Rejected the Demon’s Marriage Proposal Thousands of Times

Chapter 21: high strength


Anna read it carefully. The remaining twenty-two characters were the same as what Dibian taught her. There were no errors or omissions. However, the remaining three extra characters were too complicated and out of place compared to the twenty-two basic characters.

For example, the basic characters are like two in mahjong, and the three are nine.

As an "illiterate" person, Anna could only pretend not to see any problems at this moment. She thought, these three characters didn't look like they were scrawled by the devil. Maybe they belonged to the devil's language

Anna made random guesses in her mind, but her eyes seemed to see these basic characters for the first time, reading them from beginning to end many times.

Then she looked at the devil and said, "Lord Ulysses, how should you pronounce these basic characters?"

Rotgar frowned. Although he said that he wanted to teach Anna how to read, he was a little impatient at the beginning.

"You don't understand this?"

Anna recalled how meticulous and patient Dibian was when he taught her, and tried to keep calm.

Devil, how can you demand him with the same attitude as you demand a good teacher

"I have never learned basic characters before, and I don't know how to pronounce them." Anna answered the devil's taunt seriously.

Rotgar felt that Anna's ignorant and stupid look at the moment looked much more pleasing to the eye.

Because he was in a good mood, he clicked on the first row of the paper Anna was holding, and read it quickly without considering Anna's ability to accept it.

Then he looked at Anna and said in a slightly impatient and warning tone: "Do you remember?"

Anna felt that if she said she didn't remember, he would tear her apart immediately.

She quickly said: "Remember."

There was no look of surprise on Rotgar's face. He continued to read the next line, and then asked threateningly: "Do you remember it?"

Anna continued to answer remember.

When Rotgar wrote it, there were ten basic characters in each row, and the last row only had five characters. After he finished reading, he looked at Anna. Before he could ask questions, Anna immediately said: "I didn't remember the last three." .”

The pronunciation of the last three special characters is very strange. One character requires seven or eight syllables to pronounce it, and there is also a strange tongue snapping sound. The devil pronounces it very fast, and the syllables of these three characters are connected together. Son, Anna was stunned.

A sarcastic sneer escaped from the corner of Rotgar's mouth. As expected, humans are an inferior race and cannot even learn such simple characters.

After Ana finished saying that she didn't remember it, she looked at the devil's expression nervously. Seeing that he didn't seem to want to tear her apart immediately, she quickly said: "The last three are too difficult, can you please read them separately this time? I will definitely try to remember it.”

Rotgar was originally too lazy to read it again. He had never been kind enough to be someone else's teacher, but thinking about the purpose of his promise to Anna to teach her how to read, he endured it and used the patience rarely seen in a hundred years to read it. The three characters were read separately one by one.

Anna spent a lot of concentration, memorizing the pronunciation of those three characters in her mind, and silently said it in her heart. Except for the peculiar tongue snapping sound, she couldn't pronounce the others accurately. No problem.

Then just practice more.

Although she knew very well that the last three were not basic characters, Anna decided to pretend she didn't know and study hard. The first is that the devil cannot discover the clues before the devil discovers the existence of Dibian, and the second is what’s wrong with learning more? What if it is useful in the future

No matter what text it is, if you have enough energy, just learn it.

Anna had just memorized the pronunciation of these three characters in her mind when she heard Rotgar threaten: "If you dare to say you don't remember it again, I won't teach you."

…Is there such a good thing again

Anna resisted the urge to say "I didn't remember" and said heartbrokenly: "I remember everything!"

Studying with a demon is indeed stressful, but it is not without its benefits. She will reveal what she learned from DiBian in the future, and there will be someone to blame.

Moreover, she was a student taught by "Mage Ulysses" himself. Who would dare to put bad ideas on her head like Bobby again in the future

The troublesome predicament that once was was no longer worth mentioning to Anna now. Unfortunately, the title of "student of the genius mage" came a little late.

Rotgar nodded with satisfaction, and then the two fell into silence again.

There is no doubt that Rotgar, an unqualified teacher, does not know what to teach next.

Because he always memorizes things once he reads them, he requires Anna to do this. After teaching the basic characters, he will not give her a chance to review, let alone test her to judge her mastery.

There was no such concept in his mind.

Starting from teaching basic characters, Anna told him so that he did so.

