Rejected the Demon’s Marriage Proposal Thousands of Times

Chapter 85: get away


A flamingo only burns once in its life.

Under the illumination of the clumps of fire, surrounded by the clear howling sound, such a sentence suddenly had a romantic flavor.

It's like a metaphor, foreshadowing a certain future.

Anna was not a young scholar before, but in such an atmosphere, it was inevitable that she would have a different state of mind.

She turned her head to look at Rotgar, and his red eyes seemed to be burning with a blazing flame.

At this moment, she even felt that it was acceptable for him to kiss her.

Rotgar did not do that. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't the demon world much more interesting than the human world?"

Of course, Anna still prefers the human world. After all, the human world is her foundation. She said ambiguously: "This is really beautiful. Why do flamingos burn?"

Rotgar said: "In order to obtain the right to reproduce."

Rotgar didn't care that Anna changed the subject. He took Anna's hand and took her to the edge of the rift valley again. He pointed at the black shadows climbing on the rift valley and said, "Those are female flamingos. The ones burning into the sky are all male flamingos. After all the male flamingos have burned, the female flamingos will start to catch up. The first one to arrive can choose the male flamingo that burns the most beautifully. Flamingo.”

At this time, all the male flamingos had already soared into the sky, so almost as soon as Rotgar finished speaking, those black shadows all spread their wings and flew into the sky, rushing towards the male flamingos that had already flown away at full speed. During the take-off stage, some female flamingos will peck each other.

Anna couldn't help but sigh, the animal world is really interesting. Many of the males are good-looking, but the females are inconspicuous.

Rotgar had been paying attention to Anna. Seeing that she liked this very much, he felt confident and said, "Tomorrow night I will take you to see the breeding of thunder pythons."

Anna was startled. Thunder pythons are multiplying? No, why would she go to see someone doing business? Is his purpose too strong

"This... is not necessary, is it?" Anna pretended to be curious and looked down the rift valley, and said casually.

Rotgar held Anna's wrist tightly to prevent her from falling, frowned and asked: "You don't like to see this?"

Rotgar actually didn't know what he liked about the demon world. He only found out about the flamingos and thunder pythons after asking Balan. Moreover, Balan confirmed that bringing Catherine to see such things was very effective, so he learned I'll take Anna to see it too.

He thought for a while and then said: "If you don't want to see the thunder python... Two groups of phoenixes are fighting endlessly for territory. Do you want to see it?"

When Ana heard this, she thought it was normal, so she nodded and said, "I want to see it!"

Rotgar curled his lips and exerted force on his hands. Anna was in his arms, and he held her and flew into the sky again.

After flying for about ten minutes, Rotgar did not land, but hovered in mid-air.

Anna saw the phoenixes with only bones that she had seen not long ago, a hundred meters away, divided into two groups, hitting each other, and the bones clicked. They looked quite fragile, but they were very strong. There was no scene in Anna's imagination of falling apart after a collision.

After watching for a while, Anna found that these phoenixes clearly had no "brains", but they had certain intelligence. They also had strategies when fighting. Three phoenixes besieged one phoenix together, and one phoenix attracted another. There was only a phoenix, and its companions were sneak-attacking from behind... and other various methods, which made Anna unable to take his eyes away.

Perhaps it was because the phoenix only had bones, and when it was killed by the enemy, only the bones fell on the ground. It was not bloody at all, so Anna did not feel uncomfortable. If it was replaced by physical monsters fighting each other, she would definitely not be able to look at the bloody scene.

The phoenixes quickly decided the winner. One group was completely defeated and was driven out of their habitat. The other group of victors actually suffered heavy casualties, but they won the right to survive, so they celebrated with a strange dance. victory.

Anna admired their dancing for a while and then asked on a whim: "Can they be tamed into mounts?"

Phoenix Knight or something, it feels a bit cool!

Rotgar thought of the dozen phoenixes that were imprisoned in the back garden of Balan Castle and used as flying tools, and said very firmly: "No."

He hugged Anna's arm tightly, not wanting this privilege to be taken away.

Hearing Rotgar's answer, Anna felt a little regretful and disappointed. The phoenix was actually very big, and its bone wings could be three or four meters long when spread out. Riding a phoenix was almost the same as riding a bone dragon. Pity.

