Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

Chapter 2914: Canglei Airship


"Are you an army of tens of millions of NPCs?"

Shi Feng looked at the specific information sent by Fang Shihan, and his heart was quite shocked.

In God's Domain, he has experienced the battle of kingdoms and empires. In the battle between two kingdoms, the number of NPCs in a country is only about one million. It is normal to fight the first battle for one month. This kind of offensive and defensive warfare, if you can fight for an inch of land, you can fight for an inch of land.

Because the kingdom wants to be promoted to the empire, one of the ways is to expand its territory, which is why it has to fight.

The battle of empires is a battle between two empires. The number of NPCs participating in the battle can reach five or six million, and the total number of NPCs can reach ten million.

Right now it was just one of the dozens of armies in the outer world, with tens of millions in number, which was almost equal to the strength of the two empires.

"With the speed of these NPC army, it takes up to two hours to reach the steel lion fortress on the border of the Twin Tower Kingdom. Now Huo Wu and I have taken 800,000 Tier 3 masters and 50 Tier 4 masters. In the past, it should be possible to arrive in more than an hour."

"As for the farthest border city, Lei Xia City is now stationed by Aqua Rose with 700,000 Tier 3 masters and 70 Tier 4 masters, and the Red Thorns Fortress, which is an important traffic artery, is led by Bai Qingxue. Tier 3 masters and a hundred Tier 4 masters rushed over. As for those free players, it is estimated that they will rush to these three places to support them soon."

"According to our current investigation, there are not many players from the outside world on the opposite side who have joined this battle. The battle should not be as troublesome as other empires. You only need to concentrate on dealing with the NPC army."

The border fortresses generally only have small teleportation magic circles, and the number of players that can teleport is very small. Faced with the sudden attack of the NPC army from the outside world, Fang Shihan can only lead the team to rush over.

Shi Feng also understands this. After all, players can’t be like an army of NPCs and can stay on the border fortresses all the time. Players need to level up, need to upgrade weapons and equipment, etc. It is impossible to stay in the fortresses in the kingdom all the time. Set the back-to-city teleportation point to the nearest NPC city of the fortress, and ride the mount all the way to the past.

"The command will depend on you first, and I will rush over to support soon." Shi Feng said after looking at the time.

One hour!

An hour's time, at his speed, can definitely arrive.

At present, the Canglei Airship is only the last step of engraving the core magic array, and it is also the most critical step. As long as the engraving is successful, the Canglei Airship will be completely completed.

A Xuantie-class airship is of great help to a city defense battle, even more than two or three ordinary Tier 5 professions.

As Shi Feng finished speaking, he also hung up the voice communication, and began to engrave the final core magic circle with all his strength.

The final core magic circle is composed of three high-level master-level magic circles, and the complexity can be said that even the junior magic circle masters can't complete it.

Although Shi Feng was promoted to the Master of Magic Array not long ago, this step could not be completed originally.

But because the mental level has reached the peak of Tier 5, the brain’s activity and calculations are much stronger than those at Tier 5 Intermediate. In addition, the three high-level master-level magic arrays are quite ancient magic. The formation is similar to some magic formations in the legacy of the ancient gods, making it possible for three high-level master-level magic formations that could not be engraved in one breath.

"I failed three more times. The final magic fusion was wrong. It stands to reason that with my control ability, the magic circle should be imprinted perfectly, but the final magic fusion can't be fused. Is it my control of the magic circle? , Are there any other questions?" Shi Feng looked at the core magic circle on the design drawing, and he was also puzzled.

He successfully engraved the core magic circle in one breath, but he failed to inject the final magic power into the core magic circle to activate the magic circle. This kind of thing was definitely Shi Feng's first encounter.

Normally, as long as the engraving of the magic circle is completed and the magic power is injected, the magic circle will naturally activate and start. Unless there is a problem with the magic circle, the activation failure will occur.

