Rejected the Demon’s Marriage Proposal Thousands of Times

Chapter 44: The mage makes money quickly


Rotgar originally planned to walk more quickly, but after seeing Anna approaching from the corner of his eye, he unconsciously slowed down.

She was dressed in a red riding outfit, outlining her exquisite body lines, and the scene of her hurriedly running towards him was inexplicably pleasing to the eye.

Anna quickly ran to the devil, and saw that his body was still facing forward, but he turned his head slightly to look at her. She couldn't help complaining in her heart: She had clearly gone to Meditation Room No. 1 to find her, and now he still came to "Hero" "Save the beauty." At this moment, he is showing off his aloof air as "I don't want to talk to you." It's weird for her to believe it.

"Thank you very much for your help just now, otherwise I don't know how I would be bullied by them. I am new here and I really don't know how to deal with them." Anna casually gave the two girls a big blame, with a sincere expression. "Thank you very much. Can I know your name? If there is anything I can do to help you in the future, I will not shirk it."

The two girls who were detained: What did we do? Haven't you done anything yet

Rotgar felt very comfortable seeing Anna's expression of gratitude, but he felt that Anna was not a person who would suffer losses, and there were too many exaggerations in her words.

It can be seen that she said this deliberately to approach him and show her favor to him... Wait, Anna only has magic in her heart, how can she show her favor to a man

According to his original idea, it would take a long time to slowly dispel Anna's wariness and slowly enter her life, so that when she has a good impression of him, he can successfully propose and complete the bet.

But now, as soon as he took action, Anna came running over, and it didn't feel right no matter how he thought about it.

Rotgar, who was full of confidence in himself just now, had some doubts about his initial judgment after considering Anna's past actions.

He suddenly remembered that Anna didn't have enough gold coins, and learning spells required a lot of gold coins. Could it be that she wanted to get financial help from Raymond


After a moment's thought, Rotgar chose the original route.

According to his past experience, Anna has always rejected men who came to his door. Even though she came over to thank him now, and seemed to be deliberately trying to get close to him, but he felt that if he really responded, maybe he The body is useless.

There is no better body in this association, and he doesn't want to change it yet.

Therefore, facing Anna's earnest gaze, Rotgar said with an indifferent expression: "No need."

Then he walked away without hesitation.

If it weren't for the fact that her eyes could still see the devil in Raymond's body, and it was still the old devil, Anna would almost have thought she had made a mistake.

Didn't this devil always chase her to propose marriage before? Why did you suddenly change your gender

Anna was still hesitating whether her "good impression" of the devil had been passed on perfectly, but she heard the ridicule of the two girls.

The tall girl said: "Raymond was just passing by. Some people don't really think he took action on purpose, right?"

"That's right! Beauty but not beauty, identity but not status, talent but not talent. I don't know how some people can be so shameless and want to rely on others. They really have no self-awareness!" Another shorter girl echoed, full of enthusiasm. There was a sarcastic smile on his face.

Anna didn't feel anything at all. She didn't take this kind of cynicism seriously at all, didn't she even dare to name him

She wants to become a five-star mage. If she takes a few promotion exams for such little minions, she can leave them far behind.

But Natalie didn't think so. She always felt that these two people were causing trouble for Anna because of her. Now that Raymond had left, they were still laughing at Anna. She couldn't help but raise her voice: "Ray Did you forget what Mond said just after he left?"

Because of Raymond's extremely cold attitude towards Anna, Natalie didn't think that Raymond was deliberately saving Anna, but this did not prevent her from using Raymond to oppress others.

The two girls looked at each other, Raymond's cold voice echoing in their minds.

Although he is indeed very cold towards this commoner, it is also true that he prevented them from finding trouble before... The Raymond family has a higher title than theirs, and his own mage level is higher than theirs, and he has never understood how to show mercy to women. If they Really piss him off and who knows what he'll do

"You give..."

The tall girl wanted to say harsh words, but as soon as she started speaking, Anna smiled and said, "Misfortune comes from your mouth. Are you really not going to restrain yourself?"

The tall girl was stunned and glared at Anna angrily. After all, she still had some scruples, pulled her companion and left.

Natalie walked up to Ana and said with a guilty look on her face: "Anna, it's all my fault that they come to trouble you."

"It has nothing to do with you. They are probably jealous of my talent, so they want to suppress me in advance and strangle me in the cradle." Anna said casually, "Don't worry, true geniuses will not be suppressed."

Natalie looked at Anna in surprise with wide eyes. Although she trusted Anna inexplicably, she said that she was a real genius...

She asked in shock: "Really? How do you know you are a genius?"

"I just know." Anna said and took Natalie's hand, "Let's go to the library. Teacher Lyon gave me a book list, and I can't wait."