The phoenix clan war is over, and Rotgar takes Anna back to the castle.

From the moment she landed, Anna found that Rotgar was holding her hand, and he didn't let go until he reached the door of her room.

Anna stopped, looked sideways at Rotgar and smiled: "Thank you for taking me to see these interesting sights today. I like it very much."

Anna let go of Rotgar's hand, pushed the door open, and turned around and said, "I'll take a rest first, and you..."

Before she could finish her words, Rotgar grabbed her waist and kissed her. He carried her into the room, slammed the door shut, pressed her against the wall and kissed her intently.

Unlike Balaam, he didn't like to be watched.

Knowing that she couldn't stop it, Anna didn't resist needlessly.

Of course, it was impossible for her to respond. She would not encourage Lotgar to take action.

I don't know how long it took, but Rotgar finally let go of Anna, his red eyes slightly lowered, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and his face looked satisfied.

He thought, no wonder Balaam liked kissing Catherine so much, as if he was addicted to it.

It turns out that kissing is really addictive.

Seeing Anna's head hanging down and her chest rising and falling violently, he couldn't help but lift her chin. Seeing her red lips and moist eyes, he couldn't help but lower his head and kiss her.

Rotgar did not do anything further, and after he left, Anna felt relieved.

Make it through the day successfully.

After two days in the Demon Realm, Anna was able to distinguish the difference between day and night in the Demon Realm.

In the next few days, Rotgar took her to see many "famous attractions" in the Demon World. Some of them could be seen in the Demon World during the day, and some could only be seen at night.

Rotgar still took her to see the breeding of thunder pythons, but it was different from what she thought. The main thing he took her to see should be the "fight" between male thunder pythons before they obtain the right to breed with female thunder pythons. , their "fighting" is so interesting. The competition is actually about who can kill more random small rat-like creatures in a specific area. The opponents cannot hurt each other, they can only " Mouse" takes action.

The different reproductive strategies of different organisms are indeed very interesting.

During this period, Anna only met Catherine once.

Perhaps as Balaam said before, he was jealous of Catherine's good relationship with her, so he would not let Catherine meet her. Even when he met her, he followed her, so Anna could not talk to Catherine.

Fortunately, their plans had already been set that day and were not affected by this.

On the morning of Catherine's birthday, Anna dressed up carefully and planned to use her best appearance to carry out today's escape plan.

Catherine, accompanied by Balaam, personally invited Anna to attend her birthday party in the evening.

Balan hugged Catherine and said dotingly: "I originally wanted to have some fun, but Catherine said that as long as the four of us are enough. Except in bed, she rarely begs me, how can I not fulfill her wishes?" What? So tonight, there will only be four of us in the entire castle."

Anna ignored the inappropriate part and confirmed that there was no problem with the first step.

There are only four of them attending the party, so when they get drunk, the two of them can do whatever they want!

"Katherine, happy birthday to you." Anna looked at Catherine and smiled, "I will prepare a gift for you."

Catherine shook her head and said, "It's fine if you come, no gifts are needed."

Anna smiled and blinked to tell Catherine that everything was going well on her end too.

In these seven days, Anna felt that she had given a lot.

Ever since he opened the "Seal" on the first day, Rotgar seemed to be obsessed with kissing. When he took her out to play, and when he sent her back to her room, he would always kiss her enough before he would give up.

She was just glad that Rotgar was content with this level for the time being. If it were Balaam, she would have been like Catherine said on the first day, "As long as the soul is clean, the body does not matter"...

This may also be related to her never responding, but she thinks this situation will not last long. Fortunately, today is the day to take action!

Because Rotgar said he was going to find a good thing to give to Anna, but he was not here at the moment. After Catherine personally invited him, Balaam took Catherine away.

After a while, Rotgar came back with a very small seedling and an injury.

Anna was surprised: "Why are you injured?"

Besides Balaam, who is also the Duke of the Abyss, who else can hurt him? Did he go to find another Duke of the Abyss for a duel

"It's just a small injury," Rotgar responded casually, showing Anna the green seedling in his palm with great interest, "Do you know how this works?"


