Release that Man

Chapter 35


Mrs. Chen's maiden name is An, and her maiden name is Zi Ning. It is only after she married that she followed her husband's family, so she was called Mrs. Chen.

Strictly speaking, Ye Shuang should actually call her Sister An instead of Sister Chen.

In the circle of old-fashioned high society, this sister An is probably a well-known figure.

It is said that he has shown extraordinary performance since he was born. The specific manifestation is that his crying sound is louder than that of a fat boy. At that time, the An family's grandmother and his father were standing outside the delivery room. There was a loud cry and roar, and he immediately insisted that this is definitely a hot boy, but in the end...

Later, apart from the wrong gender, An Zining's life trajectory from childhood to adulthood really confirmed the old lady's initial conclusion time and time again.

He has a fiery temper and never gets a little sand in his eyes. And there is no taboo to act according to one's own preferences, even if An's father cut off a dozen bamboo sticks on his daughter, he could not make her correct.

In kindergarten, the little fat guy sitting next door didn't like the diced carrots in the nutritious meal, so he poured them all into An Zining's bowl when the teacher wasn't paying attention, and An Zining, who was still a little girl at the time, threw it all over his head with a plate.

After going to elementary school, he thought he knew the difference between men and women. Among the children, it was popular to draw a 38-point line. Those who crossed the line had to receive serious criticism and education. An Zining accidentally crossed the line once, and was warned by a male classmate After taking a nap that day, the whole class, including the class teacher, was shocked to find that the little boy had been shaved with a bumpy and bald head... Obviously, the shaving man had not practiced his skills at the time and was not mature enough.

After junior high school, high school, university... An Zining, with a quiet name that carried the best wishes of his family, fought against gods all the way, and with a sturdy posture, he gained the reputation of a tigress in the upper class.

In view of the great power of the An family, and the fact that she has not done anything illegal and disciplined like other dandies, it is right for the people in the circle to ignore it until she finally married. Entering Chen's house...

To be honest, it's not uncommon for a husband to raise a little bitch outside in the upper class.

If someone else came, this kind of thing would have passed in a vague way. After all, it is rare to be confused. Everyone is married for the purpose of getting married, not for the sake of enmity. If everything is true, then this day will not be able to live. up.

However, An Zining was not like this. She also knew that for the sake of the marriage and cooperation between the two families, there must be a line in everything. The problem is that in her eyes, the standard of this bottom line is far from that of others.

So she can insist on maintaining the marriage relationship despite such a disgusting incident, and she can also express at the last moment that she will not break up with the Chen family because of this, but... it is still necessary to catch the adulterer, and it is absolutely impossible to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

If you dare to take care of the old lady, you have to bravely accept the consequences of being known by the old lady.

... An Zining liked the little girl Ye Shuang very much.

Not for anything else, the opponent's skill alone suits her taste, what's so good about those weak vixens outside? ! If a woman wants to do it, she should do something that can hold up half the sky.

So after busily handing over the real estate certificate and Xiaosan's ID card to Fang Mo to go through the formalities, An Zining grabbed Ye Shuang's shoulder and insisted on taking him to see the world, thanking him for saving his life, and dragging him to go shopping They went to the street, followed by a group of relatives and friends who came to brush up on Mrs. X and Mrs. O and their relatives and friends, preparing for a dinner celebration, and the rest of Mr. Chen and Xiaosan didn't even dare to fart one more.

Fang Mo couldn't laugh or cry, and watched a group of girls walk away with a little horror. My friend, this girl, was already quite lethal. If she joined forces with the Chen family's mother tiger, she might really play bad things to the people around her... But he Do you have the position and ability to prevent this tragedy? ! It seems that there is not, so it can only be left alone, anyway, just talk to Xiaoye later.

So Fang Mo left depressed, and Ye Shuang didn't have to go to work anyway, so he was still idle when he was idle, and planned to wait for the real estate to be handed over and have a meal first.

"not yet eat?!"

An Zining was surprised after hearing Ye Shuang's words: "Why are you watching the excitement without eating? Before we came, we knew we had to eat enough to have the strength to fight."

"..." Ye Shuang went offline silently: "Just as I was sending my boyfriend back, I bumped into Brother Fang. He happened to receive a call to talk about things here. I'm looking for a room again right now. I'm not thinking of missing this opportunity...cough ! Don't mind!"

"What do you care about!" An Zining waved his small hand, and said boldly, "It's just human nature, anyway, I'd rather sell this house than pay for it, it's not you who will take advantage of it, but someone else will take advantage of it... rather than taking advantage of outsiders It’s better to be cheaper than yourself.”

"Hehe, Sister An is a hero among daughters." When did she become her own? !

"It's just that we smashed a lot of furniture." An Zining thought about it again: "The walls and floors probably have to be redone. Fortunately, we don't have much time to prepare, otherwise I would have bought a few engineering shovels. They also dug up the water and electricity wires... "At the beginning, I thought that if the vixen's house was about to be smashed, I would smash it hard, but I didn't know it would turn around...

After hearing this, Ye Shuang was speechless. Since ancient times, there were many people who caught rapes and went to other people's houses to beat, scold and smash things, but she had never seen An Zining be so terrified.

An Zining thought about it with some regrets, and soon his eyes lit up and he cheered up again: "It's okay, you saved that bastard! He also has to express that I will let him pay for the furniture repair costs later. .”

"..." This is really my own...

Ye Shuang sneered and thanked her a few times, as the other party said, if you have an advantage, don’t take it for nothing, not to mention that she also saved someone’s life, it’s nothing to these people to spend a little money, and it’s not a big deal to make a dress As long as everything is settled, why does she have to be upright and righteous here? !

But... "Sister An, what do you mean, you just heard the news and immediately summoned people to come to the door?!" Ye Shuang admired An Zining's action: "You didn't verify it?! What if you make a mistake? Woolen cloth."

An Zining rolled his eyes a little: "Silly sister, that's what my own brother said, can it be true?!"

"Hehe..." Ye Shuang was noncommittal.

Rich people and ordinary people are really not the same thing. If Ye Feng got wind of something like this first, that kid would definitely come to help him avenge himself with his fist raised, and there will be no more Fei Yiyi's relay of the news made him feel bad.

Taking a step back, even if the younger brother thinks of taking care of the overall situation and will not rush to the door, why should he specially inform the bad-tempered sister? ! Even after the notification, there is no intention to stop and take care of the other party.

Does this younger brother believe so much that his sister will not suffer as a woman? ! Or is he simply wishing that the other party would stumble? !

Just as he was thinking, An Zining's cell phone rang, and as soon as he connected it, a slightly old but angry voice sounded from the opposite side: "An Zining! I heard that you brought someone to embarrass Chen He?!"

It is said that? ! Listen to whom? !

It's really tricky...

After Ye Shuang's eyes moved, she silently lowered her head and stood a little further away, as if nothing had happened, as if she hadn't heard anything