Rejected the Demon’s Marriage Proposal Thousands of Times

Chapter 64: The devil reacted greatly


After Rotgar and Anna decided on the general direction of the secret shooting, they followed quietly.

Compared with the devil, Hansen's recovery ability is obviously far behind. Judging from his slow walking posture, he may not have recovered much at all.

Anna thought about the magic circuit that the devil taught her before. It was very simple, but had miraculous effects. Because of this, the devil's mental power recovered so quickly, right

She looked at Hansen's back and was a little curious about how Hansen dared to come to the association alone, wasn't he afraid of meeting a devil? Could it be that he thought that since she accepted compensation on behalf of the devil, he could face the devil with peace of mind? Innocent!

Anna could never forget that day when she sat high in the tree, looking down at the demon who was fighting bloody battles but was powerless.

As for Hansen, the culprit, maybe he could be spared his life, but he could avoid the death penalty, but he could not escape the living crime. She felt uncomfortable if she didn't beat him up.

Anna quietly tugged on the devil's sleeve and whispered: "You should be more under control, just give him a beating, don't kill him."

Rotgar was silent for a while.

Ana paused and grabbed his sleeve: "If you want to kill him, then I won't go, and you don't want to go either."

Being beaten up and being killed are not the same thing at all. If Hansen was beaten up, he would have to suffer the consequences without any evidence, but if he was killed, his entire family would be in action, which would be very troublesome. She hadn't taken the exam yet, so she didn't want to do it now. Run away to other places!

Rotgar lowered his head and glanced at Anna's hand. Her fingers were tugging on his sleeve so tightly that veins popped out.

"Just giving you a beating will relieve your anger?" Rotgar asked. He didn't care. After all, he was not in a hurry. When Anna's matter was over, he could kill Hansen when he left.

Anna nodded vigorously: "If you can do it, I can do it. If you can't do it, just endure it. There will be a day of revenge."

"Okay, then don't kill him." Rotgar responded. In fact, he didn't need to beat Hansen now, but since Anna was so interested, he was willing to play with her.

Anna smiled: "We agreed! If you regret killing him, I will report you to the association!"

Rotgar only thought Anna was joking and reminded: "If you don't chase her, he will go far away."

Anna nodded and said: "Yes, someone will pick him up when he leaves the association. We have to stop him before he leaves the association!"

A few minutes later.

Hansen has been staying at home since he was lucky enough to survive. The trauma healed quickly with the Holy Art, but the damage caused by mental exhaustion had to be healed slowly. He had been recovering for so many days but his progress was slow and he couldn't sit still. So when the family wasn't paying attention, he went to the association's advanced library to see if there was any way to speed up the recovery of his mental power.

But he couldn't find any useful information after half a day, so he had no choice but to go home first.

As soon as he walked near the martial arts arena, Hansen heard a subtle sound.

In fact, the martial arts arena is not lively during the day. At night, the door is simply closed and there is no one there. Unlike the meditation room and pharmacy room, there are people on night shift. Under the dim moonlight, Hansen couldn't see clearly what was far away, but the voice came from the corner of the martial arts arena. He stopped and quickly heard clearly that it was a female voice. And the content of the sound…

"Don't... Raymond, don't be here..." The female voice was very soft, as if she was afraid of being discovered, suppressed, breathy, and sweet as hell, "Don't use such force, my husband will find out if you leave traces. "

Suddenly, a female hand grabbed the edge of the wall with a snap, and veins popped out from the force.

Hansen was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that someone was having an affair! Moreover, the person who was having an affair was Raymond and a married lady!

Most people would choose to leave without listening at this time. To boldly step forward and be invited to join is an indescribable plot. To boldly step forward and want to catch the traitor and attack him is what Hansen was thinking at the moment.

He had always regarded Raymond as a thorn in his side. Not only was he defeated by Raymond in the martial arts field, but he was also defeated in a humiliating way. He always held a grudge until that time when Raymond refused to save him near the line of life and death, he Deliberately leading the monster to find Raymond and his party. At that time, he was just trying to save himself. Later, when he learned that Raymond was not dead, he knew that their feud was forged.

He was not willing to apologize. If Raymond had been willing to save him at that time, what happened later would not have happened at all. Raymond had brought it upon himself! But in order to settle the dispute, his uncle sent William butler to apologize to Raymond, but kept him at home.

Why did he have to hide at home like a lost dog, but Raymond didn't? This time he avoided his family and came to the association because he had no vindictive thoughts.

After hearing the content of the female voice, Hansen's hatred for Raymond instantly surged into his heart. He had only one thought in his mind - to embarrass Raymond!

It was nothing more than an affair, and it was even stolen into the association. It just so happened that Raymond was injured now. He heard from the woman that he couldn't even defeat a one-star mage now, so he took advantage of them to suddenly knock them unconscious while they were intoxicated, and then lured others over to make them lose face. No one would find out he did it.