"President, I always think the whole core magic circle is very strange." The melancholy smile on the side looked at the core magic circle, and suddenly said, "Obviously, the three magic circles each guide a magic element from the outside world, but in the end they force the three magic circles. Two kinds of magic elements merge into one, and the three magic elements clearly have their own characteristics. How can it be forcibly merged into one?"

Nowadays, Melancholic Smile is only one step away from becoming a master of the magic circle, because there is no need to fight, but there is more research on the master-level magic circle than Shi Feng.

At the beginning, she felt very strange when she saw the core magic circle, but the design drawings said that, and she couldn't refute it. Now she can't activate the magic circle, indicating that the magic circle should be problematic.

When Shi Feng heard it, he laughed: "Magic elements do have their own laws of operation. Forced fusion is of course impossible, but this magic circle is very powerful. Instead, it breaks up the operation of all magic elements first. At the moment of being guided by the magic circle, the three magic elements that have been broken up and the law of operation form a new operating rule before the law of operation is restored. This new operating rule will not contain magic elements. Although the influence of its own operating rules is short-lived, this magic circle has indeed succeeded."

"Is that all right?" The melancholy smile was also startled.

Because in her opinion, the rules of the operation of magic elements cannot be changed, just like the player is forcibly controlling the magic elements. The power of the magic elements that can be exerted in this way is very weak, because the operation of the magic elements will resist the power of the player, so the player is in After being promoted to Tier 4 professions, they will take the initiative to comply with the operation of these magic elements instead of forcibly guiding them.

With a melancholy smile showing surprise, Shi Feng, who wanted to explain further, was also taken aback.

"That's it, it turns out that this is the true application of the rules of destruction!" Shi Feng couldn't help showing a trace of ecstasy on his face.

Originally, he felt desperate for the last Juggernaut to be stuck at the entry level.

Because no matter how he turns the magic around him into his own magic, it depends on his spiritual level. The higher the spiritual level, the wider the scope of influence. This is indeed the kingly way of manipulating magic, but it is not using the world. The way of the rules.

The reason why the last Juggernaut can have the power of destruction is entirely because of the effect guided by the established complex magic circle operation.

To put it bluntly, he can use the magic circle of destruction rules given to him by the blue saint, and can also incorporate various combat skills and magical control. It is indeed a preliminary control of the rules of destruction, but he does not really understand the rules of destruction. How does the magic circle work

But now Shi Feng understood.

The essence of the rule of destruction is not to make the magic element disappear, but to completely break up the inherent operating rules of the magic element, so that the magic element completely loses its original effect.

Therefore, he wants to completely control the rules of destruction and achieve the ultimate, not by borrowing the guidance of the destruction magic circle, but using his own spirit to naturally forcibly stop the operation of the magic element.

Of course, it’s very simple, but it’s really difficult to do it, because it not only requires extremely strong mental power, but also requires precise reverse operation and control of different magic elements, so as to perfectly stop the operation of magic elements. It is equivalent to the reverse operation of the rules of magic elements.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng finally understood why the core magic circle could not be successfully activated.

"It turns out that the magic power is too weak?"

Shi Feng looked at the core magic circle that had already been engraved, and couldn't help showing a wry smile.

To put it plainly, magic is the power that can control magic elements. Without magic, you cannot control magic elements, just like people cannot move without power.

To break the rules of operation of the magic element itself, this requires extremely powerful power, liquid magic cannot be supported, at least solid magic is needed to do it.

Immediately, Shi Feng mobilized all his own magic powers, continuously focused on concentration, and finally condensed sand-like solid magic power in the palm of his hand and poured it directly into the core magic circle.


With a bang, the core magic circle of the Canglei airship seemed to be alive, and the endless magic power around it began to gather towards the core magic circle, causing the power furnace of the Canglei airship to start beating.

System: Congratulations to the players for successfully crafting the Black Iron Class Canglei Airship, gaining 100 million forging experience points and gaining experience value level +2.

