Release that Man

Chapter 54


Even if the horse trainer thinks that it is unreasonable for a horse to break the iron gate, but the foreign horse trainer has already recognized this fact, and besides this explanation, he really can't find any other more reasonable explanation. explanation, so there is no choice but to accept this statement.

The only good thing now is that besides the iron gate, this fierce horse is also tied with a very strong horse rope, so there is no accident of letting the fierce horse run out and hurt people. And the guest from just now is no longer there, otherwise such a delicate little girl might be scared into something...

I urgently changed another small stable for the little girl "Rose" to live in temporarily. I don't know if it was because of the presence of the foreign horse trainer, the originally grumpy little girl seemed very obedient and obedient at this time, she walked away as soon as she was pulled, and she said nothing. It should be... The horse trainer breathed a sigh of relief and deeply admired the aura of the foreign horse trainer, but the foreign horse trainer frowned slightly to express his dissatisfaction - such a good temper, how could he get good results without being aggressive at all? !

Although they are only competing against little-known small local jockeys, foreign jockeys who have run countless professional races are obviously unwilling to underestimate any race for this reason.

So after transferring the stables to Rose, the foreign horse trainer politely and forcefully drove away the trainer, and took the thoroughbred horse raised from childhood to the training ground to avoid the member training ground and the track. After running for two laps, deliberately reinvigorating the wildness of the opponent's wanton running, he led the horse back before it still had a lot of energy left and could not fully release its enjoyment.

... The next game is no problem.

After feeding the horse and temporarily pacifying its desire to run, the foreign horse master finally left satisfied, recharging his energy and waiting for the next race.

At this time, Ye Shuang also happened to mention the results of his horse hunting to the Ruan Ruan girl who just arrived: "... Anyway, I looked around, only that horse is likely to help you win the race, the other horses' health They are not enough, and the muscles are not developed enough. According to the horse trainer, it seems that the horse has not been tamed, so I dare not give it to the guests. However, you have brought the provincial champions, and I think people will not worry about it. gone."

The actual situation is, of course, that Ye Shuang has been deterred by violence in advance. Even if the horse is still wild and unruly, I believe it will not be more difficult to discipline than it was in the first state. However, Ye Shuang didn't mention this much. Firstly, there is no need to focus attention needlessly, and it is easy to be misunderstood as showing off, which arouses the displeasure of professionals such as the provincial champion. Explain your own taming process... Do you want to say that you broke a row of iron bars with one kick? !

Ruan Ruan was so surprised that both big eyes sparkled instantly: "Is there really a good horse here?"

"Is it really a thoroughbred? Can I go and see it?" The provincial horse racing champion was also very pleasantly surprised. This is a very honest and shy young man. I heard that his hometown is Mongolia. It is estimated that his family background grew up on horseback, so he has some real skills, but it may be because he is not very good at communicating with people, so apart from Apart from being extremely serious when he got on the horseback, he always seemed a bit shy and introverted at other times.

After a few words, Ye Shuang could see that this young man was a rare pure person, probably those who engage in competitive sports are more straightforward, not as tactful as those who roll around in society, so she was a little more comfortable talking to him, and smiled simply Nodded: "Yes, the stables do not restrict outsiders from entering, but when you go to the innermost room, the only brown-red horse is sixteen palms tall, much taller than other horses, very recognizable... um , or should I take you there?!"

"No, no, no!" The young man rubbed his hands excitedly and couldn't wait to stand up: "You and Ms. Ruan can just chat here, and I can go in by myself." After finishing speaking, he happily walked towards the stable trot over...

The horses are ready, and the provincial champion has also gone over to negotiate in advance, maybe they are already on the horseback to practice and prepare for the competition... Ye Shuang felt that he had nothing to do with himself, and he was in a very relaxed mood. They drank tea and chatted.

On the way, everyone met the young master who was betting with Ruan Ruan from the Jingcheng faction in the lounge. The young master was accompanied by a few friends, and Ruan Ruan was provoked to bicker and quarrel angrily with a few words. It means to help.

Ye Shuang couldn't understand it a bit: " don't form a team? Just let her argue with so many people by herself?"

"That's called flirting!" One of the oldest girls in the local group Bai Fumei waved her small hand and said impatiently: "It's fine if there are other people, this Mr. Fang is just looking for an opportunity to touch Ruan Ruan on purpose... Tsk! This EQ, if you like it, just say it directly, Ruan Ruan's family background is not bad, if you see the right person, just get engaged and it's over, he's the only one who is awkward and embarrassed, everyone can see it, so why pretend to be reserved... "

"..." It's no wonder that the Beijing faction has such a good attitude. At first, I thought that even if I didn't tear my face, I would definitely have a sharp tongue, but now I realized that they were teasing small animals... Ye Shuang thought it was her before. Illusion, only to find out after listening to the inside story. Everyone in the relationship has long known that the buddies in their circle are in love with the local lady, but one of the two parties thinks that no one knows, and the other doesn’t even know themselves...

This IQ... Ye Shuang rubbed her temples, deeply feeling that this group of people is really full.

Could it be said that people who live too leisurely will commit two crimes? !

Just as he was thinking about it, the young provincial champion came out from the direction of the stable with a sleepy expression. He probably wanted to come over, but when he saw the girls surrounding him, his wheat-colored face was about to turn red. He rubbed his hands together several times in embarrassment before making up his mind and calling out to Ye Shuang.

Ye Shuang looked up, and saw that the young man was waving to him as if he had something to say, and then saw that Ruan Ruan was arguing so much that he forgot that he hadn't noticed what was going on here, so he put down his glass and got up after thinking about it: "Why? What's the problem? ?”

"Well, I have something to trouble you." The young man nodded, embarrassed and embarrassed: "Can I go to see another horse? That one won't work."

no? Why not? !