Hansen approached cautiously, and the gold element had condensed on his hand. This gave him a splitting headache as his mental strength had not yet recovered, but he gritted his teeth and endured it.

As Hansen approached, the hand that was originally gripping the edge of the wall retracted, but thin sobs could be heard from time to time.

Hansen, not doubting that he was there, quietly approached the corner and suddenly jumped out, his hand wrapped in gold elements raised.

But there were no two entangled bodies in front of him as he imagined. He only saw a petite person squatting in the corner.

Then the back of his neck hurt and he didn't know anything else.

Rotgar was very aggressive.

After Hansen fell, Rotgar kicked him on the lower back with a cold face. The heavy blow with his toes covered in gold elements made Hansen groan in pain even as he was unconscious.

Anna hurried over to stop him, and whispered advice and guidance: "Be gentle, what if you beat him to death! Don't use magic, just punch and kick, slap him in the face!"

Under the moonlight, Anna saw that the devil's face was full of anger, and he was a little more murderous than before they ambush. She wondered if he had changed his mind and wanted to kill Hansen, but she saw him suddenly look at When he came over, his eyes seemed a little red under the moonlight, which sent a chill down her spine.

What are you doing? Why does it look like you want to kill her too? She is obviously on the same side with him this time!

Rotgar took a deep breath to suppress his murderous intention towards Hansen.

Just now, he and Anna took a shortcut to Hansen. Anna said it would be better to lure Hansen to a secluded place before taking action, so she asked him to ambush on one side, while she hid not far from him and waited for Hansen to appear. , she immediately made a sound.

Rotgar was stunned when he heard the voice from Anna's mouth. He looked over in disbelief, but Anna was listening intently to Hansen's voice, her expression was very serious, but the sweetness in her disguised voice The greasiness made his spine stiffen.

He had been to Balan's messy banquets and was no stranger to such sounds. He had a strange feeling almost as soon as her voice sounded.

My heart beat faster, my scalp was numb, blood seemed to be boiling in my blood vessels, even the corners of my eyes were red, my mouth was dry, and I swallowed saliva unconsciously.

This uncontrollable feeling made Rotgar clenched his fists hard. After a brief moment of shock, uncontrollable anger surged in his chest.

The human body is really useless and can be easily affected by the outside world!

Because he was a little distracted, Rotgar almost missed the best opportunity for a sneak attack, and when he regained consciousness, he made a heavy move.

Hansen also heard Anna's voice just now.

Without even realizing it, he almost caused irreparable damage to Hansen's body for reasons that suddenly popped into his head, until Anna stopped him.

At this moment, Anna's voice had already returned to normal. Seeing that the demon's murderous intention had receded, she felt relieved. She squatted down, turned Hansen over, and slapped his face twice, which was still bearable: "This They were fighting for me and Natalie, asking you to harm others!"

Anna's own hand hurt after being beaten twice, but when she saw the five fingerprints on Hansen's face, she felt satisfied. She stood up and said to the devil, "Do you still want to hit me?"

Rotgar knelt down silently and punched Hansen in the face without hesitation, causing one of his teeth to fly out.

Ana swallowed subconsciously, as if it was her teeth that were knocked out.

Seeing that the demon didn't use magic, she didn't stop him. It wasn't until Hansen's four teeth were knocked out and his face was swollen like a pig's head that she quickly grabbed him: "That's enough! I'll hit him again." There were fatalities.”

Rotgar stopped after being pulled by Anna. Seeing that Hansen's face was no longer human, he straightened up and thought with a sneer, it would be best for Hansen to be beaten so that he would forget what happened tonight, otherwise...

"What are you doing standing still? Let's run away quickly!"

Under Anna's nervous urging, Rotgar was dragged away by her. However, the two did not leave immediately from the entrance of the association. Instead, they hid not far away. Otherwise, if they walked out of the association now, they would be telling others that they Is he the murderer

At the same time, Anna also wanted to confirm that the servants of the Hansen family would come to find him soon. What if Hansen died here

Rotgar stood next to Anna, looking at the excitement on her face after she had done something bad. His smart eyes were still staring at the place where Hansen was lying not far away, and his chest was rising and falling slightly as he panted.

He suddenly asked: "Where did you learn it?"

Anna didn't understand what the devil meant and turned to look at him in confusion: "What?"

Rotgar said with a cold face: "Bed."

Anna's face turned red when she heard that straightforward word: "How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air! Mine is obviously a perfect bait to lure Hansen here!"

Because of the tight schedule, Anna had no time to think about how to lure Hansen here. She felt that Hansen should be very hostile to "Raymond", but if "Raymond" showed up directly, Hansen would not be stupid. , must run.