At the same time, all the players who participated in the production have also been upgraded accordingly, but they did not have as much experience as Shi Feng, the main producer.

However, compared to the experience points gained, the only people present were the Canglei Airship.

It has a total length of 500 meters and a maximum capacity of 300 people. Forty advanced magic sprite cannons. Each advanced magic sprite cannon has a Tier 5 entry power. Twelve floating magic crystal cannons can be defensive and attackable. , All have Tier 5 introductory power, have armor that is difficult to destroy for Tier 5 occupations, the power of the main gun has reached Tier 5 Intermediate, and the flight speed is comparable to Tier 5 Extraordinary flying mounts.

Kingdom of Twin Towers, Steel Lion Fortress.

The steel city wall is forty to fifty meters high. At this time, there are more than 300,000 Tier 3 NPCs of level 150 and above, all equipped with dark gold level suits of level 150 and above. They are definitely the elite of the Kingdom of Twin Towers. The army, among them, there are nearly 30 Tier 4 NPCs standing at the head of the city, and the leading male knight who is nearly 60 years old is a Tier 4 sky knight of 200. Wearing a suit with fragments of legendary items, the power is not lost at all. How many real Tier 5 professions.

In the core control room of the fortress, there are more than twenty fourth-order legal system NPCs chanting incantations, maintaining the magic circle of the entire fortress, and different from the previous fortress magic circle, it has set up a triple large defense. The magic array, even a Tier 5 professional attack, cannot be destroyed, at most it consumes a little energy from the fortress.

There are thirty magic turrets everywhere in the fortress. In addition, there are a large number of large-scale destructive crossbows on the wall, with more than six hundred.

There are ten airships suspended above the fortress, one of which is still a bronze-class airship, and the other airships are advanced airships, which can barely compete with Tier 4 professional airships.

In addition, there were more than 100 Tier 3 and Tier 4 flying mounts hovering in the sky. The scene was spectacular, and it was absolutely impossible to see it at all.

As for the number of players gathered has reached two million, making the entire Steel Lion Fortress extremely crowded.

Only at this moment, none of the players in the Steel Lion Fortress felt relaxed and excited.

Because at this time, there was an army of more than three million NPCs gathered outside the Steel Lion Fortress. The number of Tier 4 NPCs that I saw alone exceeded 500, not to mention that there were various siege weapons on the ground.

It is not a giant bomb bomber or a mobile advanced magic guided gun. There are thousands of them. There are more than fifty airships above the NPC army in the outer world, and there are six bronze-class airships. , The others are also advanced airships, plus more than 500 Tier 3 and 4 flying mounts, almost filling up the entire sky...

The disparity in combat power between the two sides, even for some players who came to watch the game live, looked gloomy and gloomy.

On the official forum of the Twin Towers Kingdom, such a live broadcast of the battle even blows up the players of the entire Twin Towers Kingdom.

"Is this the real world war?"

"Can our Twin Tower Kingdom really hold it?"

Although many players in the Kingdom of the Twin Towers have learned about battles in some empires, the information they get is more dictated by some players, or some pictures, and they don’t have a clear understanding. There is always something about things in other countries. It doesn't matter to me, but after seeing this scene, there is an indescribable sense of despair.

Especially for the players standing in the Steel Lion Fortress, it is only at this moment that they really understand what is meant by the Kingdom War and the World War. It can be said that it is not comparable to the battles of the players. This is the real battle.

I saw a commander from the NPC army in the outer world waved his hand, and suddenly, whether the weapons of war on land, or the airships and flying mounts in the sky, all flocked to the Steel Lion Fortress in black.

"All defenses are on! Everyone is ready to fight!" The sky knight Sepel, the commander of the Steel Lion Fortress, also raised the long sword in his hand and shouted loudly.