Anna looked at the little seedling standing in Rotgar's palm, feeling a little confused. This seedling is about as long as a finger, with a gray-brown root system below, a white stem, and three oval green leaves at the top. The seedling was standing on the mass of roots at the bottom, still standing firm, with only the three leaves waving gently as if waving.

Anna stretched out her hand and poked the green leaves gently. The seedling fell backwards, trembled and then spread its roots, and stood upright with trembling force.

It’s kind of cute!

Anna wanted to poke it again, but Rotgar moved it away and frowned: "This is the seedling of the whip tree demon. It is more fragile than you. If you touch it again, you may die."

How could she be so fragile that she would die if she touched her in just one or two touches!

Anna felt that she was insulted by being compared to a seedling, but she just glanced at Rotgar with dissatisfaction, then stared at the seedling again and asked curiously: "What's the use of it?"

Lotgar said: "Hand."

Ana looked at him and stretched out her right hand.

Rotgar grabbed her hand and scratched the pad of his index finger, and blood immediately poured out. She endured the pain and saw that he let her blood drip on the leaves of the seedlings. She immediately remembered the scenes in various fantasy stories about using blood to make treasures and spirits recognize their owners, so she said - wait! what's the situation? !

Right under Anna's eyes, after absorbing her blood, the seedling stretched out its roots and rested on the wound on her fingertip. Then she watched helplessly as the seedling drilled through her wound. Get in!

If Rotgar hadn't squeezed her hand tightly, Anna would have been frantically shaking off the seedling like a cockroach.

So many horror movies flashed through her mind, making her face turn white with fear.

"what is this!"

Rotgar thought Anna's rare frightened expression was very interesting. He smiled and looked at it for a while before saying, "Don't be afraid, this is a good thing."

When the seedlings had completely penetrated into Anna's wound and were no longer visible, he let go of her.

Anna quickly glanced at her finger, only to see that the wound on it had healed. She felt the seedling that had entered her body again, and had a strange feeling, as if she had become one with the seedling.

"Try to gather the element of water in the palm of your hand and summon it," Rotgar said.

Anna did as Rotgar said, and saw a green seedling sprouting from her palm, then gradually growing and twisting, and finally turned into a whip nearly two meters long and as thick as a finger, and she could clearly see I can feel every part of this green seedling whip.

She was looking at the whip with curiosity when she suddenly noticed that the scars on Lotgar's neck were somewhat similar to the whip marks. She put the whip in her palm to his neck and compared it. The scars matched perfectly.

"This thing is so powerful that it can even hurt you?" Anna was very surprised. If there really is such a powerful monster, wouldn't it be...

Rotgar said: "The mature form of a monster like the whip tree demon is not as strong as a two-star mage, but if you want to get its seedlings, you cannot attack it. You must get the seedlings under its siege, otherwise the seedlings will Rapidly shrinking at the first attack from outsiders."

Anna was stunned. In order to find such a small toy for her, Rotgar would rather be beaten by a monster with only the strength of a two-star mage instead of fighting back. Considering his character, it is really difficult.

—In order to gain her "love" and unlock various postures, he really worked hard.

Anna took back the "whip" in her palm, pulled Rotgar to sit down, and treated his injuries.

Rotgar raised his eyebrows, looking at Anna's concentration as she continued to perform the Holy Healing Technique, and felt inexplicably in a good mood.

Before Anna could heal all his injuries, he couldn't help but pull her gently, let her fall on his lap, hugged her and kissed her eagerly.

In the past two days, Lotgard had felt an indescribable sense of emptiness.

Balaam said that as the Duke of the Abyss, he could do whatever he wanted, so he kissed Anna, and after realizing that the taste was good, he no longer restrained himself and kissed her whenever he wanted.

But in the past two days, he gradually felt dissatisfied.

Because Anna never responded to him, she didn't desire him as much as he desired her, no, or in other words, she didn't seem to take his kiss seriously, as if she didn't understand what it meant.

Rotgar was stunned.

what does that mean

Lotgar thought of Balaam's ridicule yesterday when he learned that he had not slept with Anna, and what he said after that.

Catherine was sleeping at that time, and Balaam and he were chatting on the terrace.

Balan laughed at him: "You can turn her to the bed when you kiss her until she is infatuated. I don't know why you can wait so long? Can't you?"

