Rejected the Demon’s Marriage Proposal Thousands of Times

Chapter 96: We have all changed


Rotgar's tone was a little cold, Anna coughed slightly and said, "I understand."

At least she doesn't regret what she's doing now.

Lotgar only glanced at her and continued walking forward.

Anna quickly followed him.

When she got to the kitchen, Anna found that the food she had stored before she left was not bad. She was dazed for a moment, thinking that she had been away for less than a week, and the food from tubers was always stored for a long time.

Rotgar did not need food, he was just watching, and Anna just made her own food as usual. After eating, she went to look at Hui Hui and Bai Mao.

Although they left not long ago, Anna originally thought that she would never see Huihui and Baimao again, so seeing them again now made her feel like they were in another world.

She touched Hui Hui's head, and the white hair on the side also squeezed over, pushed Hui Hui away, lowered his head and placed his head in her palm.

Huihui's weight is much smaller than that of Baimao. Even though Baimao didn't use much strength, Huihui rolled a long way before stopping. After standing up dizzy, it squeaked angrily at Baimao. He rushed back from the side, and finally the whole rat jumped on the white hair's back, trampling on it crazily.

Hui Hui's weight is nothing to Bai Mao, but Bai Mao thinks that Hui Hui's behavior is a provocation and an insult to it, so Bai Mao immediately twists his waist. I want to knock off the ashes.

But the gray claws can dig into the soil, and can also grasp the fur on the white fur. Although it squeaked loudly, there was no sign of being thrown off.

Anna looked on and couldn't help but smile.

Rotgar stood by and saw Anna's expression and felt that it was not in vain for him to retrieve all these rats and agouti.

After eating and relaxing for a while, Anna went back to the study to continue reading the books Rotgar found for her, and asked him some questions from time to time.

After getting satisfactory answers to several questions, she couldn't help but say: "You have finally learned how to teach students."

Rotgar frowned: "What do you mean?"

"When you possessed Ulysses... you taught me to death." Anna said, "At that time, I tried my best to remember what you taught me as soon as possible, for fear that someone who didn't want to make you angry would be killed by you. …”

When Rotgar heard Anna's words, he also remembered what happened at that time. Those things were only half a year ago, but it seemed like a long time had passed.

He grimaced and said, "At that time, you picked up that dark mage and took it back?"

Anna: "..." It's her fault. She shouldn't have brought up such a dangerous topic.

At that time, if Dibian hadn't taught her literacy in advance, she would never have been able to keep up with Rotgar's class. But of course she wouldn't tell Lotgar truthfully.

"He was the one who caught me first. I also sent him meals from time to time in order to earn some gold coins and knowledge." Anna said lightly, and suddenly pointed to a place on the page of the book and said, "What does this mean?"

Anna's way of changing the subject was not clever, but Rotgar remembered that when he was staring at the dark mage and Anna on the way to Black Cloud City, the two of them were not actually too close, so he let the topic go. He glanced at where Ana was pointing and answered her doubts.

Most of the books in this world are very thin, and Anna understands them very quickly. In the whole day, she read almost all the books Rotgar found for her. Sleep helps memory. Anna didn't push herself anymore and prepared to go to bed.

But then she had to face a real and urgent problem: while her mind was filled with what she had learned during the day, she was habitually planning to open the door of the room where she used to live, but she was pulled back by Rotgar. He grabbed his wrist and pulled her straight to his room.

Anna looked at Rotgar and then at the big bed, feeling a little hesitant.

She was able to avoid it yesterday, but is she still unable to avoid it today? The time it takes for her to become stronger is not enough in just a short while. She will train under his guidance for a long time, and the person who said she wanted to give him the greatest satisfaction was herself.

Although that was when she thought she could not escape the consequences of being slept with at that time.

Anna felt that she was in a bit of a dilemma. She had already benefited from Lotgar and accepted his teachings, so she should fulfill her promise. But later he signed a soul contract with her, and she understood his intentions, and she was no longer willing to sleep with him with this transactional mentality.

She knew she was being unreasonable...but she just didn't want to do it now.

Anna was very reluctant, but she was too embarrassed to go back on her word directly, so she had to delay for a while. She said: "My things are all next door... I will wash them first and then come back."

After Anna said that, she turned around and left, but her heart was raised, fearing that Lotgar would suddenly stop her. But he didn't, and she let out a long sigh of relief as she left his room.

Anna hid in the bathroom of her room to take a shower, struggling while washing.

