only when facing the fifth-order forbidden curse without chanting that the mysterious youth is truly terrible.

If it weren't for the promotion of the Light of the Two Realms, he would definitely be dead with the trick just now.

After a fight, the space behind the mysterious young man suddenly shattered due to the powerful shock wave, and suddenly he saw a woman with eight pairs of black wings, who was completely bound by chains at this time. It is extremely weak, and the life bar is less than 10%.

But even so, the breath of the woman with eight pairs of pitch-black wings still made Shi Feng feel extremely palpitating.

"how come!"

Shi Feng looked at the eight pairs of women with dark wings, and he was taken aback.

Fallen angel!

And also the highest fallen angel!

It is necessary to know that the life level of fallen angels is not much worse than that of giant dragons, and the highest-rank fallen angels are stronger than ordinary giant dragons, comparable to the existence of holy dragons.

But at this time, this 180-level fifth-ranked highest fallen angel was completely restrained by a hand of the mysterious young man in front of him, and his health continued to drop, obviously not far from death...

However, while Shi Feng was stunned, the mysterious young man looked at the light of the two worlds in Shi Feng's hand in surprise.

"Your luck is really amazing. You can even get the light of the two worlds that was lost in the ancient times." The mysterious young man commented nonchalantly, "It's a pity that the light of these two worlds has long been damaged, otherwise you can rely on this. The power of the light of the two worlds might even hurt me."

Although the words of the mysterious youth were plain and arrogant, Shi Feng didn't feel wrong at all, but he felt more serious.

A fifth-tier highest fallen angel that is the closest to a sixth-tier god can easily die with one hand. Even the light of the two worlds at its peak state, I am afraid it will be difficult to hurt, after all, whether the weapon is strong or not, It also has a lot to do with the holder.

He has just stepped into Tier 5, and he doesn’t even know how to get promoted on the road to Tier 6. It's just one move.

And as the mysterious youth said, his luck is very good.

If it weren’t for the mysterious youth who used most of his power to deal with the fifth-order highest fallen angel who was originally guarding here, he would have died long ago...

"But this is the end of our game. I am very busy and don't have too much time to waste on you. Can you please die now?"

The mysterious young man waved his hand again impatiently, but this time he chanted a spell.

For a while, Shi Feng felt that the magic power in the entire hall space was gone, and not only the magic power in the main hall was gone, but even the magic power in the deep void was gone, making Shi Feng a feeling of suffocation.

And in front of the mysterious young man’s hands, a silver-white magic circle was formed one after another, with a total of four levels...

"Tier 5 Forbidden Curse Time and Space Shattered?"

Shi Feng looked at the four-fold magic circle gradually forming, his face became more solemn than ever before.

The same is the fifth-order forbidden curse, and there is a gap between them. If the dark paradise belongs to the middle-level fifth-order forbidden curse, then Time and Space Shatter is the highest fifth-order forbidden curse, even if it is a true sixth-order god facing this trick I didn't dare to be careless, I would even be severely injured if I was not careful.


As the mysterious young man said, he gently pushed with one hand at the quadruple magic circle in front of him.

Suddenly Shi Feng saw that the space in front of him began to twist and shatter, and there was no way to escape, and there was no way to avoid it. Even the magic of the same Tier 5 defensive curse could not resist this move...

"It's not that easy to make me die!"

When Shi Feng saw it, he took out his biggest trump card from his backpack at the moment he gritted his teeth, a legendary item called the Dragon Flute, and poured 3,000 advanced magic cores that he had prepared in one breath.

All of a sudden, the space around Shi Feng began to be distorted. Five huge figures flew directly out of the distorted space-time passage, instantly occupying a small space in the huge hall of the temple, completely blocking Shi Feng.


After a loud bang, five Tier 5 dragons with a level of 180 appeared in the hall, and Tier 5 Forbidden Curse Time Smash was also resisted in Shi Feng's short-term invincibility using the dragon flute to summon the dragon. , Let Shi Feng proudly survived.

However, with the appearance of the five-headed dragon, the situation has not improved at all.

Because the mysterious young man looked at the five-headed Tier 5 dragon, the expression on his face did not change in the slightest, as if five small lizards appeared, completely unable to attract any attention.


"This Summoner really found a troublesome figure."

"I knew long ago that I shouldn't have entered into a contract with Dragon Flute, this transaction is too bad!"