Balaam's response was naturally his black flame.

Balan dodged and shook his head and said seriously: "Lot, Anna is indeed charming, but if you give too much emotion, you will be hurt by her. In terms of force, you can crush her to death with one finger. But when it comes to people's hearts... you are really no match for her."

He glanced at Balan and said coldly: "Don't underestimate me."

Balan said: "It's not that I underestimate you, it's just your luck... If you met a girl like Catherine, I wouldn't worry at all, but you met Anna. I just want to warn you, you can Let her like you and fall in love with you, but don’t fall in love with her.”

Rotgar still clearly remembers his answer - I am not you, and I will not fall in love with a human being.

He didn't think anything of it when he had a desire to kiss Anna.

He didn't think much of being annoyed because Anna didn't respond. He is the Grand Duke of the Abyss, and he has aroused the desire of a woman. Shouldn't he respond with a stronger desire

But Anna just didn't, so it was only normal for him to be upset about it.

Anna suddenly held down Rotgar's hand and leaned back to look at him.

Rotgar did not move, his eyes were unusually red, and he said expressionlessly what was a bolt from the blue to Anna: "I want you."

Anna's expression changed slightly. After trying every means to please her for seven days, the day for him to collect his reward finally came!

She pulled Rotgar's hand out, slowly leaned over and hugged his neck, and whispered in his ear: "Let's talk after tonight's banquet, okay?" During the banquet, she would run away with Catherine!

This was the first time that Rotgar felt like he was being responded to, and his heart beat faster.

The content of her response was secondary, and the way she responded to him made his irritability for the past few days disappear.

So he said good-naturedly: "Okay."

Then he just hugged her politely.

Anna relaxed and did not let go of Rotgar.

She hugged him even tighter, and the heat from his body made her feel inexplicably relieved.

She knew it was an illusion, but she only indulged in it for a while.

In the evening, Anna and Rotgar came to the hall on the first floor of the castle and saw Balaam and Catherine in their costumes.

Balan winked at Lotgar and joked: "Lot, we haven't had a drink together for a long time. You should drink more to strengthen your courage."

Rotgar glanced sideways at Balan and pulled Anna to sit down.

On the long table, Anna and Rotgar sat on one side, and Balan and Catherine sat on the other side. The table was filled with all kinds of weird food. Anna, who had become immune to the appearance of these foods in the past few days, was instead I also feel like I have a great appetite.

Catherine poured a full glass for Balaam and looked at Balaam shyly and tenderly. Balaam laughed, picked up the glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Anna saw that Rotgar seemed to have no intention of moving, so she leaned over and whispered, "Aren't you going to drink?"

Rotgar glanced at her and put the wine glass in front of her in front of her. Anna understood and poured a full glass for him, and then looked at him expectantly.

Just now, when Balan drank the drink boldly, Anna had looked at him in amazement. That look was caught by Rotgar. So now Anna is looking at him with the same eyes. How can Rotgar bear this? Such an excited general also happily raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass.

Ana's eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at him with the same wonder in her eyes.

Because of Anna's previous response, Rotgar was in a good mood now. Anna poured him wine and smiled softly at him, and he picked up the wine and drank it.

As for Balaam, it has progressed to the point where Balaam asked Catherine to take a sip and he drank from her mouth.

Balan gradually drank too much. He hugged Catherine and rested his head on her head. He looked at Rotgar drunkenly and said: "Lot, just, just tonight, let Anna taste your power... otherwise I will really I think you can’t do it anymore!”

Before he could finish his words, Catherine quietly handed another glass of wine to him. Without looking at it, he grabbed it and drank it all.

Rotgar was also drunk when Anna kept pouring wine, but he didn't stagger around like Balan. When he heard Balan's words, he just smashed the wine glass.

Balan was a little drunk and was hit on the forehead. He was so angry that he rushed over from across the table and jumped on Rotgar. He threw him down with the chair, and the two rolled into a ball. .

Anna and Catherine were both shocked. This was different from what they had promised!

But when they looked again, the two demons suddenly stopped moving. They slowly approached and saw that the two of them had their eyes closed, breathing steadily, and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Anna and Catherine looked at each other, and they immediately ran out of the banquet hall and ran to the basement.

