Release that Man

Chapter 115: Confrontation


Although he had read some rumors on the Internet, Ye Shuang finally understood why this role was difficult to play after actually reading the script.

After the death of his elder brother, the male lead used every moment of his life to remember and miss such a person.

He held his brother reverently in the palm of his hand, and kept replaying every clip about the other party when he was alive.

I don't want to forget that beautiful period, I don't want to forget that person, and I don't want to let such a beautiful brother only resent and grievance because of mediocrity.

So keep training to strengthen yourself, keep struggling to climb to the top step by step, even if it is irreparable, at least I want to do something for that person...

Regardless of whether the real brother is so perfect... After all, there is no prequel written in the script... But in my brother's mind, he is the collection and sublimation of all the good things.

The male lead almost prostrates himself at the feet of his idol with a feeling of worship and reverence.

That's why after the death of the other party, he was almost insane, and he couldn't believe it and didn't want to believe this result. That's why I pushed myself to improve almost self-abuse, and kept telling myself not to let my brother die in vain...

... In terms of the arrangement of the description in the play, the younger brother's psychological behavior is understandable.

But what if this younger brother is Luo Tianwang? !

Who can make Luo Tianwang bow his head and willingly hide his light, listen to his teachings, and even be obsessed with his own worship? !

King Luo didn't do anything if he became a fan.

—Damn it, you don’t even look at your ugly face, you dare to pretend to be b in front of my king! ! !

That's right, the plots are all man-made, and the talents can be synthesized. Only the face is the most intuitive evaluation standard.

Luo Mingxin has been on the list of women's dream lovers for several consecutive times with an unshakable absolute advantage. Although there are objective factors such as fame and social status, the subjective role of appearance is not low. People in the entertainment industry look better than him... Let alone meet before Brother Shuang, no one dared to think about it.

Some people are not famous enough, some people have different types of temperament, anyway, if you want to talk about who can absolutely crush Luo Tianwang. Absolutely no one dares to stand up and claim this title.

Until a brother Shuang was born out of nowhere...

"What should I say about this script..." Ye Shuang touched her lower lip, looked at the script in her hand thoughtfully, and finally couldn't help raising her eyebrows and raised the script to ask Director Zhou: "Are you sure this brother is not secretly in love with me?" Brother?!" The description is too otherworldly, the elder brother in my younger brother's heart is simply a god.

Everyone: ...

Please no kidding! !

Director Zhou almost didn't growl. But in the blink of an eye, he saw the expression of his assistant director suddenly realizing it, as if he suddenly opened the door to a new world, and then discovered some hidden secret...

The script described... seems to be a bit of a crush? !

If the blood relationship and gender factors are removed, the heroine is nothing! The elder brother is the eternal white moonlight in the younger brother's heart!

There is no true love! !

"This is respect, it's longing!" Director Zhou tried his best to ignore the hesitant and tangled eyes of his assistant director, and explained righteously: "Because my brother is too perfect, people will feel regretful after his death, which will cause the hero's great anger …”

"I remember that there was a court drama last year that followed the same pattern." Ye Shuang interrupted Director Zhou's explanation, expressing his own emotion: "The emperor also thought that his original match was better. All the concubines did not sing or dance. She is awesome, and she is favored only because she is somewhat similar to the original partner in a certain way... "

Properly omnipotent Mary Sue.

"..." Director Zhou struggled and insisted: "In short, this is absolutely pure brotherhood!"

"Well, let's discuss it casually, I didn't say I don't believe it." Ye Shuang didn't care, and lowered his head to reread the lines of the script.

"..." But you are obviously too lazy to defend yourself.

All the actors fell silent. Even the assistant director wiped off his cold sweat, and when Director Zhou was choked speechless, a chuckle suddenly came from beside him.

Ye Shuang raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Luo Mingxin standing outside the crowd leaning on a cane at some point, looking in this direction with great interest, as if he had already watched for a while.

Wear a comfortable casual outfit. Because there is no makeup on his face, Luo Tianwang's current appearance is a bit more friendly than that on the screen, and even his age seems to be a few years younger.

The bone fracture is not enough to put a plaster cast on. If the activity is not heavy, put on the adhesive tape to dissipate blood stasis, and rest in bed for about three or four weeks, and then you can walk freely. Of course, if there are no sequelae, it is best to do less strenuous activities.

"Well, actually, I also think that I may have a crush on big brother." Luo Tianwang found that Director Zhou and others had finally noticed him, so he greeted everyone with a smile, and then walked slowly with a cane.

He sat beside Ye Shuang and tilted his head and smiled. The voice is full of bewitching meaning, and the eyes are provocative: "It's just that when you were still alive, I failed to recognize my own heart. But when you die, the belated awakening has no meaning..."