Therefore, after more than three minutes of silence, Rotgar said impatiently: "Why are you still here? Today's class is over, you can go."

Anna, who has only been here for a quarter of an hour, said: "...Yes, Lord Ulysses. Thank you very much for your generosity today."

She saluted and was about to leave when she heard Rotgar say: "I'll still come here at this time tomorrow."

Anna responded: "Okay, sir."

After leaving the small building, Anna felt a little more relaxed.

Fortunately, she met Dibian. Otherwise, she would have had a hard time learning just by relying on the demon's teachings. Maybe it would have made the demon impatient and kill her directly.

Anna still hasn't figured out why the devil suddenly changed his mind to teach her how to read. According to his usual purpose... it was to deliberately bring her closer to him, so as to cultivate feelings and achieve the goal of "she agrees to his proposal." "Achievements

But his attitude when teaching her was too bad! With his attitude, even if he taught her for a hundred years, she would never be able to develop any relationship with him.

Anna couldn't figure it out, so she stopped thinking about it. There were demons "covering" during the day, and Dibian taught her to be a mage at night. She hoped that such good days could continue.

When Anna returned to the kitchen, Rebecca was surprised by how quickly she came back. Anna knew that the news about her following the devil would definitely spread, and she was worried that "Anna is too stupid." The Master taught her for a quarter of an hour before he was so angry that she was so angry. "Kicked away" rumors, and quickly told Rebecca that she would go again the next day.

Anna sighed in her heart when she noticed that the people around her were looking away.

Sure enough, I was tired.

The next day, when delivering food to the devil, Anna always felt that something was wrong with the way he looked at her, but she couldn't guess exactly what it was. This made her very nervous in front of him, and she was more cautious than before. An ordinary maid who does her job.

It wasn't until she left the Earl's Mansion at the end of the day that Anna finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After going to the tavern to buy some food and drinks as usual, Anna quietly explored the ruins.

After Dibian finished eating, the first thing he did was to check Anna's mastery of the basic characters. Anna didn't disappoint him either, passing the quiz perfectly.

DiBian said: "I will teach you some daily vocabulary now. What you usually say will make it much easier to remember."

Anna is self-sufficient. After being poisoned by the devil's education, Dibian still thinks that she can be rated as an outstanding young teacher no matter how he teaches her...

The lingua franca of this world does have a certain similarity with English. It has twenty-two basic characters, and the basic characters form different words. The words include nouns, verbs, prepositions, etc., the nouns have yin and masculine, and the verbs have tense... Of course, the complexity is mainly due to In terms of written language, spoken language is much simpler to use.

For Anna, this slightly more complicated rule than English was not difficult. It took her about half an hour to match nearly a hundred spoken and written vocabulary.

After today's literacy class, there is the meditation class that Anna is most looking forward to.

DiBian said: "We are surrounded by various natural elements. Only element affinity bodies can guide them into the body. To control the natural elements entering the body, one must have strong mental power. In addition to the slow nature of mental power, Growth is mainly enhanced by meditation. Not only do mages with powerful talents naturally increase their mental power hundreds of times and thousands of times that of ordinary mages, but the effect of meditation is also far better than them."

"Can the strength of mental power be measured?" Anna asked.

Dibian shook his head: "Except for the mage himself, it is difficult for others to know the strength of his mental power. However, the strength of his mental power is generally similar to the level of the mage, so we can make a rough judgment from this."

Anna was immediately disappointed. She still didn't know if she was an elemental affinity body, so naturally she couldn't know the strength of her mental power.

Seeing Anna's disappointment, Dibian comforted her: "Anna, your learning ability is very strong, and your mental strength will not be weak."

Anna smiled at him, wondering if this mental strength is also related to IQ

Dibian coughed and continued: "To cast a spell, in addition to having strong mental power to guide you, you also need to build a spell circuit."

As he spoke, he drew a circle on the ground and added some lines in the middle.

"This is the most basic condensation circuit. Some natural elements have the property of glowing after condensation. You can use this as a lighting technique." Dibian said with an apologetic smile, "For example, dark elements are fine, but I am mentally disturbed now. , it’s inconvenient to cast spells, so I can’t demonstrate it to you.”

Anna looked at the small "magic circle". This condensation circuit was very simple, and she had already memorized it.

"It doesn't matter. It's important for you to recover from your injuries." Anna shook her head and pointed at the spell circuit and said, "Do I have to draw this circuit every time I cast a spell?"

