Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 9: promotion


"Ash, keep using the tearing claw!"

After the break, Li Changsheng issued the order again, without giving Ai Xi the slightest chance to slack off.

Li Changsheng's heart was bleeding when he thought of the broken Xifu kohlrabi vase.

Roar ~ Roar ~

Aixi protested, raised her paws, showed pitiful eyes, and yelled at Li Changsheng.

Ashe's meaning was very simple, that is, its wound hadn't fully healed yet, and it needed to rest for a while.

"Ai Xi, if you want to become stronger, you have to sharpen yourself all the time! Don't worry, your injury is very slight, it hurts a little, but it doesn't affect your training!"

Li Changsheng sternly refused. According to the pet training notes of his predecessors, he must not soften his heart at this moment. Once her heart softens, Ashe will inevitably make the same mistakes in the future.

Good habits must be cultivated from an early age!

He had to develop good habits for Ashe before she grew up.

After contracting the demon pets, in order to stimulate the potential of the demon pets as much as possible, the demon master cannot relax the training of the demon pets, it is best to develop good habits, this is also for the sake of their future.

Rejected by Li Changsheng, Ai Xi had no choice but to shrug her head and look up at Li Changsheng. Seeing that the other party had no change of mind, she had to endure the pain and pounce on another green bamboo.

"Ai Xi, I will always supervise your training, please don't be lazy, otherwise I will strengthen your training volume! If you can satisfy me, this wind demon core is your reward!"

While speaking, Li Changsheng took out a light cyan demon core, which was about the size of a fingernail, and the whole body was crystal clear, like a gem.

The goblin core is the source of energy for goblins, and each goblin has a corresponding attribute. As they grow, as long as they devour the goblin core of the same attribute, they can speed up their strength improvement.

Of course, depending on the potential of the demon pet, the number of devoured demon cores is also very limited.

Li Changsheng's idea is very simple, slap him with a slap and give him a sweet date to improve Ashe's focus on training.

Aixi opened her eyes wide, staring blankly at the wind-type demon core, showing longing eyes. Due to the same attributes, the wind-type demon core is very attractive to it.

Roar ~

In the next moment, Ashe cheered up and started training in a desperate manner.

During Ashe's training, Li Changsheng began to sit on the ground, took out some tools and materials from the prepared package, and prepared to make fairy food.

The tools are relatively small and are also very common, such as pounding barrels, hand mills, knives, etc., which can be used to slice materials and pound them into granules or even powder, which is convenient for making goblin food.

These materials include medicinal materials, fruits, vegetables, spices and even soil, which are rich in nutrition and can be prepared according to the taste of the goblin.

Different from ordinary food, fairy food can speed up the recovery speed of the goblin's physical strength. If it is eaten for a long time, it can also improve the goblin's measurements. The higher the food level, the greater the increase.

Some special goblin foods even have very special effects.

Of course, the more advanced the fairy food, the more materials it needs, the more knowledge it involves, the more complicated the production process, and the lower the success rate.

Under the cultivation of his family, Li Changsheng has already learned to make goblin food, and he has some experience. The only pity is that he can only make rudimentary goblin food because he didn't get a better food formula.

To make fairy food, there are three pre-steps.

First, remember the content and production process of the goblin food recipe, including the names, proportions, and adding time of various materials. In addition, the water content of the materials will also affect the final taste of the food.

Second, equipped with production tools, such as pounding barrels and hand mills, are the simplest production tools, while advanced fairy food requires more and better tools to assist.

Three, collect materials!

Immediately, Li Changsheng weighed the ingredients. Each ingredient has a specific ratio, neither more nor less, otherwise the taste and effect will be affected.

After weighing, Li Changsheng began to process the materials, slicing some materials, or grinding them into powder, and so on, Li Changsheng could finish quickly.

After completing all the preparations, Li Changsheng set up a simple stove with stones and started making fairy food.

With such crude conditions, only relatively low-level goblin food can be refined.

The next moment, Li Changsheng used his mental power to adjust the heat.

After adjusting the heat, start throwing the materials into the pot in a specific order, and wait until the specific time before adding other materials.

During this process, there must be no omissions in either the heat or the order of the ingredients, otherwise it will affect the final quality and taste of the food.

After about a quarter of an hour, a fresh fragrance began to emerge, which represented the completion of the food preparation.

Li Changsheng immediately extinguished the flame. After inspecting the food's color and aroma, he couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. This is a qualified fairy food.

After the food cooled down, Li Changsheng made them into granules, and specially packed them into airtight clay pots to prevent the food from getting wet.

At this time, Ashe ran over pitifully, raising her scarred paws.

After helping Ai Xi apply the wound medicine, Li Changsheng let Ai Xi rest for a while, and after a quarter of an hour, he directed Ai Xi to continue training.

He, on the other hand, buried himself in making goblin food.

This production took a full two hours, and it didn't stop until the sun was high. The result was naturally quite gratifying. At least Ashe's goblin food for the past few days has been settled.

After cleaning up, Li Changsheng stopped Ai Xi's training and put a pot of goblin food in front of Ai Xi.

Although the effect of primary goblin food is negligible, but after years of accumulation, this subtle effect will be very significant.

After a morning of hard training, Ashe almost collapsed, but after smelling the fragrance of goblin food, his exhausted spirit was lifted, and he ran to the food bowl nervously, swallowing the food in big mouthfuls.

"Ai Xi, does it suit your taste?" Li Changsheng squatted aside, stroking Ai Xi's little head. This is a beef-flavored goblin food, which is more suitable for beast-like goblins.

Ashe didn't speak, but expressed his thoughts with actions.

In addition to some effect on the growth of goblins, primary goblin food has another effect of restoring physical strength.

After finishing lunch, Ashe, who was originally sluggish, became lively and energetic again, and began to devote herself to training spontaneously.

There is no doubt that Ashe initially adapted to the training intensity.

Time passed slowly, the golden crow began to hang down, and the end of the sky was dyed with patches of red clouds, it was dusk.

Until this time, Li Changsheng stopped the training.

"This is the end of today's training. You did a good job. Come on, this is your reward!" Li Changsheng kept his word and threw the wind demon core to Ashe.

Roar ~

Ashe roared excitedly, swallowed the wind demon core in one gulp, and her petite body began to emit brilliance.

Against the backdrop of brilliance, Ashe's fur became more gorgeous, and the scars on her body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a few breaths, Guanghua slowly restrained herself, revealing Ashe's petite and tall figure.

Compared with just now, Ashe's body is slightly larger, and her fur has become smoother, and the dust that was originally stuck to her fur has disappeared, and she doesn't know where she went.

"Advanced?" Seeing the changes in Ai Xi, Li Changsheng couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

(end of this chapter)