Rejected the Demon’s Marriage Proposal Thousands of Times

Chapter 74: How could you be jealous?


"I think... I'd better go to Natalie's house."

Naturally, Anna didn't choose anyone. She held Natalie's hand tightly and said with a smile, "It's just a good time for me and Natalie to consolidate what we have learned before, so I don't need to trouble you."

Rotgar was satisfied that Anna didn't choose Leon, but he was unhappy when she didn't even choose him.

He said coldly: "Burning bridges across rivers?"

"It's not that serious..." Anna laughed dryly, hugged Natalie's arm with all her might, and said quickly, "We always wash off all the sweat after practice. It's more convenient at Natalie's house."

Natalie felt Anna pinching herself gently, and quickly agreed: "Yes, yes!"

Rotgar and Leon fell silent when they heard Anna mention "bathing". This is a word that is easy to associate with others.

Seeing that the two of them, especially the devil, were really suppressed, Anna quickly said: "Then let's go first, see you tomorrow!"

Then she hurriedly pulled Natalie into the Wright family's carriage.

Rotgar and Leon, who were left behind, didn't even look at each other and left.

After calming down, Anna asked Natalie to put her down first, saying that she planned to go home and find some clothes. Natalie wanted to say that she had plenty of clothes at home, but when she looked at Anna's height and then looked at herself, she felt heartbroken. , then he said that he could wait for Anna.

Anna persuaded Natalie to go home first after some hard talking, and she went to buy some food and went home.

Anna opened the door and went in but didn't see Aip. She couldn't help but wonder if he had left. Then she saw him flash out of the bathroom, looked at her puzzled and said, "Why is it you? Didn't you say it would take a few days to come back?"

Anna put the food on the table and said while looking for her clothes: "Something happened and I have to go out again soon."

Aip walked over slowly and looked at Anna. Anna was so frightened by his look that she stopped and asked him, "What are you looking at?"

"You weren't hurt either. Why, the mage who went with you died?" he said.

Anna said angrily: "Can't you hope for something better? I was injured, but it has been cured. I let you down."

She picked up her clothes and was about to leave, but Aip said, "I don't want anything to happen to you."

Anna nodded: "I know, after all, I am your meal ticket now."

Aip didn't know what the meal ticket meant, but he could guess it from Anna's tone and context. He picked up the food Anna bought, sat cross-legged on the floor, and said vaguely while eating the food inside: "Really It’s delicious... You have to live longer, at least until I get better.”

Anna stared at him before closing the door and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely live longer than you!"

Aip was still chewing in his mouth, looking at the closed door for a long time, and his voice was still vague: "Impossible."

Anna went to Baron Wright's Mansion, and the coachman who had been driving Natalie back and forth was waiting for her outside and took her inside.

Anna had not met anyone else before meeting Natalie. She felt that this was just right, so she did not waste time and started practical training with Natalie directly.

Anna may still lack experience in dealing with monsters, but she feels she has rich experience in fighting people.

Fighting against the devil, the fighting experience he gave her was equivalent to fighting against a hundred people.

Natalie is much inferior to Anna. Not to mention the difference in talent, their practical experience is also quite different. Because Anna is now much more proficient in the Holy Healing Technique, the two of them are a little more relaxed during actual combat, and are not afraid of minor injuries.

And according to Anna's experience, there is a lot of food placed next to it, which can replenish the materials and energy needed after injury.

The two of them took a rest when they were tired. After meditating to regain their mental strength, they continued to play. Except for a brief lunch at noon, they did not waste any time.

By the end of the day, the two of them were lying on the ground as if paralyzed, with no one paying attention to their manners.

Mental strength can be restored through meditation, but physical fatigue has accumulated to the limit.

"Anna, although I'm tired... but it's so enjoyable!" Natalie gasped and sighed, her eyes seemed to be shining, "I don't want to stop at being a one-star mage... I also want to be a two-star mage. If possible, There’s also a three-star mage!”

Anna likes to see other people's positive and progressive attitude most, as if she has a partner to move forward together.

She laughed: "Okay! As long as you want, I will help you! And why stop at three-star mage? Four-star and five-star are not unthinkable!"

"Yes!" Natalie responded heavily, imagining how majestic she would look like when she became a four-star mage, and felt like her breathing was quickening.

As if she remembered something, she suddenly got up and asked Anna enthusiastically: "Anna, would you like some green plum wine?"

Ana's eyes also lit up: "Okay!"

So, the two of them helped each other get up and walked happily to Natalie's residence.

The green plum wine that Natalie was talking about was the kind that Anna almost tasted at her birthday party, but she couldn't drink it because of the devil's obstruction. Later in the association, because the devil was always there, and the two of them reviewed the plan It's relatively tight and will be forgotten after a while.

The two of them were not in a hurry to drink, and each took a comfortable bath. Then, while wiping their wet long hair, they sat down on a chair. Each of them poured a glass of green plum fruit wine, admiring the green liquid in the transparent glass. The cup is shaking slightly.

Anna pushed her almost dry long hair in front of her body, picked up the wine glass, and raised the glass to Natalie: "I wish we can all pass the promotion exam smoothly."