She remembered that she had faced magic twice, once by Ulysses himself, who sent her away with a gentle wind, and once by the demon who had taken over Ulysses' body and threatened her with a fire dragon. These two times, She didn't even see them draw spell circuits.

"Yes and no," Dibian said, "The spell circuit is a prerequisite for casting spells, but it does not have to be in this way. When you can use spiritual power to guide natural elements, you can guide nature in a position like the palm of your hand. Elements build circuits. The more complex the spell circuit is, the more difficult it is to construct. For example, it is difficult for ordinary people to construct it by just relying on mental power to guide natural elements."

Dibian said, drawing another spell circuit next to the condensation circuit. This loop was made up of three circles, intertwined, with so many lines that Anna was dazzled.

Anna was a little confused: "Although this circuit is a bit complicated, it is not difficult to remember."

Du Bien said: "Indeed, but remembering does not mean that it can be constructed. It is very simple to draw it, but it is very difficult to use mental power to guide the natural elements to construct it. The natural elements are not so obedient. Therefore, we also There is another way."

He said and took out something to show Anna: "This is my staff."


Anna looked at the stick, which was not much bigger than chopsticks, and fell into deep thought.

There's nothing cool about this thing.

The main body of the staff in Dibian's hand is made of wood. The body of the staff is only about the thickness of a finger, and it is inlaid with many shiny ores.

He obviously didn't have Anna's idea about force. He held it carefully, pointed at the ore and said to Anna: "This kind of ore is called empty crystal. It can solidify the magic circuit on it, so that when you fight, you can guide the injected natural elements." It will automatically form your solidified spell circuit and cast spells instantly."

Anna asked: "Is it difficult to solidify the spell circuit on the empty crystal?"

Dibian said: "Indeed, the more complex the spell circuit is, the higher the difficulty of curing. Once the curing fails, this small piece of empty crystal is useless. Even if the curing is successful, this empty crystal can only be used for two or three months."

"Kong Jing...isn't it expensive?" Anna asked again.

Dibian nodded: "Such a small piece, one gold coin. And even the most basic condensation circuit's solidification success rate is only half. Like this," he pointed to the three circles on the side, "try a hundred You may not succeed every time.”

Anna swallowed. Sure enough, mage is an extremely expensive profession. If you don't have money, you can't even buy your own staff.

She is cruel and cruel, it doesn't matter, krypton gold is not enough, liver can still be used! As long as she is proficient enough to cast spells on her own without borrowing the solidification circuit, wouldn't she be able to save money

She glanced at the three circles of magic circuits on the side with a guilty conscience, and closed her eyes.

It's okay, what if she is not an elemental affinity body? Then you don’t have to worry about not being able to afford gold...

Dibian waved his hand, and the two magic circuits disappeared. He looked at Anna and smiled: "But this is all for the future. At least a two-star mage will try to solidify the magic circuit."

Anna instantly understood that because the spell circuits learned in the one-star mage and apprentice stages were too simple, if such simple circuits were to be solidified on the sky crystal, there was really no need for this person to continue learning spells.

"Today I will teach you the most basic meditation method." Dibian was originally sitting on a stone. As he spoke, he sat cross-legged on the ground, crossed his hands and placed them lightly between his knees, lowered his head slightly and closed his eyes. " It’s a meditative posture.”

Anna quickly followed suit.

Dibian opened his eyes and looked at Anna's movements and said, "Your movements are very accurate, keep it up."

Anna closed her eyes and heard Dibian's soft voice in her ears: "Clear all your thoughts and concentrate on feeling the natural elements around us. The light element is white, the water element is blue, the wind element is green, and the fire element It’s red, the earth element is yellow, the thunder element is purple, the metal element is golden, and the dark element is black.”

Anna's mind was empty, and after closing her eyes, there was darkness with a hint of light.

… But she didn’t see any other colors

Could it be that she is also a pure dark element affinity body, so she can only see black

Anna tried for a while and then opened her eyes. Dibian was looking at her. She asked: "The pure dark element affinity body can only feel the black dark element?"

Dibian shook his head: "No. As long as you are an element affinity body, you can feel all natural elements, but you can't use them through guidance."

Anna's heart suddenly went cold. She couldn't feel anything. Could it be that she was not an element-affiliated person

Dibian continued: "It usually takes an average mage apprentice about two months to feel the natural elements during meditation, so don't worry if you can't feel it now."