"Book list?" Natalie took two steps to follow Anna.

Anna's expression was very mysterious, and she lowered her voice and said, "After reading this list, I am guaranteed to be able to pass the one-star mage exam."

"Wow..." Natalie exclaimed, then quickly covered her mouth, suppressing her excitement and whispered, "So this legendary book list really exists! How did you get it from Master Lyon?"

Anna wondered: "Is this book list difficult to get? I asked Master Lyon to help me make a book list, and he just wrote it for me."

"It's that simple?"

"What else? I don't have gold coins to buy it from him."

"It's so simple..."

On the next walk to the library, Natalie fell into confusion.

Master Lyon’s must-read book list for a one-star mage is a legend that has been circulating for a long time. He has served as a teacher for introductory courses for many mage apprentices. The “must-learn book list for a one-star mage” came from the mouths of those people. But when they talked about it, they were very secretive, and it seemed that not many people actually had a book list in their hands. She still didn't know the specific title of the book list.

When they arrived at the library, Anna took out the book list and started to search according to the pictures. Natalie suddenly came back to her senses. She seemed to understand something.

She tried her best to inquire, but couldn't get anything. Anna just asked directly and got the book list.

Sometimes, some things are so simple!

Seeing Anna standing on tiptoes to reach the books on the top of the bookshelf, Natalie quickly ran over to hold Anna's waist. She was shorter than Anna, so of course she couldn't help reach the books.

Judging from the titles listed on the book list, these books can be read in the order listed on the book list. Although these books cannot be borrowed, there is no limit on the number of books you can take from the bookshelf, as long as you put a bookmark on the book when you take it out.

Afraid of getting confused, Anna took the first five books on the list for the first time, and then found a corner to browse through them quickly. In order to develop a special training plan for Natalie and herself, she had to know what she was going to learn next.

Anna mainly reads the preface and table of contents of each book. While reading, she records it on the paper provided by the library. Afterwards, she will read the entire book at a very fast speed and leave a rough impression.

This set took ten minutes to complete a book, which shocked Natalie who was sitting aside reading the book while peeking at Anna.

When Anna picked up the second book, she said in a very low voice: "Anna, do you remember everything?" If Anna can remember it when reading a book like this, no wonder she can call herself a genius!

Anna said matter-of-factly: "Of course I didn't remember it. How can I have such a good memory?"

"Then what are you..."

Anna simply stated her plan: "I'll first take a look at how many things we need to learn next and what they are, so that we can make a plan and allocate the proportion of special training time between theory and practice."

Every time Natalie was about to take the examination for promotion, she would improvise and look for books that were almost torn through. Without any systematic plan, she would pick up a hammer and a stick here and there, and finally read something on her own. It was also vague, but because she read more and took more tests, she almost always passed.

So when she heard Anna's plan, she nodded in understanding: "It sounds so awesome..."

Anna smiled. This was the ability she had developed over many years of compulsory education and higher education. While this Mage Association seemed to provide a school-like environment, in fact it was still a master-apprentice system. It would have been impossible to develop such abilities as hers. Very normal.

Anna continued her "shuffling through the books". After an hour, she had read through all five books. She put the books back, replaced them with five more, and continued the process.

Three hours later, Anna stretched. She has read through all fourteen books on the reading list, and already has a preliminary plan for how to conduct special training in the next two months.

Looking at Natalie again, she was already drowsy because she was bored with waiting. Her little head was moving little by little, and a few strands of hanging blond hair were dangling by her nose. She seemed to feel a little itchy and couldn't help but scratch it. He scratched his nose, but in a daze he forgot that his arm was supporting his head, and his body suddenly tilted, and his chin hit the table.

Before her chin made close contact with the table, Anna stretched out her hand to block it.

Natalie was so frightened that she woke up and looked up at Anna blankly. Since her chin was still in Anna's palm, Anna couldn't help but think of those funny and cute videos and couldn't help but laugh. Then she gently used force to lift Natalie up.

"Have you slept enough?" Anna whispered, handing a book to Natalie, "Read the first chapter before dinner. I will check it after reading it."

When Natalie heard "spot check", she was excited and quickly took the book. She saw that the title was "Intrinsic Properties of Natural Elements". She thought to herself that she had memorized the intrinsic properties of natural elements, but seeing that Anna picked up a book called "Basics of Potions" and started reading it after finishing the instructions, she had no choice but to suppress her doubts and go with it. Looked attentively with a hint of nervousness.

She was already frightened by the assessment, and when she thought about Anna's random inspection later, she felt her whole body tense up.

Anna originally wanted to start reading from the first book on the list, but thinking that Leon would take her to take an introductory potion course tomorrow, she planned to do a preview first.

