Rejected the Demon’s Marriage Proposal Thousands of Times

Chapter 76: Demons and lovers


Anna stood on one side of the ring, opposite Leon.

In the past, Leon always stood by her side to teach her. Standing opposite her and "fighting" with her like this was a very novel experience for her.

Of course, for Leon, this is probably not a battle.

"It's time to start." Leon smiled at Anna, and as he finished speaking, the staff under the ring started timing.

Within three minutes, the examinee needs to attack the examiner as much as possible. The examiner will only defend and dodge, but will not fight back. During these three minutes, the examiner will score based on the examinee's actual performance.

After Leon said "start", Anna gathered thunder in her palms and threw it out while running towards Leon.

Her fighting style was learned from fighting the devil, so she has his shadow everywhere. If you can't hit from a distance, then use close combat, using various spells from various angles, blocking, surprise...

Anna has six affinity elements. She is highly talented and can learn every spell very quickly, so she has learned all the spells she can learn at this stage, including some one-star spells.

Six elements and six colors of light effects flashed continuously on the stage, making the young mage apprentices in the audience look dumbfounded.

They are all still children around ten years old and have not been learning spells for a long time. Although some of them are compatible with multiple elements, and even seven elements, their talents are far inferior to Anna. Learning one spell well is enough. A lot of energy has been spent. Six elemental spells like Anna's take turns to be played. Don't throw them out like mental power. The sound and light special effects are full of operations. They have never seen it in the promotion assessment of the mage apprentice. One by one His eyes widened and he couldn't take his eyes away.

The Wind Gathering Technique speeds up and adjusts the direction, the Thunder and Lightning Technique attacks head-on, golden arrows suddenly emerge from the horn knots, the water element spreads out to sneak attacks, surrounded by flames, and the light element quietly invades and triggers every time it gets close. Burning pain…

For three minutes, Anna did not spare her mental power and was full of fighting spirit. When the time was up, her mental power was almost exhausted.

Looking at Leon again, although he didn't attack Anna and seemed to be unscathed, his hair was a little messy, and some of them still had burnt marks, which was proof that Anna's sneak attack was successful.

But he smiled and gave Anna an appreciative look.

Anna was a little out of breath, smiled at Leon, bowed and said: "Thank you, Master Leon, for your advice."

When she used the wind-gathering technique to fall off the stage, applause suddenly broke out from the audience. It was sparse at first, and then merged into one. She looked at the applauding children. Their eyes were filled with admiration, and their palms were red as they clapped.

Anna smiled sheepishly. It felt good to be worshiped by a group of children.

She walked up to Natalie and laughed: "Why are you following the crowd and applauding? It's your turn."

"Anna, you are so handsome!" Natalie giggled and quickly ran to get ready to go on stage.

After Natalie left, a few bolder mage apprentices came around and asked: "Mage Anna, how did you do that fire element spell just now? It's so amazing!"

"Yes, yes, and that..."

There is no quota limit for the promotion examination, and all the mage apprentices participating in the examination are not in a competitive relationship, so they are relatively harmonious with each other.

Anna thought of Leon's patience with beginners, and she wanted to pass on this patience, so she answered patiently one by one, until the demon suddenly squeezed away the little mage apprentices who were still surrounding her, grabbed her wrist and dragged her out encircled.

Compared with Anna's friendly appearance, Rotgar's cold face was really scary. When the mage apprentices saw the two-star mage badge on his chest, they didn't dare to chase after him.

"No need to thank me." After dragging Anna out of the encirclement, Rotgar said with a cold face.

Anna: "..." I thank you for your eighteen generations of ancestors.

She didn't talk to the devil, because Natalie had already come down at this time.

While answering the questions of the little mage apprentices, Anna looked at the ring from time to time, roughly knowing Natalie's performance.

Natalie was trained with her, and actual combat naturally has traces of the devil. However, Natalie is not very talented, has less affinity elements, and is less flexible in tactics. However, it is not a big problem in actual combat.

"Anna, I'm fine too!" Natalie ran over excitedly. Originally, she wanted to hug Anna's arm, but seeing "Mage Raymond" beside her, she didn't dare to make a mistake and retracted her hand in a dignified manner.

"I saw it all, you did a good job!" Anna gave a thumbs up.

Natalie nodded repeatedly and said happily: "I will definitely pass this time!"

