Rejected the Demon’s Marriage Proposal Thousands of Times

Chapter 32: Reject the marriage proposal


Of course, Anna was not stupid enough to bring little Evan in directly. She went to the kitchen, found Rebecca, and told Rebecca about the Holy Son's promise to treat little Evan for her, hoping to bring little Evan in. By permission of Earls Court.

Rebecca was very surprised when she heard Anna's words. She couldn't help but ask one more question: "Isn't the Holy Son injured?"

"Master Shengzi was very kind. He said he was much better and insisted that I bring little Evan." Anna seemed a little annoyed by this. "When Master Shengzi asked me why I took leave in the morning, I shouldn't have said It’s about my brother.”

Of course, Anna didn't regret it at all. She said that on purpose when she answered the devil's question just now. But the devil didn't take the opportunity to ask her to marry him and he saved little Evan, which really surprised her. No matter what his purpose was, he was willing to save little Evan, and for this alone, she was very grateful to him.

Hearing what Anna said, Rebecca comforted her in turn: "The Holy Son is a favored one by God and has the same kind heart as the goddess. Since it is him who insists, don't think too much about it. I will go to the door with you. Find the guards and explain to them that this is the Son's order."

"Thank you, Rebecca!" Anna thanked her sincerely.

The two of them came to the back door of the Earl's Mansion together. Rebecca had some respect in the Earl's Mansion. After hearing that it was the Son's order and that they were only bringing a child in, they said there was no problem.

Anna thanked Rebecca and hurried home.

Gay was looking at little Evan with tears in her eyes. After drinking the holy water, she thought that little Evan would get better soon, but as time passed, little Evan's breathing was still rapid and the heat on his forehead seemed to be getting higher. .


Because he was too worried about little Evan, Guy didn't realize Anna was back until Anna pushed open the bedroom door and called her.

"Anna, why are you back again? Is there something wrong with the work at the Earl's Mansion?" Guy asked worriedly.

"No, little Evan is saved!" Anna said excitedly, "The Holy Son promised to save little Evan. I will take little Evan to the Earl's Mansion now!"

Guy's face showed an expression of surprise as if a gold coin had fallen from the sky: "My kind goddess, the Holy Son is actually willing to save little Evan!"

"Mom, I'll take little Evan there first."

Anna picked up little Evan. The three-year-old weighed more than 20 pounds. She put little Evan's head on her shoulder and walked out with him in her arms.

Guy hurriedly chased after him, hugged little Evan in Anna's hand and said, "Mom, go with you."

"But… "

"I know the rules, so I will carry little Evan outside the Earl's Mansion and wait for you outside." Guy smiled, "Little Evan weighs twenty-five pounds. You can't hold him for so long." .”

Adele, who was standing by, also said: "I want to go too!"

Anna knew that Guy was right. She probably wouldn't be able to hold her for a while, and she couldn't leave Adele alone at home, so she agreed that Guy and Adele would go with her.

The group of people walked on the road in a hurry and arrived at the back gate of the Earl's Mansion in less than half an hour.

Anna took little Evan from Guy's hand and said to Guy: "Mom, don't worry, when I bring little Evan out again, he will definitely have recovered."

Guy's face still showed worry, but more of hope and joy: "Mom knows, we will wait for you here."

Adele hugged Anna's legs, looked up and said to her: "Anna, we are waiting for you and little Evan outside!"

Anna carried little Evan smoothly into the back door of the Earl's Mansion, and arrived in front of the building where the Holy Son lived without stopping.

Lotgar had gotten out of bed and was sitting at the table.

Anna came in with little Evan in her arms and saw the devil sitting at the table. After thinking about it, she hooked a stool with her feet to the devil and put little Evan on the stool.

"Lord Holy Son, this is my brother little Evan. He has had a high fever for several days. Please save him." Anna supported little Evan and looked at the devil expectantly.

Rotgar saw that little Evan's face was red, his breathing was short, and his nose seemed to be filled with mucus, and he was afraid that he would fall to his side. Although it was Victor's body, he didn't even want to be possessed by such dirt. Touched, so he said to Anna: "Hold him up."