Therefore, the element of "Raymond" must be there, and secondly, Hansen must believe that "Raymond" is seriously injured and has no time to take care of him at the moment, so he has a chance to succeed.

Therefore, Anna casually made up a plot in which "Raymond is obsessed with having an affair with a woman who has a husband and is mentally injured and cannot even beat her one-star mage husband." Look, isn't this very effective? Hansen really thought he could succeed in a sneak attack, but little did he know that the mantis was stalking the cicada and the oriole behind him.

But it doesn't matter even if Hansen doesn't fall for the trick. This encounter was a surprise. If he can't beat him this time, he will beat him next time. There will always be a chance.

Seeing that Anna didn't answer, Rotgar's expression became even colder: "Where did you learn that?"

Anna, who was a little frightened when she saw the devil's expression, answered honestly: "... I first lived in the slums, and the soundproofing there was very poor. I overheard it." It actually came from a movie and TV series.

Rotgar's expression relaxed a little, and he almost ordered: "Don't learn it again in the future!"

Anna responded obediently: "Okay."

Why should she learn that if she has nothing to do? Just now, if she had been given more time, she wouldn't have come up with that kind of "plot". It couldn't be replicated at all.

As soon as the two reached an agreement, Hansen's servant came in. The servant didn't notice Hansen at first. After all, he was lying in a remote place. Anna had no choice but to use her mental control spell to throw a pebble over, successfully attracting The servant's attention was attracted. When the servant saw Hansen, who could not even recognize Hansen's mother, he cried and rushed towards him. He helped Hansen, who was still unconscious, and hurried out.

After the servants helped Hansen out of sight, Anna really felt like she was done and relaxed.

Revenge is such a pleasant thing.

The two of them walked out after a while to prevent Hansen's servants from seeing them.

Rotgar deliberately stayed away from Anna, but this effort was in vain. Anna's voice just now was still replayed in his mind, with high and low levels, overlapping each other. Even though the voice was distorted, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears, Even those who are familiar with it cannot recognize that it is Anna's voice.

Anna kept observing the devil on the way out of the association. Seeing that he was enveloped in low pressure, she subconsciously moved away.

Beating someone up was obviously such a pleasant thing, why wasn't he happy? Because the plan couldn't keep up with the change, was it him who didn't let Hansen know? But although Hansen was not allowed to see his face, he was probably the only one who had a grudge against Hansen at the moment. It didn't take much thinking to know that he must have done it, but Hansen could not produce any evidence at all.

No one would believe a nobleman who would hide in the dark, put a sack on him and beat another nobleman, or someone like "Raymond" who looked extremely arrogant to outsiders. Hansen could only knock out his teeth and swallow blood—oh, his teeth flew out, so he didn’t need to swallow anymore.

Anna thought about the devil's question just now and the order not to allow her to learn anymore. It was after that that he seemed to be in a bad mood.

So... the demon reacted to her voice and became very angry? Angry? Ashamed to see her

The last exclusion is that this devil is not that sweet.

Based on Anna's understanding of demons, he should be the kind of alien who looks down on humans very much and thinks "all the humans here are trash." Maybe the devil race is like this. Even Balan, who was very kind to her before, she had a vague feeling that Balan didn't treat her as an equal at all, but more like a cute pet.

It must not be a pleasant experience for the devil to look down on human beings, but to curl up in a human body to steal her soul. And because she is too stubborn, this unpleasantness has been stretched out without a time limit.

But now, due to the fragility of the human male's physiological structure, her relatively restrained voice aroused his reaction, and he felt irritated and angry. A demon actually reacted to the voice of a human woman. For a demon who looked down on humans, this was probably a great shame and humiliation.

Anna kept guessing in her mind, and this guess that she thought was the most likely explanation for the devil's current state made her want to laugh.

Devil, devil, you too have today!

Maybe the body structure of demons is different from that of humans, but today, let's taste the pain that being trapped in a weak human body has to endure!

Anna didn't know what she was proud of, but she would never show it on her face. Even after leaving the association, she immediately pretended that she didn't know what to do, waved her hand and said goodbye to the devil, and ran away quickly.

Of course Rotgar did not stop Anna. Her previous voice had been bothering him until he got out of the carriage with a gloomy face. In the confined space, the voice seemed to become clearer and clearer.

He frowned, and after signaling the coachman to drive, he immediately assumed a meditative posture, but it wasn't until the carriage stopped at home that he just barely entered the state.

This damn fragile human body!

Anna had a smile on her face until she got home. It was of course very happy to see the devil being defeated, but she had to be careful not to let this happen again in the future. It wasn't that she was afraid of what he would do to her, but that she was worried that he would get angry and abandon his old skin and kill her directly.

Aip was sitting on the meditation cushion in a daze. When he saw Anna pushing the door open, he said, "What are you so happy about?"