"Absolutely!" Anna was also happy for Natalie.

On the other side, in the shade of the trees, two beautiful girls were looking at the martial arts arena.

"Marge, I still can't forget Leon." Grace bit her lower lip and said, "I'm not willing to give in!"

Magnolia held the thick fan in her hand, lightly tapped her lips, and smiled softly: "If it were you, I wouldn't be willing to lose to a commoner."

Grace's resentful eyes fell on the civilian woman who was chatting and laughing with Natalie and Raymond under the ring. The woman named Anna was so jealous that she was fighting so close to Leon in the ring. Although Leon always said that Anna had nothing to do with him breaking off the engagement, how could she believe it

"But, what can I do? I can't do anything!" Grace said painfully, covering her face.

Magnolia held Grace's shoulders, soothed her gently, and whispered in her ear: "It's not completely impossible..."

Grace suddenly turned her head and held Magnolia's hand tightly: "Please tell me!"

Magnolia didn't care about the slight pain in her hands. She touched the ruby pendant around her neck and showed a charming smile.

Exams are also tiring. After the last project, Anna and Natalie decided to go home and rest. The results will be announced the day after tomorrow, and they can take a day off.

However, Anna only planned to rest for one day. She had already planned to take the one-star to two-star promotion test a month later, so she would continue to fight hard in the next month.

Because Rotgar insisted on sending Anna home, Anna had no choice but to get on his carriage, and when she arrived at the door of Givena's house, she insisted on watching him leave, and then walked back to buy some food.

As soon as Anna entered the house, she saw Aip lying on the floor twitching. She quickly put the things on the table, then stepped back to the door and looked at Aip.

Maybe he was twitching before Anna came. Not long after Anna waited, his body stopped twitching, and his whole body seemed to be fished out of the water, breathing heavily.

After he calmed down, he sat up, and then Anna walked over, looked at his face and said, "The dark lines have faded a lot."

Aip glanced at Anna weakly and crawled to the bathroom to take a shower with difficulty.

Anna estimated that maybe in two or three more days, the dark lines on Aip's face would disappear, and then it would be time for him to leave.

Anna felt a little sad when she thought about this. At first, she was a little uncomfortable having someone at home, but later she felt that it felt good to have someone waiting for her when she got home.

Fortunately, she was mentally prepared for separation after being targeted by the devil, so the feeling of sadness was just fleeting.

The next day was a day of rest. Anna and Natalie decided to relax, so instead of going to the Mages Association, they made an appointment to go shopping.

Anna first took Natalie to the women's clothing store she frequented to buy some nice riding clothes, and then took Natalie's carriage, like taking a city bus, to travel around Black Cloud City.

Anna started to study very hard when she arrived in Black Cloud City, and barely visited Black Cloud City. In addition, the two of them were not willing to waste their rare day off at tea parties competing with other noble ladies, so they finally decided to come here. A day trip to Heiyun City.

The first stop for the two of them was outside the lord's mansion in Black Cloud City. The lord of Black Cloud City is Dan Shilock, a marquis, one rank higher than the lord of Blue Stone City, Earl Wilson. After all, Black Cloud City is several times larger than Blue Stone City.

"When we pass the promotion assessment and become one-star mages, on the birthday of the goddess, all the new one-star mages this year will go to the Marquis of Shiloc Mansion to participate in the ceremony and officially become Baron." Natalie introduced excitedly. She said that she had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Anna thought about it and realized that there were still three months left before the goddess's birthday. In other words, after traveling for more than half a year, she had fought her way from a commoner to a noble. This is what she should do, she worked so hard.

"Did you start receiving that annual salary from that day?" Anna asked a very concerned question. Ten gold coins is a bit too little for a mage, but mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are, so it's all for nothing.

Natalie covered her lips and smiled: "Yes!"

She paused and then asked expectantly: "After I become a baronet, I will move out of my home... Then, can we live together?"

Anna was slightly startled. Personally, she was happy to live with Natalie. Aip must have left after three months. She and Natalie can rent or buy a big house depending on the price, with one floor for each person, or two people living in different bedrooms on the same floor. They go to the association to study together every day, and usually We can play together. Just think about it and you will know that it will be a wonderful life for two people living together.

Anna's stunned look was a sign of rejection in Natalie's opinion. She felt a little sad, but she quickly smiled and said: "I just said it casually! You don't have to worry about it..."