Balan's treasure house is in the underground level. There is no one else in the castle except two drunk demons and two humans, so no one can stop them from walking to the underground level.

Catherine whispered: "I have been here before... the treasure house is in front, and the teleportation array is next to the treasure house."

Anna nodded, and Kessler supported each other. She even used the wind gathering technique to speed up the two of them. In addition to escaping here, they also have to find their families, and they must fight for every second.

When they arrived outside the treasure house, Catherine took out a key. Anna took a closer look and saw that it was carved from some kind of spar. Sure enough, after the key was inserted into the door, the whole door glowed slightly, and then there was a click and the door opened.

Catherine ran straight in, looked around, ran to a shelf, opened one of the wooden boxes, grabbed a handful of crystals and ran out.

Anna took a quick glance and saw that the treasure house was full of good things, but she didn't want to take advantage of it. After Catherine came out, she closed the door of the treasure house and the two of them ran to the teleportation formation.

Anna discovered that this teleportation array was a circle with a diameter of nearly two meters and was composed of very complex spell circuits. She was a little bit weak and felt that she might not be able to activate such a teleportation array with her own abilities.

I saw Catherine quickly placing the crystals in some parts of the spell circuit, then returned to Anna and said: "It's time to start!"

Anna frowned: "Catherine, are you also a mage?" Catherine seemed to know the spell circuit of this teleportation array very well.

Catherine was stunned, shook her head and said: "No, I just saw Balan act like this."

Anna still had doubts in her heart, but she couldn't think too much at the moment. She could only put her hands on the ground and use her mental power to describe the appearance of the teleportation array.

Since Catherine said that the three-star mage has enough mental power...

But as soon as Anna described the nearby magic circuit, she felt a little powerless. Her total mental power is indeed sufficient, but such a complex spell circuit is really beyond her ability.

Anna looked at Catherine, wanting to ask Catherine how Baran had started it, but she saw Catherine looking behind her in horror.

A chill ran down Ana's spine, how could that happen

She turned around slowly and saw Lotgar and Balan walking slowly towards them. Balan had a look of disbelief on his face, and Lotgar had a cold expression on his face.

One of them looked at Catherine and the other looked at Anna, both of them broke into a cold sweat.

what happened? Why did they wake up so quickly

Anna's intuition was that there was something wrong with Catherine, the wrong wine, or... Balan and Rotgar had actually known about their escape plan for a long time

Anna's heart sank when she looked at Rotgar's cold eyes.

She thought to herself that she might resist to the end soon.

"Catherine, why are you doing this to me?" Balan approached Catherine step by step, with confusion, confusion, shock and pain in his eyes.

Catherine looked at Balan, shook her head and stepped back, her face already covered with tears.

"You don't love me at all, why can't you let me go?" she asked painfully, suppressing her sadness.

Balaam retorted: "I'm going to marry you, Catherine!"

Catherine looked at Balan with tears in her eyes: "So what? Can I be with you for ten years? Twenty years? When I get older, will you still love me? You have never thought about staying with me for a long time. Together, all you want is my young body... You don’t love me at all!”

Balan pursed his lips and was silent for a long time before saying: "But Catherine, I told you, I can't make a soul contract with you, the curse of the abyss will kill you."

"No, these are all excuses for you not to love me." Catherine choked and shouted, "I believe true love can conquer everything! The curse of the abyss will not kill me!"

"Catherine..." Balan stepped forward and hugged Catherine.

Catherine struggled violently, even though her strength was nothing to Balaam.

She cried: "If you don't love me, just let me go... I would rather find an ordinary man who loves me and live a simple life with him than be with someone who doesn't love me!"

Balaam hugged Catherine tightly and refused to let her leave. He frowned and even gritted his teeth.

He never knew that Catherine thought so!


"But Catherine, you underestimated the curse of the abyss..." Before Balan could finish his words, Catherine covered his mouth.

Catherine looked up at him, her eyes red and full of tears, but full of determination: "I believe the love between us can conquer everything. If you love me, don't worry about the curse of the abyss. If you don't love me, just let me Walk!"

Balan immediately shook his head: "I won't let you go."

Catherine couldn't help crying again.