Natalie's face turned red, and she quickly picked up the wine glass and said, "We will definitely pass, definitely!"

Natalie had never been as confident as she was before an exam. This time she knew clearly that she could pass.

Thinking about the hardships she had suffered in the past few years, Natalie suddenly shed tears.

Ana quickly put down her wine glass, walked over and hugged her: "Why are you crying all of a sudden? I'll have to wait until the results come out to cry in celebration."

"Woooooooo... I'm actually so happy! Why am I so lucky to meet you, Anna! Maybe I, I am the goddess's favored one in the world, and she sent you to me..." Natalie cried. It must be a bit fierce, he stammered.

"I'm also very happy to meet Natalie. You are my only friend in this world." Anna touched Natalie's still damp hair and smiled.

"Really?" Natalie looked at Anna in surprise, and the tears flowed even more fiercely. "I'm so lucky! I'm so happy!"

"Okay, okay, I'm as happy as you are..."

Anna hugged Natalie and whispered softly for a while. Natalie gradually stopped sobbing. Her eyes were all red. She was embarrassed to look at Anna and whispered: "Yes, I'm sorry, I'm so rude." …”

"It doesn't matter. Of course, a true friend should be by your side when you cry." Anna returned to her seat and raised her glass, "Come and drink to our friendship."

After Anna finished speaking, she remembered the emoticon for the elderly and couldn't help but laugh. Seeing that Natalie had already started to drink from the wine glass, she took a sip without being polite.

The wine has the fragrance of plums and a very light astringency, as well as the sweetness and alcoholic flavor after fermentation. It is like the breeze under the shade of the trees on a summer afternoon, which is refreshing and refreshing.

"It tastes really good!" Anna praised and took another sip.

Seeing that Anna liked it, Natalie narrowed her eyes with a smile: "I just said it tastes good! I really like it!"

When she went back in the evening, Anna was already a little tipsy. She didn't drink too much. She only drank one glass and stopped with restraint. However, Natalie seemed to be in a good mood and drank a lot. She placed Natalie on the bed. Just left.

Anna didn't let the Wright family's coachman take her away, and walked back slowly to dispel the smell of alcohol.

The moon has come out, and tonight is the full moon. The disc-like moon hangs brightly in the sky, illuminating everything on the earth.

Because Anna was not wearing a mage robe, some blind thieves saw Anna walking on the road as a little girl and wanted to do harm to her. They were scared away by the flames coming out of her palms. Anna did not pursue the case after scaring the people away. , and walked slowly to his residence as usual.

There were many things on her mind, including the devil's deception of her and his occupation of her life, the promotion test in ten days' time, and the abnormality in the line between life and death...

She recalled that it seemed that it had been less than four months since she time traveled, but so many things had already happened, which was in line with the law that women in time travel have many things to do.

When Anna walked slowly to her residence, she suddenly found a familiar carriage parked near the house.

She walked over and knocked on the car door. The car door opened, and the devil appeared in front of Raymond's face, with an unsightly expression.

"Do you know what time it is?" Rotgar asked coldly.

Anna chuckled: "Can you care?"

Rotgar frowned. He didn't say anything in the morning, but after that, the more he thought about the "bath" Anna said, the more uncomfortable he became. Although Natalie is also a woman, but... they shouldn't wash together, right

Just as he was about to speak, the light of the moon, which had been blocked by dark clouds, suddenly shone down on the earth, and he could see clearly what Anna looked like at this moment.

The centipede braid that Anna usually tied for work convenience has long been untied, and her long reddish-brown hair is spread over her shoulders like seaweed. The fabric near the collar is slightly damp, and the shirt in the riding jacket that should be buttoned to the neck is unbuttoned. Two buttons revealed a small section of fair skin.

She squinted her eyes slightly, her lips were red, and her cheeks were also glowing red, looking lazy and sexy.

Rotgar's mind suddenly flashed back to Anna's expression after she accidentally inhaled the charm potion that day in the pharmacy.

At the same time, he smelled a very faint smell of alcohol.

"Have you been drinking?" He frowned.

The night and the alcohol made Anna fight the devil without thinking, but she was not really drunk after all. She felt happy after winning once. After hearing this, she raised her hand and made a very small gesture: "Just drank a small glass. .”

"A small cup?" Rotgar sneered unconvincingly.

Anna said: "I just drank with Natalie, just a little bit. If you don't believe me, you can smell it, but I don't smell of alcohol at all."

Anna tugged on her sleeves and stretched them out in front of the devil.

Rotgar ignored Anna's extended hand, just looked at her and said, "Anna, you said you didn't like women, weren't you lying to me?"

Ana was a little dumbfounded. Why was he still struggling with this issue? It can't be because she chose Natalie instead of him and Leon, right

However, she was really worried that the devil would possess Natalie and make things difficult for her. After thinking about it for a moment, she smiled and said, "Raymond, I chose Natalie, so are you jealous?"

Rotgar frowned, jealous? Oh, how could he, the majestic Grand Duke of the Abyss, be jealous of a human woman

He was just worried that Anna would fall in love with a woman and that all his previous efforts would be wasted!