Release that Man

Chapter 109: night show


Within a certain circle, some topical information that has nothing to do with the overall situation and can be used to improve favorability always spreads very quickly.

At least during the two hours that Ye Shuang was sitting drinking tea, she had already heard the news that Brother Shuang's hometown in Shanlin City had spread from a small group to at least half of the club.

The original few celebrities chatted and at the same time did not forget to greet and socialize with other celebrities, so they spread it to ten or ten, and the internal information quickly became public information. With the same fiery click rate, Ye Shuang finally retreated silently.

It seems that there are no potential customers today.

…unless she was going to pimp herself.

"Stinky boy, you're playing wild again, aren't you!"

After returning home, Ye Shuang still didn't see brother Ye, and Ye Shuang felt extremely depressed.

Twenty years of sibling love is not as good as an American golden retriever who just met. Sure enough, there is a basic relationship and no humanity. He just plays games better and has a higher level of computer skills. Do you want to be so unscrupulous? !

So after the gangster had finished dinner all afternoon and still didn't see anyone, Ye Shuang decisively called to scold them, and asked the two of them where they were now, angrily: "It's past dinner time and you still don't go home, don't you plan to go to bed today?" Don't you want to go home?!"

The background voice of Brother Ye seems to be in a taxi, and the wind from the friction of the airflow outside the car window can be vaguely heard: "Sister, Tony and I are going to the night market, and we will go home together later, don't worry, Tony has learned boxing, I It’s a local snake again, not afraid of anything.”

Considering that he will stay in Shanlin City for at least one year in the future, Antonis has already gone to apply for a membership card for a place he likes to entertain in the afternoon, such as a gym with a boxing club... Xiaodi Ye accompanied him to run wildly all afternoon, by the way Seeing that Antonis knocked down the coach with two punches when he moved his body on the court, the level of brain-dead fans seems to have risen to a new level.

"Go home together?!" Ye Shuang was surprised: "What time do you plan to return? He still sleeps in a hotel. How dare you have someone send you back in the middle of the night before you go back by yourself?"

"Tony said that the neighbor to our house has been bought by his friend. He has already checked out of the hotel this afternoon. I also brought him some personal items and moved them in with his original luggage. He can just go back to live next door at night." Ye The younger brother was elated: "Sister, let me tell you. Tony's new computer is super good. Next time I will take you to the next door to see..."

"..." I can't have this younger brother, he has been fattened up for so many years, and his elbows turned out in just a few days...

It was so easy to hang up the phone call of my sister who was gnashing her teeth and was heartbroken. After Ye Xiaodi heaved a sigh of relief, he said "hey" twice, and stretched out two fingers to make a "V" sign to the smiling Antonis next to him.

Antonis was so happy that he took the earphone off his head with one hand, and patted Brother Ye on the head with the other hand like a child: "Boy, you shouldn't lie to your sister."

"I'm not lying." Little Brother Ye was confident.

"But you said we went to the night market... I remember it should be called night market in Chinese."

"The market, the night market includes the night market, and the night market is also a part of the night market... White horses are not horses. Chinese is very profound, so don't worry too much." Brother Ye waved his hands indifferently, and rubbed his hands excitedly after speaking: "Hehe. Actually, I I’ve wanted to go to the midnight show for a long time, but my sister just refused.”

The taxi driver glanced over in the rearview mirror and laughed: "It's a man who is going to the nightclub. Actually, what's the matter? I've seen it. It's just like that. Women like to make a fuss, and so does my mother." Son."

The driver didn't look very old, so he obviously resonated with Xiaodi Ye more.

Seeing this, Antonis didn't say much anymore. Foreign countries advocate free development. In the eyes of Westerners, you are already responsible for your own actions, so there is no need for your elders to continue to guide you.

What's more, Antonis himself also has a more freewheeling personality. Even if someone jumps off a building in front of him, he can still watch with a smile on his face, it's none of his own business, why should he care so much about others? !

Two men, big and small, ran to the night market to have a carnival together. The younger one was purely to gain knowledge, but the older one didn't say what purpose he had. Anyway, it can never be as simple as pure fun.

On the other hand, although Ye Shuang knew that Antonis was capable... the file clearly marked him as the champion of the business boxing match... plus Han Chu's relationship guarantee, he believed that his brother would not be kidnapped and sold.

But after all, the bear child in the family does not come home late at night, so it is only natural for parents to worry a little more.

Basically, Ye Shuang watched TV at home and kept checking on the phone every hour. Brother Ye hid in the bathroom of the private room on the second floor to call back the previous few calls, but no problem was found. But in the last phone call at almost 0 o'clock, Ye Shuang finally heard the noise of the night scene.

So Ye Shuang, who didn't know which "night market" her younger brother went to until now, suddenly became angry: "Ye Feng, you are so courageous!"