She felt that it was unfair to sleep with Rotgar with a transaction mentality, but he had worked hard to teach her today, and it was also unfair to him that she refused to fulfill the transaction. She thought about it, and it seemed unfair to him whether she slept with him or not.

Until she finished washing it slowly, she didn't come to a conclusion she could accept. The root of everything lies in her own mentality, but the problem of mentality is the most unsolvable.

Anna stood in her room for a while, and sighed when she woke up.

She went out and walked to Rotgar's room. Forget it, let him make the decision.

Anna pushed the door open and saw that Rotgar was already on the bed, with his back to her, as if he was asleep.

But she knew very well that he must not have slept yet.

She still walked over quietly, climbed onto the bed and lay down straight behind him.

Rotgar turned over and looked at Anna almost as soon as she lay down. He supported his head with one hand and played with her hair with the other hand while he said casually: "I thought you wouldn't come over."

Anna thought to herself that it was mainly because she was too thin-skinned and was too embarrassed to completely break the contract shamelessly. and-

"If I don't come over, just go over." Anna looked at the ceiling, silently counting the buds in the pattern.

Rotgar said calmly: "No, then I will let you go."

Ana suddenly withdrew her gaze and looked at him, uncontrollably showing some regret.

Is he really that easy to talk to? He would obviously sneak into her room and climb into her bed before, but he couldn't get rid of her no matter what... No, that was him in his humble state after the curse of the abyss took effect!

Rotgar couldn't help laughing when he saw Anna's expression. He lowered his head and kissed her lips softly. His hand left her long hair and caressed her cheek. After a moment, he waited until his desire to satisfy his desire was satisfied before he hooked up. An evil smile appeared on his lips: "I'm waiting for the day when you surrender willingly to me."

Anna's face turned red and she was at a loss when she heard Rotgar's words. Then he pulled away, pulled up her nightgown, and took her into his arms.

Anna was stiff for a while at first, but when she saw that Rotgar really didn't do anything, she finally softened.


She said this in her mind, closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep.

The morning of the next day was still the usual gray day in the demon world, and this day still started with a passionate kiss.

Rotgar originally wanted to let Anna practice what she learned yesterday, but as soon as the two walked out of the room, Rotgar looked up displeased.

Anna guessed: "Balam is here again?"

Anna's guess was correct. Rotgar asked Anna to read a book by herself, and he flew out from the terrace.

Balan didn't say anything as soon as he arrived this time. He held a bottle of wine in his hand, flew to the top of the castle and sat down, took a sip of wine, and then looked into the distance.

He had had several fierce fights with Rotgar before, and Balan was seriously injured. He didn't have an Anna who could use the Holy Healing Technique on him, so the trauma was still a little obvious, and he looked haggard and embarrassed.

Rotgar hovered beside him and frowned: "What else are you doing here?"

Balan took another sip of wine, then turned to look at Rotgar, as if he looked at him carefully for a while before saying, "Signed?"

Rotgar acquiesced.

Balan smiled: "You haven't got her yet."

Rotgar sneered: "You can't control it."

Balan laughed, his laughter fell, and his smile changed: "I used to think that I was the only one who would be dragged down by love, but I didn't expect that you would be trapped deeper than me."

Rotgar didn't want to discuss this kind of issue with Balan. He turned around and wanted to leave, but heard Balan say: "The magic circle used by Catherine was aimed at the soul contract she signed with me. I have already gone to York's house before. Destroyed the relevant books... But I can't confirm who else knows about this. If Anna wants to control you, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop it in time."

Catherine is not who he first thought she was, but he remains convinced that the part of Catherine he loves is the real her. And Anna and Catherine are not the same. He had never thought before that he could not stop Lot's gradual infatuation with Anna despite his best efforts, even though he had known him for thousands of years, while Anna and Lot had only known each other for less than a year.

Balan no longer yelled at Anna to kill him like before, and Rotgar was willing to talk to Baland. He turned around and said, "Balan, you know how I got Anna back." ?"

Balan had only stopped Lotgar before, not letting him chase Anna. He really didn't know the real way for Lotgar to find Anna.

He shook his head: "You tell me."

Rotgar said: "The place where the teleportation array is connected is outside Blue Stone City, where her family lives. Because of your obstruction, she left Blue Stone City with her family and disappeared. Later she went to Black Cloud City , was discovered by me in the process of confirming the death of her best friend."

When Balan listened to Lotgar's words, his original carelessness gradually disappeared.

"Balan, the Anna you think is always the illusion she gave you." Rotgar thought of the scene when Anna played with Balan outside Black Cloud City, and wanted to laugh.

Balaam understood the unfinished meaning of Lotgar's words.