For a time, all the NPCs on the wall were either driving a magic turret or a large destructive crossbow, or they had drawn their bows and arrows, and the magic professions chanted spells one after another.

The battle between the two sides began suddenly, and the entire sky turned into a sea of flames, and various roars echoed the entire land and sky, making all players in the fortress feel a whisper in their heads.

Fang Shihan watched everyone use amplified magic on the city wall and calmly said: "Don’t panic, everyone. According to the original plan, all long-range professions will go up to the city wall and gather at the original defensive position for melee combat. If the magic barrier is broken , When you really exert your strength, all melee classes will resist, stop those outside world NPCs from rushing in and destroy the core magic circle, until the fortress magic barrier is restored! As long as we can keep going, those outside world NPCs will be consumed by us sooner or later. Just retreat!"

The defensive magic circle of the fortress is not invincible. In the face of such a powerful offensive, it will be a matter of time before it is broken, but the defensive barrier of the fortress is not irreparable. It just takes time. Just like those empires in the Eastern Continent, the main role of the player is to resist. Outer world NPC destroys the core magic circle, during which time it is to kill the outer world NPC as much as possible.

As Fang Shihan finished speaking, the players present also calmed down and gave birth to some confidence.

NPC wants to be resurrected. Compared to players, it is much more difficult and impossible in this kind of war. Unlike their players, they can be resurrected soon after death. If there is a healing profession to resurrect directly, it will only lose some experience points. .

However, before Fang Shihan finished speaking for three or four minutes, everyone heard a cracking sound above the fortress, which was the magic barrier of the Steel Lion Fortress, which was completely shattered at this moment.

"Pioneer! Go!"

The commander of the outer world in mid-air gave the order again, and the Tier 3 NPC army in the outer world that had been prepared for a long time rushed towards the Steel Lion Fortress like crazy, and the Tier 4 NPC rushed directly to the fortress from the air. The core city lord mansion attracted Tier 4 NPCs in the Steel Lion Fortress to rush up to fight.

"Use magic enchantment to trap those Tier 4 NPCs!" Fang Shihan looked at the hundreds of NPCs and hundreds of flying mounts flying over, and quickly ordered, "All melee professions are trying to get those Tier 3 NPCs Treat me as outside!"

Following Fang Shihan’s order, Zero Wing’s long-prepared master magic enchantment directly divided the outer world NPCs and hundreds of flying mounts in mid-air into more than ten combat areas, allowing these Tier 4 battles Power can't get half a step closer to the City Lord's Mansion, and Tier 4 masters also cooperate with Tier 4 NPCs of the Twin Tower Kingdom to fight against these Tier 4 combat powers.

As for the remaining Tier 3 masters, they cooperated with Tier 3 NPCs on the wall outside the city wall, frantically blocking the invasion of Tier 3 troops from the outside world.

For a time, the sound of fighting was everywhere in the Steel Lion Fortress, and the sound of individual battles, group battles, and killings echoed in the sky.

Tier 3 master players are okay when facing Tier 3 professional NPCs. Although there is a gap in level and equipment, but the combat level and team cooperation, it is not impossible to make up for it, and the number is similar. There are two or eight deaths and injuries, and if two NPCs die, the player will die eight, which is definitely a profit for the player.

However, in the mid-air battle, the Twin Tower Kingdom was at an absolute disadvantage.

Let alone the difference in the number of airships and flying mounts, the difference in the number of Tier 4 occupations alone cannot be made up. Even if the magical turret of the fortress is used to assist it, it is of no use.

And if it wasn’t for the 170-plus level Huo Wu, Ziyan Liuyun, and Yan Tianxing to cooperate and entangle a 180 level 5th Tier 5 pioneer leader in the outer world, the advanced master magic enchantment would have been broken long ago. .

As for other Tier 4 masters, except for a few masters whose combat level has reached a vacuum level, they can engage in one-on-one battles with Tier 4 NPCs in the outer world. Other Tier 4 masters at the subtle level are not opponents of Tier 4 NPCs in the outer world.

