Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 71: Pet egg mutation


This page is an introduction with pictures and texts. There is a blood-colored crystal painted on the picture. Although the picture is not clear, it is the same as Li Changsheng's blood-colored crystal in terms of shape, color and characteristics.

In the text on the side, there is the name and function of this item!

"Bloodline Essence!" Li Changsheng's eyes lit up as he read the content on the page, and a delighted smile appeared on his face.

Blood Essence: Congealed from the essence of beasts, it can activate the hidden blood of the fairy egg. If the life in the fairy egg has activated the blood, then the second hidden blood will be activated! Note: Do not use non-fairy eggs, otherwise you will explode and die! In addition, during the process of activating the blood, the fairy egg will also absorb a lot of energy from the same system, please be fully prepared!

The efficacy of the blood essence is extremely significant, and its value is self-evident. Compared with the goblins without activated bloodlines, the goblins with activated bloodlines have better physique, have stronger measurements, and even get some bloodline inheritance, such as a certain ability of bloodline inheritance.

However, for ordinary demon masters, the blood essence is useless, because it is impossible for them to know the pros and cons of the goblin eggs, so they can only look for the goblin eggs with high race to absorb the blood essence. As for the quality of the hatched elves, that is unknown, even if the bloodline is activated, the hatched elves are likely to be of inferior quality.

But Li Changsheng is different. His special ability allows him to understand the general quality of a fairy egg, especially since he has a fairy egg that can at least hatch a top-grade fairy in his hand.

High-grade goblins, they are born with supernatural powers, and there is no small possibility that the bloodlines have been activated in advance. If they absorb the bloodline essence, then Li Changsheng has a chance to get a double-bloodline goblin.

Of course, bloodlines also have high and low bloodlines. The best is naturally the bloodline of divine beasts, followed by alien beasts. Whether it is divine beasts or alien beasts, there are also advantages and disadvantages. For example, the most powerful top-level alien beasts are not inferior to divine beasts in the same realm. The reason why it is not a beast is mainly because it is lacking in some aspects.

Li Changsheng has a high-quality fairy egg, so he can use the blood essence to help the fairy egg further transform, which can be regarded as improving the potential of the fairy in disguise.

"It's like a tasteless thing to others, but it's a good thing to me! However, the information on the blood essence is so hard to find, so it's no wonder that the family will put it in the treasure pavilion to be dusty!" Li Changsheng thought that even the "Compendium of Fairy Items" didn't have information on the blood essence, which shows how rare it is.

This trip to the Zangbao Pavilion undoubtedly gave Li Changsheng a huge advantage, and he might wake up laughing from a dream in the future.

At the same time, Li Changsheng was also a bit afraid. If he had rudely given the blood essence to the fairy egg to absorb, then during the process of activating the blood, if he did not absorb a large amount of energy from the same system, the consequences would be quite serious, and the life in the fairy egg might die prematurely.

After putting down the books, Li Changsheng put the fairy egg on the bed. The surface of this fairy egg is light blue, with some slender snow-white lines on it. It is unknown what kind of fairy will be hatched.

Taking a deep breath, Li Changsheng took the blood essence, and according to the description in the book, touched it with the fairy egg.

In an instant, the blood essence began to melt slowly, turning into streams of pure blood-colored brilliance. These brilliance seemed to possess spirituality, automatically enveloping the goblin egg.

When the blood essence was working, in the small courtyard outside the room, Li Haoqiong, who had been fishing with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and his sharp gaze immediately turned to Li Changsheng's room.

"My nephew is really worrying!" After feeling it for a while, Li Haoqiong shook his head. He didn't make unnecessary movements, and he didn't try to help cover up.

Different from the birth of a natural elf, this time Li Haoqiong was able to detect it, mainly because the distance was too close. If it was further away, even with his strength, he would not be able to detect it.

In the room, when the blood essence was working, Li Changsheng hurriedly opened a small bag and poured out all the contents.

All of a sudden, colorful demon cores landed on the bed. Most of these demon cores were low-level demon cores, and there were hundreds of them.

During this period of time, the natural elves and the Paradise Torii have made great contributions, gathering a large amount of healing springs and sacred water. Even if Li Jianren's sales share is removed, Li Changsheng still makes a lot of money, especially since these demon cores are only part of the income, and there are more than ten low-grade soul crystals.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely stable source of income.

According to the description of the blood essence, the fairy egg will absorb a large amount of energy of the same system during the process of activating the blood.

Since he didn't know the specific attributes of the goblin eggs, Li Changsheng could only use the most stupid method to test the goblin cores with different attributes one by one.

"Ice attribute energy! In other words, this fairy egg is activating the blood of the ice system!" Soon, after seeing an ice demon core start to glow, Li Changsheng came to a conclusion.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng separated all the ice-type demon cores at the fastest speed, and pasted them all together with the fairy eggs. With the fairy eggs as the core, an inexplicable suction began to pull the ice energy in the demon cores. For a while, the fairy eggs were shrouded in dense energy mist.

At the same time, the temperature in the room dropped rapidly, and Li Changsheng felt goosebumps all over his body, so he quickly released the mental barrier, and he felt much better.


In just a few breaths, a low-level ice-type demon core exhausted its energy, causing the demon core to shatter instantly.

Seeing such a situation, Li Changsheng immediately became nervous, for fear that the ice-type monster cores were not enough.

"It's a good thing that my second uncle is outside. If it's not enough, I can 'borrow' some ice-type demon cores from him!" Li Changsheng was cautious. Before using the blood essence, he specially checked the location of his second uncle, and saw that Li Haoqiong was fishing outside, so he used the blood essence without worry.

It doesn't matter if you have too many debts. Since you owe a whole lot of debt to your second uncle, it doesn't matter if you have more debts. You will pay it back when you are free in the future.

It was also at this time that the fairy egg began to grow slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time the snow-white stripes on it were also slowly expanding, trying to occupy more space.

Under Li Changsheng's gaze, the snow-white stripes continued to spread, occupying more space.

Li Changsheng's worries did not arise, and the whole process lasted only five minutes. The fairy egg seemed to be full and no longer absorbed ice energy, which meant that the fairy egg had completed the process of activating the blood.

As a price, Li Changsheng's bed was full of demon core fragments, but there were also many ice-type demon cores that had not exhausted their energy.

Compared with before the transformation, the volume of the fairy egg is obviously much larger. Originally it was only the size of a human head, but now it is larger than a bucket, and it seems to be pregnant with a big guy.

In addition, the leprechaun egg is covered with two colors of white and cyan, and surprisingly, these two colors each occupy half of the space.

"Dual bloodline goblin?" Seeing the two colors of the goblin egg, Li Changsheng was full of anticipation, which meant that this goblin egg had a high possibility of hatching a double bloodline goblin.

Unfortunately, according to the description in the book, using the blood essence to activate the goblin bloodline will inevitably cause the goblin eggs to enter a dormant period, and will not hatch until the activated bloodline and ice energy are fully digested.

Fairy eggs use blood essence to metamorphose. This is a gradual process. After all, the life in fairy eggs is extremely fragile, and can only be transformed through subtle influences.

To put it simply, it just hatched later.

It was the first time yesterday that the number of recommended votes exceeded 100, so I sincerely thank all readers for their recommended votes.

(end of this chapter)