Anna shook her head. Of course she wanted to live with Natalie, but she was a little worried that this would be a strange signal to the devil...

"I'm happy to live with you, Natalie. But I'm afraid something may change by then... Let's wait three months before deciding. Do you think that's okay?" Anna smiled. What if the devil loses interest in her after three months? Then she can live a happy life together with Natalie!

Natalie didn't know what would happen, but she didn't raise any objection. She was satisfied that Anna didn't directly refuse to live with her, and she nodded vigorously and said, "Of course!"

The next stop after passing the Marquis Mansion is the Black Cloud City Church.

This church is presided over by a priest and has more than a dozen pastors. Today is not a Sunday, so there are still many people coming and going from the church.

It was not as easy to enter as the Lord's Mansion. Anna and Natalie got off the carriage nearby and walked to the church.

According to Anna's observation, Natalie is not very devout in her belief in the goddess, and this is probably a common problem among mages.

Neither of them were wearing mage robes today, let alone mage badges. One of them was wearing a pink tutu and the other was wearing an indigo riding suit. They were young and beautiful girls, and they attracted quite a lot of attention as they walked on the road.

The Black Cloud City Church was even more impressive than the Blue Stone City Church. After entering the church, Anna subconsciously looked up to the top. At the top of the church were the creation myths and miraculous stories of the Goddess of Light, which were lifelike and of great artistic value.

Anna and Natalie looked at each other, and they walked forward to the bench tacitly and sat down to pray, then got up and put money in the donation box. Natalie was more generous and put in a gold coin. Anna didn't believe in this goddess. She came in just to visit the church, so she only put in a silver coin, which was regarded as the ticket.

The two sat back on the bench for a while before leaving. Because noble girls like them are very common, the two of them did not attract the attention of the priest.

It wasn't until she got back on the carriage that Anna said, "It's so majestic!"

Anna had prayed for little Evan to go to church in Blue Stone City in the past. At that time, she was not in the mood to take a closer look, but she roughly knew what the level of the Blue Stone City church was. Now that she came to the Black Cloud City church, it was an eye-opener. There is no harm without comparison. The Blue Stone City Church originally looked very majestic, but when contrasted with the Black Cloud City Church, it looked very shabby.

"It is said that this church was built before my father was born." Natalie said with emotion, "It is really a very admirable building."

"Yes, it is a very great work of art." Anna smiled.

At this point, the two looked at each other again, each smiling and saying nothing.

What's great is the architecture.

The next stop is the largest square in Black Cloud City, White Pigeon Square. Usually the lord's servants come to feed the pigeons in the square, so these pigeons are very white and strong.

Of course, in order to prevent anyone from stealing these pigeons that are not afraid of people and eating them, there are soldiers standing guard in Baige Square every day.

Anna and Natalie bought some bread crumbs from a nearby store, walked to the center of the square, spread the bread crumbs in their palms, and waited for the pigeons who were not afraid of people to peck at them.

The pigeons felt a little pain when they pecked, but Anna didn't really care. She hadn't been so relaxed for a long time.

The pigeons suddenly dispersed with a huffing sound. Just when Anna was confused, a familiar voice sounded behind her: "Anna."

Anna turned around and saw the devil standing there wearing the riding attire of a male noble. The uniform-like riding attire gave him a more ascetic feel than when he was wearing a mage's robe.

She laughed, he was quite abstinent to begin with.

"Raymond, what a coincidence." She guessed it wasn't a coincidence, but she was in a good mood and didn't care.

Seeing the relaxation and smile on Anna's eyebrows, Rotgar felt that his heart softened, and he unconsciously slowed down his tone and said: "There is a very famous restaurant nearby, let's go together."

"Okay!" Anna said without hesitation.

Rotgar was very happy until he saw Anna holding Natalie's hand and getting into her family's carriage, and asked him to lead the way.

Fortunately, he was now a little used to Natalie doing this all the time, so he endured his anger and got into the carriage and let the coachman drive.

Although the combination of one man and two women was a little strange, it was not too weird. The waiter of this high-end restaurant led the three of them to sit down without looking away.

Opposite Anna was Rotgar, and next to her sat Natalie.

Rotgar ordered a bottle of red wine, but ordered juice for Anna and Natalie.

Anna guessed that the devil was worried about her drunken state that day. She almost kissed him, but if he slowed down a little... she stopped on her own.

