Release that Man

Chapter 27


Ye Shuang was going to serve Grandma Luo, of course this had nothing to do with Fang Mo.

Even if Sister Fang had the slightest interest in Ye Shuang, even Fang Mo himself had a good impression of Ye Shuang... But anyway, this was his private matter.

So despite some curiosity and selfishness, Fang Mo still didn't make any impolite requests such as going to see the excitement.

But if the other party delivered it to the door by himself, then the matter is another matter...

They looked at each other with affection.

Is it fate or coincidence? !

After a long while, the corner of Fang Mo's mouth twitched, he rolled up the scroll in his hand, and finally broke the rigid atmosphere and nodded at Ye Shuang who had just helped an old lady enter the door: "What a coincidence, Mr. Ye."

Ye Shuang was also depressed: "It's a coincidence..."

Grandma Luo's eyes lit up, she looked at Fang Mo, who was dressed as an elite, and then turned to look at the prospective grandson-in-law who was being assessed: "Xiaoye, is this your friend?"

To judge whether a man is successful and rich, it does not depend on the other party's money, nor on the other party's education and position, but the most important thing is to see what kind of friends he can make.

Generally speaking, the social circle represents the class circle, and only after being recognized by a certain circle can it prove that this person is truly qualified to be compared with people in this circle. Otherwise, no matter how glamorous the outside is, the inside is still not on the table.

Fang Mo's demeanor is quite powerful, and once he stopped there, Old Madam Luo immediately gave him a high score with great satisfaction.

If this "friend" wasn't arranged on purpose, then based on Fang Mo alone, Mrs. Luo felt that this Xiaoye was worth a look.

Ye Shuang was asked before she had time to speak. Fang Mo, who has experienced social experience, has already seen what Mrs. Luo meant. It was out of respect for Ye Shuang and the purpose of helping, so Fang Mo was very generous. Nodding his head to help him raise his social status: "Although Mr. Ye and I have known each other for a short time, we have received his help a few times, and I feel that we are very congenial with Mr. Ye, so we should be regarded as friends."

Ye Shuang was also a sensible person, so she hurriedly introduced to old lady Luo: "This is Fang Mo, I...cough! I am the boss of the company where your granddaughter used to work."

Mrs. Luo was even more satisfied: "That's young and promising."

After exchanging pleasantries, the old lady went for a stroll in the store by herself, leaving behind Ye Shuang, who had been assessed all the way overtly and secretly, finally able to relax and talk to Fang Mo by the way.

"Why did the relatives who accompanied my girlfriend come here?!" Fang Mo was also curious, and when he saw Ye Shuang walking over, he suppressed a smile and asked in a low voice.

It's not like he hasn't seen the elders who are assessing the son-in-law. After all, no matter how rich the elite is, they have to fall in love and get married.

But the Yue family takes the son-in-law out to make things difficult, usually to restaurants or shopping malls. It mainly depends on whether the son-in-law is willing to spend money on his own girls, or whether he will take the initiative to carry bags when he buys things, and if he has too many places to go? Knowing how to take good care of girlfriends wearing high heels, etc... It was the first time Fang Mo saw someone like Mrs. Luo who brought her son-in-law to the ancient calligraphy and painting shop for assessment.

"It's not intentional, it's mainly because of my brother's naughty mouth!" Ye Shuang gritted his teeth when he thought of this, "He was afraid that grandma would be dissatisfied with me, so he praised me so much yesterday... It's true that he has good intentions, but He actually taught me how to play the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting... Grandma suddenly felt that this was too perfect to be true, so she came here to see if I was bragging."

Fang Mo blinked, feeling a little uncomfortable, this is not married yet, rushing to call someone grandma before passing the assessment? !

Thinking of his depressed sister, Fang Mo suddenly felt a little empathy. He wasn't hoping for bad luck, but mainly because he looked at Ye Shuang's attentive attitude, and compared the intimacy between his sister and himself and her. The following friendliness... So there is a gap in the comparison, which is a bit tangled.

Coughing a few times and skipping the "grandmother", Fang Mo found another topic: "Your brother?! Is that the little boy who was with you that night?"

"Well, that's the kid!" Ye Shuang nodded fiercely, and then hurriedly added as if remembering something: "Actually, that's my girlfriend's younger brother, but...we have a strong relationship and get along like brothers, so I I'm used to calling him brother."

"..." Well, it turns out that even the younger brother has already been drawn into his own.

Fang Mo regretted the extra words just now, and now he felt even worse.

When I was talking about this, Grandma Luo was also calling out: "Xiaoye, come and read this word."

Ye Shuang, who is "proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting", frowned, left Xia Mo and ran over in an extremely depressed mood.

Fang Mo naturally followed to watch the excitement. When he saw the copy of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy spread out in Grandma Luo's hand, he squinted his eyes immediately, and couldn't help but gloated at Ye Shuang.

It's not an authentic work, so this is definitely not an appraisal. It seems that it is likely to test theoretical knowledge, and maybe Ye Shuang will improvise on the spot... Oh, I'm so looking forward to what to do.

"This is an imitation of the Lanting Preface... It already has the six or seven successes of the calligraphy sage king." Before Ye Shuang opened his mouth, Fang Mo couldn't help but introduce it. It is also intentionally difficult for people to point out: "Wang Xizhi's Lanting Preface is known as the best running script in the world, and it is very rare to be able to imitate it to this extent... What does Xiaoye think?!"

Why didn't Mr. Ye stop calling? !

Ye Shuang secretly glanced at the villain who couldn't hide his gloating face, and nodded pretentiously: "I think it's not bad."