Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 16: skill training


Due to her small size, Kailan had no way to shake hands with Li Changsheng. She could only flap her wings and fly to Li Changsheng's right hand. With both hands open, she held Li Changsheng's index finger and shook it vigorously.

In the following time, Li Changsheng used the spiritual connection between the two parties to continuously communicate with Kailan.

During the gestation stage, Kailan became conscious, but at that time she was unable to communicate with others, and she was restrained, with no one to talk to or listen to, so she was naturally lonely.

Maybe it was because he held it in for too long, Kailan had a lot to say, but Li Changsheng was very patient and acted as a qualified listener.

After talking about it, Kailan took a cautious look at Li Changsheng, and when he found that Li Changsheng was not impatient, his heart was filled with joy, and he agreed with Li Changsheng a little more.

A charming, good-tempered and patient master is more worth following!

Of course, high charm is the key point, after all, this is a world that depends on appearance.

Soon, Li Changsheng began to teach Kailan the common language of mainland China.

Kailan is very smart, and she memorized a lot of vocabulary in just one or two hours. Maybe after a while, I will be able to communicate with Li Changsheng normally.

Time passed slowly, and the Golden Crow began to hang down. Looking at the gloomy bamboo forest, Li Changsheng had no intention of staying and was about to leave.

Before leaving, he sent a message to Kailan again: "Kailan, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, you get into my pocket first, so as not to be seen by others!"

"Okay, Li Changsheng!"

Kailan was a little bit sad, she was just born and was full of curiosity about the outside world. But she couldn't refuse. Being gentle by nature, she didn't want to cause trouble to Li Changsheng, so she had no choice but to endure her reluctance and sneak into Li Changsheng's pocket.

Not long after, Li Changsheng returned to the courtyard and saw his second uncle again.

Li Haoqiong was lying on the chair with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was sleeping soundly.

Coming in front of Li Haoqiong, Li Changsheng was full of vigilance, and called softly: "Second Uncle!"

Li Haoqiong didn't respond, but turned around and continued to sleep soundly with his back to Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng was a little helpless, originally he wanted to express his gratitude, but seeing Li Haoqiong's appearance, there was no way to talk about it.

He knew very well that with his second strength, how could he not hear, he was just pretending to be deaf and dumb.

When Li Changsheng left, beside the calm pond, Li Haoqiong suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were clear, and there was no trace of sleepiness in his eyes.

"Kailan, you can come out now!"

After returning to the room, Li Changsheng released Kailan.

"Wow, our home is so big!"

As soon as he got out of his pocket, Kailan began to look at the things in the room curiously. From her point of view, this room is not that big.

"Kailan, you can visit as you like, but you can't leave the room!"

Seeing Kailan flying around the room, flipping things from time to time, and showing a strong curiosity about everything, Li Changsheng saw it and shook his head amusedly.

"Ai Xi, I didn't train well today, we'll make up for it tonight, you should demonstrate your wind skills first!"

At this time, Li Changsheng started training Ai Xi again. Since it was in the room, he could only let Ashe practice auxiliary skills.

As the family assessment is approaching, he must improve the strength of the demon pets as much as possible, and compete for the recommended places of the Yuyao Academy.

Ashe pulled her face down, waved her paws in silent resistance, and then began to concentrate and mobilize the wind energy.

In the blink of an eye, a wave of cyan energy emerged, instantly enveloping Ashe, as if putting a windbreaker on it.

This is the way of using the energy of the wind attribute, which can ignore the resistance of the wind, and at the same time, it has a strong driving force to speed up Ashe's speed.

"Try and see how long you can last!"

While speaking, Li Changsheng took out a small hourglass with ease, and after turning the hourglass upside down, he began to test the duration of the wind blowing skill.

Soon, after passing 1/5 of the hourglass, the light blue windbreaker flickered violently, and finally disappeared.

"Duration 1/5 hourglass!"

For such a small hourglass, it takes a quarter of an hour to drain all of it, which is 15 minutes, and 1/5 of an hourglass is equivalent to 3 minutes!

3 minutes is not long, but it is not short. After all, many battles can often be won or lost in a short period of time. What's more, as long as Ashe is proficient, the duration can be increased.

Li Changsheng took out a small notebook, recorded the data he had just collected on the notebook, raised his head and shouted at Ai Xi: "Ai Xi, keep using Qi Feng!"

Ashe wanted to mobilize energy, but this time it failed. The light blue brilliance flickered violently, and then disappeared suddenly.

Ashe didn't give up, and continued to cast it a few times, but each time it was the same situation, and it was not until a minute later that she finally fully cast the wind blowing skill.

"As stated in the book, energy skills have a certain interval, and the wind blowing trick takes about 1 minute!"

Li Changsheng's expression remained unchanged, and Ai Xi's situation was within his expectations.

From the perspective of skills, it can be divided into melee and energy in a broad sense. The former can be used continuously, but they are basically melee-based; the latter is difficult to continue to use, and there is often a certain interval.

Fairies using energy skills are a way of using energy. They need to use their own demon core as a guide to mobilize the surrounding energies, and finally combine them in a special way. After the mobilization, the running route of this energy is like a squeezed sponge, and it takes a certain amount of time to recover.

Due to the different energy operation routes, when this skill is cooling down, it does not prevent the demon pet from using other energy skills.

If you want to reduce the interval time, the most effective way is to improve the proficiency of this skill and reduce the pressure on operation. If you master it completely, you can even ignore the interval time.

If you want to improve your skill proficiency, there is no shortcut. The easiest way is to continue to use the skill after the interval, and use the principle that water drops through stone to improve your proficiency little by little.

The same is to improve proficiency, and melee skills are obviously more advantageous, but melee skills are basically melee attacks, so naturally energy skills cannot be ignored.

However, compared with ordinary monster pets, Ash and Kailan also have certain advantages. They are both top-grade monster pets, and they can also get bonuses in terms of improving skill proficiency.

"Kailan, it's your turn now, use all the skills you have mastered!"

At this time, Li Changsheng began to signal to Kailan who had finished the tour.


With the sound of a silver bell, Kailan began to mobilize energy, first cast a healing aura, and then condensed a large amount of bright yellow powder, flying towards Li Changsheng.

(end of this chapter)