Balan hugged Catherine tightly, listening to her hoarse cries, the expression on his face changed rapidly, and finally he said: "Okay, on the wedding day, we will sign a soul contract."

Catherine looked up in surprise: "Really?"

Now that he had made up his mind, Balan nodded and said: "Baby, when did I lie to you? My love for you is true, you shouldn't doubt it."

Catherine looked at Balan with a red face and blurred eyes, and said blankly: "I love you, Balan."

Balaam suddenly kissed Catherine.

Seeing that the two people's actions were about to develop into something indescribable, Rotgar grabbed Anna's wrist and dragged her away from the underground level.

Anna remained silent. She looked back at the teleportation array and the scattered crystals on the ground, then thought about everything today, and suddenly understood.

She seemed to have been set up.

Rotgar, who was dragging Anna upstairs, was all cold and sullen and silent. Anna was forced to follow him and walked quickly, but she had the courage to ask him: "What is Balan's curse of the abyss?"

Rotgar paused, looked back at her and sneered: "Are you still in the mood to care about others?"

Anna smiled and said: "Let me know it happily before you die!"

Rotgar frowned: "Who said you would die?"

Anna said: "I guessed it. Looking at your aggressive look, do you want to take me back to the room and force me? Then I will definitely resist to the end. How can I be sure of a fight? There is no way I can beat you. You, but the possibility of accidentally killing yourself is still very high."

Rotgar took Anna's wrist and pulled her in front of him, his blood-red eyes full of anger: "Are you threatening me?"

Ana smelled the smell of alcohol on his body, which made her feel uncomfortable. She shook her head and said, "No, I was just stating a fact."

Rotgar sneered, turned around and continued walking upstairs.

Anna was staggered. As soon as she regained her balance, she heard Rotgar say: "There are many potions in Balan's castle that are stronger than the potion you mismatched originally. Do you want to try it?"

Anna was silent for a while and said, "What exactly is Balan's curse of the abyss?"

Rotgar looked back at Anna in disbelief. Why was she still asking this so persistently

"Just tell me, I'm too curious." Anna still smiled.

Rotgar looked at Anna expressionlessly and suddenly smiled: "Okay, I'll tell you if you want to know. Balan's abyss curse is that when the person who signs a soul contract with him is his true love, the soul contract will If she fails, all her life force will be taken away in an instant.”

"What is the soul contract?" she asked again.

Rotgar did not hide anything: "Devils can sign soul contracts with others and share their life spans."

Ana was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

It turns out that Catherine wanted to live long enough, so she designed everything today to force Balan to agree to sign a soul contract with her.

And Balaam’s curse of the abyss is really interesting. If it wasn't true love, he wouldn't sign a soul contract with the other person, but if it was true love, the other person would die as soon as he signed the soul contract. In other words, if Balaam really falls in love with someone, he can only stay with that person for a few decades.

Anna remembered that Catherine said that she felt that Balaam did not really love her. This sentence may be Catherine's real thoughts, so she wanted to force Balaam to agree to sign a soul contract. She thought that she would not die.

Rotgar frowned: "Why are you laughing?"

"I'm laughing at poor Balaam," Anna said.

Rotgar said indifferently: "What's so pitiful about him? Since he can agree to Catherine, it means that he knows in his heart that he doesn't love her."

Anna didn't refute. She also felt that Balan didn't love Catherine. The promise he just made might just be to stabilize her. He might regret it on the wedding day, or he might kill Catherine when he gets tired of it.

"Can a soul contract be signed multiple times?" she asked curiously.

Rotgar sneered: "What do you think this is?"

"You can only sign it once?"

"That's right."

"If the soul contractor is killed, will the devil himself die together?" Anna asked again.

Rotgar didn't know why Anna had so many questions, but he still answered: "No."

Anna nodded, which means that Balan will definitely regret it on the wedding day. But if you don't regret it, it doesn't matter. If you get tired of it, just kill him. For a ronin like Balan, the soul contract is actually useless. There are so many types of women to play with, why focus on one

Seeing that Anna's question had come to an end, Rotgar continued to drag her upwards, where he could vaguely hear the sound coming from the underground floor. Now he just wanted to quickly enter the room to block the sound outside the door.