"The gap in the number of Tier 4 occupations is too big. No wonder the major superpowers in the empire are frequently lost. If this continues, the core magic circle of the City Lord's Mansion may also be broken..."

After Fang Shihan killed a 180-level Tier 4 magister, he glanced at the distant cola and Bai Yu who were still working hard to resist more than a dozen Tier 4 NPCs, feeling helpless in his heart.

She can deal with two or three Tier 4 NPCs of level 180 alone. As for the MT of Cola and Bai Yu, with their skills and skills, it is no problem to resist more than a dozen Tier 4 NPCs in a short time. There are more than 500 Tier 4 occupations in the world, and there are even Tier 5 occupations. It is impossible for a kingdom to resist such an army...

Seeing the passage of time bit by bit, eight Tier 4 NPCs in the Kingdom of Twin Towers were killed, more than 20 Tier 4 masters died, and Tier 4 NPCs in the outer world only lost six, of which three are still all. It was Fang Shihan who killed it, and the Tier 4 professionals present were desperate.

"Kill! We must not retreat in the first battle!" Fang Shihan looked at the declining people and couldn't help but roared, "Even if it is dead! Let these NPCs from the outside world pay enough!"

Fang Shihan had no surprises at all about the loss of the Steel Lion Fortress.

There is a huge gap between the two sides. If you want to win, you only have to fight a war of attrition. The NPC army of the outside world is consumed through city defense battles. The first battle is the greatest combat power that the Kingdom of Twin Towers can come up with.

If this battle can't make the NPCs in the outer world consume a lot, it will be more difficult to consume these NPCs first.

However, when Fang Shihan finished speaking, it was as if the commander of the outer world sitting on the bronze airship stood up, and immediately exuded an unparalleled terrifying power that enveloped the entire Steel Lion Fortress, making all players unable to help their heart madness. Jumped, his body was heavy, and it was obvious that the commander didn't intend to watch it anymore, and was about to end the battle himself.

"A 200-level fifth-order holy grail knight?" Fang Shihan looked at the commander who was walking step by step in midair, with a dignified look in his eyes.

Because this fifth-order commander's power is obviously much stronger than the fifth-order vanguard leader, and he also holds a legendary big sword in his hand, which is probably the highest in the fifth-order occupation. .

If such an existence is directly involved, they will probably collapse in an instant...

Many players on the scene also have no doubt that this city defense war has been declared over.

Seeing this 200-level fifth-order commander from the outer world came to the sky above the fortress and was about to do it, a harsh roar suddenly came from the sky in the distance.

Before everyone turned their heads and looked at the place where the sound was coming from, they saw a pale blue figure that resembled an electric light appeared above the Steel Lion Fortress.

With the appearance of this blue figure, everyone in the audience was shocked, whether it was players or NPCs.


"Is this really an airship?"

Because the figure of this airship is too huge, even the bronze-class airship with a total length of nearly two hundred meters, looks like a baby in front of this blue behemoth, and this blue behemoth is just floating in the air. The surrounding space is faintly distorted, and the magic power of the entire Steel Lion Fortress unconsciously converges towards this blue behemoth. Even the magic field of the Tier 5 profession can not control the magic power that has gathered in the past...

And as the blue giant beast slowly fell, a man in a black cloak walked out of it, and the entire Steel Lion Fortress was boiling.

"President! You can be regarded as coming!" Fang Shihan looked at the figure on the blue giant beast, said somewhat irritably.

It was originally said that he would arrive before the war, but now that the war has been going on for so long, Shi Feng has arrived...

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time." Shi Feng looked at Fang Shihan and the others apologetically, then turned his eyes to the entire NPC army from the outside world and said with a smile, "But leave the rest to me! "

If you are interested in this book, you can follow the w public x number Tianyun Lao Mao, you can see some of the small easter eggs in the book.