In the "book flipping" just now, Anna has roughly understood that the preparation of potions is similar to a chemical experiment, except that there are natural elements at the bottom of the world, so the raw materials and process of preparing potions have a bit more metaphysical meaning.

For example, if the sap of plant A and the seeds of plant B are enveloped in concentrated light elements, a magic potion will be generated. If they are enveloped in concentrated natural elements, they may explode.

This book "Basics of Magic Potions" mainly talks about the basic principles of potion preparation, common methods of preprocessing potion raw materials, several commonly used potion formulas and preparation methods, etc. All in all, they were very basic things, and the final preparation method was very operable. Even without Leon in class, she could successfully prepare the potion according to the process in the book.

It took Anna a while to memorize the basic principles of potion preparation. This was the foundation. Although the rest of the content was practical, it was just details. Knowing the basic principles, she can then tailor the potion recipe and preparation process to make it personal.

During her previous visit to Black Cloud City, Anna discovered that mages actually have distinct personal characteristics when casting spells. There are only a few basic spell circuits, but the same spell can be realized with different spell circuits. Some of the standard spell circuits that Dibian drew for her are actually just templates. After a slightly talented mage learns them, they will perform certain fine-tuning.

Just like programmers writing code for a function, some people write cumbersome code, while others write simple, clear and aesthetically pleasing code. There may be no difference between the two in terms of functional performance, but the memory occupied during runtime is very different. .

In the same way, when a mage casts the same spell, everyone seems to be making a small fireball, but the one who has fine-tuned the spell circuit is likely to consume very different mental energy. In a battle, if others have no blue and you still have blue, don't you win

Anna read "Basics of Potions" and found that potions follow the same idea as spell circuits. Remember the principles, and you can adjust the formula and preparation process yourself during preparation, and ultimately get a potion with better effects.

Of course, that will only happen after she has learned it to a certain extent. Before that, she will not consider blindly changing it.

Primary school chickens must abide by the experimental regulations!

After finishing the preview for tomorrow's class, Anna put down the book and looked at Natalie, and found that she had already read the last part of the first chapter. Perhaps because of Anna's leading role, Natalie was taking notes while reading.

Anna took another piece of paper and wrote some short answer questions based on her memory and the notes she had taken before. After Natalie turned the last page of the first chapter, she pushed the "question paper" over.

Anna didn't need to say anything. Natalie knew what it was as soon as she saw the content. She sighed in her heart and started writing honestly.

Anna hasn't shown her strength yet, but Anna's attitude of reading has already conquered Natalie.

After Natalie finished the test questions, Anna nodded after reading it. Natalie had a good grasp of the first chapter. This is not surprising. Just like some people memorize vocabulary, the first word in the vocabulary book is always "abandon". It's so delicious.

The two put the books back to their original places, tidied up the desktop, and cleared away their personal traces before leaving the elementary library.

At this moment, the sun was setting in the west, and the sky and earth were shrouded in dim light.

Anna looked into the distance, her eyes a little unfocused. A month ago, she was still working as a maid at the Earl's Mansion in Blue Stone City, leaving early and returning late. Unexpectedly, she was now living a study life like a student.

She misses her family far away in Blue Stone City a little bit, and hopes they can live well.

The sentimentality was only momentary. Anna looked away and said to Natalie: "I'm going to have a meal before going home. You go back first." The free canteen of the Mage Association is free of charge.

"Then I want it too!" Natalie hugged Anna's arm and said coquettishly.

Natalie has always been a lively person, but staying in the library all afternoon left her feeling suffocated, so she immediately returned to her natural self after coming out.

Of course, Anna had no reason to object. The two had dinner together in the cafeteria. Anna heard all kinds of gossip related to the association and felt quite satisfied.

Natalie's family was a noble after all, and a carriage came to take her home. She reluctantly said goodbye to Anna, but Anna did not go home immediately, but went to the task bar that Natalie said.

The task bar was covered with various papers, all of which were handwritten task requirements. Some of the papers seemed to have been washed away by the years. She took a look and saw that they were from a long-term purchaser of certain magic potion ingredients. The task was issued by a two-star mage.

She remembered reading in "Basics of Potion" that this kind of raw material plant was very common, but the pre-processing was very troublesome. Nobles who were not short of money would definitely be too lazy to do this kind of mechanical work.

Anna carefully scanned all these tasks and felt that this way of making money was very promising.

This taskbar is actually a bit embarrassing. Those who can become mages are either nobles or civilians with rich families, and these tasks are time-consuming and labor-intensive. Except for some tasks given by three- and four-star mages, some people take them in order to make friends with each other. The remaining tasks of one- and two-star mages are actually No one cares about it.

Everyone needs to cultivate diligently, who has time to be a cheap labor force (for a mage) for others

But these tasks are very suitable for Anna.