Anna was finally relieved.

It turns out that even after meditation, it still takes two months. It is indeed necessary to test the elemental affinity before learning the spell. If it were not an elemental affinity body, there would be no need to waste time.

Anna doesn't know now whether she is an elemental affinity body, but Schrödinger's state is better than definitely not, and she is very willing to take this small "risk" of wasting time to meditate.

After teaching Anna how to meditate, today's class is over. But before leaving, Anna couldn't help but ask a question: "Is the posture of meditation very important? If I lie down and meditate, will it also be effective?" "

Dibian was stunned because he had never thought about this, let alone tried it. His teacher taught him how to meditate and he followed it, why would he want to lie down and meditate

But now that Anna asked, Dibian couldn't stop thinking about it.

"I'll try it later and let you know tomorrow." DiBian said.

Anna just asked casually, but she didn't expect Dibian to take it seriously. She was stunned for a moment before smiling brightly: "Okay, see you tomorrow!"

Anna returned home happily. The home was as peaceful as usual. Her mother, Guy, didn't interfere too much after she said she would come home late every day. She said hello to Guy and then returned to her room.

Adele and little Evan were already asleep, and Anna was meditating on the bed. After an unknown amount of time, she yawned.

Although she still didn't feel the natural elements, Anna was not impatient, so she packed up and went to bed.

The next day, Anna arrived at the small building where the devil lived at 8:30.

To Anna's surprise, today's demon seemed prepared, and she actually saw books on the table.

Books in this world are very precious. Of course, what is precious is not the paper in the book, but the knowledge written on the paper, which is monopolized by the upper class nobles and mages.

When Rotgar saw Anna coming, he threw the precious book over.

Anna hurriedly caught it.

Rotgar sneered: "Won't you hide this time?"

Anna suddenly remembered that after the devil threatened her, he threw a bag of gold coins to her, but she didn't take it.

He is really a small-minded devil, and he still remembers those little things.

Anna smiled shyly and didn't reply. This is a book. This is the first time she has touched a book since arriving!

The book was hand-copied and thread-bound, with some vocabulary written on the cover, but she didn't recognize any of the words.

She opened the inner pages and looked at them greedily. Because of some of the words Dibian taught her yesterday, she could occasionally understand a few words in this book. She would look twice at familiar words when she encountered them.

Rotgar looked at Anna's impatient and even hungry look, and was slightly distracted.

It turned out that she was really eager to learn how to read.

He recalled that she said at that time that she became literate because she wanted to follow her own path. Could it be that her initial approach to Parrish and Ulysses was really just about literacy

Rotgar has not yet made a conclusion. His current evaluation of Anna is higher than that of ordinary humans, so he does not think her purpose is so simple.

There is no conflict between being literate and taking shortcuts to become a master.

Lotgar said, "Do you know what this is?"

Ana shook her head: "I don't know."

Of course she could guess from the format that this was probably a collection of poems, but there was no need to tell the devil about this.

"This is what you must learn today," Rotgar said.

Anna: “…”

Was this demon really teaching her to read instead of torturing her

She doesn't even know a few words, and she's asked to sprint a hundred meters before she can even walk? Did he forget that she just started learning basic characters yesterday

"Master Ulysses, not everyone is a genius like you. My talent is very ordinary. I just learned the basic characters yesterday. I am asked to learn a whole book today. I really can't do it!" Anna hurriedly said explain.

Sure enough, it's not easy to take advantage of the devil.

"If you can't learn, you don't have to go back today." Rotgar smiled evilly.

Anna panicked.

What does this mean? Literally, does it mean the same as detention as an ordinary teacher, or does it mean that if she can't learn today, he will kill her and make her answer here

Anna didn't dare to ask. She pinched the suspected poetry collection. The only good thing was that the poetry collection was quite thin, only about fifty pages. And when she flipped through it just now, she found that many of the words were the same. of.

Isn’t it just memorizing words with high intensity? She can do it! She has a history of memorizing 500 unfamiliar English words in one day!

Anna took a deep breath, strode up to Rotgar, slapped the book on the table, pointed at the cover and said, "Then please ask Lord Ulysses to start teaching me immediately!"

Thinking on the bright side, she won't lose anything at all by learning so many written words in one day.