Ana agreed, and after thinking about it, she picked up little Evan and sat on the stool. Little Evan was in her arms, so that she could better stabilize him.

She herself had never been subjected to the Holy Healing Technique, and the devil didn't seem to be in pain when he performed the Holy Healing Technique on herself. But he was not a human being, so who knew if he was particularly able to endure pain? Therefore, fearing that little Evan would struggle in pain later and make the devil unhappy, she hugged him tightly like a parent taking a child to get vaccinated.

Rotgar stretched out his hand and paused. Seeing that little Evan's exposed body was covered in sweat, the hand he originally stretched out towards little Evan's forehead was placed on little Evan's clothed arm. .

A white light lit up from under his palm, slowly expanding its coverage, almost covering little Evan's entire body.

Anna held her breath nervously, observing little Evan's condition, and saw that he did not show any discomfort. Instead, as the white light continued, his breathing gradually eased, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She raised her head, and the demon who was close at hand looked down at little Evan with cold eyes. The white light on his hand continued, but cold sweat fell on his own face.

Only one day has passed, and even the devil can't restore much of the Holy Son's mental power.

Anna thought to herself, this devil is indeed very dedicated, and he can endure such discomfort just to deceive her soul...

If he hadn't wanted to harvest her soul, and if she hadn't been a time traveler, she would probably be so moved by now that she wanted to commit herself to him, and it wouldn't matter if he was an underground lover.

When the white light stopped, little Evan had regained his composure and was sleeping soundly, while the devil's face was pale, and his body even swayed when he retracted his hand.

Anna, who had been prepared for this, stretched out her hand to support him: "Lord Holy Son, thank you for your hard work. Thank you very much."

Her gratitude at this moment was genuine.

Rotgar hummed, broke away from Anna's hand and leaned on the table, saying to her, "You can send him back first."

"Okay, Lord Holy Son. Thank you again for your kindness!" Anna picked up little Evan and thanked him again.

Rotgar did not want to add to the Son's reputation for kindness. He turned his head and looked over. His long silver hair cut through a light arc and fell down the side of his neck: "I saved him because he is your brother."

Anna was holding little Evan, and he was sleeping soundly, leaning softly on her shoulder. She seemed to feel his attachment to her.

In front of you was a demon who had just said something that was very emotional for anyone else. The words coming out of his mouth, coupled with his expression, really gave people a sense of oppression, as if he was asking for a favor in return.

Anna's mood is a bit complicated now, but at this moment, she certainly won't make the devil unhappy.

She smiled and said, "Yes, I understand... Thank you very much. I don't know how to repay your kindness."

Rotgar almost couldn't help but say "Then marry me", but seeing that Anna was still holding little Evan, and that his previous failures had left a shadow on him, he decided to wait. , if he doesn't succeed this time, he will really lose his patience.

"You go first." He finally said.

Anna bowed and said goodbye, and suddenly quickened her pace after leaving the bedroom.

Just now she thought she was going to face the devil's "forced marriage" again! The ending should be ugly by then, because she won't agree to "marry him" just because he saved little Evan.

Anyway, little Evan has been cured. If he has the ability, he will kill her directly!

Anna thought this rather ruthlessly, and touched her conscience again.

It's really not good to use others like this, but if the other person is a demon who wants to harvest her soul... maybe she can forgive herself a little

Anna sent little Evan to the back door of the Earl's Mansion. Seeing that little Evan had recovered and was sleeping soundly, Guy's face beamed with joy and murmured: "Thank the goddess, thank the goddess for her kindness in letting little Evan stay!"

Anna thought to herself, what kind of goddess should I thank? She was the one who wanted to thank the devil for help. She was the devil who was really willing to help!

Of course she didn't say this out loud, and handed little Evan to Guy, watching Guy hug little Evan and lead Adele away. Adele walked away and still waved back to her.

Anna was a little worried about the body of the Son who was possessed by the devil. She didn't delay on the way and quickly returned to the Son's bedroom.