Just like the pre-processing task of the two-star mage just now, a mage apprentice who has learned potions can do it. One gold coin and twenty raw materials, and the pre-processing of one raw material takes one or two hours. If she doesn't learn it, she can just give it to others. After completing the task, she can make the raw materials for one gold coin in two days. Believe it or not, she can make that two-star mage go bankrupt!

Anna couldn't help but sigh again, the mage is really a profession that costs money quickly and makes money quickly.

Considering that she could not take on any tasks yet, Anna had no choice but to reluctantly look away and look at the notice board casually.

At a glance, she saw the two big words "WARNING" on a newly posted piece of paper, and read it with interest.

She was happy after seeing half of it.

It turned out that this was a severely worded warning notice to Raymond Byledeford, criticizing him for casting spells at will in the association's non-spell zone without complying with the association's special regulations. I hope he will learn from it. I won’t do it again in the future.

In the association, there are many places where spells can be used, including meditation rooms, pharmacy rooms, martial arts arenas, etc. However, in some living areas, there are many civilian workers. In order to prevent accidental injuries, the use of spells is prohibited in the living areas.

Unexpectedly, the devil would also be notified and criticized one day. This is too funny.

Anna couldn't help but laugh. Even though the devil was standing up for her at the time, he had bad intentions and she didn't suffer at the time, so she couldn't accept his favor.

Suddenly someone appeared next to her. Anna looked sideways, but she didn't expect that the other person turned out to be Leon.

Leon scanned the taskbar, found the top piece of paper, pulled it off and put it away. In order to avoid having two people working on a one-time task at the same time, the task paper will be torn off and taken away when deciding to do the task.

After Leon put away the task, he turned around and looked at Anna. Anna quickly said: "Hello, Teacher Leon!"

Leon shook his head slightly: "Don't call me teacher outside of classes."

Anna remembered that teachers in this world really couldn't scream, especially mages. Teachers were even responsible for the evil deeds of their students.

"Sorry, I don't quite understand these rules yet. Thank you very much for your reminder, Master Lyon." Anna corrected her mistake in time.

Leon nodded, his eyes flashing past the warning notice.

Anna noticed Leon's behavior and suddenly remembered that Natalie had gossiped with her before. Leon and Raymond were somewhat of a lifelong enemy, which was why he rudely slammed the door on "Raymond"'s face in the morning.

Now seeing that "Raymond" was criticized in the notice, although Leon seemed expressionless at the moment, he was actually quite happy, right

No matter what others think, she is happy anyway.

Anna wanted to say something to the warning notice, but before she spoke, she caught a glimpse of the demon not far away from the corner of her eye.

The demon's presence was much stronger than Raymond's, and she saw the demon before she even saw Raymond, but she pretended she didn't.

What would the devil think when he saw her and Leon meeting "privately" outside of class? I'm afraid she thinks she is very interested in Leon, right

She couldn't let him have this misunderstanding!

In order for herself to complete tasks and earn money as soon as possible, she must attend tomorrow's Potions class, and in order to attend Potions class well, she must protect Teacher Lyon's body!

Anna turned around and looked at the warning notice, and suddenly sighed: "Mage Raymond used spells just to help me. It's all my fault. He is such a good person."

Leon's voice was colder than before: "Even if he happened to help you at that time, it was just a coincidence."

Anna looked at Leon with some surprise. In her eyes, Teacher Leon was serious and responsible, and had a good personality. She didn't expect that there would be such a sharp tone one day.

Of course she wouldn't think that Leon was jealous out of his affection for her. He had a grudge against Raymond, so his words against Raymond didn't sound good. Because of her student filter, she felt that Teacher Lyon would not be unreasonable and it must be Raymond's fault.

Meeting Ana's surprised gaze, Leon seemed to realize his gaffe. He said, "I have applied for Pharmacy No. 5. See you at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

After he finished speaking, he nodded slightly and turned to leave.

Anna only glanced at his back, then turned her head to look at the warning notice again, and remained silent for a long time.

—The devil is still watching, she must continue acting!

On the surface, Rotgar pretended not to care about Anna, but in fact he was very concerned about her whereabouts, so he knew that she stayed in the library all afternoon without changing places.

She really cared about magic the most.

Rotgar had calmed down a lot when he saw Anna and Leon together in front of the bulletin board just now.

What she cares about most is spells. He can't compare to spells. How can Leon be able to compare with them

He knew that Anna had seen him. After Leon left, he simply walked over and stood in front of the warning notice. He didn't even glance at Anna, but said sarcastically: "Don't get me wrong, I just have itchy hands. You have nothing to do with it.”

After saying that, he left, leaving Anna messy in the wind.

No, the devil used to propose marriage like a domineering president, but now he is acting in a school idol drama? Duplicity and a tsundere school bully setting