Anna said with a smile: "There was a bad guy who lured Warcraft to frame me and my companions before, but we just found the opportunity to secretly beat him up. That's really miserable."

Aip curled his lips: "What's there to be proud of? If you have the ability, kill him."

As soon as he finished speaking, Anna pinched his ears, and he immediately shouted: "What are you doing!"

"Children, don't hit and kill them all the time, be civilized!" Anna taught Aipu by twisting his ears.

"Who is the child!" Aip was furious, but because the ear was in Anna's hand, he could only shrink his chin and follow the direction of Anna's twisting, and at the same time said unforgivingly, "Let others be civilized, why don't you go there secretly too Did you hit someone? You are still hitting me now!"

Anna let go of Ep's poor ears, nodded and said, "It's really wrong to hit someone, so I'll let you twist it back."

As she spoke, she turned her head and exposed her ears.

Aip covered his sore ears and looked hatefully at Anna's fair ears, and then at the small flames that were quietly burning at her fingertips that might break out at any time. After a long while, he choked out a sentence: "Despicable!"

Then he lay down heavily on the meditation cushion and turned away from her.

"Aip." Anna called him from behind.

Aip snorted coldly, he would never forgive her even if she apologized.

Then I heard Anna say: "Tie it up before going to bed."

Aip was stunned and turned to look at her in disbelief, but only met Anna's smiling eyes. He hummed heavily, sat up and said menacingly: "Come on! Tie me up! Anyway, I’m used to it!”

In the more than ten days since she took Aip in, Anna never once forgot to tie him up before going to bed. After all, safety was the most important thing. Seeing his angry look, she didn't relent, and she put the rope on his hands.

But just when the rope touched Aip's hand, he suddenly twitched and fell, and then his whole body shrank into a ball, his sharp little tiger teeth biting his lips tightly, and only a little muffled groan escaped from between the teeth.

"Aip, what's wrong with you?" Anna was startled and quickly touched Aip's forehead. At this moment, there was actually a layer of sweat on his skin, and his forehead was frighteningly hot.

No, it wasn't just his forehead, his exposed skin was turning red, his whole body seemed to be burning up, and the dark lines on his face seemed to be responding to this change, becoming brighter and darker.

Aip had no time to answer Anna. Soon his lip was bitten by his teeth. The smell of blood filled his mouth. He grabbed Anna's wrist and suddenly opened his eyes to look at her. His eyes were obviously black, but they were a little red. He gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

Anna's heart was pounding, why did it seem like it would explode at any time

After Aip finished speaking, he let go of Anna. She stayed there for a few seconds, ran to the bathroom, got a basin of water, ran back and poured it over Aip's head and face with a splash.

Although it was still hot on Aipu's body, the extreme temperature of the human body could not be hot enough to evaporate the water directly. When a basin of water was poured into it, the temperature on Aipu's body seemed to drop a little.

Because she didn't know what was going on with Aip, Anna was helpless and could only squat next to him and watch him gradually calm down.

I don't know if it was her imagination, but the dark lines on his face seemed to have faded.

After the most painful episode passed, the remaining pain was negligible for Aip. He opened his bloodshot black eyes and looked at Anna, who was sitting aside and looking at him worriedly.

No one had ever cared about him like this.

He sat up slowly and heard Ana ask: "What happened just now? Are you okay now?"

There was still a dull pain in his body, but Aip didn't care. He looked at Anna with his dark eyes and said, "Next time I do this, stay away from me."

Anna frowned: "Why?... Could it be that you will explode into fireworks?"

Aip was stunned and shouted angrily: "You just exploded into fireworks!" He paused and looked confused, "What are fireworks?"

There is no such thing as fireworks here, so the "fireworks" Anna refers to are made up of the words "smoke" and "flower" in the language here.

"Forget it if you don't know. I forgive your ignorance." Anna said generously.

"You are ignorant!" Aip was so angry that his teeth itched.

Of course, people cannot explode into fireworks for no reason, and it is the same in this world with supernatural powers. Anna said that just to lighten the atmosphere.

"So are you okay now?" Anna said what she had observed, "The dark lines on your face seem to have faded a bit."

Aip was silent for a while and said: "I have a special physique. If I do that again, you don't have to worry about me and stay away from me."

Anna nodded. She actually did nothing just now. It was Aip who recovered by himself.

After a moment of silence, Anna said: "Go and wash up quickly and get some rest early."

Ep took the clothes Anna had bought for him before and went into the bathroom to change.

When Aip came out, he was faced with Anna who was holding a rope and greeted him with a smile: "Here, tie it up."

Aip stared and said, "I'm already like this, and you still want to tie me up!"

Anna said: "Yes."

No explanation at all.

Aip sat down angrily and asked Anna to tie him up. He thought angrily that it was just an illusion and she didn't care about him!