The wine is a fragrant and mellow wine made in Maryland for thirty years. The waiter introduced it with a tone full of pride. The next dish is a delicious dish made with a variety of precious ingredients and exquisite baking techniques. It is full of color, flavor and taste, and the price is naturally very good.

Anna didn't look at the menu. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to eat anymore after reading it. She just kept eating and occasionally answered the devil's boring questions about where she went today.

Because Rotgar's attention was on Anna, Natalie felt very relaxed and enjoyed eating.

Therefore, the three of them were very satisfied with this meal.

After the meal, the three of them did not leave immediately in the carriage, but took a walk along the roadside.

Anna suddenly saw an opera house ahead and couldn't help but take a second look.

There is really no entertainment in this world. She almost never watched operas before the time travel, but now she suddenly became interested.

Rotgar kept paying attention to Anna, and when he saw her looking ahead, he said, "Want to see?"

Anna turned to look at him and Natalie: "Let's go see if there is any opera that happens to be on!"

There is no such high-end place in Blue Stone City, that is, only a city of the size of Black Cloud City can support an opera house.

After the three of them arrived, they discovered that the opera usually only had performances in the evening, and there was no performance this afternoon.

Anna was a little disappointed. Should she go somewhere else to play and wait until night, or should she just give up

Before Anna could think about it, she saw the devil take out a bag of gold coins and throw it into the hands of the theater manager who was apologizing.

"What plays can be performed immediately?" Rotgar asked coldly.

The theater manager subconsciously shook the gold coins in his hand. He estimated that there must be forty or fifty. There are a total of 200 seats in the theater. Including VIP rooms, one ticket sale only costs 40 gold coins. This is extra money, and he can share it directly with the actors.

He calculated the actors and prep actors who had arrived at the rehearsal, and said with a smile: "Tonight's play is "The Devil and His Lover". All the actors are here, and the distinguished guests can take their seats now. Please come this way Come."

When they heard the title of the play, Anna and Rotgar were both stunned, and when they glanced at each other, their eyes happened to meet.

Ana's heart suddenly tightened, she couldn't show anything strange!

So she raised her eyebrows and said in surprise: "It's interesting that there is such a drama. I just heard a legend about demons before."

Natalie was unaware of the undercurrent surging around her, and said excitedly and expectantly: "I have heard of this play before, and I heard it is very touching. I am so looking forward to it!"

Rotgar didn't say a word and followed the theater manager inside.

Anna was a step behind, pulling Natalie and whispering: "It's just a bit expensive... Actually we can watch it at night."

Although Natalie is also a noble, she can't help but sigh as she is about to be responsible for her own expenses: "Yeah, it's so expensive..."

Rotgar in front turned back: "Anna, follow."

Ana smiled sarcastically and pulled Natalie to follow.

The theater manager took the three of them directly to the VIP room with the best view, which was on the second floor, facing the stage. Looking down from here, the actors on the stage are rehearsing, and the scene is a little chaotic.

"Please wait a moment, you three. It will start soon!" The theater manager led the three of them to the place and quickly left to make arrangements.

After a while, a waiter brought tea and various snacks, and the stage below began to be quickly cleaned.

Anna held her chin and looked at the busy actors and staff below, looking relaxed.

She couldn't help but wonder what the play was about. She wondered how the devil race would feel after watching this opera that was supposed to be inconsistent with the facts. Just don't lift the table.

"What are you laughing at?" Rotgar noticed the slightly narrow smile on Anna's face and couldn't help asking.

Anna looked back at him, shook her head, and asked Natalie: "Natalie, do you know the main content of this opera?"

Natalie said: "I don't know the specifics. I heard that it is a tragic love story between a handsome devil and a human noble lady."

She said this with a longing expression: "Love across races is really enviable."

"You want it?" Anna asked with a smile, "If a devil appears in front of you..."

Natalie quickly shrank and said, "Then I will definitely run away! Even I know that real demons are very terrifying! They can swallow a person in one bite!"

"Nonsense!" Rotgar frowned.

Natalie was a little afraid of him, so she shrank when she heard this and didn't dare to speak out.

Anna coughed and said, "It's not that scary." After all, the devil knew that she had met the devil Balan, so it was reasonable for her to show a little familiarity with the devil.