The devil was still leaning against the table, his eyes slightly closed. The cold sweat on his forehead had dried up, but his face was still as pale as paper.

Anna paused, her conscience that had just been soothed felt a little uncomfortable.

She walked over quietly, and as soon as she reached the devil, he opened his eyes and looked at her from below.

"Lord Holy Son, can I help you go to bed?" Anna asked softly. She knows that people should not listen to loud sounds when they are dizzy and have a headache, as it will aggravate the symptoms.

Anna's soft words really made Rotgar feel comfortable. Seeing her getting closer, he allowed her to help him back to bed, but he couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Balaam was still sure that he would lose the bet, but he really underestimated him.

Looking at Anna's appearance now, she will take the initiative to approach him in two days. The church couldn't save her brother, but he saved her. She clearly had intentions for him, but she didn't dare because she was afraid of the Holy See. Now that the Holy See's priest has let her down, she may have understood that he is strong enough to protect her and her. family, and he also told her that he fell in love with her at first sight, and she would never let go of this opportunity.

Rotgar's head was indeed dizzy. Most of his body weight was on Anna, and she supported him back to the bed.

The Holy Healing Technique just now depleted his mental energy, which took him a day to recover, but seeing Anna's reaction, he felt it was worth it.

Anna helped the devil lie down on the bed, covered him with a blanket, and tucked him in.

She stood by the bed and looked at him, her mood was really complicated.

He was really trying his best to save little Evan, but she knew his background and ultimate goal very well, which caused her feelings towards him to be somewhat divided.

On the one hand, he who wanted to harvest her soul was undoubtedly evil, but on the other hand, she couldn't help but wonder, even if he was a devil, would he have a good side

Rotgar was already ready to sleep, but the strong presence of Anna still standing beside the bed made him open his eyes.

He couldn't help but frowned when he looked at her expression that seemed to be struggling.

Was she eager to offer her body to him

Rotgar originally wanted to wait two days for her to take the initiative to show her intention to get closer before proposing and "accept his proposal". This was the content of his bet with Balaam.

But if she takes the initiative now, it doesn't hurt that he tells her in advance. He hates the body of the Holy Son very much, and the sooner he succeeds, the sooner he can leave.

"will you marry me?"

Although Rotgar's words were a question, in fact when he asked, he was very sure that she would agree. He was even prepared to come out of the Holy Son's body as soon as she agreed.

He thought that her expression would be very beautiful when the time came.

Anna was still entangled in her perception of the devil, but when she heard his words, she was instantly frightened and replied almost without thinking: "No!"

Then she made up for it: "I cannot blaspheme you."

Rotgar thought impatiently, women are really troublesome when they say what they say and mean what they say. They obviously have great ideas, but they still say no.

"The Holy See will not know," he said.

Anna followed his words and said: "But the goddess will know... Lord Holy Son, you are the most elegant and holy, please don't let me insult you."

Rotgar frowned and sneered: "The person who saved your brother was not the goddess, but me."

"Yes, I know, so I am very grateful to you." Anna said, "I am willing to pray to the goddess day and night, and pray that your injury can recover as soon as possible. This is the only thing I can do for you."

After Anna finished speaking, she saw that the devil's expression was really ugly. Although she refused decisively, she actually felt very uneasy every time she refused.

She was too afraid that the demon would overturn the table.

Therefore, seeing that the devil seemed to be ready to abandon the skin of the Holy Son at any time and come out to kill her, Anna took a deep breath and quickly squatted down by the bed, imagining a person who had just received the great favor of the Holy Son who did not know the true story of the "Holy Son". A civilian girl should have, or rather could use, a reaction to calm down the demon's emotions at this moment.

Anna stretched out her hand and gently grabbed a corner of the blanket. Her eyes wandered as if she didn't dare to look at the devil, and she whispered softly: "But... if you, Lord Holy Son, want my body, I..."

As if she was too shy, she did not continue.