After Anna escaped from the demon world, she didn't bother hiding. Instead, she hid her family first and then checked the safety of her friends. Because Rotgar knew her family and friends, she was worried that he would hurt or take advantage of them. Of course this would be a huge risk. If she was really cunning, after taking her family away, there was no need to risk being captured by Rotgar and go to Black Cloud City for the sake of her so-called friends.

Balan took another sip of wine, but said: "So what if she doesn't take the initiative to harm you? You can't prevent others from using her to harm you. Don't forget, you are a demon hated by humans, and she is Humanity."

In the past, Lotgar always cared about the boundary between humans and demons, but now, after Catherine's incident, Balan has become deeply disgusted with the human race.

Rotgar said: "She will become stronger. As long as she doesn't want to, no one can use her."

His view of human beings has not changed now, but Anna no longer belongs to the category of "human beings" for him. He was very sure that Anna also loved him, but she was depressed because of Natalie's death. Of course, he couldn't take advantage of her, let alone force her to do anything. He would give her some time until she opened herself to him without any covering up and actively gave her everything like she did back then.

Nowadays, neither he nor she is short of time.

Balan looked deeply at Lotgar with a complicated expression: "Lot, you have changed."

"You have changed too," Rotgar said.

Balan was stunned and laughed: "Yes, we have all changed. Do you think it's funny or not? The great Duke of the Abyss in the demon world actually changed because of human women..."

If Rotgar had had the ability to predict a year ago and knew how he would change because of a human woman, he would have killed the human woman first.

But now, just thinking about Anna quietly reading a book in the study below, waiting for him to go back, a joy that he had never experienced before filled his chest.

"So what if it's changed? I'm still me." Rotgar thought of Anna and was unwilling to talk nonsense to Balan here. He finally said, "Don't come here again during this period."

Balan smiled and said: "You really don't need friends when you have love! But if you don't do anything with her, are you still afraid that I will disturb your world?"

Rotgar looked at him coldly: "Aren't you leaving?"

"Let's go, let's go, I'll leave as soon as I finish drinking." Balan seemed to have lost all fighting spirit and waved his hand.

Rotgar ignored him and flew back to the castle.

Balaam sat on the top of the castle and drank the remaining wine in one gulp.

He is reluctant to go back to his castle because it is full of memories of him and Catherine.

After being unable to pour out the last drop of wine, Balan regretfully threw away the bottle, flew into the air, hovered blankly for a while, and finally flew slowly towards his castle.

It was better to go back, at least in his castle, he could still see Catherine after he was drunk.

Behind the castle, Hui Hui, who was digging the ground, was so frightened by the wine bottle that fell from the sky that his hair stood on end. Because the wine bottle fell on the soft ground that he had turned over, miraculously it did not break, so he was lucky to be uninjured.

After it recovered, it angrily rushed towards the bottle, picked up the bottle and smelled it. It was very sure that it was not from the castle. It looked up at the sky angrily, but due to its physiological structure, it fell over with a snap. On the ground.

When Bai Mao saw this scene, he gurgled and laughed, jumping up and down. Hui Hui stood up, grabbed the wine bottle and threw it at Bai Mao. Unfortunately, its claw structure was not suitable for throwing, and the wine bottle flew away. He fell to the ground after walking one meter, and Gululu rolled towards Bai Mao.

Bai Mao stepped on the wine bottle, Gulu Gulu greeted his companions, and actually played the bottle passing game. Hui Hui on the side looked even more angry.

When Rotgar returned to the castle, Anna was flipping through a book. She looked him up and down first, and then said after seeing that he was not injured, "Balan just left like that?"

"Yes." Rotgar responded, "He will not hurt you again in the future."

Anna nodded, presumably Rotgar had reached a consensus with Balan.

Balan tried to kill her several times before, but Lotgar stopped him. Although Balan had his own purpose, it was a fact that he helped her stop Lotgar when she escaped. She didn't need to think about it. I resented him for this. Of course she couldn't like him that much.

It's too tiring to hate someone, and she actually doesn't want to hate someone more.

Anna put down the book and said enthusiastically: "Today is about practice, right?"

Rotgar said: "Yes, have you remembered everything you learned yesterday?"

Anna: "... Remember." Unexpectedly, her "Remember?" PTSD has not healed yet.

Rotgar and Anna went downstairs and left the castle. As soon as they walked out, a shadow flew towards them. Rotgar stretched out his long arms and hugged Anna to avoid it, and the thunderbolt thrown by Anna also hit the shadow.