The five-headed dragon, hundreds of meters tall, looked at the mysterious young man present, with a hint of helplessness and bitter smile in the huge dragon's eyes, and a hint of ridicule and dissatisfaction with Shi Feng in his words.

It was just that the mysterious young man glanced at the five-headed dragon present, and said plainly: "Do you five want to be enemies with me?"

"Scholar, how about we discuss it? You let this beloved one go so that we can also complete the contract." The leading bronze dragon said.

The Bronze Dragon's proposal was to completely ignore Shi Feng, but Shi Feng didn't have any comments on it, just quietly looking at the mysterious young man.

"Is he one of the three unprovoked figures Feng Qianyu mentioned?" Shi Feng carefully examined the mysterious young man, and he also vaguely understood why Feng Qianyu said that.

The strength of the mysterious youth in front of him is simply incredible, and he can't even see his level.

Moreover, facing the five Tier 5 giant dragons that even Tier 6 gods might have some headaches, there was no reaction at all, which shows the terrible mysterious youth.

After the Bronze Dragon proposed, the mysterious young man's expression remained unchanged, and he said flatly: "Do you think it is possible? You are just a group of undead from the past, dare to make a request with me?"

Speaking of the mysterious youth, he actually took the initiative, but this time the mysterious youth had a golden staff in his hand, which made Shi Feng's eyes straight.

Because the golden staff in the hands of the mysterious young man was too familiar to Shi Feng.

One of the ten legendary weapons of God's Domain.

World Scepter!

"It seems that there is only one battle." The bronze dragon also sighed helplessly, and slowly said to Shi Feng, "Wait for a while, you can find a way to escape, and the five of us will not be able to stop him for too long. If you leave this unrestricted secret realm, he will be in a lot of trouble if he wants to deal with you."

Then the other four dragons also rose in power, obviously intending to fight the mysterious young man desperately.

"Is there no limit?"

When Shi Feng heard this, he faintly understood the weakness of the mysterious youth.

Obviously, the mysterious young man in front of him was not able to run wild in the world of God's Domain, and he also had some fears, just like he had shot in Black Wing City, and left without fighting Xia Lian at all.

And with the strength of the mysterious young man, if he was afraid of Xia Lian, he would absolutely not believe it. He had to know that there were five Tier 5 dragons in front of him.

But before Shi Feng had come to think about anything, the five-headed dragon fought with the mysterious youth.

In the face of the mysterious young man, the five-headed dragon used the roar of the dragon without any reservation, but the mysterious young man waved his staff and formed a barrier in front of him, directly blocking the roar of the five-headed dragon. But it also caused the two sides to fall into a stalemate.

"Damn it! If it weren't because I had something big to deal with, the five of you guys would dare to fight with me?" The mysterious young man glared at the five-headed dragon, obviously a little dissatisfied with the stalemate in front of him.

The leading bronze dragon also quickly reminded Shi Feng: "You go!"

At this time, the roar of the five-headed dragon certainly blocked the mysterious young man, but the barrier used by the mysterious young man also continued to press against the five-headed dragon, obviously gaining the upper hand...


Shi Feng looked at the motionless mysterious youth and the golden slate that the mysterious youth had always maintained. He always felt that if the mysterious youth succeeded, something big would definitely happen at that time, and even he would have no escape.

And at this time, the mysterious young man was still distracted by the golden slate, using the golden slate to crack the mysterious pattern that appeared on the fallen angel. There is absolutely a big secret hidden in the fallen angel.


Shi Feng gritted his teeth and directly chose the fifth-order inheritance skill Jianxin Guijian, which he had not learned, and was the only explosive skill among the fifth-order inheritance skills.

In God's Domain, after a player is promoted to a Tier 5 career, the inheritance skill points obtained will not allow the player to learn Tier 5 inheritance skills. It usually takes a while to accumulate, but fortunately, after the Beast King is handed over to the Temple of War, many inheritance skills are obtained. Point, enough to learn a fifth-order inheritance skill.

Before, Shi Feng only chose to learn Tier 5 inheritance skills just in case to deal with unknown situations, and now he has to use it.

All of a sudden, Shi Feng used the sword heart to return to the blade, and the light of the two worlds in his hand also suddenly resonated in a certain way. An extremely powerful force flowed directly into Shi Feng’s body, allowing Shi Feng’s attributes and life. The level is a comprehensive upgrade.