Natalie heard that there was something in Anna's words and was a little curious, but she was afraid that "Mage Raymond" would hurt her again, so she could only blink at Anna desperately, hoping that she would continue talking.

"Devil, he is indeed handsome." Anna looked towards the stage, where final cleaning was being done.

Natalie couldn't help it: "Anna, have you seen the devil?"

Anna smiled and said: "I must have met him before coming to Black Cloud City."

"Wow, Anna, you are so awesome!" Natalie was extremely excited. If there wasn't "Raymond" next to her, she would definitely ask in detail.

"What do you think of the demon race?" Rotgar asked coldly.

Anna pretended to think, and then spoke slowly: "After all, I have only seen one demon, so it's hard to say. There is no doubt that they are very powerful."

"No more?" Rotgar frowned.

Anna said matter-of-factly: "What if? I haven't stayed with the devil for more than ten or twenty days, so of course I can't know more."

Rotgar was silent. He suddenly thought, if he had originally met Anna as a demon, with her worship of the strong and her love for magic, would he have completed the bet long ago

At this time, the curtain below was closed and the performance was about to begin.

Anna immediately looked down expectantly.

After a burst of drumbeats, the curtain opened and the performance began.

The first scene shows a beautiful girl sitting in front of the dressing table looking at herself in the mirror. She has breakable skin, passionate eyes, a tall nose, bright red lips, and golden waves. Long hair.

She sang to herself in front of the mirror: "I am the only daughter of an earl. My father dislikes that I am not a boy and cannot inherit his title. He wants my cousin to inherit his title and marry me so that he can inherit his title." The purest blood can be passed down. But my cousin is so ugly and incompetent. I really don't want to marry him."

The girl's singing clearly explained the background of the story, and then she looked at herself in the mirror in silence and began to pity her sad fate.

At this time, a burst of smoke flashed, and a man dressed in black appeared in the girl's room. The girl was frightened, but she heard the man with a ferocious mask say: "I am a devil from the devil world, beautiful girl, I heard your call, if you don’t want to marry your cousin, I can help you.”

"Are you a devil? Are you the devil who is rumored to lead people into the devil world?" The girl stepped back in horror, "No, I don't want your help."

What follows is a lengthy dialogue, with singing and dialogue alternating with each other.

Anna and Natalie watched with gusto. Rotgar looked at this "demon" who had no demonic appearance at all, and kept a calm expression.

At the end of the first act, Natalie asked Anna in a low voice: "Anna, you said that the Devil Gang wants to get the other party's most precious thing, is it true?"

Anna thought to herself, of course it is true, her soul is at stake.

"I don't know. I haven't had much communication with the devil. I only know that he is very handsome." Anna smiled.

Natalie looked disappointed, then whispered: "Luna is so pitiful, she wants to marry a man she doesn't like."

Anna knew that Natalie was thinking of herself, so she couldn't help but put her arm around her shoulders, giving her encouragement and comfort.

Rotgar glanced at the two of them, still angry at the vilification of the devil in the scene just now.

The second act soon begins. Luna's cousin comes to visit. Luna is tired of dealing with his rude and shallow cousin. When she returns home, she hides in her room and cries. But the cousin sneaked into the room and wanted to do violence to Luna. The devil appeared in front of his cousin and gave him two choices: either leave here or die here. There is no doubt that my cousin chose to leave here and fled in a hurry.

Luna fell in love with the devil who saved her. She begged the devil to take off his mask and let her see his face, but the devil refused. The devil tells her that he will only take off his mask in front of someone who truly loves him.

This scene ends here again.

Natalie looked at Anna. She wanted to ask a question, but because "Master Raymond" was there, she was too embarrassed to ask.

But Rotgar sneered: "I just saved her casually, but this human fell in love with the devil?"

What nonsense! It’s not like he hasn’t saved Anna before, nor has Anna fallen in love with him as a demon like Luna in the opera! If it were that easy, he wouldn't still be here.

Anna coughed lightly, it was just an opera, do you want it to be so real? Didn't he realize that his words were on the verge of revealing his secret? What is not human? He is a human now, so just pretend!

"People are different. And this is just an opera. It must have been dramatized and cannot fully reflect reality." There was a hint of comfort in Anna's words.

Rotgar exhaled.

Yes, people are different. Although he didn't know many human women, he knew very well that Anna was different from them.

It is difficult to win her heart.

However, he was already fast.