Anna knew very well that the devil wanted her soul and was not interested in her body. He had rarely had physical contact with her before. Therefore, in fact, she said this deliberately because she was certain that he would not be able to do anything to her according to her words.

After hearing Anna's rejection, Rotgar really thought about it for a moment.

The experience of possessing the Holy Son was so bad that his patience plummeted. What he could endure in the past became unbearable now.

But then, Anna's words and her expression brought him back to his senses.

Compared to her refusal to let go before, her reaction now satisfied him much more.

He calmed down and thought about it. It might take some time for her to really not be afraid of the Holy See. Her courage is sometimes really timid.

Of course Lotgar had no interest in Anna's body, although he always heard Balan say that if you conquer a woman's body, you can conquer her heart.

He dismissed this. If he wanted to conquer Anna's heart, he didn't need to rely on that kind of thing.

Rotgar thought for a while, vaguely remembering the love words Parrish once said to someone. After leaving the possessed body, his memories of what he had received would become increasingly blurry until he forgot them all.

"What I love is your soul, not your body."

Ana was shocked. Did she say it so bluntly? !

She thought that it was precisely because he didn't know that she had seen through him that he spoke his true words as love words. After all, in the eyes of the people who don’t know the truth, this is really a beautiful love quote.

Luckily she knows everything.

"Lord Holy Son..." Anna covered her face and looked at the devil, looking very moved, and then said shyly, "Please rest first, you have worked really hard today."

Rotgar was very satisfied with Anna's reaction. He knew that Parrish's memory would come in handy. Most of the women who heard his love words in Parrish's memory were eventually conquered by him.

Those love words before were of no use to Anna. After all, she was the wrong person.

Seeing that Rotgar had closed his eyes and slept, Anna got up and sat down at the table, with her back to the bed, and the expression on her face relaxed.

The devil is a devil, and he has a purpose for doing good things, all for the sake of getting her soul.

She was very grateful for his help today, but it would be the same in the future.

Because his mental strength was exhausted again, Rotgar lay in bed and slept for the next whole day.

Anna stayed in the bedroom with him, silently reciting and reviewing what she had learned before.

She couldn't forget the sixty methods of killing monsters that she had painstakingly memorized. She had worked so hard to memorize them before!

Anna saw DiBian in the evening and told him the news that little Evan had recovered from his illness.

Dibian heard that it was the Holy Son who treated little Evan under the pressure of excessive use of mental power. He said with emotion: "Excessive use of mental power will be very painful. That Holy Son is indeed a kind person."

Anna thought to herself, it is indeed merciful, as long as her soul does not want her body.

She didn't want to continue talking about demons, so she asked Dibian about similar mental disorders.

She was quite happy to hear Dibian say that it would take two months to heal the injury, which would give her enough time to learn spells. However, now that Dibian has become her friend, she certainly hopes that he will get well soon.

Dibian smiled and said: "I recovered faster than I expected. I was mentally injured before, and I have been recovering slowly while on the run. I couldn't rest well, and I couldn't concentrate on meditation. The recovery was very slow. I estimated that it would take two years." Months. But now you bring me food every day, and I can concentrate on meditating day and night. I feel much better these days, and I should be able to fully recover in another half month."

"Great!" Anna was really happy for Dibian, even if it meant that he would leave soon. He was being hunted down here, and it was very dangerous to stay in one place.

"It's all thanks to you, Anna, thank you," DiBian said.

Anna smiled and said: "We are friends, saying this is too foreign. You led me to the path of a mage, do I still have to pay you? I don't have gold coins, so don't say those words of thanks again, you Just let me take advantage and let’s put an end to this between us.”

Dibian was infected by Anna's playful smile and couldn't help but laugh: "Okay, then let's write it off!"

In the next two days, Rotgar did not use any spells, so his mental strength recovered quickly. He no longer had to lie sickly in bed, which made him feel much better.

At noon, Anna went to pick up lunch. He casually walked to the balcony to look at the scenery, but saw Anna being stopped by Ulysses downstairs.

When he heard Ulysses say that he would take Anna away from here, he became furious.

How dare you steal people from him!