Release that Man

Chapter 20


Before signing the contract, Ye Shuang had already gone to get her new ID card.

It is inevitable that tens of thousands of dollars will be a heartache, but thinking of the future living and transportation problems, even if she wants to save this money, she will not be able to save it... Not to mention, if she does not have this legal status, she will not be able to save the contract with Fang Mo just now. Not eligible to sign.

Counting the cost of buying clothes and applying for identity documents, the advertising contract fee was 240,000 yuan, which is equivalent to one-fifth of it already gone.

By the way, he also solved his job problem, and he could still receive the full last month's salary after resigning temporarily... I guess this is also due to the fact that he saved Fang Mo once as a boy.

Then after receiving the salary, I have to move out to find a house. If possible, it is best to find a small part-time job...

The more I think about it, the more I feel that there are still many things that need to be planned in the future. Ye Shuang, who stopped by the vegetable market to buy vegetables and was about to go home, wandered while picking vegetables, with a melancholy and trance-like appearance, which made the vegetable seller want to give her two catties of green onions. So that the beautiful boy will no longer show such a heartbreaking expression.

…So Ye Shuang bought a few catties of vegetables and was given a pile of green onions, ginger and garlic for no reason, and returned with a full load. She didn't even think about it until she entered the house. What happened just now? !

"The contract has been signed?!" Ye Ma poked her head out of the kitchen holding a spatula as soon as she heard the door, and seeing Ye Shuang's hands full, she couldn't help being speechless: "Shopping for vegetables!" I just bought vegetables, why do you still bring so many onions, ginger and garlic back? These things can't be eaten as vegetables, so I just seasoned them... "

"It was given away for free." Ye Shuang put down the plastic bag, took off her coat and changed her shoes, and after answering casually, unbuttoned her cuffs and rolled them up twice, then walked into the kitchen with a full shopping bag and looked at the pot. : "Scrambled eggs with tomatoes? Let me do it, just show my hands."

"You know how to cook?!" Ye Ma was horrified: "I remember you didn't like to cook... Could it be that alien memories still pass on this?! Is it the same thing as the recipes on Earth?!"

"It's about the same." Ye Shuang took the spatula from Ye Ma's hand and stood by the stove and said, "The raw materials of the food are different, and the cooking methods are also different, but the general principle is the same."


What does the principle mean? !

As if seeing Ye Ma's puzzled expression, Ye Shuang explained smoothly: "For example, the scrambled eggs with tomatoes, according to the shape of our pot, the spatula should be tilted at an angle of XX degrees, so as to ensure that the egg shape will not be broken and scattered. And salt Put it out when it is out of the pot, because it is weakly alkaline and will destroy the cell wall of the tomato, causing the juice to crack, so if it is placed early, the tomato will not be plump, and the juice will be all thin, resulting in... do you understand the cell wall?! For example It is said that our human oxons come into contact with the cell wall after being swallowed by weakly alkaline oxons... "


Ye Shuang hadn't finished speaking when she was thrown out of the kitchen with a shovel by the angry mother Ye - Damn, this day is simply unbearable! ! After being explained in this way by this dead girl, do you want to eat later? !

Ye Shuang also felt very angry. First of all, she didn't lie, she just explained the knowledge of life to her own mother with the attitude of pursuing the truth. Secondly, this kind of knowledge is not what she wants to study, she knows it somehow after sleeping all night...

So when Dad Ye came back from a walk outside, he saw his handsome "son" who was extremely aggrieved sitting on the sofa, and Mother Ye who was obviously suffocated and depressed in the kitchen.

"... What's wrong?!" Dad Ye didn't understand what happened.

My relatives have no enmity, and besides, my wife only discussed it with me the first night. Seeing that my daughter had to move out of the house, the old couple discussed whether they should make a good meal to supplement their daughter, which can be regarded as making up for the two. The guilt of being unable to do anything at such a time... But he only had time to go for a walk, so why did his wife's attitude suddenly turn 180 degrees? !

Mama Ye is not a stingy person either, in fact she was not so angry a long time ago, but she was a little annoyed at the thought of her daughter suddenly becoming like this now.

Originally, from the time when Ye Shuang experienced drastic changes, the Ye family members did not hesitate to take a deep breath, but they were open-minded and optimistic by nature, and they did not want to cause too much psychological pressure on the family, so they made a statement that it was nothing to worry about. It looks like a big deal... In fact, it's really not a big deal? ! My good daughter has suddenly mutated, and I don’t know what the future will be like. When I don’t know anything or can’t help, if I really sleep, it’s like nothing happened, and I can even be happy.” Oops, my daughter got lucky and picked up a treasure"... That's really something wrong.

So strictly speaking, Mama Ye finally found a way to vent her anger.

Of course, no matter how much you worry about life, you have to live. The matter is a foregone conclusion, so Ye Ma was depressed and entangled for a while and passed away. But after seeing his wife came back, she couldn't help but dragged Ye Papa to chat a few words, complaining to Ye Shuang How weird is it now...

Father Ye also fell silent after hearing the reason why Mother Ye was entangled. He picked up the middle-aged man's still thick hair and said helplessly, "People who engage in scientific research have a little bit of this problem, because they know too many theoretical truths, so Sometimes their perspective on things is different from that of ordinary people... Although Xiaoshuang does not specialize in research, since she has a knowledge inheritance of the entire planet, she naturally looks at things slightly differently from us .”

After reassuring Mother Ye a little, Father Ye turned to comfort his daughter: "It's fine to know these things in the future, I guess after the instillation of a large amount of knowledge in the early stage, the future will not be so compactly stuffed into your mind. Too many things in... just get used to it slowly."

Ye Shuang nodded in distress, and the next thing Papa Ye mentioned made the mother and daughter even more distressed.

"By the way, mother-in-law and brother-in-law will arrive tomorrow, have you thought about how to explain it?!"


Didn't think about it at all! ! !