Thinking of this, Rotgar felt a little more comfortable, and he was no longer angry when he watched the third act of the play.

The third act begins with the young girl Luna meeting a handsome, elegant and considerate son of a nobleman, who falls in love with her at first sight and pursues her passionately. At the same time, Luna was unable to get an emotional response from the devil, and she was in great pain.

Later, because Luna's cousin ran away, Luna's father no longer considered that cousin as his daughter's husband. Instead, he was very satisfied with the noble son who passionately pursued Luna, and planned to get the two married. .

Luna was unwilling to marry the other party, so she went to her father to show off that she had fallen in love with a demon. Her father was extremely angry, but seeing that he could not convince Luna, he pretended to agree to her being with the demon, but instead went to find a powerful mage. When Luna and the devil were together, mages descended from the sky and caught the devil. The devil thought that Luna was trying to harm him and was very angry. The mask on his face was taken off, revealing an extremely young and handsome face.

Luna begged for mercy, but no one listened to her. The trapped demon finally understood that it was not Luna who wanted to harm him. When Luna secretly came to see him and wanted to save him, he said that when he helped humans, he always had to collect the most precious things from the other party. He had not accepted it before, but now he planned to do so. Accepted. He didn't tell Luna what he had accepted, and she fainted after he lightly touched her face.

After waking up, Luna still remembered the devil, but did not remember her love for the devil. She accepted the proposal of the noble son and held a grand wedding with him, with a happy smile on her face.

At the same time, in the dark cell, the devil was dying, but he was smiling. He said: "Luna's most precious thing is her love for me. If I take it back, then she will no longer love me." , she will spend her whole life with that excellent man and give birth to many children. And I, I will keep her love for me and die here, die here."

Then he died with a happy smile.

The curtain closes, and the opera ends here.

Thinking of Natalie's uncontrollable sobbing, Anna quickly hugged her, but she had no urge to cry.

After all, there is a real devil beside her, and the devil is not as sweet as the one in the opera. No, she even thought that the devil would definitely not be able to fall in love. He was so strong. How could he fall in love and find fault? Isn’t it nice to have beautiful women hugging each other like running water, fresh ones every day

Anna was comforting Natalie when she heard a sneer from beside her: "What a lousy show! This coward is not a devil, and he sacrifices himself to help others. It's all nonsense!"

Anna secretly glanced at the devil. His hands were holding the armrest tightly, as if he would crush the armrest in the next moment, and his eyes were staring at the closed curtain, as if he was going to burn a hole in it.

She couldn't help but sigh, this was too real, it was unnecessary, it was really unnecessary.

The theater manager came over quickly, but what he saw was Rotgar's eyes that seemed to be angry and murderous. He couldn't help but tremble and said tremblingly: "I don't know, what are you dissatisfied with? Could you please Just say it!”

"I'm not satisfied with the whole show, it sucks." Rotgar said angrily, "I ask you to rearrange it. The devil is definitely not the incompetent coward in the show!"

Unexpectedly, Rotgar would make such a request, and the theater manager suddenly showed a troubled expression.

As the initiator who proposed to watch the opera, Anna hurriedly said: "Raymond, you are not a devil, you don't care what the devil in the opera looks like."

Rotgar looked at Anna expressionlessly: "..."

Anna smiled at him: "I think the play is okay, it's pretty good. It's just an opera. No one will think that the devil is like this after watching the opera. Don't worry, you should run away when you see a devil. Gotta run.”

The theater manager glanced at Anna gratefully and quickly agreed: "Yes, yes, that's it."

Rotgar was already in a bad mood after watching this opera. He felt that the image of the devil had been tarnished. But after listening to Anna's words, his mood was in another bad mood.

When you see a demon, you should run away... Is she talking about herself

Oh, can she run away

Seeing that Rotgar no longer looked like he was going to kill him, the theater manager seemed to have transferred his anger to the young lady who persuaded him. He hesitated for a moment and said nothing more.

They seemed to have a very close relationship, and their anger quickly passed away, but he couldn't bear the other's anger.

The three of them were escorted out of the theater by the theater manager. It was still early, but no one spoke.

Natalie was so abused that she was crying so hard that she still hadn't come back to her senses. Rotgar was angered by the drama first, and then by Anna's words. He had a sullen face and didn't want to speak.