Just as he reached the door of Anna's room, Rotgar heard Anna ask again: "Then what is your abyss curse?"

Rotgar kicked the door open and said without looking back, "You don't need to know."

Rotgar wanted to go back to his room, but since he was used to going to Anna's room, he didn't want to leave. He pulled Anna in and threw her on the bed. He turned around and closed the door so that he would never hear anything again. The sound came from the underground floor.

He stood by the bed and looked at Anna coldly, suddenly realizing that during the chat with Anna just now, most of his anger had disappeared.

Anna is very nervous now. She can feel that compared to the first time she saw Rotgar in the underground, he is no longer so angry.

But she still couldn't be sure what he would do, so although she seemed to be sitting casually on the edge of the bed, she was actually tense and ready to fight at any time.

So what if it's an earthworm that shakes a big tree? Some things can be tolerated, and some things cannot be tolerated. Even if the worst result cannot be avoided, she still wins if she can make the devil a little more angry.

After a few minutes, Rotgar finally spoke: "You lied to me."

"Yes." Anna agreed simply. Anyway, she had been lying to him since the first time they met, and it wasn't like he didn't know it.

Rotgar sneered: "Do you know what the consequences will be?"

"I would be even worse off if I didn't lie to you." Anna did not answer directly.

Rotgar looked at Anna. He still clearly remembered his excitement when she hugged his neck and responded to him during the day.

Now of course he understands that it was all false.

He asked: "Why?"

According to his past habits, he would just kill the person who cheated him without asking why, but now he wanted to know the reason.

At this moment, Anna's heartbroken heart was gradually withdrawing, because Rotgar did not use violence as soon as he came, and was still talking to her, so she had a chance to save herself.

But that didn't stop her from finding Rotgar's question ridiculous.

What could be the reason for this? He wanted to play with her body and mind like Balaam did, but she didn't want to, so she ran away.

"I'm a human being. Isn't it normal for me to try my best to return to the human world?" Anna answered with a smile. Of course this is also true.

Rotgar sneered: "So in order to confuse me, you deliberately pretended to obey me and be pleased by me, so as to lower my vigilance?"

He remembered taking Anna around a few days ago. She was clearly smiling happily and was fascinated by many magnificent scenery.

What made him most angry was the hug during the day. He thought he was about to win her heart.

"What if?" Anna stood up, and the distance between the two of them instantly shortened. She looked up at him, and the smile disappeared from her face. "Do you expect me to think that a devil will like me and cherish me?"

Rotgar was stunned: "...What did you say?"

Anna twitched her lips, but her eyes turned red: "What do you want me to do? Knowing that demons will not fall in love with humans, yet they fall under your attack and become a poor person who cannot love?"

Anna knew very well that everything Rotgar had done so far was to break down her guard and slowly make her "fall in love" with him so that she could be played by him. Today's escape has angered him, and the only way to get him to let go of his anger is to "coax" him into thinking that his goal is actually being achieved.

Just like the things she did to him in the human world.

Didn't he want her to love him? Then she gave her Anna who was troubled by his declaration that "devils will not fall in love with humans" and moved by his flattery, who wanted to love but dared not.

Lotgar took a step back.

Anna looked at him with red eyes, and took another step towards him: "I don't want to be a poor thing, so I want to escape. Is it wrong?"

Rotgar subconsciously took a step back, but his back hit the wardrobe.

He frowned, and the meaning of Anna's words made him a little at a loss.

Ana took another step forward, almost standing next to him. She raised her hand and touched his face, looking up at him: "You want me to stop thinking about escaping, of course. As long as you tell me, the devil has It’s possible to fall in love with humans, then I’m willing to give it a try.”

Anna was actually not sure what Rotgar would say, but no matter what he said, she would have a corresponding response. If he lied to her and said it was possible, then she could naturally delay it and say that he would give her some time to fall in love with him. If he still said it was impossible, then she would show him a broken posture and let him understand that his failure was all caused by himself.

But Lotgar didn't say anything.

He took Anna's hand, pushed her away and left the room.

Anna stood alone in the room, and it took her a while to realize that she had passed this level safely for the time being!

She climbed onto the bed, but in her mind was the question she asked Rotgar.

Is it possible for a demon to fall in love with a human