"Since you miss it, it's better to pretend to be ignorant. Since it's too late, it's better to bury it deep in your heart forever, and you can only miss it...don't dare to profane." The low, cello-like magnetic voice in the ear is full of sentimentality and melancholy, as if sighing The teasing of generous time and providence.

The miss, bewilderment, loneliness caused by ruthless fate... All the emotions of the protagonist are expressed with strong emotion in these few short sentences.

It almost made the hearts of the listeners tighten unconsciously, and they were so sour that they were about to cry.

What can Ye Shuang say in the face of this situation? ! He really deserves to be a three-living superstar of film, video, and song... who can act, think and pretend...

Luo Tianwang's deep eyes showed melancholy, he lowered his head slightly with a lost expression, but his body was stubbornly upright, as if he was obviously lonely but stubborn to support a proud and strong soldier.

In the entertainment circle, Luo Tianwang is recognized as having a pair of electric eyes. In Director Zhou's words, his drama is all in his eyes.

The appearance is very good, if Luo Tianwang's facial features account for six points, the melancholy and deep eyes can occupy four points.

Now that he is interested in acting, he naturally brings people into the play in minutes.

Everyone seemed to have seen with their own eyes the man who had lost his most admired elder brother, the younger brother who had lost his belief in the first half of his life.

He seemed to be trapped in his own world, recalling the good times alone, and counting and licking the deep-rooted scars alone. Isolate myself from the outside world, refuse everyone's approach and prying, and guard the beautiful treasure that I don't want to share with anyone...

Except for Luo Tianwang, everyone seemed to never see anyone else.

But just when this scene seemed to be frozen into eternity. Ye Shuang next to her suddenly coughed lightly.

The voice was not loud, but it seemed to break some kind of enchantment, which brought people back to their senses suddenly.

The people on the set finally noticed Ye Shuang again at this time, and then they couldn't take their eyes off this attention.

If Luo Tianwang is as unbridled and dazzling as the sun, then the "brother" beside Luo Tianwang is as mysterious and elegant as the night.

When he sat there quietly, he seemed to be silent, pampering and accepting everything, but once you noticed this person, the thought of being willing to sink into hell with him is no longer possible. inhibition.

He is impeccably handsome, every line of his body is carefully crafted, fingertips, hair, eyelashes... He seems to have all the favors of the heavens and doesn't care. Casually hiding in a place far away from the hustle and bustle, overlooking other people's farce with cold eyes.

Luo Tianwang, who was originally tolerant of melancholy, was instantly killed as an awkward little boy after he showed his presence. It seemed that the deep sadness just now was just to attract his attention, or it was just because he couldn't get his beloved Bangbang sugar…

"Here, peach-flavored fructose." Ye Shuang touched from his pocket after coughing. He took out a candy that was attached to the plane meal, and then stuffed it to the astonished Luo Tianwang.

Audience: "..."

He actually gave it! ! !

The little girls around covered their mouths and almost screamed out of their mouths, their faces flushed red with excitement.

Director Zhou regained his strength from the trance just now, and only realized later that he seemed to have been molested by Luo Mingxin.

Taking deep breaths and deep breaths, Director Zhou finally couldn't bear it anymore and yelled: "You're just playing with me! It's brotherhood!!"

"..." Luo Mingxin squeezed the candy in his hand, raised his eyebrows to look at Ye Shuang, then turned around and smiled at Director Zhou with a surprised face as if he was upright and innocent: "I didn't play. The lines I read just now are obviously in the narration of the script It's... Isn't it right?!"

While talking, Luo Tianwang raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The life assistant next to him hurriedly handed over a thick stack of scripts. After Luo Tianwang took it, he flipped to a certain page and pointed to the narration on it to show Director Zhou: "Well, I didn't lie, did I?"

— only while the brother was still alive. He failed to recognize his own heart. And when that person died, the belated awakening was meaningless...

There is indeed such a sentence, but...

Director Zhou slammed the script angrily: "What the hell is that my younger brother used to be jealous of his older brother so he intentionally rebelled and didn't make progress, and then he suddenly woke up and regretted it when his older brother died, and worked hard... How do you understand that?!"

And even if this sentence is brought out, it may make people think crooked. How do you explain those damn "blasphemy" in the back? !

How can there be such a sentence

"I'm the king of heaven!" Luo Mingxin's demeanor changed again, instantly switching from melancholy and affectionate to cool and flamboyant, he raised his chin and said proudly: "A professional and experienced actor can interpret the script with his own eyes. Not the kind of rookie who follows the script."

"..." I wish you were a rookie!