For a moment, Shi Feng's power attribute even broke through the 200,000 mark, and his life value exceeded 100 million, not to mention comparable to a sixth-order god-level master, but it was also very close.

"Thirty seconds! Thirty seconds must end the plan to destroy him! If it doesn't work, I must leave here as soon as possible!" Shi Feng glanced at the duration of Jianxin Guijian, which can last for a total of 45 seconds, and the cooling time is definite. It was a natural day, leaving fifteen seconds. With his attributes at this time, it shouldn't be difficult to escape the evil and mysterious realm.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng rushed towards the bound fallen angel in one step.

Shi Feng didn’t have the slightest idea to deal with the mysterious youth, because the five 180-level fifth-tier dragons couldn’t do anything about it, and he couldn’t even do anything. The only thing he could do was to kill the fallen angels and disrupt the mysterious youth’s plan. He and the mysterious young man have long formed a beam, and he does not kill the mysterious young man, or the mysterious young man does not take the initiative to lift the soul chain, even if he is a Tier 5 professional, sooner or later, he will be swallowed up. Mysterious youth, he can live longer.

"court death!"

When the mysterious young man saw it, his face became gloomy, and he chanted a spell directly.

Tier 5 Forbidden Curse Dark Space!

All of a sudden, a dark chain appeared in the sky above the main hall, and they flew directly towards Shi Feng, not allowing Shi Feng to approach the fallen angel at all.

Facing the overwhelming sky and avoiding the inevitable dark chains, Shi Feng also took the shadow step for the first time.

Suddenly centered on Shifeng, thirty-six figures appeared, and they rushed towards the fallen angel from different places. Except for Shifeng's deity, the thirty-six figures are invincible existences, and they can also be with the deity at any time. Replacement, which caused the mysterious youth to have a headache.

It is easy to catch Shi Feng with hundreds of chains, but it is impossible to catch thirty-six Phantoms.

In less than two seconds, a phantom clone appeared next to the fallen angel, and it was a sword against the fallen angel, but in an instant, dozens of chains directly bound the phantom clone.

Then six phantom clones arrived, dozens of chains were not enough, and one of the clones fell directly on the fallen angel with a sword.

As soon as the blade fell, Shi Feng in the distance immediately replaced the clone.

Holy bite of magic warfare!

With the basic attributes and life levels comparable to Tier 6 god-level players, the Holy Bites at this time were also perfectly used by Shi Feng.

I saw a flame tearing through the space that instantly swallowed the fallen angel without any defense against it!


A damage of up to 5.4 billion came directly from the fallen angel's head, directly causing the fallen angel's life bar to lose more than 2%, which gave Shi Feng a glimmer of hope.

"Damn little guy! You angered me!"

When the mysterious young man saw it, there was a flash of coldness in his eyes. The staff in his hand shook, and the dragon's breath of the five-headed dragon was repelled in a short time. The staff in his hand lit up with countless brilliance, and saw the fall. The space around the angel shattered directly, and countless beams of light beamed everywhere, directly piercing all the Shifeng, leaving the clone with indelible wounds.

If it weren't for Shi Feng to replace him with a distant clone in the first time, he would probably kill Shi Feng with a single blow.

Shi Feng in the distance didn't dare to stop, and then used Zhan Kong.

With one sword cut, it cut through the fallen angel in an instant, making the mysterious young man entangled by the five-headed dragon too late to rescue, and this sword also reduced the fallen angel's life value by nearly 3% in an instant.

"That's it!"

The mysterious young man looked at the fallen angel with little life value left, and also chanted a spell, preparing to protect the fallen angel.

"Die to me!"

Shi Feng knew that as long as the mysterious youth successfully sang, he would have no chance to directly use the last sword of magic warfare!

Out of the world with one sword!

It directly took away all the life points of the fallen angel, so that the fallen angel could not die.

With the death of the Fallen Angel, Shi Feng's level increased by flying, and at the same time, the Fallen Angel exploded hundreds of items, causing the mysterious young man to split his eyes and fall into madness.

As soon as Shi Feng saw this, he immediately grabbed several seemingly most powerful items with both hands. After moving in the void, he ran towards the outside of the hall without stopping at all.

If you are interested in this book, you can follow the w public x number Tianyun Lao Mao, you can see some of the small easter eggs in the book.