Anna, on the other hand, held Natalie's arm and secretly looked at the demon's back in front of her.

Then she was secretly happy.

It seems that he is really angry about the opera's smearing of demons. After all, this opera portrays the devil as a love brain, which is very different from reality. How can this person be happy after watching it

When she thought about it, she couldn't help but feel happy.

She will have to watch this show more when she has time. If the devil doesn't like it, she must like it.

Not knowing whether he sensed Anna's "malice", Rotgar suddenly turned around.

Anna smiled harmlessly.

Rotgar frowned in confusion and turned his head again.

Because Natalie cried a little too much, Anna separated from the devil next, and she wanted to send Natalie home.

After Anna and Natalie left in the carriage, Rotgar's face was gloomy for a while, and then he suddenly turned around and returned to the theater.

When the theater manager saw Rotgar leave and come back again, and he was still alone. There was no lady around to stop him, he suddenly felt a thump in his heart, and he only regretted why he turned his back on money. If we didn’t collect gold coins at the beginning, wouldn’t we have this trouble

Rotgar did not talk nonsense to the theater manager and said straight to the point: "This play must not be staged again."

"This... there is a performance tonight." The theater manager said awkwardly.

Rotgar moved his fingers, and a golden arrow suddenly appeared in his hand. The theater manager's eyes widened immediately. He only thought that this person was a noble, but he didn't expect that he was also a mage. He really couldn't afford to offend him!

Rotgar looked at him coldly: "Death, or waste the show, you choose."

The theater manager was trembling. He couldn't choose any one. He knelt down with a bang and burst into tears: "Master Mage, I'm just a small theater manager. I don't care if I cancel the show!"

Lotgar took a step back in disgust and had murderous intentions.

As long as everyone in the theater is killed, wouldn't there be no one left to perform the play

But he hasn't won Anna's heart yet. If he kills all these people, Anna will definitely know that he did it, which is difficult to explain.

He frowned and stared at the theater manager for a long time, then suddenly said: "If you don't want to cancel the show, you can change it."

Hearing that there were still options, the theater manager hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, let's change it! I don't know how the Master wants us to change it?"

Rotgar stated his request. The theater manager's face became increasingly uglier as he listened, but he did not dare to say anything. Even after Rotgar finished speaking, he gave him a thumbs up and praised him: " Sir, you have changed well!"

"I will come here frequently for random checks. If I find that you haven't changed..." Rotgar looked cold and stern.

"No, no, how dare you, a villain, disobey your orders!" the theater manager hurriedly assured.

After Rotgar left with satisfaction, the theater manager collapsed on the ground and wiped the cold sweat from his face.

This matter is causing trouble... He doesn't dare to go to the Mages Association to ask for an explanation. After all, the opera features the devil as the protagonist and praises his selfless love. The church will definitely not be able to stand it. It's not a big deal now. Over there You may also turn a blind eye, and if things get too big, it won't end well. Forget it, just change it! I don’t know what’s wrong with that noble mage. What does it have to do with him if he plays the role of a devil

In the carriage, Natalie held Anna and cried for a long time, lamenting the devil's affection and saying that she would watch it again next time.

Anna comforted Natalie all the way, sent her home, and agreed to meet her at the association's affairs hall tomorrow morning, and then walked home by herself.

Early the next morning, Anna and Natalie met at the entrance of the association, and they entered the affairs hall together.

The usually empty bulletin board was now crowded with people. A two-star mage just posted the assessment results, then squeezed out with difficulty and left.

Although anxious, seeing so many people, Natalie still patiently stood aside with Anna. After a few minutes, the people dispersed, and she rushed over excitedly.

The Mage Association has no intention of concealing scores and rankings for the sake of the physical and mental health of the mage. The results of each subject for everyone who participated in the promotion assessment are publicly announced.

Anna's candidate number was No. 7. She quickly found herself. She was excellent in all subjects and successfully passed the exam.

Natalie is number 8, just below Anna. She has excellent theory, average mental power, average potions, and is qualified in practical combat. She also successfully passed the assessment.

Although Natalie knew after the exam that she should be fine this time, she still cried excitedly when she saw the results came out.

She hugged Anna and choked in a low voice: "I succeeded Anna! I, I finally don't have to marry that old man! I can have the future I want!"

Anna hugged Natalie back, with the same happy smile on her face, and whispered softly: "Yes, your future is up to you."