There was a bang, the thing shattered, and the pieces fell to the ground.

Only then did Anna see clearly that it was a dark wine bottle.

Looking to the side, Bai Mao, its kind, and Hui Hui were all lying on the ground with their heads hanging down, as if they knew they had made a mistake and were waiting to be punished.

Anna said with some humor: "Okay, just come and clean these up."

Hui Hui and Bai Mao rushed to clean them as if they were being amnesty.

Rotgar looked at Huihui and Baimao coldly, and suddenly said: "Are they too stupid?"

Hui Hui and Bai Mao froze immediately.

Anna quickly said: "No! Aren't they cute? The white-haired ones carry things without complaint, and the gray-haired ones can farm. There is no more suitable monster to stay in the castle than them!"

Hui Hui and Bai Mao nodded immediately.

Rotgar glanced at Anna and finally gave up on the idea of replacing these monsters.

Anna followed Rotgar and walked farther away from the plowed ground to avoid damaging the crops, but when she withdrew her eyes from the fruit trees planted by Hui Hui, she suddenly thought of the abyss tree species.

She learned from Catherine's mouth that the bet between Rotgar and Balan was the abyssal tree species, but Catherine did not know the use of the abyssal tree species, and Anna had not been able to ask Rotgar before.

But now, she wanted to know something related to the devil and the abyss, and she thought she could ask.

"I suddenly remembered that I once heard Catherine mention the abyss tree species. The tree species...can be planted, right? Do you want Huihui to plant it and have a look?" Anna asked Rotgar.

"Abyss tree seeds are not planted." Rotgar answered Anna. He had found two abyss tree seeds and wanted to find a way to relieve the curse of the abyss, but they failed. This time he got the abyss from Balan. After planting the tree, he didn't have time to try it.

Anna wondered: "How is that used?"

Rotgar's answer was very simple: "I don't know."

Anna was even more confused: "Then what do you want the abyss tree seeds for?"

Lotgar said: "Find a way to lift the curse of the abyss."

Anna nodded. No wonder Rotgar was willing to propose to a human woman for an abyssal tree species. His abyssal curse was indeed the cruelest torture for a character like his.

"How are you going to find it?" Anna asked curiously.

Rotgar remained silent because he had no idea now.

Of the two Abyss Tree Seeds he had obtained in the past, one had been tried to activate, but ended up rotten after going through various methods. He tried to swallow the other one directly and was almost "poisoned to death". When he forced the abyss tree species out, it also rotted.

He was not going to try this new one until he had figured out how to get it.

Anna saw Rotgar's expression and knew that there was nothing he could do.

Think about it, can the curse of the abyss, something related to the mysterious "abyss", be lifted so easily? She felt that the abyssal tree species was unlikely to be the "answer" Rotgar was looking for, and he had no choice but to seek medical treatment in a hurry.

She even thought that there might be no way to lift the curse of the abyss. If it could be lifted, wouldn't the abyss be very shameful

Of course Anna wouldn't tell her her own guess. What if Rotgar got angry and refused to continue teaching her

She asked: "What is the origin of the abyss tree species? Is it related to the abyss?"

"Yes, the abyss tree species come from the abyss. No one knows how it was formed." Rotgar said.

Anna is now more and more curious about the abyss, and she doesn't know what kind of place it is.

She looked at Lotgar and thought that both Balan and Catherine had said that demons crawled out of the abyss, and she couldn't help but have doubts again.

"Do you have any more questions?" Rotgar asked after seeing Anna's hesitant look.

Anna hesitated for a while before saying: "I have always heard that demons crawl out of the abyss... Is this crawling a metaphor? Or do you really crawl out bit by bit with your hands?"

Rotgar, who didn't expect Anna to ask such a side question at all: "..."

Anna looked at Rotgar.

Rotgar frowned: "Throw away whatever you are thinking in your mind immediately!"

Anna: “…”

If it were anyone else, Rotgar would have told him not to think about this kind of problem in his mind, but with Anna in front of him, he could only say after a moment of silence: "You will know after you have seen the abyss."

Rotgar's words made Anna more curious about the abyss, and she asked: "Can't we go and have a look right away?"

"No." Rotgar refused, "The abyss has an activity cycle. If you approach it now, you will definitely die."

Anna nodded understandingly: "That's it, then I'll just wait."

In the following time, Anna gradually became proficient in what she learned the day before under the guidance of Rotgar, a "strict teacher".

And Rotgar showed no mercy. By the time the training was over, Anna was limp and unable to move. He hugged her back, and her protest on the issue of taking a bath was invalid.