Little Brother Ye couldn't laugh or cry, and was busy trying to please him: "Sister, I was wrong, but Tony was drunk, and I really can't move here, can you come and pick us up?!"

"Drunk?!" Ye Shuang gritted his teeth: "If you dare to get drunk in that kind of place, you can just throw him on the street!"

After all, Ye Shuang was still putting on her coat and preparing to go out while making a phone call. Fortunately, today is the second day, and she will not switch genders until midnight tomorrow, otherwise she will have to trouble Yao Zhixing to pick her up :"address?!"

Younger brother Ye reported the location of the night venue where the two were, and Ye Shuang went out to stop the taxi. It took 20 minutes to wait for the car, and it took the same 20 minutes to drive to the location... This incident made her fully realize the convenience of having a scooter And necessity, especially when you need to go out in the middle of the night.

Well, I have a little money left now, and I will buy a car first after receiving a few more orders.

After Ye Shuang's genetic optimization, she is comparable to the Eighteenth Transformation of a Big Girl. The original delicate little girl unknowingly becomes a little beauty. Although she is not so amazing that people walk and bump into electric poles, it is still eye-catching when thrown into the crowd. kind.

The nighttime atmosphere is usually frenzied. Under the influence of alcohol and fast-paced and exciting music, it is easy for people to let go of their restraints and do things that they would not normally dare to do, such as strike up a conversation and flirt.

As soon as Ye Shuang entered the night show, he walked according to the location Ye Xiaodi said before. On the way, he met at least four or five drunks who thought they were chic and struck up a conversation. He has a good face and a more self-confident personality. After being rejected by Ye Shuang, he snapped his fingers... His voice was too small to be drowned out by the dance music, and then he roared out of embarrassment, and finally called a group of brothers to surround him and planned to force him to stay for a drink.

This kind of thing is obviously not uncommon in the night scene, and the face of power is not easy to use among a group of drunks, so there are generally no idiots who come to save the beauty. The sober ones sat on the sidelines in a remote corner prudently and watched... and they were not friends they knew, who would be so boring to confront a group of irrational alcoholics who had drunk too much for a stranger? !

At this time, Ye Shuang and his younger brother were not far away. As soon as the crowd moved away, a drunken golden-haired younger brother Ye came into Ye Shuang's sight on the sofa by the wall.

Younger brother Ye was also wondering why there was suddenly an area in front of him, and when he looked up at Ye Shuang who was surrounded by several big men, he immediately vomited blood—Is this the rhythm of the big sister coming to brush the dungeon? !

Ye Shuang soon wanted to vomit blood too, because the second-b child didn't know whether it was due to arrears of IQ or his brain was burnt out by alcohol. After seeing the situation on his side, he not only couldn't think of a way to retreat, but instead screamed in this direction unconsciously "Sister! What happened?"

This is the rhythm of pig teammates holding back their legs!

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Xiaodi's voice fell, the drunk who led the team to stop Ye Shuang had already heard: "Hi! The beauty's younger brother is here too? Then let's have a few drinks together." After speaking, several people turned around and thought Brother Ye go there.

It was useless to divert attention, Ye Shuang made a decisive decision, grabbed the long hair of the drunk closest to her and pulled it down. The drunk screamed in pain and bent down involuntarily. As soon as it sank, Ye Shuang seemed to press lightly on the opponent with the other hand, and the whole person rose into the air, using the man's body under his palm as a fulcrum, kicked with both hands in a circle, and swept the four people around him in 360 degrees. .

The man was crushed by gravity, and at the same time stepped on, squatted, pressed and kicked for help. Ye Shuang rolled back and fell in front of the two of Ye Xiaodi. Although the landing sound was quickly drowned out by the rhythm of the music, but with Ye Shuang's previous skills, there was a momentary silence in the whole night scene for a few seconds. Everyone felt that they seemed to be dazzled collectively, which is why they saw such an incredible scene.

The dj cut the disc unconsciously, and a group of people watched Ye Shuang like a ghost. If it wasn't for the lack of dialogue, they would have thought they were shooting a martial arts movie.

"Want to fight?" Ye Shuang smiled, and her voice came out clearly without any hindrance even after there was no music.

The alcohol in the man who struck up a conversation was instantly released from the cold sweat, and the whole person was frightened sober: "Uh, I'm not..."

"If you don't fight, get out of the way!" Ye Shuang waved his hand and sighed, and the group of people suddenly moved away from the road leading to the door like a sea of people, and it seemed that they hadn't recovered yet.

She wants to take the route of a smart agent, and she really doesn't want to use the underworld big sister's headline. First, for Yao Zhixing's seafood street, and then to pick up her younger brother and make a big night out... If she continues to play like this, she might end up with a weird ending one day.

As soon as she thought of Yao Zhixing, applause and applause came from the second floor. Ye Shuang looked up and saw Yao Zhixing on the second floor, followed by a group of people whistling: "Sister-in-law is mighty!"